Quis 4 - Samuel Kelvin - Am5b Malam - BHS Inggris

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Name : Samuel Kelvin

NIM : 4112011041
Class : AM 5B NIGHT
Please watch this video and kindly please read the questions as follows then answer
1. Based on the video, why is describing the table more difficult than graphs?
Why is it harder to describe a table than a graph?
Answer : Because they are less obvious visually and make it difficult for us to see
important data clearly.

2. As you can find on the video, can you identify the significant data shown on the table?
Answer :
- in both Australia and Hong Kong, the same percentage of people donate money to
- China has a much lower percentage of its population giving money to charity than
Australia or Hong Kong.
- The percentage of people spending their time with an organization in Australia is
almost ten times higher than in China and almost ten times higher than in Hong Kong.

3. Complete the statement “Presenting data using table sometimes can be difficult because
Answer :

Presenting data using table sometimes can be difficult because the data is formatted in
tables, it can be difficult to compare measured factors. This can make it difficult for our
audience to understand what we`re talking about, as these charts are visually less
obvious, and the important data is hard for your audience to see clearly.
4. After watching the video, what data shows comparison?
Answer :
on that video , we can see there is 7 country which is be the comparison. 2 value be the
subject in comparison is first, % of the population giving money to charity and the second
is % of the population who have volunteered time for an organization.

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