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good afternoon teacher, my name is Franco, in this task I will tell the legend of

Huascaran and Huandoy

Legend has it that there was a peaceful and hard-working tribe that adjoined others
similar to it. It all started when a very badly wounded soldier arrived with a
commission for the great chief, the soldier said that some warriors had sacked his
town, killing and raping without mercy. He also said that these warriors were heading
towards this tribe, and that they would prepare to receive them.

Then the great chief of the tribe ordered his best warriors to go in search of the chief
of the warriors and ask him for peace. Thus, days later, the soldiers returned with
Huáscar, the most recognized warrior of the invading tribe, who brought a message of
non-aggression. Upon receiving the news of the young warrior, the great chief was so
delighted that he ordered that he be given the best treatment. Everything was going
perfect until one day a beautiful girl appeared, playing in a water well. The warrior
was surprised and asked his name, then he discovered that it was Huandy, daughter of
the great chief himself. But the worst thing for Huáscar was not that he had looked at
her or that she was the chief's daughter, but that she had looked at him too, blushing
and smiling. After that they talked, fell in love and agreed to meet on the river bank,
when the night was at its peak.

My name is Jefferson and I will continue the story

That night they swore never to abandon themselves and decided to flee because his
father would not allow him to marry someone who is not from the tribe, but they did
not get very far, because the great chief was already aware of the events and let them
escape and then catch them on the road and show them your true fury there. When he
caught them he tied them to sticks placed in strategic places, from where one could
watch the other suffer to death. A dying Huáscar thought that his people, upon
arriving and seeing him like this, would save him.

But his tribe did nothing, and on the contrary, praised the determination of the great
chief. Already without illusions, seeing how his beloved died, seeing that only a
stream separated him from her, he then vowed to take revenge one day on those who
did not allow them to be happy. They both cried, from the maiden's tears the
Chinanchocha lake was formed, and from those of Huáscar, the Orconcocha lake. It
was the last breath.

Finally, seeing so much love, the sun god took pity on them and supported Huáscar's
revenge. Rain, thunder, lightning and hail was what sent the tribes in question, and it
was so much and for so long that it covered the corpses, thus turning them into the
snow-capped Huascarán by Huáscar and Huandoy by Huandy.

Members: Franco Paredes Marocho y Jefferson Serrano Berrospi

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