Lesson Plan (IMS)

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Production of Social Studies Instructional Materials:

What is Instructional Materials

Prepared by: Krishna Dayle Requina

Cristina Linihan
Bethany Jane Mascardo
Marie Lhovel Saldua
Valerie StaAna
At the end of a 60-minute class, the student will be able to:

A. Cognitive
 describe instructional materials, its roles, basic principles, and benefits

B. Affective
 reflect on the different categories of Instructional Materials
 internalize the factors affecting materials preparations

C. Psychomotor
 demonstrate knowledge on the importance of instructional materials
 construct and write an objective type of essay about their understanding of the roles,
benefits, categories of instructional materials, factors affecting the preparation and
framework of materials and methods

A. Subject matter: Instructional Materials

Bukoye, R.O (2019).Utilization of Instruction Materials as Tools for
Effective Academic Performance of Students.
Retrieved from

Tomlinson, B. (2011). Principles of Material Development. Retrieved

from https://eltmaterialsforthais.wordpress.com/tag/principles-of-

Writer,S (2020) What Is the Importance of Instructional Materials?.

Retrieved from https://www.reference.com/world-view/importance-

Sia,L (2014) Benefits of IMs. Retrieved from

Pascua,A (2015) Types of Instructional Materials. Retrieved from

Canoy, N.J (2016) Factors Affecting Material Preparation. Retrieved

from https://prezi.com/atqdcjfs0amh/factors-affecting-material-

Pasca,U (2019) The framework of materials and methods and current

approaches to materials and methods. Retrieved from

B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, video clips and pictures, and other

instructional materials.


A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Checking of attendance

B. Motivation

The teacher will present different pictures of instructional materials and students will
identify what type of IMs they are and choose whether it’s a printed or non-printed type of
instructional material.

C. Presentation of the lesson

The teacher will ask the students what they understand about the activity and what its
relationship to the discussion will be.

D. Discussion

What is Instructional Materials

- are any item or element which a tutor uses to deliver the best teaching experience.
- According to Faize and Dahan (2011), instructional materials are print and non-print items
that are designed to impact information to students in the educational process. Instructional
materials include items such as prints, textbooks, magazines, newspaper, slides, pictures,
workbooks, electronic media, among others.


The Role Played By Instructional Materials in Teaching-Learning Activities:
Instructional materials played a very important role in the teaching-learning process which
 Enhance of the memory level of students.
 To facilitate the teaching-learning process.
 For the improvement of student rate of accumulation
 Serve as tools used by the teachers to correct wrong impression and illustration
things that, learners cannot forget easily
 Assist in giving sense of reality to the body of knowledge under discussions
 It gives lessons a personal look and encourages teacher’s creativity
 Permit the students and teachers to experience in concrete terms the learning
activities that can promote the idea of self-evaluation.


1.Materials should achieve impact. Materials should help learners feel at ease
2.Materials should help learners to develop confidence.
3.What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful.
4.Material should require and facilitate learner self-investment
5.Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught
6.Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use
7.The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input
8.Materials should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to
achieve communicative purposes
9.Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are usually
10.Materials should take into account that learners differ in learning style
11.Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective attitudes
12.Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction
13.Materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic and
emotional involvement which stimulates both right- and left brain activities
14.Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback


Provides Facts and Information These materials provide a wealth of knowledge in all
topics, offering in-depth information based on facts. It also gives learners background on the
topics as well as how the topics relate to other pertinent information on the subject.
Materials offer a jumping off point to start learning new information.

Engages and Teaches Learners Instructional materials allow the instructor to engage
learners by supporting concepts through the use of multimedia, including sound clips, video,
images, hands-on experience and interactive games. Because there are different types of
learners like auditory and visual learners, these materials vary in presentation to help reach
all students.

Teaching Concepts Materials offer learners the opportunity to practice concepts and
develop a product that demonstrates their level of understanding. When learning something
new, it’s important to hear examples and apply knowledge directly. Instructional materials
provide sample questions and answers as well as providing a variety of examples to help
cement new information in the learner’s mind.

Evaluates Knowledge Consequently, those products are then used to evaluate learners’
knowledge. Instructional materials allow the instructor to support learners with varying
levels of ability and foundational skills by providing additional support. These materials
include quizzes and tests.


 Enhance the learning ability of the students.

 Acquire meaningful experiences and ideas.
 The lesson or topic can give clearer understanding.
 The lessons become more interesting.
 Can improve the quality of learning and teaching.
 Helps determine the strengths and weaknesses of the learner.
 Good learning outcome.
 Teachers can incorporate various learning experiences through creating a structure of
lesson plan.


On-projected learning materials are not very technical but are the very basic stuff that has
been used in classrooms for years. Non- projected displays are those aids that are used
without any projection.

They generally have great appeal. Because of their appeal, properly produced materials may
promote acceptance of new ideas or practices that are presented by slides, filmstrips, and
motion pictures, or by projecting photographs or drawings with opaque or overhead


These comprise all textual and handout materials to be used by students or trainees which can
begin off in large numbers by printing machines, photocopiers, and duplicators.
 AUDIO-MEDIA MATERIALS- This category includes all the various systems whereby
straightforward audio material can be played to a class, group or individual. It includes a
number of extremely useful – albeit often neglected – instructional aids, some of the most
important of which are described below.

 COMPUTER-MEDIATED MATERIALS- This final category includes all the various

materials that require a computer of some sort to enable them to be displayed, studied or


1.Understanding the operational functionality

Since educational communication and technology is a fairly new area of importance in

education, it is a lightly technical field, and to understand how it can affect the instructional
delivery, one first has to understand the operational functionality of the resource kits.

2. Teachers’ knowledge
This has a great impact on the effective application of teaching aids or instructional
materials, this is because the teacher uses need to understand the sequential presentation of
the instructional gadgets so as to suit the interests of the learners and its appropriateness
with the instructional tasks.

3.Student Population
Part of the application of teaching aids or instructional materials process is the target
population for whom the materials are to be used and the setting or vicinity where the
learning should take place.

4. Time
-Is also a serious problem or factor that delay the effective use of instructional materials
ineffective instructional delivery in the class, because in most cases the time that is allotted
for a subject on the timetable might not be enough for the teachers to present his contents
alongside with effective use of the materials which will affect the wholesome delivery of the

5. Lack of supply of materials

This factor seems to be the handicap why most educational institutions are unable to acquire
relevant teaching equipment and materials. In line with this, students and teachers will lack
on the opportunity to learn and use new techniques in the field.

6.Lack of Funds
There are sophisticated teaching aids or instructional materials that can make learning easier
and faster such as computer-aided program but lack of funds has effects on its importation
and use in schools.

7.Poor handling of Materials

Materials available for the effective instructional delivery are poorly manhandled by both
the teachers and some school authority.

8.Non-availability of resource room

Schools are affected by non-availability of resource room for the proper keeping of both the
locally manufactured and the commercially purchased teaching aids thereby limiting its use
as at the time needed.

9.Sufficiency of printed and audio-visual materials

10.Poor condition
The few institutions indicates the availability of these materials but were rather in poor

11. Understanding
Requires matching the materials to the learners’ abilities and prior knowledge. If the
students did not understand the materials, frustration sets in and making it more difficult.
The teacher should must know the materials if it is suited on the level of understanding of
the students.
Involves organizing the material so that it is clear to the students. Directions, objectives, and
main ideas are stated clearly. Internal and final summaries learnings content. Transition
between main ideas is smooth and well integrated. Sufficient examples are provided. New
terms are defined. Adequate practice and review assignments reinforce new learning.


English language teaching has been diversifying:

• English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

• English as a Second Language (ESL)
• English for Young Learners (EYL)
• English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
• English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
• Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Contextual factors: Learners

• Age
• Interests
• Level of proficiency in English
• Aptitude
• Mother tongue
• Academic and educational level
• Attitudes to learning
• Motivation
• Reasons for learning
• Preferred learning styles
• Personality

Contextual factors: The setting

• The role of English in the country

• The role of English in the school and its place in the curriculum
• The teachers
• Management and administrations
• Resources availability
• Support personnel
• The number of pupils
• Time
• Physical environment
• The socio-cultural environment
• The types of tests used
• Procedures (if any) for monitoring the evaluation
E. Application

The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Each group should perform a role play about
scenarios that can show the roles and importance of instructional materials and choose one
type of IMS that they think is very useful in teaching nowadays. The class will be given 15
minutes to brainstorm. After 15 minutes, each group should perform according to their
assigned number.

The students will be graded according to the criteria below:

CRITERIA. Possible Points

The speech was clear and 50%

appropriate volume
Role play was convincing 30%

Audience impact 10%

Teamwork 10%

Total: 100%

EVALUATION(For 30 points )

The teacher will ask the students to get one whole sheet of paper and will be given 20
minutes to write an objective type of essay / reflection paper about their understanding of the roles,
benefits, categories of instructional materials, factors affecting the preparation and framework of
materials and methods.


The teacher will have the students watch the recorded webinar on “The Role of High-Quality
Instructional Materials to Support Distance Learning” and then have them write a reflection paper
about what they learned from the webinar.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/rK5qW-qgtjY

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