Hira STR Assessment

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Hira Sugar

Visual Structural
Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Table of contents

1. Introduction 1
2. Hira Sugar factory - Information 1
3. Visual Inspection Findings 3
4. Concerns of workers 7
5. Conclusion 7
6. Recommendation 8
7. Appendix A A1-A4
8. Appendix B B1-B9
Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

1. Introduction :

A preliminary survey was carried out at Hira Sugar Factory on 4 th December 2012 under Indiana
Sucro-tech (pune) Pvt. Ltd. objective of the visit was
- Increasing the capacity of factory from 8000 TCD to 12000 TCD.
- To assess the overall structural integrity.

This report shall deal with the structural stability issues of the factory.

2. Hira Sugar factory :

Hira Sugar Factory started it’s operations in June 1961. Currently it has capacity of 8000 TCD and
a power plant of 52 MW. The factory can be roughly divided into 4 units as in
- Milling Section
- Clarification Section
- Boiler Section
- Power Plant Section

The visual inspection exercise was carried out in clarification and Boiler section only. Table 1
gives a brief idea about the type and material of structural elements.

Table No. 1

S. NO. Element Material Type

1. Purlins Structural Steel Channels
2. Truss Structural Steel Fink Type truss
Single/double angles back to back.
3. Columns Structural steel / UCR filling I sections, Double channels face to
4. Beams Structural Steel Channels, I Section
5. Slab Chequered Plates / Concrete Chequered plates used with
Slab concrete slab exception at few
6. Crane Structural Steel NA
7. Girts Structural Steel Channels

8. Footing RCC NA

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

3. Visual Inspection Findings :

3.1 Roof Supporting System :

As detailed in the table, the roof supporting system is a typical purlins and fink truss
arrangement. Since this was only a visual screening assignment with no prior data or
drawings made available, no comments can be made on under design of structure.

However the absence of sag rods have resulted in purlin sagging at few locations as seen in

Fig . 1

Many cases of truss over loading have been observed. Such extra loadings have induced
plastic deformations in the truss elements. Such over loadings should be totally avoided.
This may result in connection failure and in turn sudden collapse of the localized structure.

Fig. 2

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

The connections where the truss rests on the bracket are improper. This may be a fabrication error or
due to some structural movements. Such defects in the structure shall be addressed as early as possible
as it adds to structural dis stress and may result in plastic failure as seen in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

3.2 The Floor Supporting System :

The chequered plates have been completely rusted and are not at all fit for use. Such sheets
shall be immediately replaced by the management. Following pictures indicate the sorry
state of the deck sheets.

Fig. 5

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Fig. 6

Most of the beams supporting the floors are damaged and are of no use in the structural system. There
is no instance of local collapse just because of load redistribution. All such beams shall be replaced as
per detailed retrofit scheme to avoid major structural calamity in near future.

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

3.3 Columns :

Even few columns which are in contact with hot water are damaged to the extent that they
can collapse at any moment. The webs have been completely eroded at the grade slab level.
The gusset plate supporting these columns have same sorry state.

The worn out web at grade slab level.

Fig. 11

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Since the inspection was only of visual type no comment can be made on foundation
condition. But looking at the columns and the reason being the left over acidic water, the
possibility of damaged footings cannot be ruled out.

Fig. 12

3.4 Girts & Lintels :

The secondary structural components such as girts and lintels are also in a very damaged
state and may result in catastrophic failure.

Specially the lintels, since the UCR masonry is directly resting on them. Timely action is a
must to avoid any kind of failure in future.

Fig. 13

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Fig. 14

4. Concerns of Workers :

The Sugar Factory workers expressed concerns about the structural integrity and specially the
deck sheets where they work for more than 8 hours a day.

According to few workers they have even carried out strengthening activity of the decks & truss
and at their level.

5. Conclusion :

An overall conclusion of the preliminary visual inspection of the Hira Sugar Factory can be drawn
in the knowledge of the conclusions from the individual study elements –

- Roof Support System : Overloading is the major cause of damage for the trusses. A separate
structural systems shall be provided where ever the machines needs to be lifted for what so
ever reasons. As the structural design carried out is more than 50 years old, the design
needs to be checked for the modern codal provisions. Though the plastic deformation of
the truss elements shows the quality of the weld, the weld porosity and hair line cracks
needs to be checked for.

- Floor Support System : The deck sheets are completely damaged and needs to be
changed/replaced at war footing level. The damaged beams supporting the floor needs a
planned retrofit strategy. Over all the floor support system needs a quick management
attention and decision. A detailed structural audit followed by retrofit and related
maintenance work is a must as early as possible.

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

- Columns : All but few columns needs immediate retrofit to continue to support the factory
structure. Even a single failure may invite major collapse.

Overall we can conclude that the major cause of worry is the rusting in structural elements.
Most of the elements have become useless and needs a total replacement. Hence a detailed
and well planned structural audit is required along with the connection tests and material
quality checking quickly followed by the proposed retrofit strategy.

For now most part of structure is not fit for any kind of operations.

6. Recommendations :

The scope of work undertaken in preliminary visual inspection has provided an update on the
general condition of the Steel structure of Sugar Factory to the extent that has been possible
with an external examination. Based on this we have following recommendations

- A detailed , well planned and well studied structural audit needs to be carried out where in
the material strength, connection strength and quality shall be determined.

- Carry out an analysis according to the latest codal provisions to conclude over the stability
of the overall structure.

- Maintenance of the structure shall be given due importance. Major damage in the structure
is due to presence of acidic water and fumes, steam etc. which can be avoided with greater
maintenance efforts.

- Available NDT tests shall be carried out to determine the available strength in the structure
including foundation.

- Overall a speedy process from the management is required to address the structural
stability issue.

Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Appendix – A
Visual Screening Forms
Hira Sugar Factory Visual Screening

Appendix – B
On Site Images
Hira Sugar Appendix B

This appendix contains the pictures taken on site and shall be read in conjunction with Appendix A.

1. Truss

Fig. 1a

Fig. 1b

Hira Sugar Appendix B

2. Secondary Beams

Fig. 2a


Hira Sugar Appendix B

3. Columns :

Fig. 3a

Fig. 3b

Hira Sugar Appendix B

4. Chequered Plates :

Fig. 4a

Fig. 4b

Hira Sugar Appendix B

5. Gusset Plates :

Fig. 5a

Fig. 5b

Hira Sugar Appendix B

6. Beams :

Fig. 6a

Fig. 6b

7. Non Structural beams : NA

Hira Sugar Appendix B

8. Truss Base Connection :

Fig. 8a

9. Purlin :

Fig. 9a

Hira Sugar Appendix B

10. Lintels :

Fig. 10a

11. Girts :

Fig. 11a

12. Composite Column :

Fig. 12a

Hira Sugar Appendix B

13. Beam :

Fig. 13a


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