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The primary use of the asphalt goes into the construction of the road which

accounts for 70% of the asphalt that is explored.  Here the asphalt is used as
glue and the binder is mixed with the construction aggregate materials in order
to develop the asphalt concrete. Sealing flat roofs, production of roofing felts
and bituminous waterproofing products are the main products that are
developed from asphalt other than concrete. Naturally occurring asphalt
whose viscosity is very similar to that of cold molasses is referred to as “crude
bitumen”. But when the crude oil undergoes fractional distillation where it is
heated at a temperature of  525 °C (977 °F), the asphalt that is generated in
the process is referred to as “refined bitumen”. The widest reserve of natural
asphalt is in the Canadian province of Alberta where asphalt is mostly found in
Athabasca oil sand that covers about 142000 square kilometres which is an
area larger than the geography of England. 

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