White Scars Strategems

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White scars strategems

Born in the Saddle – 1CP: A BIKER unit that advanced can still shoot. Nice for getting that
little bit extra out of a unit of Outriders, and particularly great for buzzing Attack Bikes up
the board and into melta range – and shooting at no penalty. A
Butchered Quarry – 1CP: When an enemy falls back, one of your INFANTRY/BIKER units
can make one melee attack each against them, then consolidate after the fall back move is
done (though you can’t end within 1″ of an enemy unit, and have to go closer to the unit
that fell back). This is pretty fun, especially if a battered unit is falling back from your
Bladeguard or Vanguard Veterans. A nice thing to have for one CP. Note – although the
final move is like a consolidate, it isn’t actually one, so you can’t combo it with Strike for
the Heart (which we’ll see later). B
Wind Swift – 2CP: Double move a unit. This has changed a bit from what the codex says –
you now have to make a Normal Move first and then you can make an Advance after,
which makes your choices a bit less flexible. You cannot shoot, charge or do any psychic
after. You also can’t use it on ARTILLERY any more, which, lol, ok. Good for early
positioning and late game pushing a unit to an out-of-reach objective. A
Ride Hard, Ride Fast – 1CP: Your opponent gets -1 to hit (with ranged weapons) against a
unit that advanced. Very well priced at 1CP, and very nice that it has no keyword
restrictions. B
Lightning Debarkation – 1CP: A unit can disembark from a transport (that isn’t a Flyer)
after the transport has moved. They cannot charge after doing so. The key use here is to
get a unit of Devastators way up the board by bailing them out of a Rhino, especially since
the transport can advance and still do this – a unit of melta Devastators can have a
humongous threat range for their half-range bonus to damage with this. A
Hunter’s Fusillade – 1CP: After a unit advances, Rapid Fire and Heavy Weapons become
Assault. Fabulous for moving Devastators around at pace with no penalty, and indeed any
other Rapid Fire or Heavy weapon. Particularly helpful with Doctrines as you get the bonus
AP, too. A
Fierce Rivalries – 1CP: Use at the start of your charge phase, and roll 3D6 and discard the
lowest on your first charge. Yes please. Combined with either Ride the Winds or Canticle
of Hate this is fabulous for getting the nearest thing to a guaranteed charge out of deep
strike 9th has to offer. A
Feinting Withdrawal – 1CP: Fall back and shoot. Sure – good, clean, fun, priced to move.
This is just a good effect to have access to, especially in 9th where FLY no longer gives it
automatically. A
Encirclement – 1CP: Set up a unit outflanking (except ARTILLERY, again, or BUILDINGS) and
able to come in at the end of a movement phase within 6″ of the board edge. Fabulous –
everyone can do something similar to this with Strategic Reserves now, but that has a
laundry list of restrictions on where things can come in and when, and never from the
opponent’s board edge. Meanwhile the chad White Scars can simply stroll on directly into
the backfield, either to set up a charge or to deploy scramblers or otherwise take part in
Activities. A

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