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The theatre likes to relive old memories too.

Just like the actors and the techies recovering from

post-show depression. The hard work of so many people is all gone just a day or two after the final
standing ovation. The beautiful set is scrapped, pieces are thrown out or stowed away to be used for the
next show. Costumes are thrown haphazardly into boxes to be cleaned, or hung on racks and pushed into
corners for storage. The stench of sweat and high schoolers’ socks dissipates from the dressing rooms,
leaving behind only the faint smell of Febreeze and stray bobby pins. The theatre that used to be so full of
bright voices and drama spilling over into the hallway now sits quiet and alone. There is little evidence of
the show that changed so many lives.

Nearly a century of shows have been put on within the walls of the theatre. Like most other theatres, it is
haunted with ghosts from the past. There are ghosts of those who passed on, and returned to live after life
in the theatre. But there are also ghosts of past productions. In the middle of the night, when all is quiet,
the theatre relieves its favorite shows. Sometimes, if the theatre cares for you, it will open its arms and
bring you into its embrace. If the theatre trusts you, then the ghosts will come to meet you. They’re
curious ghosts, and if they find you to be a kindred spirit they will let you into their world.

The theatre is a special place, a bridge between the world of real life and the world of the imagination.
You must always stay silent there, during a show or not. During a show, a stage manager will fly down
from who knows where to silence you. But without a show to put on, the theatre feels empty and useless.
Always be sure to give it the respect it loves.

The seats in the audience in the theatre are for the others. The ones who come to watch, not to be. But the
stage is for those who don’t quite belong, the ones who need to escape from the real world for a little.
Those who want to live in different times, in different places, but must remain in one tiny river town.
Many theatre kids struggle with self-esteem, but on stage, as a whole other person, they gain the
confidence to perform in front of hundreds of people. The stage is a place of wonder and magic with the
power to change people’s lives.

Leaving the theatre is harder than it seems. It can sense if you belong there, and it doesn’t want to throw
you out into the harsh world. But everyone has to leave at some point, and it knows you will always be
back. If the theatre has shown you its secrets, it knows you are one of its people. Once the theatre claims
you, it won’t let you go. It becomes a haven, a home. The theatre cares for its people.

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