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(S/Y 2020-2021):

I. Intruduction

As the pandemic goes on government implemented the distance

learning in students. The students can choose from online learning or modular

modality, modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online

Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. (Quinones, 2020)

Modular learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the

Philippines These days, there is a move toward modular approach to

curriculum implementation. The approach has drawn a special attention in

most nations’ education system particularly in technical and vocational

education and higher education according to (Malik, 2012). Modular learning

modality tends to give the students a module materials provided by teacher

and have the lessons in order to avoid confusion and make self study an

easier way approach for students. This is implemented because of the

ongoing pandemic, as most countries around the world have temporarily

closed educational institutions to contain the spread of the virus and reduce

infections (Tria, 2020).

II. Background

As the COVID-19 protocol force the compulsory work and study from

home, self learning become's a decision for students who are taking modular

learning modality. Self study needs time and effort to overcome challenges in

learning the module material, especially that there is no teacher to provide

explanation to some difficult words or lessons that the face to face learning

provides. In furthermore self learning provides a whole new experience for the

students who are in modular learning modality the new normal learners faces

problems in learning the lessons that module materials provide. It creates

problems on how to understand the lessons and no physical and social

interaction with the teachers that could provide explanations and help for the

students who is facing the same problems. The distance learning also creates

problems in teachers who are making grades on how to evaluate the learners

in there learning modalities. Distance learning is the learning method

implemented by DepEd during the pandemic health and safety protocols that

there will be no face to face class.

A. Respondents

Frequency Percentage

Academic Track 5 25%

General Academic Strand (GAS) 5 25%

Accountancy And Business Management (ABM) 5 25%

Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) 5 25%

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track 5 25%

Total 20 100%
III. Proposed Alternatives or Options to solve the problems encountered

Main purpose:

To present strategies in self learning from modules materials of distance

learning in new normal setting for the school year 2020-2021.


To strategize the self learning of students who are in modular


To strategize modular learning of students, there should be:

1. Time management

2. Close communication among students, parents and teacher.

3. Guidance from subject teacher

4. Use of social media platform

5. Motivation to learn
IV. Proposed Solutions

The following are the guides to overcome the challenges that students who

are in modular learning modality faces when self studying in new normal setting

(S/Y 2020-2021).

1. Breakdown the work into smaller pieces, its not a marathon until the end of

the semester not a sprint. Gives a chance to relax after the first part of the module

and then continue again with your homework the next day. In terms of mental health

take it one day at a time. Give a reward after the finish the first module like watching

television or socialize with friends or family through chat. Make a day for relaxing or

do anything.

2. Maintain your relationship with your family and always be transparent when

you have a problem in your self learning or self study. Your family can give you

motivation to overcome those challenges you are facing and sometimes help you

to understand the lessons if one of your family members are knowledgeable in the


3. Always free to ask your teacher if there is challenges on understanding the

lessons in the module materials provided. Sending an email is a practical good way

to reach to your teacher when needing help when a lessons is confusing or unclear.

This means a great opportunity to learn directly from the teacher and will have the

advantage to learn furthermore from the lessons. Ask them politely through
email,chat or even phone calls surely this will help to overcome those problems

understanding the lessons.

4. Learn to use the internet as a study tool, many teachers now are in the

internet starting an educational channel or website to help students understand there

learning materials to communicate with other students who are facing this challenges

In the distance learning.

5. Keeping away stress and anxiety makes everything successful in everyway

keeping relax when studying have benefits in different ways, also it can gives a focus

mind when self studying or self learning. While learning after or immediately after

stressful times reduce the chances of understanding the lessons, because stress

disrupts memory retrieval and updating and affects the learning process.

6. Always ready to learn, challenge the brain and become more eager for

knowledge. This means always makes a room for learning. Try to be curious, like

children who always ask questions and search answers filling there minds, there

minds are always active. The mental exercise caused by curiosity makes the mind

ready for learning. This makes self study more exciting and enjoyable.

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