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12-28 08:40:41.

770 564 564 D mtkaudiohalservice: Start audiohalservice ++

12-28 08:40:41.770 564 564 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam
detection failed: Invalid argument
12-28 08:40:41.771 564 564 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway
spam detection failed: Invalid argument
12-28 08:40:41.771 564 564 I mtkaudiohalservice: register interface =
12-28 08:40:41.847 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
12-28 08:40:41.851 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Removing namespace from
process name to audio.service.mediatek.
12-28 08:40:41.853 564 564 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
12-28 08:40:41.859 428 428 W hwservicemanager: Detected instance of (pid: 564) registering over instance of
or with base of (pid: 564).
12-28 08:40:41.860 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
12-28 08:40:41.860 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Removing namespace from
process name to audio.service.mediatek.
12-28 08:40:41.860 564 564 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
12-28 08:40:41.860 564 564 I mtkaudiohalservice: register interface =
12-28 08:40:41.872 564 564 E HidlServiceManagement: Service must be in VINTF manifest in
order to register/get.
12-28 08:40:41.872 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not register service (-2147483648).
12-28 08:40:41.878 564 564 E HidlServiceManagement: Service must be in VINTF manifest in
order to register/get.
12-28 08:40:41.878 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not register service (-2147483648).
12-28 08:40:41.878 564 564 W mtkaudiohalservice: register interface = fail!
12-28 08:40:41.878 564 564 I mtkaudiohalservice: register interface =
12-28 08:40:41.986 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
12-28 08:40:41.986 564 564 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
12-28 08:40:41.989 428 428 W hwservicemanager: Detected instance of (pid: 564) registering over
instance of or with base of
(pid: 564).
12-28 08:40:41.990 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
12-28 08:40:41.990 564 564 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
12-28 08:40:41.990 564 564 I mtkaudiohalservice: register interface =
12-28 08:40:42.036 564 564 E HidlServiceManagement: Service must be in VINTF
manifest in order to register/get.
12-28 08:40:42.036 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not register service (-2147483648).
12-28 08:40:42.038 564 564 E HidlServiceManagement: Service must be in VINTF
manifest in order to register/get.
12-28 08:40:42.038 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not register service (-2147483648).
12-28 08:40:42.038 564 564 W mtkaudiohalservice: register interface = fail!
12-28 08:40:42.042 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough
implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.3::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
12-28 08:40:42.043 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough
implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
12-28 08:40:42.044 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough
implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
12-28 08:40:42.044 564 564 E LegacySupport: Could not get passthrough
implementation for android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default.
12-28 08:40:42.044 564 564 W mtkaudiohalservice: Could not register
Soundtrigger API
12-28 08:40:42.059 564 564 I MediatekBTAudioProviderA2dpSoftware:
A2dpSoftwareAudioProvider - size of audio buffer 7168 byte(s) p = 0xecd6b110
12-28 08:40:42.060 564 564 I MediatekBTAudioProviderHearingAid:
HearingAidAudioProvider - size of audio buffer 3584 byte(s)
12-28 08:40:42.061 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
12-28 08:40:42.061 564 564 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
12-28 08:40:42.089 564 564 I BTAudioProviderA2dpSoftware:
A2dpSoftwareAudioProvider - size of audio buffer 7680 byte(s)
12-28 08:40:42.089 564 564 I BTAudioProviderHearingAid: HearingAidAudioProvider
- size of audio buffer 3584 byte(s)
12-28 08:40:42.091 564 564 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
12-28 08:40:42.091 564 564 I LegacySupport: Registration complete for
12-28 08:40:42.308 632 632 D _V_ParamService: read_nvdata 1146375494 |
0xb4000079fa0564b0 | 140
12-28 08:40:43.387 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: +mAudioALSAHardware
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 D source
file Dot:.xml
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 D
project_name:PD1934F_EX, result:10
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 D Open
cmdline error !
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 D Can't
find the bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 D product
12-28 08:40:43.388 564 564 D _V_AudioALSADeviceParser: getCardName:
new_mixer_xml_path: /vendor/etc/audio_device.PD1934F_EX.xml
12-28 08:40:43.384 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:238): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:43.393 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: free memory
12-28 08:40:43.393 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: getCardName(), card name
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: card open success
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: current CardIndex = 0,
Rch = 0
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: current sound card name
= mt6768mt6358
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: mCardIndex found = 0
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: GetAllPcmAttribute(), Pcm
open success
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 E AudioALSADeviceParser: GetAllPcmAttribute fget
12-28 08:40:43.394 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:43.421 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd: initXmlOps()
12-28 08:40:43.421 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd: getDebugLevel(), debug level
= -1
12-28 08:40:43.421 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appGetXmlDirFromVgcProperty(), =
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), Open
cmdline error !
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), Can't
find the bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(),
platform:MTK6768, dst_dir:/odm/etc/audio_param/MTK6768
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), No
project and platform info use src dir :/odm/etc/audio_param/
12-28 08:40:43.416 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:241): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), Open
cmdline error !
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), Can't
find the bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
12-28 08:40:43.422 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:43.416 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:242): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:43.420 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:243): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:43.424 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(),
platform:MTK6768, dst_dir:/vendor/etc/audio_param/MTK6768
12-28 08:40:43.424 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), No
project and platform info use src dir :/vendor/etc/audio_param/
12-28 08:40:43.424 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), Open
cmdline error !
12-28 08:40:43.424 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), Can't
find the bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
12-28 08:40:43.425 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:43.425 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(),
platform:MTK6768, dst_dir:/system/etc/audio_param/MTK6768
12-28 08:40:43.425 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd: createNewDirPath(), No
project and platform info use src dir :/system/etc/audio_param/
12-28 08:40:43.448 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd: loadXmlOps(), dlopen
successfully!... (appHandleParseXml,, handle = 0x0xd9240f23)
12-28 08:40:43.449 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/odm/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.449 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/odm/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions_mgvi.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.449 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/odm/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions_vext.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.456 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), Load xml file successfully.
12-28 08:40:43.457 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/vendor/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions_mgvi.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.468 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), Load xml file successfully.
12-28 08:40:43.468 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/system/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.468 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/system/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions_mgvi.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.468 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirFeatureOptionsInfo(), No
/system/etc/audio_param//AudioParamOptions_vext.xml file
12-28 08:40:43.469 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.469 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.470 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml = VoIPUI_AudioParam.xml
12-28 08:40:43.470 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.470 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.471 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.471 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.471 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:43.471 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Don't load audio param xml =
12-28 08:40:44.250 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Load all audio type XML - ok
12-28 08:40:44.277 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.277 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.278 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.278 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.278 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.278 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.279 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.279 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.283 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.283 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.283 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.284 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.284 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.284 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.285 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.285 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.285 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.285 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.429 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.429 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamFieldInfoHash(), No end bit string
12-28 08:40:44.446 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
audioTypeLoadParamUnitHash(), No paramUnit element found! (AudioType = Playback)
12-28 08:40:44.476 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Load all audio Hash - ok
12-28 08:40:44.588 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleLoadDirAudioTypeInfo(), Release all audio XML - ok
12-28 08:40:44.588 564 564 I AudioParamParser-vnd: unloadXmlOps(), dlclose
successfully (caller = appHandleParseXml, handle = 0x0xd9240f23)
12-28 08:40:44.588 564 564 D AudioParamParser-vnd: appHandleParseXml(), Create
app thread successfully
12-28 08:40:44.590 564 1201 W AudioParamParser-vnd: utilMkdir(), mkdir fail
12-28 08:40:44.591 564 1201 D AudioParamParser-vnd: loadXmlOps(), dlopen
successfully!... (appHandleReloadCustXml,, handle = 0x0x8e8a836d)
12-28 08:40:44.591 564 1201 D AudioParamParser-vnd: appHandleReloadCustXml(),
Notify xml file changed. (SoundEnhancement)
12-28 08:40:44.591 564 1201 D AudioParamParser-vnd: appHandleReloadAudioType(),
Load xml file successfully.
12-28 08:40:44.591 564 1201 D AudioParamParser-vnd: appHandleReloadCustXml(),
Reload audio type done. (SoundEnhancement)
12-28 08:40:44.593 564 1201 I AudioParamParser-vnd: unloadXmlOps(), dlclose
successfully (caller = appHandleReloadCustXml, handle = 0x0x8e8a836d)
12-28 08:40:44.593 564 1201 D AudioParamParser-vnd: loadXmlOps(), dlopen
successfully!... (appHandleThreadLoop,, handle = 0x0x57346ead)
12-28 08:40:44.594 564 1201 I AudioParamParser-vnd: unloadXmlOps(), dlclose
successfully (caller = appHandleThreadLoop, handle = 0x0x57346ead)
12-28 08:40:44.663 564 564 D AudioCustParamClient: AudioCustParamClient()
12-28 08:40:44.663 564 564 D AudioCustParamClient: init(), init AcpOps struct
12-28 08:40:44.663 564 564 D AudioCustParam: appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps
struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.664 564 564 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo(),
12-28 08:40:44.664 564 564 D AudioALSADriverUtility: AudioALSADriverUtility()
12-28 08:40:44.664 564 564 D AudioALSADriverUtility: mMixer = 0xebec34a0
12-28 08:40:44.664 564 564 D AudioMTKGainController: AudioMTKGainController
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 D source
file Dot:.xml
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 D
project_name:PD1934F_EX, result:10
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 D Open
cmdline error !
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 D Can't
find the bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
12-28 08:40:44.660 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:296): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 D product
12-28 08:40:44.665 564 564 D _V_AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: new_mixer_xml_path:
12-28 08:40:44.666 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: ParseInitSequence()
12-28 08:40:44.666 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: valname =
Audio_Speaker_class_Switch valvalue = CLASSAB
12-28 08:40:44.669 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager: free memory
12-28 08:40:44.669 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.670 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleGetFeatureOptionIntValue(), No MODEM_PCM_SAMPLE_RATE such feature option
12-28 08:40:44.670 564 564 D AudioSmartPaController: initSmartPaAttribute(),
spkType: int_lo_buf, isSmartPA: 0
12-28 08:40:44.670 564 564 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
12-28 08:40:44.670 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.670 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceSettingByName() DeviceName = reset_device_setting descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D AudioALSACodecDeviceOutEarphonePMIC:
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D AudioALSACodecDeviceOutSpeakerEarphonePMIC:
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
setNumSpkSupport() spk number: 1
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D AudioUtility: PHONE_MIC_MODE defined!,
mPhoneMicMode = 1
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D AudioUtility: HEADSET_MIC_MODE defined!,
mHeadsetMicMode = 1
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
setNonSmartPAType(), nonSmartPAType: 1
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: getInstance()
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: GainTableParamParser()
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableSpec(),
mSpec.audioBufferGainPreferMaxIdx = 18, audioBufLMixerName = Headset_PGAL_GAIN,
audioBufRMixerName = Headset_PGAR_GAIN
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableSpec(),
mSpec.voiceBufferGainPreferMaxIdx = 18, voiceBufMixerName = Handset_PGA_GAIN
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableSpec(),
mSpec.lineoutBufferGainPreferMaxIdx = 18
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableSpec(),
mSpec.spkAnaType = 3, spkLMixerName = Lineout_PGAL_GAIN, spkRMixerName =
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 E GainTableParamParser: error: get param fail,
param_name = ul_pga_3_mixer_name
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 E GainTableParamParser: error: get param fail,
param_name = ul_pga_4_mixer_name
12-28 08:40:44.671 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableSpec(),
ulPgaMixerName = ch0:Audio_PGA1_Setting, ch1:Audio_PGA2_Setting, ch2:, ch3:
12-28 08:40:44.672 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableMapDl()
12-28 08:40:44.672 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: loadGainTableMapUl()
12-28 08:40:44.672 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: getGainTableParam()
12-28 08:40:44.672 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: updatePlaybackDigitalGain()
12-28 08:40:44.686 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: updatePlaybackAnalogGain()
12-28 08:40:44.700 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: updateSpeechVol()
12-28 08:40:44.701 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: updateRecordVol()
12-28 08:40:44.718 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: updateVoIPVol()
12-28 08:40:44.718 564 564 D GainTableParamParser: updateRingbackVol()
12-28 08:40:44.718 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.719 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: AudioALSAHardware()
12-28 08:40:44.780 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:297): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:44.784 564 1210 D audio_sw_mixer: sw_mixer_mix_thread(), thread
mix1:1 idle
12-28 08:40:44.784 564 1209 D audio_sw_mixer: sw_mixer_mix_thread(), thread
mix1:0 idle
12-28 08:40:44.784 564 1208 D audio_sw_mixer: sw_mixer_mix_thread(), thread
mix0:1 idle
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 1207 D audio_sw_mixer: sw_mixer_mix_thread(), thread
mix0:0 idle
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D aurisys_config_parser: parse_aurisys_config(),
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D source
file Dot:.xml
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D
project_name:PD1934F_EX, result:10
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D Open
cmdline error !
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D Can't
find the bbk_board_version from /proc/cmdline,read from prop
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D product
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D
platform:MTK6768, dst_file:/system/vendor/etc/aurisys_config.MTK6768.xml
12-28 08:40:44.785 564 564 D No
platform and project files, copy src_file to
12-28 08:40:44.786 564 564 D _V_aurisys_config_parser: parse_aurisys_config:
new_mixer_xml_path: /system/vendor/etc/aurisys_config.xml
12-28 08:40:44.840 564 564 D aurisys_config_parser: free memory
12-28 08:40:44.840 564 564 D _V_aurisys_config_parser: product:[PD1934F_EX],
12-28 08:40:44.841 564 564 D _V_aurisys_config_parser: product:[PD1934F_EX],
12-28 08:40:44.841 564 564 D _V_aurisys_config_parser: product:[PD1934F_EX],
12-28 08:40:44.842 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.843 564 564 D AudioUtility: boot mode
12-28 08:40:44.843 564 564 D AudioUtility: bootMode = 0
12-28 08:40:44.843 564 564 D AudioUtility: Unsupported factory mode!
12-28 08:40:44.843 564 564 D SpeechDriverFactory:
CreateSpeechDriverInstances(), create SpeechDriverNormal for MODEM_1
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 D
CleanGainValueAndMuteStatus(), mUplinkMuteOn 0, mUplinkSourceMuteOn 0,
mDownlinkMuteOn 0, mDynamicDownlinkMuteOn 0
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 D SpeechExtMemCCCI: SpeechExtMemCCCI()
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 W SpeechMessengerNormal:
checkCcciStatusAndRecovery() mCcciDeviceHandler: -1
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 D SpeechMessengerNormal: openCcciDriver(), dev_name:
"/dev/ccci_aud", mCcciDeviceHandler: 13
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 W SpeechMessengerNormal:
checkCcciStatusAndRecovery() mCcciShareMemoryHandler: -1
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 D SpeechUtility: mmap on (14) for addr=0x7201b000,
12-28 08:40:44.844 564 564 D SpeechExtMemCCCI: openShareMemory(),
mCcciShareMemoryHandler: 14, mShareMemoryBase: 0xef4ef000, mShareMemoryLength:
53248 , get share momoey address time: 0 ms
12-28 08:40:44.845 564 564 D SpeechExtMemCCCI: formatShareMemory(),
mShareMemory: 0xef4ef000, ap_flag: 0x1, md_flag: 0x0, struct_checksum: 124
12-28 08:40:44.846 564 564 D SpeechExtMemCCCI: formatShareMemory(), [sph_param]
offset: 128, size: 12288, [ap_data] offset: 12416, size: 8192, [md_data] offset:
20608, size: 32608
12-28 08:40:44.846 564 564 D SpeechExtMemCCCI: formatShareMemory(), [sph_param]
read_idx: 0, write_idx: 0, [ap_data] read_idx: 0, write_idx: 0, [md_data] read_idx:
0, write_idx: 0
12-28 08:40:44.846 564 564 D SpeechEnhancementController:
SpeechEnhancementController(), get value from propterty
persist.vendor.audiohal.modem.sph_enh_mask fail! value:, use default value
12-28 08:40:44.846 564 564 D SpeechEnhancementController:
mSpeechEnhancementMask: main_func = 0xffbf, sub_func = 0xffffff9e
12-28 08:40:44.846 564 564 D SpeechEnhancementController: GetBtHeadsetNrecOn(),
mBtHeadsetNrecOn = 0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D AudioEventThreadManager: registerCallback(),
audioEventType=1, callbackFunc = 0xec98d470
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D AudioEventThreadManager: AudioEventThread(),
audioEventType = 1
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D AudioEventThreadManager: registerCallback(), add
new audioEventType=1, callbackFunc = 0xec98d470
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 W SpeechDriverFactory:
CreateSpeechDriverInstances(), create SpeechDriverDummy for MODEM_2
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D
CleanGainValueAndMuteStatus(), mUplinkMuteOn 0, mUplinkSourceMuteOn 0,
mDownlinkMuteOn 0, mDynamicDownlinkMuteOn 0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 W SpeechDriverDummy: SpeechDriverDummy(),
modem_index = 1
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 W SpeechDriverFactory:
CreateSpeechDriverInstances(), create SpeechDriverDummy for MODEM_EXTERNAL
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D
CleanGainValueAndMuteStatus(), mUplinkMuteOn 0, mUplinkSourceMuteOn 0,
mDownlinkMuteOn 0, mDynamicDownlinkMuteOn 0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 W SpeechDriverDummy: SpeechDriverDummy(),
modem_index = 2
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D SpeechDriverFactory: -SpeechDriverFactory(),
mActiveModemIndex = 0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 1212 D SpeechDriverNormal: processModemControlMessage(),
MD Alive, id: 0xafa0, param16: 0x0, param32: 0x0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 12,
stringpair = Hostless_Speech
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 1212 D SpeechDriverNormal: processModemAlive(),
mIpcLpbkSwitch 0x0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 12,
stringpair = Hostless_Speech
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 1212 D SpeechDriverNormal: sendSpeechMessageToModem(),
send msg done, id: 0x2fa0, param16: 0x0, param32: 0x0
12-28 08:40:44.847 564 564 D AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController:
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleGetFeatureOptionIntValue(), No MODEM_PCM_SAMPLE_RATE such feature option
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioALSAFMController: AudioALSAFMController()
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: AudioALSAStreamManager()
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo()
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo(),
mPlatformInfoValue(KERNEL_BUFFER_SIZE_NORMAL) = 32768
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo(),
mPlatformInfoValue(KERNEL_BUFFER_SIZE_DEEP) = 32768
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleGetFeatureOptionIntValue(), No KERNEL_DSPBUFFER_SIZE_DEEP such feature
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo(),
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleGetFeatureOptionIntValue(), No KERNEL_DSPBUFFER_SIZE_HIFI_96K such feature
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo(),
mPlatformInfoValue(KERNEL_DSPBUFFER_SIZE_HIFI_96K) = 0
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 W AudioParamParser-vnd:
appHandleGetFeatureOptionIntValue(), No KERNEL_DSPBUFFER_SIZE_HIFI_192K such
feature option
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo(),
mPlatformInfoValue(KERNEL_DSPBUFFER_SIZE_HIFI_192K) = 0
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioPlatformInfo(),
mPlatformInfoStr(DPCM_DEEP_BUFFER) = Playback_2
12-28 08:40:44.848 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:44.849 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager:
getBesLoudnessStateFromXML(), get BesLoudness state from xml = 1
12-28 08:40:44.849 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: AudioALSAStreamManager(),
Unsupport besLoudness! mBesLoudnessStatus [0] (Always)
12-28 08:40:45.045 564 564 D AudioEventThreadManager: registerCallback(),
audioEventType=0, callbackFunc = 0xeca8e190
12-28 08:40:45.045 564 564 D AudioEventThreadManager: AudioEventThread(),
audioEventType = 0
12-28 08:40:45.045 564 564 D AudioEventThreadManager: registerCallback(), add
new audioEventType=0, callbackFunc = 0xeca8e190
12-28 08:40:45.045 564 564 D AudioUtility: getPowerHal(), get PowerHal Service
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioUtility: getPowerHal(), Link to death
notification successfully
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioALSAParamTuner: getInstance(), create
AudioALSAParamTuner instance --
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioALSAParamTuner: +AudioALSAParamTuner()
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioMTKGainController: getMicGainDecimal(),
micMode 1, gainDevice 0, micGainDecimal 152
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioMTKGainController: getMicGainDecimal(),
micMode 1, gainDevice 2, micGainDecimal 208
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioALSAParamTuner: AudioALSAParamTuner(),
AudioALSAParamTuner: default mic gain-mormal:152;handsfree:208, receiver gain:0,
headset Gain:0
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D AudioALSAParamTuner: getInstance(), create
AudioALSAParamTuner instance ++
12-28 08:40:45.047 564 564 D _V_AudioALSAHardware: rm file:
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 D vafxssp_wrapper:
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 W libc : Access denied finding property
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 D _V_vafxssp_wrapper: version_load_from_xml:
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 E _V_vafxssp_wrapper: version_load_from_xml fail:
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 E _V_vafxssp_wrapper: reload_all_mode: xml version 1
is not avaliable
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 E AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: VAFX SSP Init failed!
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_load_init
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_load_nv
12-28 08:40:45.050 564 564 D _V_vafx_nvutil: /data/vendor/audiohal/nveadpt
12-28 08:40:45.044 564 564 W audio.service.m: type=1400 audit(0.0:298): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=2640 scontext=u:r:mtk_hal_audio:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_defend_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:40:45.052 564 564 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: [Init]
AudioALSAVAFXManager: 0
12-28 08:40:45.052 564 564 D
appOpsGetInstance(), init AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:40:45.053 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: AudioALSAHardware(),
mAudioHalBtscoWB = 0
12-28 08:40:45.053 564 564 D WCNChipController: WCNChipController()
12-28 08:40:45.053 564 564 D WCNChipController:
SetBTCurrentSamplingRateNumber(), mBTCurrentSamplingRateNumber: 8000 => 8000
12-28 08:40:45.053 564 564 D AudioBTCVSDControl: +AudioBTCVSDControl
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D AudioBTCVSDControl: BT_SCO_SET_TXState state=0x0
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D AudioBTCVSDControl: BT_SCO_SET_RXState state=0x10
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D AudioBTCVSDControl: -AudioBTCVSDControl
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D AudioBTCVSDControl: BT_SCO_SetMode, mode=0,
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D AudioALSASpeechPhoneCallController: setBTMode(),
mBTMode: 0 => 0
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D SpeechDriverNormal: setBTMode(), mBTMode: 0 => 0
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -mAudioALSAHardware
12-28 08:40:45.087 564 564 D mtk_audio_hw_hal: gAudioHALRefCountByClient + 1
12-28 08:40:45.090 564 564 W AudioALSAStreamManager: setMode(), mAudioMode: 0
== 0, return
12-28 08:40:45.128 564 564 D mtk_audio_hw_hal: gAudioHALRefCountByClient + 2
12-28 08:40:45.129 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware:
setAudioParameterChangedCallback(), add callback = 0x0xed4a0a0d, cookie =
0x0xeaf79490, callback size = 0->1
12-28 08:40:45.130 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.131 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.132 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.134 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.135 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.135 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.136 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.137 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.141 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.141 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.143 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.144 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.144 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.144 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.148 564 564 D AudioALSASampleRateController:
setPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(), update mPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate: 44100 => 48000
12-28 08:40:45.148 564 564 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6
INITED, handle 0xedd87130, mTotalHandleNum 1
12-28 08:40:45.148 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: set(), devices: 0x2, format:
0x3/0x3, channels: 0x3/0x2, sampleRate: 48000/48000, flags: 0x6, latency: 10,
buffer_size: 2048
12-28 08:40:45.148 564 564 D DeviceHAL: openOutputStreamImpl, flags: 0x6,
open_output_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 1
12-28 08:40:45.148 564 564 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffc6d120
12-28 08:40:45.217 564 564 I EffectsFactory: EffectQueryNumberEffects(): 19
12-28 08:40:45.230 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x6, device: 0x2
12-28 08:40:45.230 564 564 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
12-28 08:40:45.232 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
12-28 08:40:45.233 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
12-28 08:40:45.236 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:40:45.236 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:40:45.240 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(),
GetGainTableSceneCount, sceneCount = 7
12-28 08:40:45.240 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.249 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: GetAudioCommonData(),
par1=0x103, len=141120
12-28 08:40:45.249 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: GetAudioEncodedBuffer(), after
12-28 08:40:45.252 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.261 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: GetAudioCommonData(),
par1=0x104, len=16900
12-28 08:40:45.261 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: GetAudioEncodedBuffer(), after
12-28 08:40:45.261 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.264 564 671 D AudioMTKGainController: getCurrentSceneIndex(),
mSceneIndex = 0
12-28 08:40:45.264 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(),
GetGainTableCurrentSceneIndex, currentSceneIndex = 0
12-28 08:40:45.264 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:45.297 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x0], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 0
12-28 08:40:45.297 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
13, keyValuePairs = routing=2
12-28 08:40:45.297 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[0], flag 6
12-28 08:40:45.297 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x6, device: 0x2
12-28 08:40:45.297 564 564 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x6, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
12-28 08:40:45.297 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x1]
12-28 08:40:45.302 564 564 W AudioALSASampleRateController: -
setPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(), sample_rate(48000) ==
mPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(48000), return
12-28 08:40:45.302 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: reduce hal buffer size 24576 -
> 16384
12-28 08:40:45.303 564 564 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8
INITED, handle 0xedd85bf0, mTotalHandleNum 2
12-28 08:40:45.303 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: set(), devices: 0x2, format:
0x3/0x3, channels: 0x3/0x2, sampleRate: 48000/48000, flags: 0x8, latency: 85,
buffer_size: 16384
12-28 08:40:45.303 564 564 D DeviceHAL: openOutputStreamImpl, flags: 0x8,
open_output_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 2
12-28 08:40:45.303 564 564 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xffc6d120
12-28 08:40:45.315 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x8, device: 0x2
12-28 08:40:45.315 564 564 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
12-28 08:40:45.317 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 8
12-28 08:40:45.317 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 8
12-28 08:40:45.325 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x0], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 1
12-28 08:40:45.325 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
21, keyValuePairs = routing=2
12-28 08:40:45.325 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[1], flag 8
12-28 08:40:45.325 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x8, device: 0x2
12-28 08:40:45.325 564 564 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
12-28 08:40:45.325 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x2]
12-28 08:40:45.352 564 671 W AudioALSASampleRateController: -
setPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(), sample_rate(48000) ==
mPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(48000), return
12-28 08:40:45.353 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updateLatency_l(), tune
latency for VoIP, flags 0x8000, latency 105
12-28 08:40:45.353 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 32768
INITED, handle 0xedd864b0, mTotalHandleNum 3
12-28 08:40:45.353 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: set(), devices: 0x2, format:
0x3/0x3, channels: 0x3/0x2, sampleRate: 48000/48000, flags: 0x8000, latency: 85,
buffer_size: 8192
12-28 08:40:45.353 564 671 D DeviceHAL: openOutputStreamImpl, flags: 0x8000,
open_output_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 3
12-28 08:40:45.353 564 671 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xed2bb8b8
12-28 08:40:45.361 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x8000, device: 0x2
12-28 08:40:45.361 564 671 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8000, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
12-28 08:40:45.362 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 32768
12-28 08:40:45.362 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 32768
12-28 08:40:45.378 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x0], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 2
12-28 08:40:45.378 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
29, keyValuePairs = routing=2
12-28 08:40:45.378 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[2], flag 32768
12-28 08:40:45.378 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: updatePolicyDevice(), flag:
0x8000, device: 0x2
12-28 08:40:45.378 564 671 W AudioALSAStreamManager: routingOutputDevice(),
flag: 0x8000, output_devices == current_output_devices(0x00000002), return
12-28 08:40:45.378 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x3]
12-28 08:40:45.387 564 671 W AudioALSASampleRateController: -
setPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(), sample_rate(48000) ==
mPrimaryStreamOutSampleRate(48000), return
12-28 08:40:45.387 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 65536
INITED, handle 0xedd85880, mTotalHandleNum 4
12-28 08:40:45.388 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: set(), devices: 0x10000,
format: 0x3/0x3, channels: 0x3/0x2, sampleRate: 48000/48000, flags: 0x10000,
latency: 85, buffer_size: 8192
12-28 08:40:45.388 564 671 D DeviceHAL: openOutputStreamImpl, flags: 0x10000,
open_output_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 4
12-28 08:40:45.388 564 671 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xed2bb8b8
12-28 08:40:45.390 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), bypass
routing device:0x10000, mAudioOutputFlags: 0x10000, output_devices: 0x10000
12-28 08:40:45.391 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 65536
12-28 08:40:45.391 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 65536
12-28 08:40:45.391 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:40:45.438 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x0], current mAudioHalPatchVector size 3
12-28 08:40:45.438 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +setParameters(), IOport =
37, keyValuePairs = routing=65536
12-28 08:40:45.438 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setParameters(), Send to
mStreamOutVector[3], flag 65536
12-28 08:40:45.438 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), bypass
routing device:0x10000, mAudioOutputFlags: 0x10000, output_devices: 0x10000
12-28 08:40:45.439 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -createAudioPatch() num_sources
[1] , num_sinks [1], handle [0x4]
12-28 08:40:45.480 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: openInputStream(), devices
= 0x80000004, format = 0x1, channels = 0xc, sampleRate = 48000, status = 14,
acoustics = 0x0, input_flag 0x0
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: AudioALSAStreamIn()
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioUtility: AudioThrottleTimeControl(),
mIsOutput = 0, mBytesSum = 0, mThrottleControlStartTime = 0
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: IsBesRecTuningEnable()- 0
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: audio_ftm_mic_tightness_init:
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 0
INITED, handle 0xedd85d30, mTotalHandleNum 5
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: set() done, devices:
0x80000004, flags: 0, acoustics: 0x0, format: 0x1, sampleRate: 48000/48000,
num_channels: 12/2, buffer_size: 3840, tempDebugflag: 0
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setParameters() InputSource: 0
=> 1, reopen
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D DeviceHAL: openInputStreamImpl, flags: 0,
open_input_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 5
12-28 08:40:45.481 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateSinkMetadataV7(),
sink_metadata = 0xed2bb8b0, Project config MTK_BT_HEARING_AID_SUPPORT is not
support, return
12-28 08:40:45.496 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
12-28 08:40:45.496 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
12-28 08:40:45.516 564 671 D DeviceHAL: closeInputStream mOpenedStreamsCount 5
12-28 08:40:45.516 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +closeInputStream(), in =
0xed007810, size() = 1
12-28 08:40:45.516 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: ~AudioALSAStreamIn()
12-28 08:40:45.516 564 671 D AudioUtility: ~AudioThrottleTimeControl()
12-28 08:40:45.516 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 0
DESTORY, handle 0xedd85d30, mTotalHandleNum 4
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamManager: openInputStream(), devices
= 0x80000040, format = 0x1, channels = 0xc, sampleRate = 48000, status = 22,
acoustics = 0x0, input_flag 0x0
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamIn: AudioALSAStreamIn()
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioUtility: AudioThrottleTimeControl(),
mIsOutput = 0, mBytesSum = 0, mThrottleControlStartTime = 0
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: IsBesRecTuningEnable()- 0
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamIn: audio_ftm_mic_tightness_init:
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 0
INITED, handle 0xedd85d30, mTotalHandleNum 5
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamIn: set() done, devices:
0x80000040, flags: 0, acoustics: 0x0, format: 0x1, sampleRate: 48000/48000,
num_channels: 12/2, buffer_size: 3840, tempDebugflag: 0
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setParameters() InputSource: 0
=> 1, reopen
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D DeviceHAL: openInputStreamImpl, flags: 0,
open_input_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 5
12-28 08:40:45.517 564 564 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateSinkMetadataV7(),
sink_metadata = 0xffc6d118, Project config MTK_BT_HEARING_AID_SUPPORT is not
support, return
12-28 08:40:45.528 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
12-28 08:40:45.534 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
12-28 08:40:45.537 564 671 D DeviceHAL: closeInputStream mOpenedStreamsCount 5
12-28 08:40:45.538 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +closeInputStream(), in =
0xed007810, size() = 1
12-28 08:40:45.538 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: ~AudioALSAStreamIn()
12-28 08:40:45.538 564 671 D AudioUtility: ~AudioThrottleTimeControl()
12-28 08:40:45.538 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 0
DESTORY, handle 0xedd85d30, mTotalHandleNum 4
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: openInputStream(), devices
= 0x80002000, format = 0x1, channels = 0xc, sampleRate = 48000, status = 30,
acoustics = 0x0, input_flag 0x0
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: AudioALSAStreamIn()
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioUtility: AudioThrottleTimeControl(),
mIsOutput = 0, mBytesSum = 0, mThrottleControlStartTime = 0
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioSpeechEnhanceInfo: IsBesRecTuningEnable()- 0
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: audio_ftm_mic_tightness_init:
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 0
INITED, handle 0xedd86780, mTotalHandleNum 5
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: set() done, devices:
0x80002000, flags: 0, acoustics: 0x0, format: 0x1, sampleRate: 48000/48000,
num_channels: 12/2, buffer_size: 3840, tempDebugflag: 0
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: setParameters() InputSource: 0
=> 1, reopen
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D DeviceHAL: openInputStreamImpl, flags: 0,
open_input_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 5
12-28 08:40:45.540 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: updateSinkMetadataV7(),
sink_metadata = 0xed2bb8b0, Project config MTK_BT_HEARING_AID_SUPPORT is not
support, return
12-28 08:40:45.560 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
12-28 08:40:45.561 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: standby(), halRequest 0,
mDestroy 0, flag 0
12-28 08:40:45.569 564 671 D DeviceHAL: closeInputStream mOpenedStreamsCount 5
12-28 08:40:45.569 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +closeInputStream(), in =
0xed007810, size() = 1
12-28 08:40:45.569 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamIn: ~AudioALSAStreamIn()
12-28 08:40:45.569 564 671 D AudioUtility: ~AudioThrottleTimeControl()
12-28 08:40:45.569 564 671 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 0
DESTORY, handle 0xedd86780, mTotalHandleNum 4
12-28 08:40:45.705 564 564 D modules.usbaudio.audio_hal: [USB_AUD] adev_open
12-28 08:40:45.706 564 564 D modules.usbaudio.audio_hal: Load
12-28 08:40:45.706 564 564 D modules.usbaudio.audio_hal: in_load_primary_hal
598 AurisysEnabled = 1, gAudioMTKAudioUSBProvider = 0x0,
gAudioMTKAudioUSBDataClient = 0x0
12-28 08:40:45.707 564 564 D modules.usbaudio.audio_hal: [USB_AUD] adev_open :
AurisysEnabled = 1
12-28 08:40:45.715 564 671 I r_submix: adev_open(name=audio_hw_if)
12-28 08:40:45.715 564 671 I r_submix: adev_init_check()
12-28 08:40:45.716 564 671 D r_submix: adev_open_input_stream(addr=0)
12-28 08:40:45.716 564 671 D r_submix:
submix_audio_device_create_pipe_l(addr=0, idx=9)
12-28 08:40:45.716 564 671 D r_submix: now using address 0 for route 9
12-28 08:40:45.716 564 671 D DeviceHAL: openInputStreamImpl, flags: 0,
open_input_stream success, mOpenedStreamsCount 1
12-28 08:40:45.719 564 671 I r_submix: in_standby()
12-28 08:40:45.721 564 671 I r_submix: in_standby()
12-28 08:40:45.723 564 671 D DeviceHAL: closeInputStream mOpenedStreamsCount 1
12-28 08:40:45.723 564 671 D r_submix: adev_close_input_stream()
12-28 08:40:45.723 564 671 D r_submix:
submix_audio_device_release_pipe_l(idx=9) addr=0
12-28 08:40:45.723 564 671 D r_submix: submix_audio_device_destroy_pipe_l():
pipe destroyed
12-28 08:40:52.564 638 972 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes:
getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8)
12-28 08:40:52.564 877 970 D BootAnimation: dinfo.h =2340 dinfo.w=1080 0
12-28 08:40:54.444 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:40:54.447 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setMicMute(), mMicMute: 0
=> 0
12-28 08:40:54.447 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +SetInputMute(), 0
12-28 08:40:54.468 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:40:54.468 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:40:54.468 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:40:54.469 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'com.qqgame.hlddz' value: '100'
12-28 08:40:54.469 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.king.candycrushsaga' value:
12-28 08:40:54.469 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.tencent.king.candycrushsaga'
value: '20'
12-28 08:40:54.469 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'VolumeTableList' value:
12-28 08:40:54.469 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:40:54.564 1421 1421 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/policy_config.xml is null,just return file content, no need decrypt
12-28 08:40:54.564 1421 1421 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/policy_config.xml costs 1ms!!!
12-28 08:40:54.564 1421 1421 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/policy_config.xml
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():;;com.c2vl.kgamebox=;com.ifreeta
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:;;com.c2vl.kgamebox=;com
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():;;com.c2vl.kgamebox=;com.ifreeta
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'im.yixin' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.wepie.weplay' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.zenmen.palmchat' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.tencent.tim' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'RemoteProtectList' value:
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.ifreetalk.ftalk' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.immomo.momo' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.qingqi.dianbo' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.c2vl.kgamebox' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.tencent.qqlite' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.tencent.mobileqq' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.immomo.young' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.mosheng' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.tencent.minihd.qq' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'com.wodi.who' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.577 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:40:54.579 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():;;;com.kwai.livepartner=
12-28 08:40:54.579 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:;;;
12-28 08:40:54.579 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():;;;com.kwai.livepartner=
12-28 08:40:54.580 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'com.kwai.livepartner' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.580 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.580 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: '' value: ''
12-28 08:40:54.580 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'LiveAppList' value:
12-28 08:40:54.580 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:40:54.582 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:40:54.582 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:40:54.582 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:40:54.582 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'audiorestoration_pkg' value: 'audio_restoration_state'
12-28 08:40:54.582 564 671 W BTAudioHw: key: 'audiorestoration_changed' value:
12-28 08:40:54.582 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:40:54.583 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:40:54.583 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:40:54.583 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:40:54.583 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'featureservice_ready' value: '1'
12-28 08:40:54.583 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:40:55.564 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [bbq-wrapper#0]
(this:0xb40000793b829090,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=14.72 dur=1018.79
max=83.52 min=66.74
12-28 08:40:56.141 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:40:56.564 492 498 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup12: Permission denied
12-28 08:40:56.564 638 710 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes:
getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8)
12-28 08:40:57.564 425 425 W logd.writer: type=1400 audit(0.0:407): avc: denied
{ getattr } for scontext=u:r:logd:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_wifi_supplicant_default:s0
tclass=process permissive=0
12-28 08:40:58.858 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
12-28 08:40:58.858 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:40:58.858 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
12-28 08:40:58.858 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'off'
12-28 08:40:58.858 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:40:58.864 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:40:58.864 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:40:58.864 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:40:58.867 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
12-28 08:40:58.867 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:40:58.867 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
12-28 08:40:58.868 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'off'
12-28 08:40:58.868 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:01.564 1876 2209 D skia : LoadInputStreamToMem va 0x79dc83e000
size 728704
12-28 08:41:01.564 1421 1458 I _V_VivoBroadcastQueueImpl: calling onChange method
12-28 08:41:01.859 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
12-28 08:41:01.859 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:01.860 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
12-28 08:41:01.860 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'off'
12-28 08:41:01.860 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:02.564 1421 1421 D VgcUtil : getFile name :theme_dir_path not exit in
12-28 08:41:02.564 1050 2530 D SimpleC2Component: Using output block pool with
poolID 23 => got 23 - 0
12-28 08:41:02.768 2275 2564 I _V_LIB-Security-MobileAgentManager-,so_sha256=77F514FA3B5EF4313F85BF96C727E91B22A823C06A6233FAC2ACF160
12-28 08:41:02.779 2275 2591 I _V_SecurityKey:
12-28 08:41:02.855 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setMicMute(), mMicMute: 0
=> 0
12-28 08:41:02.855 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +SetInputMute(), 0
12-28 08:41:03.564 877 970 D BootAnimation: dinfo.h =2340 dinfo.w=1080 0
12-28 08:41:04.290 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:04.290 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:04.290 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:04.291 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'spk_game_mode' value: 'SPK_OUT_DEVICE_CTRL_PRE_PMU'
12-28 08:41:04.291 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:05.564 1421 1649 W DevicePolicyManager: Unknown user type:
12-28 08:41:05.564 1421 1649 W DevicePolicyManager: Unknown user type:
12-28 08:41:05.564 2797 2797 I _V_LIB-CLog: initVersionInfo
12-28 08:41:05.784 2895 2895 W ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:564): avc: denied
{ sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0
tcontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
12-28 08:41:06.056 2895 2895 W ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:1564): avc: denied {
sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0
tcontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
12-28 08:41:06.252 2895 2895 W ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:2564): avc: denied {
sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0
tcontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
12-28 08:41:06.456 2895 2895 W ps : type=1400 audit(0.0:3564): avc: denied {
sys_ptrace } for capability=19 scontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0
tcontext=u:r:vivo_daemon:s0 tclass=capability permissive=0
12-28 08:41:06.564 638 710 E HWComposer: getSupportedContentTypes:
getSupportedContentTypes failed for display 0: Unsupported (8)
12-28 08:41:06.564 2366 2366 D CellBroadcastServiceManager: serviceWasBound=true
12-28 08:41:07.564 1876 1876 W StatusBarIconView: No icon for slot zen;
Icon(typ=RESOURCE id=0x00000000)
12-28 08:41:08.564 1421 1549 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 88125, curTime = 33421
12-28 08:41:08.564 1421 1549 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
12-28 08:41:08.564 1421 1549 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 84857, curTime = 33422
12-28 08:41:08.564 1421 1549 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
12-28 08:41:09.564 2343 2367 D _V_UpSlideManager: UpSlide|onSystemUIServiceBind
12-28 08:41:09.564 2343 2367 D _V_HomeIndicatorController: UpSlide|disable:
mDisabledFlags= 0, masked= 200000
12-28 08:41:10.564 3402 3402 D _V_VivoPhoneLockManager: getPhoneLockBuffer
12-28 08:41:10.564 2366 3181 D _V_TelephonyProvider: Using old permission
behavior for telephony provider compat
12-28 08:41:11.564 1421 1624 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_https_url value:
pkg:android userId:0
12-28 08:41:11.564 1421 1624 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_http_url value:
pkg:android userId:0
12-28 08:41:12.564 1421 2476 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
12-28 08:41:12.564 1876 2136 D WifiSignalController: notify wifi state =
12-28 08:41:12.564 1421 1644 E ConnectivityService: Exception in
networkAddRouteParcel for gateway: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine is
not on the network (code 64)
12-28 08:41:12.564 1876 1876 D StatusBarSignalPolicy: setWifiIndicators:
entDescription=Wifi disconnected.,No
12-28 08:41:12.564 1876 1876 D StatusBarSignalPolicy:
WifiIconState(resId=17302900, visible=false)
12-28 08:41:12.564 3618 3618 E ndroid.BBKCloc: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-28 08:41:12.564 1 1 W /system/bin/init: type=1107 audit(0.0:4160): uid=0
auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:init:s0 msg='avc: denied { set } for pid=1319 uid=1001 gid=1001 scontext=u:r:rild:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0 tclass=property_service permissive=0'
12-28 08:41:12.905 1421 2476 E DatabaseUtils: at
12-28 08:41:15.006 1421 1919 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@f564fa5
12-28 08:41:16.564 2998 3030 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting:
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 0
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 0
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 32768,
mode 0
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 0
12-28 08:41:17.390 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:17.391 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'screen_state' value: 'off'
12-28 08:41:17.391 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:17.564 1421 1443 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 158002302; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
12-28 08:41:17.564 1421 1765 D _V_InsetsController: VivoDisplayOverlay
onControlsChanged {}
12-28 08:41:17.564 1421 1606 E OpenGLRenderer: Device claims wide gamut support,
cannot find matching config, error = EGL_SUCCESS
12-28 08:41:17.564 1421 1606 W OpenGLRenderer: Failed to initialize 101010-2
format, error = EGL_SUCCESS
12-28 08:41:18.072 1421 1549 E DatabaseUtils: at
12-28 08:41:18.564 1421 2120 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
12-28 08:41:19.564 2366 2366 V PhoneGlobals: carrier config loaded,
evsSwitchConfig false callCanSetEvs = false
12-28 08:41:19.564 2366 2366 V PhoneGlobals: carrier config loaded, update evs
phoneId: 1 turnOn = false
12-28 08:41:20.564 1421 1780 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
12-28 08:41:21.486 494 494 D TlcTeeKeyMaster: find_spare_operation_slot:
allocate op 0x647dd564c3a4b57a to slot #0 (1 ops live)
12-28 08:41:21.495 494 494 D TlcTeeKeyMaster: release_operation_slot: release
op slot #0 (handle 0x647dd564c3a4b57a; 0 ops live)
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
android.intent.action.SET_DDS_NW_FLAG from system pkg
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact$broadcastIntentWithFeature$
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:21.564 1421 1780 E ActivityManager: at
12-28 08:41:25.564 3934 3934 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action: }
12-28 08:41:25.564 3934 3934 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent { dat=chimera-
action: }
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 1
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 1
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 32768,
mode 1
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 1
12-28 08:41:43.640 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:43.641 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'screen_state' value: 'on'
12-28 08:41:43.641 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:47.564 899 937 I SELinux : begin to execute
pathname_orig=/data/data/, uid=10103, flags=16
12-28 08:41:47.711 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:41:47.750 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:41:47.780 564 670 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 1, devices 0x2, index 4, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x2
12-28 08:41:47.780 564 670 D AudioMTKGainController: setSpeakerGain(), gain =
12, spkAnaType = 3
12-28 08:41:47.781 564 670 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
1, device= 2, index= 4
12-28 08:41:47.782 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=1"
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=1"
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=1"
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 W AudioALSAStreamOut: setParameters(), still have
param.size() = 1, remain param = "activeStreamType=1"
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'activeStreamType' value: '1'
12-28 08:41:47.783 564 670 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:47.786 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:47.787 564 670 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: setSSPIdx: 3
12-28 08:41:47.787 564 670 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:47.787 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:47.788 564 670 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'vafx_stereospkr_set_idx' value: '3'
12-28 08:41:47.788 564 670 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:47.793 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: getParameters(), getCustScene =
12-28 08:41:47.794 564 670 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:41:47.812 564 670 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xed43bab8
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 5 ms, totalMuteFrame 5 ms, normalFrame 0 ms
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x6,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> 0x2(policyDevice)
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamOut: write(), flag 0x6,
usePolicyDevice: 1, output_devices: 0x2 -> 0x2(policyDevice)
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +syncSharedOutDevice(),
originDevice/routingSharedOutDevice: 0x2/0x2, mAudioMode: 0
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamOut: open(), flags 6
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamManager: +createPlaybackHandler(),
mAudioMode = 0, output_devices = 0x2, isMixerOut = 0, isBypassAurisys = 0, flag =
6, isIEMsSource = 0, isIEMsOn = 0
12-28 08:41:47.818 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamManager: needEnableVoip(),
output_devices = 0x2, flags: 0x6, mAvailableOutputFlags: 0x1800e, enable: 0
12-28 08:41:47.819 564 4336 D AudioALSADataProcessor: AudioALSADataProcessor()
12-28 08:41:47.819 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:
12-28 08:41:47.828 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:Awinic
dlopen lib success
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init: fail to
get awinc vmax set/get interface.
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init:awinic
already init
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 D [Awinic]
AwinicGetSize:[INFO]getSize Done !
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Get Size success !
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic malloc 40 bytes
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 D [Awinic]
initModule:[INFO]module 0: alloc memory size 55208
12-28 08:41:47.829 564 4336 D [Awinic]
mecLibInitWithPath:[INFO]version: 5.3.2
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D [Awinic]
readParamsFileAndSet:[INFO]file path is /vendor/firmware/awinic_params.bin !
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D [Awinic]
mecLibSetParams:[INFO]set parameter done!
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D [Awinic]
readParamsFileAndSet:[INFO]params size 1152
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D [Awinic]
AwinicInit:[INFO]init Done !
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic Init success
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D [Awinic]
AwinicSetMediaInfo:[INFO] Set Media info Done !
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: Awinic set mediainfo success
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +open(), flag = 6,
source output_devices = 0x2, audio_format = 3, buffer_size = 2048, sample_rate =
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this -> 0xed805d70 Init lib v123
12-28 08:41:47.831 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
12-28 08:41:47.832 564 4336 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
this (0xed805d70) init done 0xebe00010 0xe9820030
12-28 08:41:47.832 564 4336 D AudioALSADeviceParser: compare pcm success = 0,
stringpair = Playback_1
12-28 08:41:47.833 564 4336 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = PLAYBACK1_TO_ADDA_DL descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
12-28 08:41:47.834 564 4336 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = SPK_OUT_DEVICE_CTRL_PRE_PMU
descriptor->DeviceStatusCounte = 0
12-28 08:41:47.836 564 4336 D AudioUtility: chooseTargetSampleRate() hiFiState 0
isDeviceSupportHiFi 0 sampleRate 48000 targetSampleRate 48000
12-28 08:41:47.836 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
transferAudioFormatToPcmFormat(), audio_format(0x4) => pcm_format(0x3)
12-28 08:41:47.836 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open(), flag = 6,
mConfig: channels = 2, sample_rate(target) = 48000, period_size = 256, period_count
= 4, format = 3, avail_min = 256, start_threshold = 1024
12-28 08:41:47.839 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
openPcmDriverWithFlag(), pcm device = 0 flag = 0x8 mPcm = 0xed883200
12-28 08:41:47.839 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
CreateAurisysLibManager, ph type: 0, voip: 0, mAurisysScenario: 1
12-28 08:41:47.839 564 4336 D aurisys_utility: input dev: 0x80000004, fmt = 0x3,
fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 1, ch maks: 0x3, hw_info_mask: 0x0; output
dev: 0x2, fmt = 0x3, fs: 48000, max fs: 48000, ch: 2, max ch: 2, ch maks: 0x3,
hw_info_mask: 0x0; task_scene: 2, audio_mode: 0, stream_type: 1, output_flags: 0x6,
input_source: 0, input_flags: 0x0; network_info: 0, enhancement_feature_mask: 0x0
12-28 08:41:47.839 564 4336 D AudioUtility: setupCustomInfoStr(), custom_info =
"SetAudioCustomScene=;", (scene = , vol_level = -1, bt_codec = -1)
12-28 08:41:47.839 564 4336 D aurisys_utility: lib, working fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3,
frame = 0, b_interleave = 1, num_ul_ref_buf_array = 0, num_dl_ref_buf_array = 0
12-28 08:41:47.839 564 4336 D aurisys_utility: dl in[type:2], ch: 2, ch_mask:
0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3; dl out[type:3], ch: 2,
ch_mask: 0x3, buf fs: 48000, buf content fs: 48000, fmt: 0x3
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D aurisys_config_parser: init_aurisys_lib_api(),
dlopen time(ms): 15.574846, dlsym time(ms): 0.022462
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D aurisys_config_parser: init_aurisys_lib_api(),
lib_name: mtk_bessound lib_version: "1408"
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 W aurisys_config_parser: init_aurisys_lib_api(),
lib_name: mtk_bessound, arsi_get_arsi_version not implement!
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D
get_custom_info_value(), cusom_info = SetAudioCustomScene=;, key=
SetAudioCustomScene, ret = 0, ptr = 0xe94cee68, value_str = , max_value_str_leng =
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam: appOpsGetInstance(), init
AppOps struct, lib is
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [5]/[PlaybackDRC]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [0]/[PlaybackACF]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [6]/[PlaybackDRC]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Ring
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
audioHierarchicalParamEnable [1]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam:
getPlaybackPostProcessParameterFromXML Type/Name [8]/[PlaybackACF]
12-28 08:41:47.855 564 4336 D AudioCompFltCustParam: Load from scene
Scene,Default,Volume type,Music,Profile,Speaker
12-28 08:41:47.856 564 4336 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_parsing_param_file(), gProductInfo
"platform=MT6768,device=1915,model=vivo 1915", file_path "/vendor/etc/audio_param",
enhancement_mode 0, param_buf_size 2528, data_size 2528, custom_info
12-28 08:41:47.856 564 4336 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xed114650, memory_size
72624, arsi_handler 0xeee33450, retval 0x0
12-28 08:41:47.856 564 4336 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_create_handler(), arsi_query_process_unit_bytes, ul 0, dl 2048, retval
12-28 08:41:47.856 564 4336 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL Lib, lib_name
mtk_bessound, 0xed114650, sample_rate: 48000 => 48000, num_channels: 2 => 2,
audio_format: 0x3 => 0x3, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0 => 0
12-28 08:41:47.856 564 4336 D aurisys_lib_manager: DL out, sample_rate: 48000 =>
48000, num_channels: 2 => 2, audio_format: 0x3 => 0x4, interleave: 1 => 1, frame: 0
=> 0
12-28 08:41:47.860 564 4336 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 0 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 8192
12-28 08:41:47.860 564 4336 W _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: initVAFXCtrl
mVAFXSPCtrlHandler[0] Unsupport handler
12-28 08:41:47.860 564 4336 D AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: T 0 F 0x4 Dev 0x2 CM 0xc
CN 2 SR 48000 BS 8192
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 V sbs_log : agc_init
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 V sbs_log : agc_init
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 V sbs_log : agc_set_param
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_init: chn 2, sr
48000, fmt 2, vfx 0xec0c64c0
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 0, sr
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_update_apply: 44k
params invalid, fill bypass
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_params_sync: 3
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+startOutputDevice(), new_devices = 0x2, mOutputDevices = 0x0,
mStartOutputDevicesCount = 0 SampleRate = 48000
12-28 08:41:47.862 564 4336 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
12-28 08:41:47.863 564 4336 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnonSequenceByName() DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounte = 0
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 0, sampleRate = 48000,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 1
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 0, sampleRate = 48000
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D _V_ktv_service: audio_mtk_ktv_set_output: 0x2
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open: set Awinic
audio_format 24_BIT
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D [Awinic]
AwinicSetMediaInfo:[INFO] Set Media info Done !
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -open()
12-28 08:41:47.908 564 4336 D [Awinic]
AwinicChBufferReleaseMemory:[INFO]Release Memory Done
12-28 08:41:47.909 564 4336 D [Awinic]
AwinicChBufferAllocMemory:[INFO]Realloc Memory Done
12-28 08:41:48.219 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:48.219 564 1664 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: setSSPIdx: 0
12-28 08:41:48.219 564 1664 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:48.219 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:48.219 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'vafx_stereospkr_set_idx' value: '0'
12-28 08:41:48.219 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:48.220 564 1664 I AudioALSAStreamOut: updateSourceMetadata(), do
nothing source_metadata = 0xe95cfab8
12-28 08:41:48.564 494 494 D TlcTeeKeyMaster: find_spare_operation_slot:
allocate op 0x6ef2419fae8cbbdb to slot #0 (1 ops live)
12-28 08:41:48.564 2279 2505 E _V_UnionApk.AppUtils: getAppVersionCode exception:
12-28 08:41:49.151 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standby(), flag 6
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: standbyStreamOut(), halRequest
0, mDestroy 0, flag 6
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: close(), flags 6
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: +close(), flag =
6, mDevice = 0x2
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: vafx_earadapt_deinit
ePlaybackHandlerType 0
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D vafxea_wrapper: vafx_earadapt_deinit
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 V sbs_log : agc_end
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 V sbs_log : agc_end
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 I AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: close_audiodsp()
this (0xed805d70) 0xebe00010 0xe9820030
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
+stopOutputDevice(), mOutputDevices = 0x2, mStartOutputDevicesCount = 1
12-28 08:41:49.152 564 1664 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = ext_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
12-28 08:41:49.168 564 1664 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
12-28 08:41:49.169 564 1664 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 0
12-28 08:41:49.169 564 1664 W AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = voice_speaker_output
DeviceStatusCounter < 0
12-28 08:41:49.169 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager:
notifyOutputDeviceStatusChange(), device = 2, status = 1, sampleRate = 0,
mOpenSpeakerPathCount = 0
12-28 08:41:49.169 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamManager: speakerStatusChangeCb(),
status = 1, sampleRate = 0
12-28 08:41:49.169 564 1664 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = SPK_OUT_DEVICE_CTRL_PRE_PMU
descriptor->DeviceStatusCounter = 1
12-28 08:41:49.169 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardwareResourceManager: switchSPKMode:
not in speaker mode, no need to set.
12-28 08:41:49.170 564 1664 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: -closePcmDriver(),
mPcm = 0x0
12-28 08:41:49.170 564 1664 D AudioALSADeviceConfigManager:
ApplyDeviceTurnoffSequenceByName(), DeviceName = PLAYBACK1_TO_ADDA_DL descriptor-
>DeviceStatusCounter = 1
12-28 08:41:49.171 564 1664 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
12-28 08:41:49.171 564 1664 D aurisys_lib_handler:
aurisys_arsi_destroy_handler(), lib_name mtk_bessound, 0xed114650,
arsi_destroy_handler, arsi_handler = 0xeee33450, retval = 0
12-28 08:41:49.171 564 1664 D aurisys_lib_manager: delete_aurisys_lib_manager(),
manager 0xed0cd190
12-28 08:41:49.171 564 1664 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase: closeEncDump()
12-28 08:41:49.171 564 1664 D [Awinic]
AwinicReset:[INFO] Reset Done !
12-28 08:41:49.172 564 1664 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: -close()
12-28 08:41:49.172 564 1664 D [Awinic]
AwinicChBufferReleaseMemory:[INFO]Release Memory Done
12-28 08:41:49.172 564 1664 D [Awinic]
AwinicEnd:[INFO] End Done !
12-28 08:41:49.564 2366 3210 D _V_TelephonyProvider: Using old permission
behavior for telephony provider compat
12-28 08:41:50.064 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:41:50.064 564 1664 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:41:50.065 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:41:50.066 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'VivoVibrate' value: 'stop'
12-28 08:41:50.066 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:41:50.564 1421 1786 W DevicePolicyManager: Unknown user type:
12-28 08:41:50.564 554 554 D Zygote : Forked child process 4720
12-28 08:41:50.906 4394 4481 E DatabaseUtils: at
12-28 08:41:50.920 4394 4481 E DatabaseUtils: at
12-28 08:41:51.564 2999 4640 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
12-28 08:41:51.659 4394 4481 E DatabaseUtils: at
12-28 08:41:52.564 4309 4309 D _V_EM_LOG: 528:copy_video_file_for_engineermode():
12-28 08:41:52.564 4309 4309 E _V_EM_LOG: 123:fbe_copy_file(): copy
/vendor/etc/alen21.mp4 > /data/vendor/engineermode/alen21.mp4 fsize:0
12-28 08:41:52.564 4309 4309 D _V_EM_LOG: 128:fbe_copy_file(): open
/vendor/etc/alen21.mp4 Error:No such file or directory
12-28 08:41:52.564 632 968 D _V_AudioFlinger: acquiring 65 from 2366, for -1
12-28 08:41:52.564 632 968 D _V_AudioFlinger: added new entry for 65
12-28 08:41:54.564 4366 5161 I INV.VIS.Availability: #onReady
12-28 08:41:55.550 1876 1876 D VivoDefaultPanelBg: updateBgViewAlpha alpha =
12-28 08:41:55.564 4437 4437 I _V_FloatingBallManager: FloatingBall|
floatingBallReverseOrderAnimationStart ==> mBallState0
12-28 08:41:57.199 5065 5640 I EventBusThread: (REDACTED) Event Bus thread
starting with TID %d
12-28 08:41:57.208 4963 5641 D PlatformJobService: Run job, request{id=61515,
tag=ScribeFlushJob, transient=false}, waited 07:36:03, start 00:01:00, end 00:01:12
12-28 08:41:57.398 4963 5641 I JobExecutor: Executing request{id=61515,
tag=ScribeFlushJob, transient=false}, context PlatformJobService
12-28 08:41:57.424 4963 5641 D PlatformJobService: Finished job,
request{id=61515, tag=ScribeFlushJob, transient=false} SUCCESS
12-28 08:41:57.564 4420 5010 I _V_Hib_4.5.4.6_HiBoardSettingProvider: hiboard
setting query
12-28 08:41:57.564 4420 5010 I _V_Hib_4.5.4.6_HiBoardSettingProvider: hiboard
setting query
12-28 08:41:58.161 5065 5640 I SearchWidgetFlow:
12-28 08:41:58.316 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.317 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.318 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.318 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.318 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.318 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.325 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.325 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.325 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:41:58.325 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:41:58.325 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:41:58.326 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:41:58.326 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:41:58.331 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.331 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.339 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.339 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.340 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.341 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.383 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.383 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.384 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.384 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.420 5065 5640 I SearchWidgetFlow: (REDACTED)
SearchWidgetWorker:handleIntent(%s) started
12-28 08:41:58.422 5065 5640 I MicroDetectionWorker: (REDACTED) Initializing
MicroDataManager InitializeType-%d, isForced-%b, isActivePhoneEnrollment-%b
12-28 08:41:58.436 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.436 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.436 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.436 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.436 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:41:58.436 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:41:58.456 5065 5640 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
12-28 08:41:58.456 5065 5640 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
12-28 08:41:59.236 5065 5640 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
12-28 08:41:59.408 5065 5564 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10021; state: ENABLED
12-28 08:42:00.170 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:00.170 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:00.170 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:00.170 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:00.170 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:00.170 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:42:00.171 5065 5640 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:00.172 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:00.173 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:00.173 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:00.173 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:00.206 5065 5564 I MicroDetectionState: (REDACTED)
#takeChangeMicroDetectorMode [mIsBargeInEnabled: %b, mCurrentDetectionMode: %s,
isHdmEnabled: %b]
12-28 08:42:00.211 5065 5564 I MicroDetectionState: (REDACTED) Should stop
hotword detection immediately - %b
12-28 08:42:00.491 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1456416KB is enough
12-28 08:42:00.615 5065 5640 W SessionLifecycleManager: (REDACTED) Client : %s
has no associated SessionController
12-28 08:42:00.756 5065 5640 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
12-28 08:42:00.768 5065 5640 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
12-28 08:42:00.780 5065 5640 I A : Trying to enqueue PieTriggeringWorker
12-28 08:42:00.797 5065 5640 I A : Trying to enqueue PieTriggeringWorker
12-28 08:42:00.963 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:42:00.979 564 1664 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:42:00.979 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:42:00.985 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'VivoVibrate' value: 'stop'
12-28 08:42:00.985 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:42:01.132 5065 5640 I SearchWidgetFlow:
12-28 08:42:01.133 5065 5640 I SearchWidgetFlow: (REDACTED)
SearchWidgetWorker:handleIntent(%s) started
12-28 08:42:01.424 5065 5564 I A : (REDACTED) Assistant special experience
changed to %s.
12-28 08:42:02.461 5065 5675 D StrictMode: at
12-28 08:42:02.470 5065 5640 W A : (REDACTED) %s task was not run. Callback
from Service received after client was disposed.
12-28 08:42:02.533 5065 5640 W A : (REDACTED) %s task was not run. Callback
from Service received after client was disposed.
12-28 08:42:02.543 5065 5640 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
12-28 08:42:02.545 5065 5640 I HttpStreamingTapasSearchCon: (REDACTED)
taskGraphFactory: %s#%d
12-28 08:42:02.557 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:02.557 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:02.558 5065 5640 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:02.558 5065 5640 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:02.564 1421 1786 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 108988, curTime = 87421
12-28 08:42:02.564 1421 1786 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
12-28 08:42:03.951 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1443564KB is enough
12-28 08:42:04.564 5851 5964 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished MlockCode in 58ms
12-28 08:42:05.511 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.511 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.511 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.511 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.511 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.511 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:42:05.512 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.518 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.518 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.518 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.518 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.519 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.519 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.520 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.520 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.520 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.520 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.520 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.520 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:42:05.521 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.528 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) hasHotwordEverywhere-%b
12-28 08:42:05.529 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.529 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.529 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.529 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.529 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.529 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:42:05.530 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.531 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.531 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.531 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.531 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.531 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.531 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.538 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.538 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.539 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.539 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.539 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.539 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.540 5065 5647 I MicroModelsUtil: (REDACTED)
#getHotwordModelFromMobstore [mobstoreUri: %s]
12-28 08:42:05.551 5065 5640 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
12-28 08:42:05.560 5065 5647 I HotwordService: (REDACTED) Model ID: %s
12-28 08:42:05.560 5065 5647 I HotwordService: (REDACTED) hotwordModelLocation is
null %b, locale is %s, re-mapped Chinese locale %s
12-28 08:42:05.563 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.564 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.564 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.564 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.564 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.564 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.565 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.565 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.565 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.565 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.565 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.566 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:42:05.566 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.572 5065 5564 I FedAssSettingsBuildTypeHelper: BuildType: Release
12-28 08:42:05.572 5065 5564 I A : (REDACTED)
getFlSettingEnabledWithSettingsToggle: %b
12-28 08:42:05.576 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.576 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.577 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.577 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.577 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.577 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.577 5065 5647 I A : getLocaleToModelSpecsMap
12-28 08:42:05.577 5065 5647 I A : Falling back to proto config with mendel
12-28 08:42:05.580 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.580 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.581 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.581 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Skipping. Expected model: %s
Found: %s
12-28 08:42:05.581 5065 5647 I A : (REDACTED) Adding from config to map.
Locale: %s modelPrefix: %s Location:%s isSpeakerIdSupported: %b
12-28 08:42:05.605 5065 5647 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 10021; state: ENABLED
12-28 08:42:05.660 5065 5640 W SessionLifecycleManager: (REDACTED) Client : %s
has no associated SessionController
12-28 08:42:06.564 6304 6376 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10029; state: ENABLED
12-28 08:42:06.616 3826 3863 E native : E0000 00:00:1672188126.615647 3863] Not a valid Model flatbuffer
12-28 08:42:07.815 5065 5564 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all
Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
12-28 08:42:08.894 2441 5815 D _V_NRMS-NORMAL:
12-28 08:42:08.903 1003 1044 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 0, -0.084711 0.003029 0.165649
12-28 08:42:09.493 5065 5646 I earchbox:searc: oneway function results for code
1599295570 on binder at 0xb400007a96547950 will be dropped but finished with status
12-28 08:42:09.520 5065 5647 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
12-28 08:42:09.564 4687 4687 D _V_AbstractBtDlgCtr: Unable to get current config
index. Current codec Config is null.
12-28 08:42:10.820 3557 3565 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 135820(6150KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(564KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
10MB/20MB, paused 318us,80us total 287.396ms
12-28 08:42:17.789 7467 7675 V _V_BBKTheme-c: get lockshot :
wallpaper_lockscreen_oc; res id : 2130837564
12-28 08:42:18.564 1421 1919 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=5927,
12-28 08:42:20.435 7971 7971 W type=1400 audit(0.0:4564): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=2413
scontext=u:r:platform_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
12-28 08:42:20.668 6808 6819 I m.bbk.launcher: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 16639(1021KB) AllocSpace objects, 59(8564KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
6349KB/12MB, paused 74us,29us total 239.683ms
12-28 08:42:21.564 3223 3233 W System : A resource failed to call close.
12-28 08:42:21.564 3223 3233 W System : A resource failed to call close.
12-28 08:42:22.336 1824 1851 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: A76 check config spilt
time:1672188142336; retry time:180000;lastRefreshTime:1672074577824;
configInterval:460140000; spTime:113564512; versioncode:5050200; modulever:5050200
return false
12-28 08:42:22.338 1824 1851 I _V_VCodeI/ConfigManager: A76 check config spilt
time:1672188142337; retry time:180000;lastRefreshTime:1672074577824;
configInterval:457500000; spTime:113564513; versioncode:5050200; modulever:5050200
return false
12-28 08:42:22.896 2441 2571 I _V_NRMS-NORMAL: Memory status=
=2556484KB BgAppCount = 0 FrozenAppCount=0 expectedNumBgApps=5
12-28 08:42:22.989 1421 4243 E DatabaseUtils: at
12-28 08:42:24.564 6808 6808 E _V_Launcher.FolderPagedViewPresenter:
addFolderEditIcon mFolderEditIcon alpha:1.0
12-28 08:42:28.552 7858 8564 W facebook.katan: Verification of void X.19G.A03()
took 129.432ms (2078.30 bytecodes/s) (6840B approximate peak alloc)
12-28 08:42:28.564 7858 8035 W AppInitScheduler|Run: Finished
INeedInitForBroadcastReceiverRegister in 17ms
12-28 08:42:32.564 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: thrashing: 7% thrashing_limit:
12-28 08:42:32.564 426 426 I lowmemorykiller: due to cratical level, kill
12-28 08:42:32.564 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1519632KB is enough
12-28 08:42:33.564 1421 1592 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: intercept win =
owningPackage=com.bbk.launcher2 attrs{ty=BASE_APPLICATION pfl=NO_MOVE_ANIMATION
12-28 08:42:36.564 575 820 I hwcomposer: [DEV] DispDevice::frameConfig isHBM:0
12-28 08:42:37.008 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1465644KB is enough
12-28 08:42:37.361 8642 8987 D StrictMode: at
12-28 08:42:39.564 1421 1780 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
12-28 08:42:41.060 9158 9178 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=2665ms; Flags=1,
FrameTimelineVsyncId=4817, IntendedVsync=123031187648, Vsync=125297854360,
InputEventId=0, HandleInputStart=125312120314, AnimationStart=125312123161,
PerformTraversalsStart=125312255084, DrawStart=125599057853,
FrameDeadline=123051187648, FrameInterval=125311911391, FrameStartTime=16666667,
SyncQueued=125601622545, SyncStart=125601746545,
IssueDrawCommandsStart=125603134545, SwapBuffers=125648622161,
FrameCompleted=125696967161, DequeueBufferDuration=12462539,
QueueBufferDuration=1721307, GpuCompleted=125683921238,
SwapBuffersCompleted=125696967161, DisplayPresentTime=0,
12-28 08:42:41.564 1421 1442 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
pid:6808,activity:com.bbk.launcher2.Launcher, package:com.bbk.launcher2,
12-28 08:42:41.564 1421 1442 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0
12-28 08:42:41.564 1421 1442 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
12-28 08:42:41.564 589 678 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.bbk.launcher2, act:com.bbk.launcher2.Launcher, state:0, pid:6808,
uid:10136, fps:60
12-28 08:42:42.707 9145 9609 W VivoScanManager: getAdjustedScanMode(), illigal timeDelta=0, startTime=127564
12-28 08:42:46.564 9308 9524 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed:
Operation not permitted
12-28 08:42:48.564 1421 1578 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
12-28 08:42:49.520 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1456408KB is enough
12-28 08:42:49.564 1876 2796 I VivoSilentModeControllerImpl: receive broadcast,
action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
12-28 08:42:49.564 2343 2343 I _V_WhiteListHelper: UpSlide|onReceive >>> action =
12-28 08:42:49.564 1876 2796 I VivoEyeControllerImpl: receive broadcast, action =
12-28 08:42:49.564 1876 2796 D Vivo5GModeControllerImpl: action =
12-28 08:42:49.564 1876 2796 I VivoOfflineModeControllerImpl: receive broadcast,
action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
12-28 08:42:49.564 2343 2343 I _V_SwitcherUpdateMonitor: UpSlide|receive
broadcast, action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
12-28 08:42:49.564 1876 2796 I VivoVibrateModeControllerImpl: receive broadcast,
action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
12-28 08:42:49.564 1876 2796 D VivoBluetoothController: onReceive
12-28 08:42:49.564 2343 2343 I _V_QuickAppConfiguration: UpSlide|checkAppData
mAppOrder =
12-28 08:42:49.564 4437 4437 I _V_FloatingBallUpdateMonitor: FloatingBall|
onReceive >> action = android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED
12-28 08:42:49.564 2343 2343 I _V_QuickAppConfiguration: UpSlide|checkAppData
mShowedAppSpecs = [none,,0,,0,,0,,0,,0]
12-28 08:42:49.564 1421 1439 D CompanionDeviceManagerService:
onPackageModified(packageName =
12-28 08:42:51.564 10462 10462 W SoLoader: context.getApplicationContext returned
null, holding reference to original context.ApplicationSoSource fallbacks to:
12-28 08:42:53.564 9308 9435 W fb4a.MobileConfigFactoryImpl: SESSIONLESS factory
used for SESSIONBASED param
12-28 08:42:59.904 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1180564KB is enough
12-28 08:43:00.947 2441 2571 I _V_NRMS-NORMAL: Memory status=
=2016580KB BgAppCount = 1 FrozenAppCount=0 expectedNumBgApps=5
12-28 08:43:07.564 638 638 I BufferQueueProducer: [StatusBar#0]
(this:0xb40000793b98cfe0,id:-1,api:0,p:-1,c:638) queueBuffer: fps=5.78 dur=1038.27
max=201.37 min=66.81
12-28 08:43:07.769 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1149564KB is enough
12-28 08:43:11.564 1876 1876 D VivoNetworkSpeedView: parseNetworkSpeed unitIndex=
12-28 08:43:11.564 1876 1876 D VivoNetworkSpeedView: setNetworkSpeed
mNetworkSpeedNum = 3.10; mNetworkSpeedUnit = MB/s
12-28 08:43:11.631 1421 2477 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 158354, curTime = 156488
12-28 08:43:12.660 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1256440KB is enough
12-28 08:43:15.360 3557 3565 I .gms.persisten: Background young concurrent
copying GC freed 198162(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 20(592KB) LOS objects, 40% free,
16MB/27MB, paused 544us,11.564ms total 595.662ms
12-28 08:43:15.822 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:43:15.824 564 564 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:43:15.824 564 564 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:43:15.832 564 564 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'VivoVibrate' value: 'stop'
12-28 08:43:15.832 564 564 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:43:22.564 1421 1436 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
12-28 08:43:22.751 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:43:22.817 564 1664 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: getEAEnable: 0
12-28 08:43:22.817 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:43:22.836 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:43:22.836 564 1664 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:43:22.836 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:43:22.837 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'vafxea_set_switch' value: '0'
12-28 08:43:22.837 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:43:22.848 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:43:30.246 12376 13226 D StrictMode: at
12-28 08:43:33.564 1421 4229 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 191575, curTime = 178421
12-28 08:43:33.564 1421 4229 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
12-28 08:43:37.564 13319 14089 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
12-28 08:43:37.564 13319 14089 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
12-28 08:43:37.564 13319 14089 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
12-28 08:43:37.564 13319 14089 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
12-28 08:43:37.564 13319 14089 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/ra
12-28 08:43:38.564 14033 14057 D _V_NightModeController: disable nightmode
12-28 08:43:38.651 426 426 D lowmemorykiller: not kill task for file cache
1318564KB is enough
12-28 08:43:47.757 564 14991 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init: fail to
get awinc vmax set/get interface.
12-28 08:43:55.013 15643 15643 E cr_ModernLinker: blkio cgroup with unexpected
name: '/fg'
12-28 08:43:55.123 15643 15643 E cr_ModernLinker: blkio cgroup with unexpected
name: '/fg'
12-28 08:44:00.564 15948 16060 E _V_V-AppStore.AppStore.AppstoreProvider: delete
12-28 08:44:05.965 15094 16564 E NPTH-TERM: npth-tracee:thread_loop start...
12-28 08:44:05.978 15094 16564 E NPTH-TERM: npth-tracee:thread_loop got flock
success, lockfile
12-28 08:44:05.978 15094 16564 E NPTH-TERM: npth-tracee:thread_loop start wait
12-28 08:44:06.039 16411 16559 E NPTH-TERM: do_attach:TMonitor start flock,
traceepid=15094 traceetid=16564
12-28 08:44:19.346 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1435648
12-28 08:44:19.369 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1435648
12-28 08:44:19.520 17267 17301 W facebook.katan: Verification of java.lang.Object
X.4yv.A00(int, X.11s, java.lang.Object) took 389.999ms (17564.11 bytecodes/s)
(139800B approximate peak alloc)
12-28 08:44:21.005 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 33280 ms
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1527808
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1528832
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1528832
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1529856
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1529856
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1530880
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1530880
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1531904
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1531904
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1532928
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1532928
12-28 08:44:21.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1533952
12-28 08:44:22.287 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1556480
12-28 08:44:22.287 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1556480
12-28 08:44:22.287 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1564672
12-28 08:44:22.287 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 1564672
12-28 08:44:22.564 575 820 I hwcomposer: [DEV] DispDevice::frameConfig isHBM:0
12-28 08:44:24.035 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 36309 ms
12-28 08:44:26.564 575 820 I hwcomposer: [DEV] DispDevice::frameConfig isHBM:0
12-28 08:44:27.064 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 39338 ms
12-28 08:44:29.133 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:44:29.185 564 671 D _V_AudioALSAVAFXManagerV2: getEAEnable: 0
12-28 08:44:29.185 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return
12-28 08:44:29.199 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:44:29.200 564 671 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:44:29.200 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:44:29.207 564 671 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'vafxea_set_switch' value: '0'
12-28 08:44:29.207 564 671 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:44:29.218 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:44:29.240 564 671 D AudioALSAHardware: -getParameters(), return ""
12-28 08:44:30.094 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 42368 ms
12-28 08:44:32.564 577 727 V C2MtkVdec: OutputBufferAllocConfigSetter: old 1 :
new 1
12-28 08:44:32.564 577 727 D C2MtkVdecExt: [0xE6D0229C] ExtIntfImpl:
name=c2.mtk.avc.decoder, kind=1, domain=1, mediaType=video/avc
12-28 08:44:33.123 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 45397 ms
12-28 08:45:27.459 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 99712 ms
12-28 08:45:28.036 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4456448
12-28 08:45:30.355 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4564992
12-28 08:45:30.355 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4564992
12-28 08:45:30.468 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 102698 ms
12-28 08:45:31.959 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4635648
12-28 08:45:31.959 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4635648
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4740096
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4740096
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4740096
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4741120
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4741120
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4742144
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4742144
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4743168
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4743168
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4744192
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4744192
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: setMarkerPosition(23):
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4745216
12-28 08:45:34.564 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 4745216
12-28 08:45:51.524 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 123776 ms
12-28 08:45:57.540 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 0 ms, normalFrame 129792 ms
12-28 08:55:26.385 1876 1876 I FalsingManager: {belief=0.9748436034427511
12-28 08:55:26.564 1876 1876 D SubsidyLock: getSimLockPolicy :0, sysPropSupport 0
12-28 08:55:26.564 1876 1876 D SubsidyLock: getSimLockPolicy :0, sysPropSupport 0
12-28 08:55:26.564 1876 1876 D SubsidyLock: getSimLockPolicy :0, sysPropSupport 0
12-28 08:55:26.755 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
12-28 08:55:26.755 564 1664 D audio_vivo_ozo: effect_ozo_set_parameters: enter:
12-28 08:55:26.755 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 0
12-28 08:55:26.755 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 0
12-28 08:55:26.781 564 1664 D AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: setScreenState(),
flag = 8, rate = 3072, mInterrupt = 0.064000, mode = 0, sample_rate(target) =
48000, buffer_size = 16384, channel = 2, format = 4, reduceInterruptSize = 1024
12-28 08:55:26.782 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 32768,
mode 0
12-28 08:55:26.782 564 1664 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 0
12-28 08:55:26.782 564 1664 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
12-28 08:55:26.783 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: adev_set_parameterserror paremeter : :
ParamsMap=[key: 'screen_state' value: 'off'
12-28 08:55:26.783 564 1664 W BTAudioHw: ]
12-28 08:56:11.564 1421 4228 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
12-28 08:56:14.907 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1621 ms, normalFrame 745514 ms
12-28 08:56:15.719 9158 10691 D AudioTrack: getMarkerPosition():
0xb400007b865d8040, marker = 2075648
12-28 08:56:26.939 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1621 ms, normalFrame 757546 ms
12-28 08:56:32.956 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 1621 ms, normalFrame 763562 ms
12-28 09:31:10.564 492 498 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup0: Permission denied
12-28 09:31:11.180 564 4336 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: aw_init: fail to
get awinc vmax set/get interface.
12-28 09:41:07.801 564 14991 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 8,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 8618 ms, normalFrame 3431424 ms
12-28 09:41:09.564 1421 2131 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
12-28 09:41:09.564 1421 1550 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
12-28 09:41:09.564 1421 1550 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 3634421
12-28 09:41:09.564 1421 1550 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 16830150, curTime = 3634421
12-28 09:41:09.564 1421 1550 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3

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