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Quiz: Cloze Passage
10 Questions DATE  : 

1. One Sunday afternoon, Mr. Wong and his family _______ in the restaurant.

A was B is

C are D were

2. They went to the restaurant to ___________ Mrs. Wong's birthday.

A celebrate B were celebrating

C celebrated D are celebrating

3. They were having ______ at about 1.00 p.m.

A dinner B breakfast

C lunch

4. Mr. Wong presented a _________ of flowers to his wife, Mrs. Wong.

A set B comb

C flock D bouquet

5. Mei Li and Mei Lan hugged _______ mother

A their B her

C them D she

6. We can find orang-utans living in South-East-Asia. They are larger than monkeys and they
______rust-coloured shaggy fur.

A having B had

C has D have

7. They have rust-coloured shaggy fur ______ their bodies.

A of B by

C at D on

8. Orang-utans ______ on fruits, seeds, young leaves, eggs and insects.

A feed B feeds

C fed D feeding

9. They are ________ as they feed on fruits and insects.

A herbivorous B omnivorous

C carnivorous

10. Orang-utans _______ in tropical rainforests.

A living B lived

C live D lives

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