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Name: John Lloyd P.

De Vera
Subject: CAED 500C – 2257

Let’s Check
Act. 1

Eagle is one of the most beautiful flying species on Earth. The things that the eagle
and I are similar is when it comes to welcoming challenges and how they adopt to
the sudden changes. This kind of bird influences me since eagles fly alone with their
own kind and in life, we should associate ourselves with people who can help us to
grow. We shouldn’t waste our time dealing with negative people. The flaws here is
that we all have weaknesses even for an eagle, but the thing here is that just like an
eagle I also don’t give up that easily no matter what size the obstacle is.
Let’s Check
Act. 2

Role Model #1:

Family: Mother
a. Beneficial Characteristics and Traits
Just like all the mother in this world my mom is a strong and supportive
mother. My mother raised us by her own since we were kids and with
proper guidance, we became an adult with proper personality.
b. Short-comings and Setbacks
Since, we were raised by our mother alone I can feel how helpless she is
that time, that all the chores in the household she has to do it by herself.
We all have short-comings and being helpless was not her priority since
she was able to raise us with dignity.
Role Model #2:
Friend: Peter
a. Beneficial Characteristics and Traits
This friend is one of the kindest and empathetic friends I know and
knowing him will make you do what he’s doing. It’s like he’s kind of
manifesting around him.
b. Short-comings and Setbacks
The only flaw here is he’s very shy when he’s not with his friends and we
share the same trait since I’m also like that, but the thing here is that we
can still share our ideas or opinions if it’s really needed or if someone
wants to hear from us.
Role Model #3:
Public Figure: Keanu Reeves
a. Beneficial Characteristics and Traits
I think Keanu is the most humble, kind and fantastic celebrity I know. His
charm and unique gesture make me want to be like him too. The thing that
I learned from him is how he was never satisfied and keeps on learning
and that I think has so much impact in my life.
b. Short-comings and Setbacks
The thing here is that I can’t think of any shortcomings that he has, if
there’s any, but what’s important here that I realized is that be a good
person that even the slightest flaw of you wouldn’t matter to them.

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