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Jefferson Franco

Jefferson: Hi, Franco. How was your weekend?

Franco: oh, Hi Jefferson. Great thanks.
Jefferson: did you buy the new video game console?
Franco not yet, I will continue playing with the old versions PlayStation two and three
Jefferson: Really?, well, I don't think it's very important anyway or can you do other
things besides play?
Franco: Of course, you can surf the internet, plays blu ray and also has a good cooling
system. it is my favorite technological device, and what is yours?
Jefferson: My favorite technological device is the laptop. I have two at home, one is
mine and the other is owned by my brother.
Franco: I see, is it different from a computer? I only know that it is portable,
Jefferson: it's obviously different, the sound is bad, and it doesn't have a big fan
Franco: all you said are bad things, the price is not good either?
Jefferson: it is cheaper than a full computer and much lighter. it's easier to use
Franco: You are right, the more technological the device is, it has more improvements
Jefferson: you talk about your video game consoles right, what are the differences that
both PlayStation have? I imagine you must have several
Franco: first of all the PlayStation two is smaller than the PlayStation three, but the
PlayStation two is much cheaper and PlayStation three is faster reading discs
Jefferson: it has many differences. I suppose that the console that you still do not buy
must have a similar difference with the previous version
Franco: you're not wrong, I just need to add that the graphics are better
Jefferson: anyway, you should keep saving money to buy it, as it is expensive
Franco: It's true. when I have it I'll invite you to play some video games.
Jefferson: well, I have to go home now
Franco: Ok take care, bye

Franco Paredes Marocho
Jefferson Serrano Berrospi

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