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Christine Joy A. Roquero EP13


Topics: 1. Global and Global Teacher Competencies

Learning Tasks

Activity 1:

(For an offline mode) Answer the 5 Brain Teaser items below and post your answer on Class Facebook Page/Messenger Group

1. All the twelve months have 28 days

2. The answer is 9 sheep
3. Jimmy is the name of the fourth child
4. The wouldn't bury the survivors because they are still alive and are lucky to survive on the plane crash
5. Simply by just stop imagining


1. I am not sure maybe yes

2. I analyze the text, use logic and process the question
3. If no, I just answered the brain teaser without fully understand it.
4. Critical thinking, logic and great comprehension skills.

Activity 2

Through the numerous aspects of the human development, global education is a mental development program that
aims to enhance global human development based on an awareness of global issues we face today by the help of
global educators who imparts knowledge among learners.


A global teacher is committed to helping students build their global citizenship and professional knowledge and
abilities. To keep them aware of what's happening around the world and help them know their rights, produce
important skills and be an instrument aiming for the betterment of the world


I feel this helped know that as a teacher I should not just be focused on explaining its meaning but to include
examples that can be connected about global issues to spread awareness and let learners adapt to this changing
and diverse world.
I think this topic is a must for all teachers the reason is that it is important to be globally aware and educated about
certain global phenomena to transfer knowledge among learners effectively.
1. Responsible
2. Concern
3. Confident
4. Responsible
5. Reflective
1. A confident teacher motivates his/her students to become the best version of themselves. A confident teacher would
have a positive impact on his or her students' achievement, attitude, affective and even socio-emotional growth.
2. A responsible teacher is to act independently or on one's own accord and to be accountable for one's own actions.
3. A reflective teacher is able to self-analyze, identify their own strengths, weaknesses, objectives and threats, as well as
good time-management skills, organisation, patience, self-acceptance, and the well for, and implementation of, self-
improvement of self and teaching practices.
4. The 21st century skills that I need to possess are critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

Application: Now that you have a clear knowledge of the lesson, find out how you can apply it to your future profession.

I think like a teacher must be flexible and adoptive with 21 st century skills in order to be an effective teacher with the participation of
students so that they will able to more deeper understanding about the world.

I feel that teachers must posses all these 21 st century skills and qualities in order to impart knowledge among students effectively that will
lead them to be great citizens in our country.
Work on two tasks.

1. Individual task. Checklist of some 21st Century Skills. Assess your proficiency level by checking the appropriate
column and indicate how you will develop the skills you are not proficient in yet.

21st century skills PROFICIENT NON- STRATEGY

1. Critical thinking  Practice playing logic games
2. Creativity 
3. Collaboration and teamwork 
4. Communication 
5. Information literacy  Engage more on researching information online.
6. Media literacy 
7. Technology literacy  Practice using technology
8. Flexibility and adaptability 
9. Leadership 
10. Initiative 
11. Productivity  Make use of time efficiently and create schedule
12. Social skills 
13. Research skills 
14. Perseverance 
15. Civic, ethical, and social-justice 
16. Global awareness and 
17. Scientific literacy  Read more about science
18. Economic and financial literacy  Watch videos that talks about economy and finance
19. Environmental and conservation 
20. Health and wellness literacy 
Lesson 3


Strands Competency Indicators for Beginning
1.1 Content knowledge and its application within and across Demonstrate content knowledge and its
curriculum areas application within and/or across curriculum
teaching areas.
1.2 Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and Demonstrate an understanding of
learning research-based knowledge and principles
of teaching and learning.
1.3 Positive use of ICT Show skills in the positive use of ICT to
facilitate the teaching and learning
1.4 Strategies for promoting literacy Demonstrate knowledge of teaching
strategies that promote literacy and
numeracy skills.
1.5 Strategies of developing critical and creative thinking, as well Apply teaching strategies that develop
as other higher order thinking skills critical and creative thinking, and/or other
higher-order thinking skills.
1.6 Mother tongue, Filipino, and English in teaching and learning Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English
to facilitate teaching and learning
1.7 Classroom communication strategies Demonstrate an understanding of the
range of verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies that support
learner understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement.
Strands Competency Indicators for Beginning
2.1 Learner safety and security Demonstrate knowledge of policies,
guidelines and procedures that provide
safe and secure learning environments.

2.2 Fair learning environment Demonstrate understanding of learning

environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning
2.3 Management of classroom structure and activities Demonstrate knowledge of managing
classroom structure that engages
learners, individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities within the available
physical learning environments
2.4 Support for learner participation Demonstrate understanding of supportive
learning environments that nurture and
inspire learner participation.
2.5 Promotion of purposive learning Demonstrate knowledge of learning
environments that motivate learners to
work productively by assuming
responsibility for their own learning.
2.6 Management of learner environment Demonstrate knowledge of positive and
non-violent discipline in the management
of learner behavior.


Strands Competency Indicators for
Beginning Teachers
3.1 Learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests, and experiences Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of differentiated
teaching to suit the learners' gender,
needs, strengths, interests and
3.2 Learner’s linguistics, cultural, socio-economic, and religious Implement teaching strategies that are
backgrounds responsive to the learners' linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic and religious
3.3 Learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents. Use strategies responsive to learners
with disabilities, giftedness and talents.
3.4 Learners difficult circumstances Demonstrate understanding of the
special educational needs of learners
in difficult circumstances, including:
geographic isolation; chronic illness;
displacement due to armed conflict,
urban resettlement or disasters; child
abuse and child labor practices
3.5 Learners form indigenous groups Demonstrate knowledge of teaching
strategies that are inclusive of learners
from indigenous groups.
Strands Competency Indicators for
Beginning Teachers
4.1 Planning and management of teaching and learning process Prepare developmentally sequenced
teaching and learning process to meet
curriculum requirements.
4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies Identify learning outcomes that are
aligned with learning competencies.
4.3 Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs Demonstrate knowledge in the
implementation of relevant and
responsive learning programs.
4.4 Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practices Seek advice concerning strategies
that can enrich teaching practice.
4.5 Teaching and learning resources including ICT Show skills in the selection,
development and use of a variety of
teaching and learning resources,
including ICT, to address learning
Strands Competency Indicators for
Beginning Teachers
5.1 Design, selection, organization, and utilization of assessment Demonstrate knowledge of the design,
strategies selection, organization and use of
diagnostic, formative and summative
assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring
achievement and evaluation of learner progress and
achievement using learner attainment
5.3 Feedback to improve learning Demonstrate knowledge of providing
timely, accurate and constructive
feedback to improve learner
5.4 Communication of learner needs, progress, and achievement Demonstrate familiarity with a range of
to key stakeholders strategies for communicating learner
needs, progress and achievement.
5.5 Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning Demonstrate an understanding of the
practices and progress role of assessment data as feedback in
teaching and learning practices and
Strands Competency Indicators for
Beginning Teachers
6.1 Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to Demonstrate an understanding of
community contexts knowledge of learning environments
that are responsive to community
6.2 Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the Seek advice concerning strategies
educative process that build relationships with
parents/guardians and the wider
6.3 Professional ethics Demonstrate awareness of existing
laws and regulations that apply to the
teaching profession, and become
familiar with the responsibilities
specified in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.
6.4 School policies and procedures Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of school policies and
procedures to foster harmonious
relationship with the wider school
Strands Competency Indicators for
Beginning Teachers
7.1 Philosophy of teaching Articulate a personal philosophy of
teaching that is learner-centered.
7.2 Dignity of teaching as a profession Demonstrate behaviors that uphold
the dignity of teaching as a profession
by exhibiting qualities such as caring
attitude, respect and integrity
7.3 Professional link with colleagues Seek opportunities to establish
professional links with colleagues
7.4 Professional reflections and learning to improve practice Demonstrate an understanding of
how professional reflection and
7.5 Professional development goals Demonstrate motivation to realize
professional development goals
based on the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers.

Analysis: Look at your completed table and answer the following questions.
1.Have you mastered the competencies for beginning teachers? If not, how would you master the
I will master the competencies
2.Would you stop studying/learning after graduation from college? Explain your answer.
I will
3.Why is continuing professional development important?
Continuing professional development is important because Is it necessary for you to make a Personal
Career Development Plan (PCDP)? Explain your answer.
A personal career development plan

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