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Encapsulation: means putting different things together under a

common roof.

2. Abstraction: Hiding the complexity from user.

3. Inheritance: Inherit the properties of one class into another class.

They are of 5 types:

a) Single

b) Multiple

c) Multilevel

d) Hierarchal

e) Hybrid

4. Polymorphism: In it a single name is used for multiple tasks.

Eg: (+) operator is used for addition as well

as for concatenation.

5. Class: It is a real world entity. It is collection of objects of similar


Eg: Student

6. Object: These are the instances, attributes of the class.

Eg: Roll no. , Class, section is the

objects of class STUDENT.
7. Token: Smallest individual unit is called token.

8. Type Casting: To change the data type of one variable to another data

9. Constructor: It is used to initialize the variables in the class. The

constructor name and the class name are the same. In it we don’t have
to call the function. The function is automatically called when the
object is created. They are of three types:

a) Default const.

b) Parameterized const.

c) Copy const.

10.Destructor: It frees up the memory space that are occupied by the

constructor for initialize the variables.

11.Method Overloading: Two or more functions defined in a class having

same name but different no. of parameters.

12. Constructor Overloading: Two or more constructors defined in a class

having same name but different no. of parameters.

13.Recursion: A method which call itself again and again.

14.Super Keyword: Super is a keyword that is used to execute the super
class constructor from the sub class.

15.Array: It is used to store the data of same type in contiguous memory


16.Pointer: It is a variable that holds the address of a data item or


17.Array of pointer: It is a collection of addresses.

18. String: It is collection of characters.

19.Structure: It is a method of grouping data of different data types.

20.Copy constructor: It is used to declare and initialize an object from

another object.

All the Best ☺

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