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Lesson 1

Noting Important
Get information that can
be used in everyday life
1 from news reports,
speeches, informative
talks, panel discussions,
etc. (EN10LC-Ia-11.1).

● learn effective ways of note-taking through

outlining, mapping, charting, and sentence
● become an active listener; and
● increase the amount of information recalled from
Essential Question

Why is it important to note information

while we gather or hear them?
Warm Up

Listen to the passage read by the teacher. Also, take

down notes while listening.
Warm Up

1. What are the important words

you have taken note of?

1. Without looking at the passage

and only focusing on the words
you have taken down, could
you recall the main points of
the paragraph?
Vocabulary Words

note-taking (noun) - the act or

1 process of writing down information
Ally, the secretary, is in charge of the mapping (noun) - creating a
note-taking during the meeting. 3 graphic representation of the
content of the lecture, discussion,
outlining (noun) - illustrating the
2 framework or development of
In creating a slide presentation, it is
recommended to present your
ideas in the text lectures through mapping to allow a
Before writing an entire essay, it is viewer to see the gist at a glance.
helpful if a writer does outlining first
to make sure that all important
areas are included.
Vocabulary Words

retrieval (noun) - the process of

4 getting something back
After the accident, she had difficulty
with the retrieval of her recent

research (noun) - a systematic

5 investigation in a particular field of
Her group conducted a research on
the perceptions of parents on
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It is the act or process of writing down information.

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You cannot pause the lecturer, It is easy to stop and reread
speech, or discussion to go over something if needed.
information you have not fully
When you need to look up When you need to look up
information, you have to make a information, you can do so right
note and look it up later on. away.
You cannot pause or stop the You can read and take down notes at
lecturer, speech, or discussion if you your own pace.
fall behind on taking down notes.
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Various Methods for Note-Taking

● Outlining
This involves illustrating the framework or the
development of ideas in the text.

This method is great for organizing ideas but is not

recommendable if the lecture or listening text is too fast.
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I. Nonverbal Communication in Oral Presentations
A. Facial Expressions
1. Smile.
2. Appear relaxed and friendly.
A. Posture
1. Practice good posture.
2. Don’t lean on a desk or wall.
3. Don’t sit unless it is part of the presentation.
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Various Methods for Note-Taking

● Mapping
This involves creating a graphic representation of the
content of a lecture, discussion, speech, or other texts.

This makes it easy to illustrate the relationship between

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strategies of
the canteen
Product stalls Customer
Promotion relations
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Various Methods for Note-Taking

● Charting
This involves classifying information and noting them
down in several columns.
This would be helpful when the lecture format and ideas
discussed can be classified into several categories.
Once you have made the table and written the headings,
note down information under each category.
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Non-probability Sampling Probability Sampling
Quota Simple random
Purposive Stratified random
Convenience Systematic
Snowball Clustered
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Various Methods for Note-Taking

● Sentence Method
This involves writing every new thought, fact, or detail on a
separate line.

This would allow you to write much information down, but

the connection or relationship between ideas will not be
readily apparent.
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Tips in Note-Taking
● Be an active listener.

● Be selective in noting down information.

● Be as specific and as concrete as possible.

● Be attentive to the speaker’s nonverbal cues.

● Avoid distractions.
Values Integration

Why is it important to become an active listener or to be

in the moment whenever you are communicating with

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Key ideas Shows very little to Shows some Shows an
no understanding of misunderstanding of understanding of the
the text’s key ideas one or two of the text’s text’s key ideas
key ideas
Knowledge of Fails to use any Identifies important Identifies all the
the appropriate ideas or ideas but makes some important ideas and
relationships appropriate incorrect connections shows an
among ideas connections understanding of the
among them

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Ability to Produces notes that Places only a few Constructs
choose an are not accurate concepts in an appropriate and
appropriate appropriate hierarchy or complete notes;
note-taking uses only a few linking places
strategy words; concepts in an
produces notes that are appropriate hierarchy
fairly accurate but with and places linking
several missed details words in all
produces notes that
are accurate and easy
to interpret.
Total Score:

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