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Molecular Biology Reports


The first report of RNA U to C or G editing in the mitochondrial NADH

dehydrogenase subunit 5 (Nad5) transcript of wild barley
Ahmed M. Ramadan1,2   · Afnan A. Alnufaei1 · Thana K. Khan1 · Hani M. Ali1 · Hala F. Eissa2,3 · Sabah M. Hassan1,4

Received: 13 April 2021 / Accepted: 29 July 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Background  Nad dehydrogenase complex in mtDNA has a significant role in cellular respiration. One of the largest subunits
in the complex is subunit 5 (Nad5).
Methods and results  Four cDNAs of the Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum nad5 gene have been characterized and sub-
jected to four phases of 0.5 M salinity, at 0 h (control, accession no. MT235236), after 2 h (acc. no. MT235237), after 12 h
(acc. no. MT235238) and after 24 h (acc. no. MT235239). Utilizing raw data from RNA-seq, ten RNA editing sites were
reported. Seven sites have common editing from C to U in positions (C1490, C1859, C1895, C1900, C1901, C1916, C1918).
A rare editing event U to C was detected in two positions (U1650 and U1652) and a novel editing event U to G was for the
first time in positions nad5-U231. The highest editing level was shown in 2 and 12 h after salinity exposure. After 24 h,
these edits were disrupted, possibly due to the launch of the programed cell death mechanism. However, the RNA editing
in positions U1650, U1652 and U231 was fixed at all exposure times.
Conclusions  Although study clarified the role of salinity stress in nad5 RNA editing sites, the main achievements are first
report of U to G RNA editing in plants at position U231 and first report of U to C editing in the nad5 gene at U1650 and

Keywords  RNA editing · Novel type · Nad5 · Wild barley

Introduction widespread form of RNA editing in animals, which by the

translation machinery is interpreted as guanosine (G) of the
RNA editing is considered as a sort of post-transcriptional subsequent RNA, and such a process is attained by deami-
modification, which includes deletions, insertions, and nase activity [1]. Another type of this mechanism, which
nucleotide alterations. RNA splicing, capping and poly- was found in the apolipoprotein-B gene and obtained by the
adenylation are not included [1, 2]. This mechanism was cytidin deaminase (apobec/ACF complex) editosome, is a
discovered for the first time in Trypanosoma mitochondria cytidine-to-uridine (C-to-U) modification [4]. RNA editing
[3]. DNA modification of Adenosine (A) to inosine (I) is the in the plant kingdom is common in plastid and mitochondrial
transcripts, where editing of cytidine to uridine nucleotide is
observed in transcripts and results from the action of nuclear
* Ahmed M. Ramadan pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins [5, 6]. Arabidopsis;
thaliana was reported to have 34 chloroplast sites [7] and
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King 619 in mitochondrial [8]. RNA editing includes non-coding
Abdulaziz University (KAU), PO Box 80141, Jeddah 21589, regions like introns, tRNAs and microRNAs as well as cod-
Saudi Arabia ing sequences [9, 10]. In the coding sequence, most cases of
Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Agricultural Genetic RNA editing with combined biological functions take place
Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), Agriculture in either the first or second position of codons [11]. Many
Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt
factors affect RNA editing, such as developmental stages,
College of Biotechnology, Misr University for Science tissue types, environmental factors, and ecotypes [8, 12].
and Technology (MUST), 6th October City, Egypt
In several studies, RNA editing of terrestrial mitochondrial
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams plant transcripts, including Cytb, NadI, CoxII and CoxIII, has
University, Cairo, Egypt

Molecular Biology Reports

been investigated [13]. RNA editing in the nad5 transcript set to 4 and minimum frequency set to 5%. Later, the RNA
involves cytidine modification to uridines [14]. A reverse editing sites, total read counts and coverage depth were iden-
change was identified in the genes of rps1, nad5, atp1 and tified. The frequency of each conversion site between all
rpl2, which in some ferns alters genomic T to RNA C [15]. salt exposure periods was estimated according to the reads
The initiating enzyme of the transfer electron chain is number for altered nucleotides divided by total reads [21].
Complex I, which includes the NADH dehydrogenase subu-
nit 5 (nad5). The critical role of this subunit is shown in Deduced amino acids analysis of Nad5 gene
the connection between RNA editing in the Nad gene and
tolerance of abiotic stress [14, 16]. Next-generation sequenc- CLC genomic workbench 3.6.5 tool was used for RNA edit-
ing (NGS) offers a speedy and cost-efficient tool for finding ing sites identification by analyzing the genomic nad5 gene
organelle RNA editing sites [8]. In order to reliably RNA and cDNAs of H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum. Also, predict-
editing detection in tissues or low-level editing, NGS tech- ing the changes in secondary and 3D structure proteins has
nology is used to achieve these research objectives. In con- been done by the same program.
trast, NGS and bioinformatics tools have helped scientists in
discovering several new Arabidopsis editing sites [7, 8, 17]. Validation of RNA editing sites
In the current study, RNA-seq data from NGS Illumina
2000 has been used to explore the editing sites of the wild Validation of predicted editing sites from RNA-seq data was
barley nad5 gene as well as the effect of salinity on editing done using the leaves of each salinity treatment (in biologi-
behavior in this gene. cal triplicates) according to Bahieldin et al. [18]. In all sam-
ples, RNA extraction was done by Qiazol (Qiagen, Cat No.
79306). All reactions of cDNA synthesis include 1 μg of
Materials and methods total RNA, and 1 μM poly dT oligonucleotide for each one
(Biolegio, Nijmegen, Netherlands). The system which was
RNA sequencing data applied to achieve the qRT-PCR reaction was the Mx3005P
qPCR system (Stratagene) according to [22] using primers
The RNA-seq data of Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum designed by PRIMER 3 (Koressaar et al. 2018) (Table 1).
leaves was collected from the NCBI. All samples in this For normalization purpose, α‐tubulin gene was used [23].

%RNA editing = 2(Ct mean of T variant−Ct mean of C variant)∕{2(Ct mean of T variant−Ct mean of C variant) + 1} × 100

Validation of T sites (position 231, 1650 and 1859)

data were subjected to 500 mM NaCl as a salinity treatment on DNA levels
for different periods of exposure. The data was used as a
control (SRR1028012 and SRR1028011), for a 2-h expo- To trust the editing sites of the previous DNA sequence of
sure (SRR1055527, SRR1049592 and SRR1049587), 12-h nad5 [20] specially in U editing sites, DNA is ectracted from
exposure (SRR1049626, SRR1049609 and SRR1049570), wild barley leaves using DNeasy Plant Pro Kit and regular
and a 24-h exposure (SRR1049655, SRR1049648 and PCR is done using REDTaq® ReadyMix™ PCR with for-
SRR1049643) [18]. ward primers (including edited and original nucleotide) for
positions 231, 1650 and 1859 (Table 1), and reverse (AAA​
Analysis of RNA editing ACCG ​ GCT ​ ACG
​ GAA ​ CTA ​ CC) for position 231, (GGAA ​ TT​
GGC​CCA​AAA​ATT​GG) for position 1650 and (GCT​CGT​
CLC Genomic Workbench 3.6.5 (CLC Bio, Qiagen, Den- TGG​AAT​TGA​TCC​GC) for position 1859. PCR conditions
mark) was used for the determination of RNA editing sites were denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min, 35 cycles of 94 °C/
as modified by Ishii et al. [19]. Mapping parameters were min, 60 °C/30 s and 72 °C for /min, and 72 °C for 5 min.
changed for the purpose of the elimination of undesirable
reads, with a similarity of 0.98 and a length fraction of 0.98. Statistical analysis
Mitochondrial reads of the nad5 gene of Hordeum vulgare
subsp. spontaneum were mapped (Accession no. AP017300) The analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was used for ana-
as the template [20]. The lowest fraction of similarity was lyzing data by SPSS program. Using Tukey’s HSD, several
80%, while the lowest length of the fraction read was 50%. comparisons were made [24].
The framework of nucleotide editing is a 5% low-frequency
variant, with minimum coverage set to 20, minimum count

Molecular Biology Reports

Table 1  Primers were designed Position F 5′ → 3′ R 5′ → 3′

as two forward specific primers
with different 3′ end (original 231 ATG​CTT​CTT​GGG​GCT​TCT​TG GTA​AAA​ATG​GAT​AAA​TAA​CACA​
and substitute nucleotide) and
one reverse primer site except
for positions 1916 and 1918, 1490 CAA​TTT​TTG​GGC​CAA​TTC​CCT GTA​CTA​GTT​TGA​AAG​GCT​C
two specific reverse and one CAA​TTT​TTG​GGC​CAA​TTC​CCC​

Results and discussion Conserved domain analysis

Identification of wild barley Nad5 CDS At the protein level, the current impact of RNA editing on
the function of NADH subunit 5 (nad 5) Domain analysis
Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum genomic and cDNA and CDD accession number CL0425 (Fig. S2) must be
for the nad5 gene were recovered for control (acc. no. measured.
MT235236), after 2 h (acc. no. MT235237), after 12 h (acc.
no. MT235238) and after 24  h (acc. no. MT235239) of Secondary and 3D structure of Nad5 protein
salt stress. To identify nad5 gene transcripts, 105,526,154
pair-end RNA reads were used at 0  h (control), while Secondary structure protein revealed changes in quantity and
159,631,812 for 2 h, 161,793,598 for 12 h and 159,631,812 length of alpha helix and beta sheets (Fig. S3). However, no
for 24 h. Nad5 gene (acc. no. AP017300) reference was used changes were observed in 3D structure (Fig. 4).
for mapping nad5 transcripts.
Nad5 gene editing validation
RNA editing and amino acid modifications To confirm editing sites and clarity on the value of the RNA-
seq tool in characterization, the editing sites were validated
Through comparing the nad5 genomic sequence and the
by RT-qPCR. Nad5 editing positions (U231, U1650, U1652,
sequence of the four treatments cDNA (Fig. S1), C to U
C1490, C1859, C1895, C1900, C1901, C1916, and C1918)
editing was shown in seven sites (C1490, C1859, C1895,
were quantified and measured at four exposure intervals
C1900, C1901, C1916, C1918), two U to C (U1650 and
(Fig. 2). Also, positions (U231, U1650, U1652) were con-
U1652) and one U to G (U231). All of them are conserved
firmed on DNA level using original and edited nucleoide
through 2- and 12-h treatments. However, RNA editing
in 3′ end to ensure that the nucleotides are correct on DNA
was significantly recorded in the control in just three sites
level as well as published sequence [20] (Fig. 3).
(U1650, U1652 and U231) and in four sites with 24-h treat-
ment (C1490, U1650, U1652 and U231). The editing ratio
is salinity and exposure time dependent (Fig. 1, Table 2).
Moreover, two editing sites in the same codon were found
(C1900 and C1901).

Molecular Biology Reports

120 control 2H 12H 24H

** **
100 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
RNA eding %



(L) , U231 (T) C1490 (T) U1650 UCU(S) UUU (F) (L) C1895 (L) C1900, UUU (F) (L) C1918
U1652 C1859 1901 C1916
Codon cha nge & nucleode

Fig. 1  Differential and efficiency of nad5 RNA editing, compar- (T) Threonine, (S) Serine, (L) Leucine. Data are expressed as means
ing with control, using reads derived from total RNA-seq. (C or U) with ± SD (black bars) of three biological replicates. **Indicate sig-
nucleotide position, (F) Phenylalanine, (W) Tryptophan, (P) Proline, nificant difference between treatments P < 0.01

Discussion nad5-231on DNA level by PCR (Fig. 3). This phenomenon

was reported here for the first time in plants. This editing
RNA editing process was discovered in the majority of type raises several questions, the most important of which
organisms, mainly in mitochondria [5, 8] and chloroplasts are how uracil is chemically converted into guanine and
[7, 25]. This process has a significant role in the expres- what the enzymes are involved in this process. Also, when
sion of functional proteins. The connection between abiotic comparing nad5-U231 with most plants nad5 (Fig. S4), we
stress and RNA editing has been reported in many stud- observed that this site is G231 in all plants except H. vul-
ies [8, 16]. Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase) subunits, gare and Triticum aestivum. This indicates that this type of
including nad5 subunit, are involved in electron transport RNA editing may aim to restore the conserved protein, in
chain in mitochondria. Disruption in RNA editing of com- other words, this indicates that RNA editing in U231 came
plex I subunits increases the concentrations of free oxygen as a result of evolution to correct a mutation that may have
(ROS), which contributes to increased sensitivity to drought occurred in the past. Furthermore, the fixed ratio of U231 as
stress in Arabidopsis [16]. Depending on the species, RNA well as U1650 and U1652 across all exposure time indicates
editing that occurs in the nad5 gene may differ, with 31 the vital function of this editing in this gene.
editing sites in Arabidopsis, 44 sites in onion plant, 30 in The second observation is the first report of RNA edit-
Cucumber, 33 in wild carrot, 33 in Soybean, and 29 in sun- ing from U to C in the nad5 gene. This type of editing was
flower [11]. Before studying RNA editing by bioinformatics reported before in coxI and cob genes [27] but not reported
tools, we should exclude any effect of heteroplasmy [26] in nad5. In the third observation, two editing sites are
on nucleotide change, which may confuse the RNA editing involved in one codon (C1900 and C1901), but many reports
analysis (Table. 2). In the current study, 10 RNA editing have previously investigated this phenomenon [11, 28, 29].
sites were reported (nucleotide nos. C1490, C1859, C1895, Still, there is no amino acid modification, even though RNA
C1900, C1901, C1916, C1918, U231, U1650 and U1652) editing occurs in U1650 (threonine). However, this observa-
in Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum. All editing sites tion was examined in previous studies [11, 28], and there
were found in different ratios (except for U231, U1650 and was no explanation for why RNA editing is vital in plants
U1652) between all four exposure times with high frequency devoid of any amino acid modification. However, it is sug-
(Fig. 1 and Table 2). All editing sites were validated with gested that under stress, the tRNA becomes incapable of
real-time PCR (Fig. 2). supplying an additional amount of the amino acid from this
Several observations were reported in the current study. codon. So, as an instant act, the cell must alter some sites
Unexpectedly, the U to G editing type in position U231 was by editing to call additional tRNA to deliver more of a par-
observed at all exposure time at the same ratio. To exclude ticular amino acid [30].
any sequencing errors, we reconfirmed T nucleotide in

Molecular Biology Reports

Table 2  Nad5 editing events using reads derived from total RNA-seq. as well as DNA- seq (to exclude heteroplasmy)
Position Codon Heteroplasmy Control 2H 12 h 24 h
Total Edited  ~ % Edit- Total Edited  ~ % Edit- Total Edited  ~ % Edit- Total Edited  ~ % Edit- Total Edited  ~ % Edit-
coverage cover- ing coverage coverage ing coverage coverage ing coverage coverage ing coverage coverage ing

U231 UUU (F)- 200 0 0 425 425 1900-04- 326 326 100 230 230 100 253 253 100
UGG(W) 09
C1490 CCC (P)- 250 0 0 500 165 33 321 321 100 213 213 100 293 266 91
U1650 ACU (T)- 233 0 0 460 322 70 425 227 70 290 203 70 265 159 60
U1652 UUU (F)- 213 0 0 523 366 70 450 450 100 300 210 70 267 160 60
C1859 UCU (S)- 210 0 0 486 0 0 466 450 100 258 258 100 284 85 30
C1895 UCA (S)- 200 0 0 635 0 0 411 411 100 262 262 100 259 0 0
1900 CCA (P)- 260 0 0 526 0 0 361 361 100 265 265 100 321 0 0
C1901 CCA (P)- 260 0 0 525 0 0 301 301 100 267 267 100 315 0 0
C1916 UCU (S)- 235 0 0 592 0 0 305 305 100 283 283 100 295 0 0
C1918 CGU (R)- 235 0 0 498 0 0 354 354 100 291 291 100 264 0 0

Molecular Biology Reports

control 2H 12H 24H
** ** **
** ** ** ** ** ** **



U231 C1490 U1650 U1652 C1859 C1895 C1900, C1916 C1918

Fig. 2  qRT-PCR Confirmation of H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum salinity exposure, 24 h after salinity exposure). Data are expressed as
editing sites predicted by CLC genomic workbench in different four means with ± SD (black bars) of three biological replicates. **Indi-
times of salinity stress (control, 2 h after salinity exposure, 12 h after cate significant difference between treatments P < 0.01

Fig. 3  PCR analysis for nad5 M 1 2 3 4 5 6

DNA in positions 231, 1650
and 1652. (M) 100 bp ladder
bioron™. (1, 4) nad5-1650
using original and alternate
nucleotide in 3′ forward
primers, respectively. (2, 5)
nad5-1652 using original
and alternate nucleotide in 3′
forward primers, respectively.
(3, 6) nad5-231 using original
and alternate nucleotide in 3′
forward primers, respective

200 bp

Two unusual phenomena were observed here. Changes in Most of the editing sites ratio has risen after 2 and 12 h
quantity and length of alpha sheets and beta helix of protein after salinity exposure (Table 2). A rise in RNA editing is
secondary structure depend on RNA editing (Fig. 4) without known to be essential for plant potency with acclimation
any significant effect on the 3D structure of protein, although needs to environmental stress [31]. This truth confirms our
the change in 3D structure depends on RNA editing and was outcomes and indicates that RNA editing has a significant
reported [30]. say in respiration performance in the cell to provide plants
These findings differ from the majority of studies which with sufficient molecules of ATP to deal with salt stress.
reported the high editing site frequency in the nad5 gene However, the downfall in RNA editing frequency after 24 h
under normal conditions, like in Arabidopsis, Allium cepa, of salt exposure indicates that the plant has lost tolerance
Cucumis sativus, and Helianthus annus [11]. This obser- due to the extreme salinity and may initiate programmed cell
vation indicates that some wild cereal plants have unusual death. Many studies in plants have supported this assump-
respiratory needs in comparison to cultured plants, which tion [32–36], yeasts [37] and algae [38].
signifies their productivity and shows most energy is gen-
erated to cope with the stress induced by the environment
more than by any other traits.

Molecular Biology Reports

Fig. 4  Predicted 3D nad5 protein at different time salt exposure as well as non-edited protein. Non-edited protein (a), control (b), 2 h after salt
exposure (c), 12 h after salt exposure (d), 24 h after salt exposure (e)

Conclusion Data availability  All data generated or analyzed during this study is
included in this published article [and its supplementary information
Two achievements occurred in this study, the first report of
U to G RNA editing in plants at position U231, which needs
more study to know what the enzymes are involved in this
type of editing. Also, the first report of U to C editing in the Conflict of interest  The authors declare that they have no competing
nad5 gene at two positions, U1650 and U1652. The study interests.
clarified that salinity stress alters nad5 RNA editing sites
Informed consent  All the authors have consent for publication.
significantly. Salinity exposure for 2 and 12 h showed the
maximum editing. But these edits were interrupted after 24 h Research involving human and/or animal participants  This article does
possibly due to the start of programmed cell death. not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed
by the authors.
Supplementary Information  The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 11033-0​ 21-0​ 6609-1. References
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