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The Sacrifice of Putrakameshti and the Vow to Destroy Ravana

Sloka 1-4: Thereafter, that one Rishyasringa of great wisdom and well-versed in the
scriptural lore, going into a brief trance and recalling from memory, spoke these words to
the king. “I propose to conduct that sacrifice employing the secret formulae as laid down
in the Atharva Veda, relating to the infallible obtainment of progeny, in order to beget
sons.” Then, that effulgent one commenced that sacrifice meant for begetting progeny for
the purpose of off-spring. As laid down in the manual, he made oblations into the
sacrificial fire. Because of that, the gods in the company of the Gandharvas, Sidhas and
the great sages, quickly came together to accept their share of the oblations.

Sloka 5-11: Those gods having arrived at the scene, in proper order, spoke to the creator
of the Universe, Lord Brahma. O! Lord! The demon named Ravana, empowered by your
boons torments all of us with his might. We are not able to contain him. O! Lord! You
have given boon to him appreciating his penance and with high regard to that boon of
yours we are tolerating all the cruel acts of Ravana from then onwards. This wicked
person is tormenting all the three worlds, abuses venerable ones and longs to conquer
Indra, the chief of the gods. Invincible through the acquisition of boons, totally deluded,
he harasses sages, gandharvas, yakshas, asuras and also learned brahmans. He is not
afflicted by the scorching heat of the Sun god; the Wind god does not blow near him and
the ocean god, with the churning waves, moves not on seeing him. Thus, there arises
terror in our minds from him, the one of fierce looks. O! Lord! May you ponder over the
means for his destruction.

Sloka 12-15: When all the deities spoke to Brahma thus, he thought for a while and then
said "Aha! The idea to kill that evil-minded Ravana is discerned. Ravana said while
seeking boon that, “I shall not be killed by gandharvas, yakshas, or by gods, or by other
demons”, and I also said “So be it.” That demon did not mention about humans then with
his disrespect to them. Therefore, he is fit to be destroyed by a human. He will not meet
his death in any other manner. On hearing to these pleasing words appropriately spoken
by Lord Brahma, all those great sages and gods became extremely happy.

Sloka 16-26: In the meantime, there arrived Vishnu, the Lord of the universe, dazzling
and adorned with the conch, the discus, and the mace and clad in a yellow silken-raiment.
Like the Sun perched on the clouds, mounted on Garuda the best gods praised him.
Vishnu having met Brahma stood there contemplating, and then all of the gods on
bowing down and offering prayers addressed Vishnu. O! Lord Vishnu! We pray to you,
having the welfare of the worlds in our minds. O! Lord Vishnu! O! Master! May you
choose to be born as the son of the ruler and lord of Ayodhya, namely Dasharatha, who is
a virtuous and one whose radiance equals that of the sages. Oh Vishnu! Take birth
dividing yourself into four as the sons to the three queens. O! Lord Vishnu! There, having
incarnated as a human, may you destroy in battle that powerful Ravana, the tormentor of
the worlds who cannot be destroyed by the gods. For, that wicked demon Ravana is
harassing gods along with Gandharvas, Sidhas and the best among sages, puffed up with
pride on account of the acquisition of might. Further, all the sages, gandharvas and the
celestial nymphs who are moving about in the heavenly garden Nandana happily are
being harassed by that cruel one. Therefore, in the company of sages, Sidhas, gandharvas
and Yakshas, having come to you, we take refuge in you, for the purpose of the
destruction of Ravana. O! Enemy tormentor! Oh, Vishnu, you are the ultimate recourse
for all us in eliminating enemies of divinity, hence you make up your mind to take birth
in human world.

Sloka 27-34: Being addressed thus, that god of gods, the most superior among the
celestials, the refuge of all the worlds, Lord Vishnu, spoke thus to the congregation of all
the gods, who were steeped in righteous conduct and were having the grand-sire Brahma,
at their lead. Get rid off the fear. May you be prosperous. Having destroyed in battle this
cruel and wicked Ravana, who strikes terror in the minds of the gods and sages, along
with his sons and grandsons, ministers, friends and relations. Ruling over and protecting
the earth, I shall live in this world for eleven thousand years. On giving boon to all gods
in that way the kind-hearted god Vishnu, then contemplated on the place among humans
where he should incarnate. Then, that one whose eyes resemble the petals of the red lotus,
dividing himself into four parts, desired to opt for king Dasaratha as his father. Then, the
assemblage of gods, sages and gandharvas, in the company of rudras and groups of
celestial nymphs, sang the praises of Vishnu. Oh! Vishnu, he that fiery one is uprising
furiously with his heightened arrogance, and he is a fright to sages and a thorn in the side
of hermits, and he is the hater of Indra, hence we pray you to redeem that Ravana. O!
Chief among gods! May you destroy that one causing misery all-round, endowed with
wicked power, along with all his armed forces and relatives and retire to your old retreat,
the sinless and unattainable world of heaven, after your anger has dissipated.

Thus Ends Sarga 15 of the Bala Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana

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