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Presvee Lara A.

Medrano STEM
G11 Neutrino 21 Century Lit

21st Century LIt


Recording thoughts and then putting them together

are the two steps of brainstorming that are
combined into a cluster or map. It also makes it
possible for you to quickly identify the areas of the
issue about which you have the most to say, which
can assist you in deciding how to narrow down a
vast topic for writing.

This is my simple Cluster Map helps us to

understand more, on what Multi Media Formats are
used to interpret text, And these Multi Media are
Blog,Mobile Phone text, Slide Show Presentation
and Mind Mapping, It is really important for us to
understand what are these Multi Media Formats,
because nowadays we are in 21st century and these
formats are the one that we are using to our
everyday lives like in school, office and work, These
Multi Media Formats helps us to survive our
everyday life as a student

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