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D g tal Collect ons  CUA  The book of the H myar tes : fragments of a h therto unknown Syr ac work. (Lund : C.W.K. Gleerup, 1924);

The book of the H myar tes : fragments of a h therto unknown Syr ac work. (Lund : C.W.K. Gleerup, 1924); ...
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Object Descr pt on

Ed tor Moberg, Axel, b. 1872, ed.

Contr butors Serg us, B shop of Rusafa, 6th cent.

T tle The book of the H myar tes : fragments of a h therto unknown Syr ac work. (Lund : C.W.K. Gleerup, 1924);

T tle of Item The book of the H myar tes : fragments of a h therto unknown Syr ac work;

Un form T tle Book of the H myar tes. Engl sh & Syr ac;

Alternat ve T tle Syr ac t tle: M n ketaba d'Em raya;

Descr pt on "Poss bly ... wr tten by Serg os (or Georg os) [b shop] of Rusafa".--p. lxv ; "The Book of the H myar tes and ts relat on to other narrat ves on the Abyss n an-H myar t c struggles [the Letter of
S meon of Beth Arsham and the Acta S Arethae]": p. xx v-xlv ; Includes b bl ograph cal references; Reproduced from a copy at The Cathol c Un vers ty of Amer ca;

Ed t on Electron c reproduct on;

Publ sher Or g nal Lund : C.W.K. Gleerup

Date Or g nal 1924

Date Or g nal Search 1924

Publ sher D g tal Br gham Young Un vers ty; The Cathol c Un vers ty of Amer ca

Date D g tal 2004-07-21

Phys cal Descr pt on clxx , 61 p. : ll. ; 26 cm

C tat on Acta Reg ae Soc etat s Human orum L tterarum Lundens s ; 7

Hold ng Inst tut on The Cathol c Un vers ty of Amer ca

Subject Chr st an martyrs--Arab an Pen nsula--Early works to 1800

S meon, B shop of Beth Arsham, 6th cent.
Arethas, Sa nt, martyr, 6th cent
Eth op a--H story--Sources

Genre Syr ac l terature

Syr ac l terature--Translat ons nto Engl sh

Category Hag ography

Language Engl sh; eng; en; Syr ac; syr; sy;

Collect on Syr ac Reference L brary; Eastern Chr st an Research L brary

System Requ rements Internet connect v ty. World w de web browser. Adobe Acrobat reader

Patron Usage Instuct ons http://l ght/cua.php

Copyr ghts Status/Owner Copyr ght 2005, Br gham Young Un vers ty. All r ghts reserved.

Type Text

Format mage/pdf

Source The Cathol c Un vers ty of Amer ca

L nk to Catalog Record http://catalog.l n/ckey-search/a3481450

SIRSI ID a3481450

Call Number CUA 90

CUA Call Number 275.55 H658

F le Name CUA00090

Convers on spec f cat ons Zeutschel OS 10000 TT; Omn scan v. 10.0; attr butes: pdf

Item Descr pt on

T tle T tle Page

T tle of Item page P0003_T

Ed t on Electron c reproduct on;

Date D g tal 2006-08-30

Phys cal Descr pt on T tle Page

Hold ng Inst tut on The Cathol c Un vers ty of Amer ca

Language Engl sh; eng; en; Syr ac; syr; sy

Collect on Syr ac Reference L brary

System Requ rements Internet connect v ty. World w de web browser. Adobe Acrobat reader

Patron Usage Instuct ons http://l ght/cua.php

Copyr ghts Status/Owner Copyr ght 2005, Br gham Young Un vers ty. All r ghts reserved.

Format mage/pdf

F le S ze 254.641 KB

F le Name CUA00090_P0003_T.pdf

Convers on spec f cat ons Zeutschel OS 10000 TT; Omn scan v. 10.0; attr butes: pdf

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