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Nama : Tina Fepriyanti

NIM : K7620091
Angkatan : 2020

1. What are the facts?

Facts differ from opinions in fairly important ways, though people tend often to confuse
the two. Properly understood, facts are the direct results of rational thought and/or scientific
processes and are capable of withstanding intense, intelligent scrutiny.
2. What can you guess about the facts you don’t know?
Ice pops were invented by an 11-year-old by accident
In 1905, an 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson left soda powder and water outside
overnight with its wooden stirrer still in the cup. The mixture had frozen in the chilly
nighttime weather, and so the Epsicle was born. He sold the treat around his neighborhood
and a nearby amusement park and even patented the recipe. Years later, he changed the
name to Popsicle because that’s what his kids called their pop’s concoction.
3. What do the facts mean?
fact has two components: one that makes a point about what is the case (the earth is a
sphere) and another that makes a point about what we can prove (we can prove the earth is
a sphere). Philosophers would call the first a point in metaphysics and the second a point in
4. What does the problem look like through the eyes of the people involved?
The problem according to the people involved is something that cannot be solved so that it
becomes a burden for the person concerned, besides that the problem is a situation where a
person does not find a way out to solve or face difficult things according to the person
5. What will happen if you choose one thing rather than another?
If I choose one thing over another, i have no other choice or option so it is less varied, in
terms of problem solving also if i only choose one input or one option i will lose the
opportunity or other options that could be better and more effective
6. What do your feelings tell you?
I feel wonderful today God is blessing me and I have a peace and joy cause I can say
something that I've been holding into for so long and that makes me relieved. then my
friend visited me today so that makes me feel even more blessed.
7. What will you think of yourself if you decide one thing or another?
Usually what I think when I decide one thing or another is to focus on the point of the
problem I am facing then look for other options that are considered to be able to solve the
problem, the problem can be from my point of view. and from that point of view I can
decide which method is better and more solutions in solving the problem
8. Can you explain and justify your decision to others?
I can explain and justify the decision that I choose to others just a little, the first thing I say
is to explain the problem in terms of the background of the problem then explain several
options in solving the problem by giving plus and minus of each choice then I will give a
choice which one is good to take to be the final decision. Besides that, to be more
convincing, I explain in more detail the choices or decisions I made by providing examples
or concrete evidence.

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