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A. Definition
A critique paper is an academic writing genre that summarizes and gives a critical evaluation
of a concept or work.

B. Significance
1. Analyze
examine how the structure and language of the text convey its meaning
2. Describe
give the reader a sense of the writer’s overall purpose and intent
3. Interpret
state the significance or importance of each part of the text
4. Assess
make a judgment of the work’s worth or value

C. Outline
1. Introduction
a. Author’s name
b. Book/Article title and source
c. Author’s thesis statement
2. Summary
a. author’s purpose and main points
b. evidence cited that are used for back up.
3. Review/evaluate
a. Detailed assessment of the piece using critical approaches
b. Strengths and weaknesses
4. Conclusion
a. overall evaluation of the work.
b. statement indicating whether you agree with the author.
c. reasons to back up your decision.
d. recommendation for improvement on the work.

D. Additional Information: Critical Approaches

1. Reader-response
a. Definition
 a literary criticism approach which addresses reader’s interpretation or reaction to
the piece of literature.
 The analysis focuses on what is happening in the reader’s mind while interpreting a
piece of literature.
 The main goal is to analyze the reader and their experience of a literary work.

2. Formalist Criticism
a. Definition
 a literary criticism approach which addresses the form and technical artistry of a
 The analysis focuses on examining its formal elements, like form, styles, tone,
imagery, and technical skills.
 The main goal is to provide the readers with a way to understand and enjoy work for
its own inherent value as a piece of literary art.

3. Psychological/ Psychoanalytic Criticism

a. Definition
 a literary criticism approach which addresses human behavior—at the conscious
and/or unconscious level—as well as the development of characters through their
 The analysis focuses on the biographical circumstances of an author.
 The main goal is to analyze the unconscious elements within a literary text based on
the background of the author.

4. Sociological Criticism
a. Definition
- a literary criticism approach which

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