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1. I Salma Khatoon____________(Father/ Mother/ Guardian) of ______________Mohd

Sakib__________ (student’s name) Class _____11th____ Sec___D__ Sr No

__________4833____ willingly permit my ward to attend school in physical world wef 16

Aug 2021 as per schedule given.

2. My ward will follow COVID – 19 safety norms listed below, as directed by MHA order

dated 29 Aug 2020:-

(a) Wearing a face mask in public places, school premises and while travelling

from home to school and back.

(a) He/ she will maintain social distancing of 6 ft on all occasions.

(b) He/ she will not spit or litter in public places.

3. School will NOT be held responsible in case my ward tests positive for COVID – 19.

Parent’s Signature _______ _____________

Date _______11/08/2021__________________

Name _____Mohd Sakib___________________

Contact No ___8756637099______________________

Email id

Address Subhani Khera, Telibagh, Lucknow

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