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A Practical File of Introduction to Programming Language Using C ‘Submitted To : Submitted By : Dr. Neetu Anand ‘Name : Akshat Manchanda Enrollment No : 00914902020 EM-—I: BCA -I Shift MAHARAJA SURAJMAL INSTITUTE Ddinexun ff ‘SrNo. | Objective [ Signature 1. [A characteris enlered through Keyboard, WAP to determine whether the character is entered capital, small, digit or special character. 2__[ WAP to find the largest of 3 nos, using conditional operators 3._[ WAP to check whether a entered year is leap year or no 4 [ WAP 10 calculate the Armstrong nos, bw 1 and 500, 3._[WAP to determine ifa no is prime of not 6. | WAP to find diameter, circumference and area oFa circle using Tunctions 7. 5 WAP to find max and min element of array 8. [Alive digit no. is taken input from user, write a program to reverse hat number and find sum of the digit ofits digit too 9, | WAP to print the following patter, “ “1 “55555. “A ” 12 4446 AB ” 123 333 ABC seve 13422 ABCD werews 19345" ABCDE” 10, | PROG. TO PRINT SUM OF THE SERIES-“I-1201/3-1/4,_...n" terms, 1, | PROG. TO FIND THE SUM OF SERIES-"X-X°9/3}1X°S/S1-X“T/TH#X99L a “ems 12, WAP to do Linear Search, Binary search, Bubble Sort, Seleotion Sort using menu driven, program by using functions TS WAP to printable of any no- entered by the user 14, | Wap io check whether the input characteris a vowel or not using switch case 15. | WAP to inser and delete an element to and from array at specified position 16, | WAP to print fist 20 nos. of fibonacci series 17_| WAP to find the sum and product of 2 matrix using Tunction( user defined) 18, | WAP to find the LCM and GCF of 2 entered numbers 19,| WAP 10 swap 2 names using aay of pointers 20. [ WAP to check if'a given word is a palindrome or nol 21, | WAP 1o find a no of words ina string 22, | WAP to reverse a string, concatenate two strings, length of @ Nring, copy one sling to other using a user defined function and menu driven program, 73, | Ina company an employee is paid as under: If is basi salary is less than Rs. 1500, then HRA = 10% of basie salary and DA = 90% of basic salary If his salary is either equal to or above Rs. 1500, then HRA = Rs. 500 and DA 98% of basie salary. 24, | WAP to find the sum ofthe elements of array using pointers 25. [WAP to check whether a given number is perfect number or not 26, [ WAP to calculate factorial of a number using recursion 27. [Write a program in C to swap elements using call by reference 238 ‘Write a program in C to store n elements in an array and print the elements using pointer 29. | Write a program in C to find the largest element in an array using Dynamic Memory Allocation(malloc() and free() functions). 30.[ Write a program in C to print a string in reverse using a pointer. 31. | Write a program in C to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string using a pointer. 32, | WAP to read and print employee details ike Employee ID, EName, salary using structures 33. | Create a structure item (char item name{10] int ay. float pricefloat total amt) . Enter details regarding items. Create a pointer variable *pitem of a structure item and access the clements or members of a structure using pointer variable by using -> operator. 34, | Create a structure student (charname[10},int marks(3],int total and float percentage). Enter the marks of 5 students in 3 subjects and calculate the percentage (Hint-Use the concept of array of structure) 35, | Create a structure Distance (int feet and float inch). Take two distances as input from wser and add them (inch and feet separately). Display total distance in feets and inches. 36, | Create a union union Data {_ int i,float fichar st[20]}, WAP to show how to access and print members of union and also print the maximum memory occupied by union members 37. | WAP to add two numbers with the help of command line arguments 38, | Write a program in C to create and store information in a text file(asing fprintf and fscant functions) 39, | Write a program in C to create and store information in a binary file(using fread and fwrite functions) 40, | Write a program in Cto create and store information in a data file(using gete and pute functions) 41, | Write a program in C10 ereate and store information in a data file(using fgets and fputs functions) ra) Write a program in Cfo create and store information in a data fle(using getw and putw functions) B WAP in C to show the fimetionality of fSeek function. Write @ program in C to count a number of words and characters ina file. a5. Waite a program in C to merge two files and write tin a new file 6, WAP in Co show the functionality of Rell Q/and rewind) functions of file handling, a WAP in C that takes the file name as an input from user, create a file “data” to store integer ‘numbers from | to 10. Create two more files “even” and “odd” , read the contents of “data” and check whether the number is even and odd and copied the same in to“ even” and “odd’ file a WAP in C to show the use of alloc() function # WAP TO SHOW THE USE OF FOLLOWING DIRE INC TIVES #IF, FELSE AND #ENDIF 30. WAP TO SHOW THE USE OF STRINGIZE (#) AND TOKEN PASTING (##) OPERATOR INC. 1.A character is entered through keyboard, WAP to determine whether the character is entered capital, small, digit or special character. OUTPUT 1)Enter a Character A Ais an Uppercase Alphabet 2)Enter @ Character bh his an lowercase Alphabet 3)Enter a Character 2 2 is a Number 4)Enter a Character @ is a Special Character 2.WAP to find the largest of 3 nos. using conditional operators. Sea: OUTPUT Enter three different numbers: $ 67 7.00 is the largest number, 3.WAP to check whether a entered year is leap year or not. OUTPUT Enter a year: 1996 1996 is a leap year. 4.WAP to calculate the Armstrong nos. b/w 1 and 500. coe OUTPUT Lis a Armstrong number 3 is a Armstrong number 370 is a Armstrong number 371 is a Armstrong number 407 is a Armstrong number 5.WAP to determine if a no. is prime or not. 1)Enter a positive integer: 3 39 is not a prime number. 2)Enter a positive integer: 29 29 isa prime number. 6.WAP to find diameter, circumference and area of a circle using functions Erect Pewee) eee eens find Diameter ( arc f OUTPUT Please Enter the radius of a cele : 7 7.WAP to find max and min element of array OUTPUT Enter elements in the array: 23 31 24 54 65 132 17 5 420 786 132 Ml ‘Maximum clement Minimum element = 8. A five digit no. is taken input from user, write a program to reverse that number and find sum of the digit of its digit too. OUTPUT Enter a five-digit number: 23456 Reverse of no, is 65432 Sum of the digits of 23456 is: 20 9.WAP to print the following patterns. oe “4 “55555. “A * 12 4444 AB ae 123 333 ABC eee 1234 22 ABCD seas 12345” y ‘ABCDE” OUTPUT Enter number of rows = 5 OUTPUT Enter number of rows= 1 2 123 1234 12345 OUTPUT Enter number of rows= § 55555 4444 f OUTPUT Enter number of rows= 5 A AB ABC ‘ABCD ABCDE 10.PROG. TO PRIN SUM OF THE SERIES-“1-1/2+1/3-1/4.. OUTPUT Enter the number of terms to print series 1 - 1/24 1/3 - 1/44 1/5 .. Un terms: 5 V1-12+ 13-445 Sum of Series upto 5 terms : 0.783333, 11.PROG. TO FIND THE SUM OF SERIES-“X-X‘3/3!+X‘*5/5!-X“7/7!+X‘9/91....0 “terms. OUTPUT Input the value of x :2 Input number of terms : 5 ‘The values of the series: 2 8 32 -128 512 ‘The sum = 410 12.WAP to do Linear Search, Binary search, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort using menu driven program by using functions. SORT emETeS TES OUTPUT Enter no, of elements u want to sort : $ Enter 1 Element : 13, Enter 2 Element : 4 Enter 3 Element : 16 Enter 4 Element :3 Enter $ Element : 21 Please select any option Given Below for Sorting 1. Bubble Sort 2. Selection Sort 3. Insertion Sort 4, Display Array. 5. Exit the Program. Enter your Choice : 4 13.416 3 21 1. Bubble Sort 2. Selection Sort 3. Insertion Sort 4. Display Array, 5. Exit the Program. Enter your Choice : 1 ‘After Bubble sort Elements are: 3 4 13 16 21 Bubble Sort Selection Sort insertion Sort Display Array. Exit the Program, 1 4, Enter your Choice : 2 ‘After Selection sort Elements are: 34 13 16 21 1. Bubble Sort 2. Selection Sort 3. Insertion Sort 4, Display Array, 5. Exit the Program. Enter your Choice : 3 ‘After Insertion sort Elements are; 3 4 13 16 21 1. Bubble Sort 2. Selection Sort 3. Insertion Sort, 4, Display Array. 5. Exit the Program, Enter your Choice : 5 13.WAP to print table of any no, entered by the user. OUTPUT Enter an integer: 4 4e1=4 49228 4e3=12 494-16 4*5=20 4°6=24 497-28 498232 499=36 4° 10-40 14.Wap to check whether the input character is a vowel or not using switch case. ears Sorted gD OUTPUT 1)Enter any alphabet: Vowel 2)Enter any alphabet: £ ‘Consonant 15.WAP to insert and delete an element to and from array at specified position OUTPUT Delete an element at desired position from an array Input the size of array : 8 Input 8 elements in the array in ascending order clement -0: 4 clement - 1:12 element -2: 16 clement -3 :32 clement -4: 40 element - 5: 56 clement - 6:72 clement -7: 108 Input the position where to delete: 4 ‘The new listis: 4 12 16 40 56 72 108 16.WAP to print first 20 nos. of fibonacci seric ain() Panett OUTPUT Fibonacci + 610, 9 17.WAP to find the sum and product of 2 matrix using function( user defined)\ Stent Sa Seta peers cere era see eee estisauas esc este ae Stuiee malt (i) (3) i- 1 i OUTPUT Enter rows and column for first matrix: 3 3 Enter rows and column for second matrix: 3 3 Enter elements of matrix 1 Enter elements al: 1 Enter elements a12: 2 Enter elements a13: 3 Enter elements a21: 2 Enter elements a22: 3 Enter elements a23: 4 Enter elements a3]: 3 Enter elements 032: 4 Enter elements a33: 5 Enter elements of matrix 2: Enter elements 611: 5 Enter elements 612: Enter elements b13: Enter elements 62 Enter elements 622: Enter elements b23: Enter elements 631 Enter elements 32: Enter elements b33: 1 ‘Output Matrix 22 16 10 34.25 16 46 34:22 18.WAP to find the LCM and GCF of 2 entered numbers. OUTPUT Enter two integers 48296 Greatest common divisor of 48 and 296 = & Least common multiple of 48 and 296 = 1776 20.WAP to check if a given word is a palindrome or not. OUTPUT 1)Enter a string:Akshat ‘Akshat is not a palindrome 2)Enter a string: ATGTA, ATGTA is a palindrome 21.WAP to find a no of words in a string. sued OUTPUT Enter the string: ‘Akshat is awesome and he is the best guy. ‘Number of words in given string are: 9 22.WAP to reverse a string, concatenate two strings, length of a string, copy one string to other using a user defined function and menu driven program, emer eerie Seen area OUTPUT 1)Enter any option 1: Find out length of the string 2: Concatenate of the two string 3: Reverse of the string 4: Copy of the string Enter the choices] Enter any string Awesome? ‘The length of the string & 2)Enter any option 1: Find out length of the string 2: Coneatenate of the two string, 3: Reverse of the string, 4: Copy of the string Enter the choice:2 String Concatenation Enter the First string: ATG Enter Second string GTA, The Concatenated string is ATGGTA 3)Enter any option 1: Find out length of the string 2: Concatenate of the two string 3: Reverse of the string 4: Copy of the string Enter the choice:3 Reverse the string Enter the string Eggis sigeE. 4)Enter any option 1: Find out length of the string 2: Coneatenate of the two string, 3: Reverse of the string, 4: Copy of the string Enter the choice:4 String copying Enter Ist string :Awesome Enter 2st string ‘Hero Hero 23.In a company an employee is paid as under: If his basic salary is less than Rs. 1500, then HRA = 10% of basic salary and DA = 90% of basic salary. If his salary is either equal to or above Rs. 1500, then HRA = Rs. 500 and DA = 98% of basic salary. OUTPUT 1)Enter basic salary:1000 You Entered Basic Salary ~ 1000.00 HRA = 100,00 DA= 900.00 Gross salary = Rs. 2000.00 2)Enter basic salary:3000 ‘You Entered Basic Salary ~ 3000.00 HRA = 500,00 DA = 2940.00 oss salary = Rs. 6440,00 24.WAP to find the sum of the elements of array using pointers OUTPUT Sum of array elements is:28 25.WAP to check whether a given number is perfect number or not. OUTPUT 1)Enter a number : 153 153 is not a Perfect Number 2)Enter a number : 6 6 is not a Perfect Number 26.WAP to calculate factorial of a number using recursion. reer multiplyNumber OUTPUT Enter a positive integer: 7 Factorial of 7 = 5040 27.Write a program in C to swap elements using call by reference. OUTPUT Enter a, b and c respectively: 4 8 12 Value before swapping: a4 b=8 en 12 ‘Value after swapping: a=12 bea ok 28.Write a program in C to store n elements in an array and print the elements using pointer. OUTPUT Enter the number of elements(<=30): 10 Enter clements: 2.6 10 12 16 22 28 34 4050 ‘You entered: 6 10 12 16 2 28 34 40 50 29.Write a program in C to find the largest element in an array using Dynamic Memory Allocation(malloc() and free() functions). OUTPUT Enter the total number of elements: 8 Enter numberl: -12.4 Enter number2: -8.7 Enter number3: 9.2 Enter number: Enter numberS: -9.2 Enter number6: 17.5 Enter number: 23.9 Enter number8: 4.1 Largest number = 23,90 30.Write a program in C to print a string in reverse using a pointer. OUTPUT ENTER A STRING: Captain Awesome THE REVERSE OF THE STRING IS: emosewA niatpaC 31.Write a program in C to count the number of vowels and consonants in a string using a pointer. OUTPUT Enter any string: User: Akshat Number of Vowels in String: 4 Number of Consonants in String: 7 32.WAP to read and print employee details like Employee ID, EName, salary using structures OUTPUT Enter details Name ?:Akshat 17-4021 Salary ?:800000 Entered detail is:Name: Akshat Id: 4021 Salary: 800000,000000 33.Create a structure item (char item_name[10],int qty,float price,float total_amt) . Enter details regarding items. Create a pointer variable *pitem of a structure item and access the elements or members of a structure using pointer variable by using > operator. poe estos seeToRe OUTPUT Enter product name: Asus Laptop Enter price: 60000 Enter quantity: S Name: Asus Laptop Price: 60000,000000 Quantity: 5 Total Amount: 300000.000000 34.Create a structure student (charname{10],int marks[3],,int total and float percentage). Enter the marks of 5 students in 3 subjects and calculate the percentage (Hint:Use the concept of array of structure). OUTPUT Enter information of students: For roll number: 8 Enter first name: Alen Enter marks: 94 For roll number: 9 Enter first name: Anant Enter marks: 82 For roll number: 10 Enter first name: Akshat Enter marks: 98.6 For roll number "1 Enter first name: Joel Enter marks: 88 For roll number: 12 Enter first name: Vishrut Enter marks: 99.8 Displaying Information: 1)Roll number: 8 First name; Alen Marks: 94.0 2)Roll number: 9 First name: Anant Marks: 82.0 3)Roll number: 10 First name: Akshat Marks: 98.6 4)Roll number: 11 First name: Joel Marks: 88.0 5)Roll number: 12 First name: Vishrut Marks: 99.8 35.Create a structure Distance (int feet and float inch). Take two distances as input from user and add them (inch and feet separately). Display total distance in feets and inches. OUTPUT Enter Ist distance Enter feet: 5 Enter inch: 8 Enter 2nd distance Enter feet: 6 Enter inch: 2 Sum of distances ~ 11'-10.0" 38.Write a program in C to create and store information in a text file(using fprintf and fscanf functions) OUTPUT Enter the id 4331 Enter the name Akshat Enter the salary 900000 Name= Akshat Salary= 9000.00 39.Write a program in C to create and store information in a binary file(using fread and fwrite functions) 40.Write a program in C to create and store information in a data file(using gete and pute functions) sy — erica Peete 41.Write a program in C to create and store information in a data file(using fgets and {puts functions) 42.Write a program in C to create and store information in a data file(using getw and putw functions) Pa Pee Pecrucrc ry 45.Write a program in C to merge two files and write it in a new file. fnamel) acta 47.WAP in C that takes the file name as an input from user, create a file “data” to store integer numbers from 1 to 10. Create two more files “even” and “odd” , read the contents of “data” and check whether the number is even and odd and copied the same in to “ even” and “odd” file. eos] Sees) OUTPUT Enter number of elements: 4 Enter elements of array: 2 4.6 8 Sum=20 49.WAP TO SHOW THE USE OF FOLLOWING DIRECTIVES #IF, #ELSE AND #ENDIF IN C 50.WAP TO SHOW THE USE OF STRINGIZE (#) AND TOKEN P/ OPERATOR IN C. OUTPUT This is a string without double quotes 2050

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