Forensic 5 Group 4 Report

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Colegio De Santa Catalina de Alejandria

Bishop Epifanio B. Surban Street,

Dumaguete City 6200 Philippines

College of Criminal Justice Education

Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Forensic 5
Lie Detection Technique

Presented to:



Presented by:

Cotales, Merliza Tubang

Credo, Sundie Franz
Dayapyapan, Arphy Gomera
Deloria, Christopher Ates
Despojo, Princess Noeh Laine Rendal
Elola, Paul Christian Benitez
Estoconing, Neil Anthony

Sequence of Presentation

Report Cover .................................................................................................. 1

Sequence of Presentation ............................................................................. 2
Topic Learning Objectives .............................................................................. 3
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 4
How Does Polygraph Instrument Work .......................................................... 5
Major Components of the Polygraph Instrument ....................................... 6
What are the Detachable Parts of the Polygraph Instrument...................... 8
Built in Accessories of the Polygraph Instrument ...................................... 9
Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 12
References ........................................................................................................ 13


At the end of this report, you should be able to:

1. Know wider How does a Polygraph Instrument Work.
2. Define what are the Functions of Galvanograph, Cardiosphygmograph and
Galvanic Skin Resistance
3. Know the Major Components of Polygraph Instrument
4. Evaluate the Detachable Parts of the Polygraph Instrument
5. Identify the Built in Accessories of the Polygraph Instrument


Crimes are circulating in the society because of how people deal with their
own pains and problems.They don't know where to ask help that can really solve
their problems or they don't want to ask aid from anyone because of pride or any
other reasons. When offenders are caught by police officers they tend to lie in
order for their case to be dismissed. Lie Detection is based on the assumption
that when an individual experiences apprehension, fear, or emotional excitement,
his or her respiration rate, blood pressure, and galvanic skin resistance sharply
increase. A polygraph instrument records the changes as the individual is
questioned by a trained examiner. The examiner interprets the recordings and
renders an opinion as to the truthfulness of the person examined (John J. Fay,
David Patterson). With that a Truth Verifier is needed to help solve the case and
for the innocent one's to not be punished for the crimes they did not commit in
the first place. But what is really the work of polygraph instrument? What are its
components? What are the Built in Accessories of Polygraph instrument?

These are just few questions that can be answered as we go along

with our report.

The polygraph simultaneously records various physiological phenomena by
means a horizontal kymograph. The resulting polygram indicates tracing of
external respiration in the thoracic and abdominal cavities by means of a
pneumograph tambour assembly, systolic and diastolic contraction of the heart,
as well as pulse fluctuations with the resistance of a sphygmomanometer and
psycho-galvanic skin response by means of the electrodes to the person's

Attachment of the Computerized

Polygraph Instrument

The physiological changes within the examinees body are monitored by the
following polygraph attachments:

Respiratory Rate
Two rubber tubes filled with air called
pneumographs are placed around the examinee's chest and abdomen.

Blood Pressure/ Heart Rate

- A blood pressure cuff is placed around the
examinee's upper arm.

Galvanic Skin Resistance

Also called electro-dermal activity and is basically a

measure of sweating the subjects fingertips.

The Pneumograph Component

- This component occupies
two/upper pens of the instrument which
records the thoracic and abdominal
breathing patterns of respiration. This is
accomplished through the use of
pneumograph consisting of two hollow
corrugated tubes about seven inches in
length, each attached to a unit by a
rubber hose not longer than six feet and
not larger than one quarter inch in

The Galvanograph Component

This is the longest and the third
pen of the instrument. The
electrodes are attached to the
index finger and the ring finger of
the left hand, or to the palmar or
dorsal surfaces of the left hand.

The Cardiograph Component
This is the fourth and the bottom
pen of the instrument. This cardio unit
is mechanically operated unit. It is a
high pressure system This system
records changes in means blood
pressure, rate and strength of pulse
beat by mean of a medical blood
pressure cuff containing a rubber
bladder that is wrapped around the
upper arm, in a manner that places the
bladder against the brachial artery.

The Kymograph Component

This is the chart drive recording unit of the instrument. It has a synchronized
motor that drives the charts at the rate of six (6) to twelve (12) inches per minute
and its speed constant is vital because the vertical lines, which are spaced either
at one-half on an inch interval, represents a five or ten seconds interval on the

What are the Detachable Parts of the Polygraph Instrument?

Finger Electrodes

Blood Pressure Cuff

Pneumo Tube 1 and Pneumo Tube 2


1. KYMOGRAPH or chart driving mechanism

- Chart roll arbor, idler roller, pen table, paper guides, sprocket roller, cutter
bar, off and on power switch, Synchronous motor

Kymograph = serves as the paper feed mechanism of the polygraph machine

= It is a motor that pulls or drives the cart paper under the recording pen
simultaneously at the rate of five seconds per vertical chart division or twelve
divisions in one minute run.
a. Chart = approximately 100 ft. rolled graph paper with approximately ¼ inch
horizontal division and ½ inch vertical division equivalent to 5 seconds run
b. Cutter Bar = used to cut the paper at the end of the test
c. Rubber Roller = the one responsible for pulling the paper out of the machine.
d. Pen Table = flat portion where the pen write on the chart.
e. Paper Rail Guide = serves as the security for the unnecessary movement of
the chart paper or to ensure the paper’s forward movement without shaking.
f. Synchronous Motor = runs the chart paper at the uniform rate speed regardless
of the voltage change.

2. Pen and Inking System

Capillary pen, Ink well plates, Ink dropper, Cuct bill

Pen and Inking System = the one that provides for the permanent record of the
Capillary Ink = a water based ink intended for polygraph instruments

3. Pneumograph Section
- Rubber jellows, beaded chain, rubber flexible, tubing, Pneumograph tube
connection, Pneumograph connecting tube, Pneumograph distributing ink,
Pneumograph pipe line, Vent valve and vent bottom, Tambour Assembly,
Sphygmomanometer, Resonance Control

1. Pneumograph = designed to detect and record changes in respiration of the

subject which consists of the ff:
Rubber Convoluted Tube = about 10 inches corrugated rubber attached to
the body of the subject.
Beaded Chain = used to lock the rubber convoluted tube.
Recording Pen Unit = consisting of two 5 inches recording pen
Centering Knob = used to center the pen
Sensitivity Knob = used to adjust the desired size of tracings
Vent = used to release excess pressure from the system
Pneumo Module = located inside the instrument that receives the reactions
detected by the corrugated tube and moves the pen to record the reactions on
the chart

4. Cardio Section
pump bulb assembly, pressure cuff assembly

Cardiosphygmograph = Designed to detect changes in the cardiovascular
activity of the subject. It consists of:
a. Blood Pressure Cuff = attached to the upper right arm of the subject,
above the brachial artery.
b. Sphygmamonometer = used to indicate the amount of air pressure inflated
to the system. Usually about 60 mm of mercury for male subject.
c. Recording Pen Unit = five (5) inches length
d. Air Pump/Pump Bulb = designed to supply air to the system
e. Cardio Module = located inside the instrument that receives the reactions
detected by the cuff and moves the pen to record the reactions on the chart
f. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of tracings
g. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on the chart
h. Vent = Used to release excess pressure from the system

5. Galvanograph Section
Finger electrode, galvanometer

Galvanograph = designed to detect changes in skin resistance of the subject.

Consists of:
a. Finger Electrode Assembly consists of:
a.1. finger Electrode Plate and Retainer Bond = attached to the index and ring
finger of the subject.
a.2. Connecting Plug = attached the system to the instrument
b. Recording Pen Unit = usually 7 inches
c. Amplifier Unit = designed to support the galvanometer in converting electrical
to mechanical current.
d. Sensitivity Control = used to adjust the desired size of tracings
e. Centering Control = designed to center the pen on the chart
f. GSR Module = located inside the instrument that receives the reactions

detected by the finger electrodes and moves the pen to record the reactions on
the chart


The polygraph simultaneously records various physiological phenomena by

means a horizontal kymograph. Galvanograph records the galvanic skin reflex of
the subject, cardiosphymograph records the heart rate of the subject and also
records the blood pressure because it is said that when a normal person lie there
will be changes in blood pressure unless he/she is a psychopath, and
pneumograph is designed to detect and record changes in respiration of the
subject. The major components of polygraph instrument are the pneumograph
component, the galvanograph component, the cardiograph component and the
kymograph component. The detachable parts are composed of finger electrodes,
blood pressure cuff, pneumo tube 1 and pneumo tube 2. The built in accessories
of the polygraph instrument are kymograph or chart driving mechanism, Pen and
Inking System,Pneumograph Section, Cardio Section and Galvanograph Section.



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