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Present the major threats and opportunities of third-year students majoring English.

3.1 Introduction:
3.1.1 Hook: Metaphor – Uni. life = One of the most important parts of our whole life journey
3.1.2 Background: Among the four-process  each year plays certain roles  the role of third is the most
crucial one
3.1.3 Thesis: With its great important implied, the success in the third year of each student’s life paves their way
to general achievements; however, as a double-edged sword, this period contains itself a vast number of threats
and opportunities as well which every student should be bare in their mind.
3.2 Body:
3.2.1 Threats (when you are about facing the third phase of your uni. life) Physiological demerits: discouragement + stress  depression + peer pressure  continual comparison
to the others Internship: with various great fear  task accomplishment, office pressure, being lack of experiences,
adaptation to the new environment, find a place for internship by yourself, etc. Financial burdens: costs when becoming school leavers: housing, delivery costs, commute (engine
warrant/petrol), drink & eating, clothing etc.
3.2.2 Opportunities (when you can overcome this phase) Mental health: High inspiration + great motivation Skills: How to deal with a larger amount of work with high level of intensity + How to manage your own
life independently For the future job: Have clear insight and vision of the future jobs and careers as well + establish a
network and gain more relationship
3.2.3 Suggestions / orientations Skills: gain necessary skills + improve soft skills + well-scheduled Seek advice from the experienced / the seniors Keep the err-free mind in process of observing, practicing, implementing etc. Build up the better career prospects
3.3 Conclusion
3.3.1 reconfirm the importance of the third year in the development of each student
3.3.2 personal thought
Present the major threats/ challenges/ problems of Gen Z people in the 21 century.
3.1 Introduction:
3.1.1 Hook:
-Definition of Gen Z (1 – 2 sentences)
-A quote (related to Gen Z situation)
-Comparison between Gen Z and Gen Y
-Difficulties of people in general in modern society
3.1.2 Background:
-Characteristics of this generation
-What we can draw out from the quote  the Gen Z people
-Pros and cons of Gen Z / how other generations think about Gen Z
-Emphasis on the youth who have to suffer to the most
 Not only the benefits they have received but also variety of burdens and challenges
3.1.3 Thesis:
-Though the Gen Z people usually considered the essences of the current modern society, the number of
problems that they have been receiving is more substantial than any other generation before, which can be
divided into three major sections namely the tech addiction, health-related problems, and high expectation from
many sides.
Generation Z was born in the digital age, so they have many opportunities to use it from an early age. Especially
during the Covid-19 period, when everything migrated online, Gen Z became more reliant on technology and
current apps. Because of the convenience that digital gadgets provided for Generation Z, they were addicted to
the speed and timesaving while using technology to solve their problems. Furthermore, technology allows
Generation Z to communicate with their peers and parents. Some extroverts are ecstatic when they can expand
their circle of friends thanks to current applications, which leads to many of them spending the majority of their
time on the screen in order to stay in contact with their new pals. According to CGK, 55% of Gen Z use their
smartphones for 5 or more hours a day. Add to that fact, over a quarter (26%) use their phones for 10 or more
hours. In addition, smartphone overusing has generated a sort of dependence on these technology devices. CGK
also presents a figure that 31% feel uncomfortable if they are without their phone for 30 minutes or less.
Gen Z has a tendency for facing peer pressure when they're still at the school. One of the main reason is that
they can easily get access to the Internet which is considered as an encyclopedia for everything, therefore it is
extremely easy for wealthy students to acquire the knowledge that get over their normal curriculum compared to
those who are underprivileged. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 70% of Gen Z say
that anxiety and depression are significant problems among their peers, and 90% of Gen Z experienced
psychological or physical symptoms as a result of stress in the last year.
Last but not least, people of the uprising generation is nowadays receiving so much high hope from families and
schools that they are getting to feel increasing sense of embarrassment and failure. Some of the parents tend to
expect their children to achieve wonderfully in every aspect and pass with flying colors in every subject or
major they are learning at schools. Meanwhile, schools, and even workplaces, nowadays seem to hope that the
young generation will try their best to work and study regardless of the amount of work and lesson they have to
handle. According to the New York Times, about 90% of the youngsters in the USA is stressed of the amount of
work at school due to high expectation from teachers and parents. The majority of them state that their parents
and teachers hope them to deal well with that large amount of assignment.

Cause of adultery
3.1.3 Thesis: - With such high and intense manner of this reality, the causes of cheating and adultery could be
traced back to three major causes as following the irresistible sources of temptation, unwell-structured marriage
in the fast-changing society and the growing number of ‘third wheel’, A.K.A mistresses.
3.2 Body:
3.2.1 The temptation in modern age Topic sentence: temptation in this modern society à uprising / various Explanation: online temptation, financial temptation, physical / appearance temptation Example
3.2.2 The ill-prepared marriage Topic sentence: The structure of fast-pace society à deform the traditional structure of families Explanation: more tasks à more pressures à less time for the families Example
3.2.3 The wide spread of mistresses Topic sentence: rooted from the desire of proving their ego and selfishness à having husband from the
adultery or cheating is somehow considered a symbol of success Explanation: from the greed-oriented society (money makes the world go round) / pressures of life à lazy
lifestyles occurred among many young people à getting a husband is becoming a goal to achieve Example

Extra classes should be forbidden

In this digital age, students must face various pressure around them like peer pressure, parental pressure, social
pressure, etc. According to many studies for developing countries, it is largely due to the lack of employment in
society that requires people to compete with each other for higher education in the hope of having more job
opportunities. Therefore, they always force themselves to try their best to study all the time to gain these
expectations. This issue lead to the remarkable rise of extra classes nowadays. In fact, on average , Vietnamese
students must study at least 8 to 10 hours on their normal classes and at least 2 extra classes per day. However,
spending too much time on learning will badly affect their physical and mental health little by little due to their
large amount of work. Though gaining a vast amount of antipathy and opposition from parents, educators or
even students themselves, extra learning still prove its absolute benefits as the practical needs from students and
parents, as the must-be cost for the well-qualified education and as the life enhancing tool for teachers.
Extra learning helps satisfy the need of learning in-depth from students and parents. As we can see the society is
developing, people have many higher needs of learning. In the past, society was undeveloped, children wanted
to graduate high school early, their parents also hoped that they could be willing to do housework or work in the
industries. However, now the parents want their offspring to study universities or even PhD (Doctor of
philosophy) and extra learning helps their wish become true easily. Moreover, extra learning may help students
to have a better life, a great job with high-paid and satisfy their curiosity about the world.
For instance, in a normal class, a gifted student has little chance to get access to in-depth knowledge, because
the teachers have to balance the knowledge that both good and slow students can gain. Therefore, extra classes
are considered the best method for those who desire to get deep learning and enhance their knowledge for the
future, such as competitions and graduation examinations.
Extra classes are often the go-to investment for many students' pursuit of desirable degrees for a reasonable
price. Extra classes offer many young people the opportunity to expand their knowledge and learning
capabilities to achieve high-level diplomas with low costs and freedom of schedule. So spending a little more
money for better chances of greater career choices is a price worth paying.
For example, with the average prices on the market, extra classes offer specialized personnel and deeper dive
into the usual theoretical lessons with even more practice and flexibility, which enhances students'
understanding and chances to land their dream occupations or pursue higher positions at work.
Surely everyone knows that teachers' salaries are not high nowadays, so earning extra income by tutoring is a
necessity. Moreover, teachers will find new teaching methods, suitable for different types of students, teaching
will be easier.
When the income is better, teachers will feel more comfortable and enthusiastic in their work. From there they
will produce many excellent students. Teachers will improve their expertise more when teaching, so they will be
more professional in their field. Students who learn from teachers with good expertise will be better
When teachers are financially secure, they will have the enthusiasm and stamina needed for this prestigious job.
If teachers are legal to open the extra classes, they will earn more money and will be able to use it to invest in
both their students and their expertise. Teachers might spend a lot on teaching such as speakers, microphones,
air conditioners, lighting, materials, etc., to make lessons effective for students when they received supplemental
revenue from tutoring.

Important skills majoring English students need

The world of work is currently undergoing major processes of change on an unprecedented scale with several
forces transforming it, in particular the onward march of technology. With the transformation of entire systems
of production, management and governance, the industrial revolution 4.0 offers a wide spectrum of
opportunities and challenges in the world of work, with direct and indirect impacts on sectors across the
economy (agriculture, industry and services). Therefore, the workers need to advance their skills in a new era.
Careers related to international integration, particularly English majoring learners need to improve certain skills
for the adaptation.
Gen Z generation has to adapt to the requirement for applying new technology to their studies and work. There
are more and more state-of-the-art innovations invented during this era, and those are employed immediately in
daily life. That is why youngsters in this day and age should learn how to apply them effectively into their lives
so that they do not fall behind with modern society. In the classroom, for instance, when students are assigned to
make a presentation about a topic, they can use different types of tools available on the Internet such as Google
slides and Canva to design their own slides. In addition, they can create their own games via some applications
such as Quizzes and Blooket to vitalize their presentation and to help the process of learning be more intriguing
and effective.
Most people believe that collaboration and social skills are crucial to success in the future, especially English
majors. One of the most crucial abilities that English language learners must develop is socialization. Any
language student who wishes to become proficient in a second language must be communicatively capable in a
range of social settings. If you socialize or have opportunities to network with international person, you'd like to
be more comfortable spending time with them. About collaborating skill, it is the ability to share ideas and
thoughts alongside with another person to achieve a shared objective such as to come up with an idea, create a
product or give a solution. There is an adage that says: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far,
go together”. It's true that none of us is smarter than the rest of us, and that there are some tasks that are better
completed in groups than on our own. Collaboration always improves engagement and, consequently,
productivity at work through boosting workplace happiness, morale, and community.

House finances, wife or husband?

Love is an indispensable thing in our daily lives, and marriage is the result of love, the final destination of a
male-female relationship. Nowadays, there are a huge number of young people who care about marriage life and
its intense stories. One of the most popular problems is financial affairs because it is so vital and also a
foundation of every marriage. Besides, it is a traditional problem through all time, about imbalanced money
distribution between wives and husbands, daily expenses, etc. The role of the woman as the backbone of the
family and the one with the authority over financial resources is a constant debate among every family. The
women, however, are the ones who gain the most trustworthy values for the following reasons: the prospect of
the family, better financial discipline, and the most instant expenses.
First of all, It is supposed that the wife should be the money keeper of the family while the husband should be
the breadwinner. Women tend to know how to control the living expense and save money for the family much
more effectively than men. Women tend to like bargaining for a cheaper price. For example, a kilo of apples is 3
dollars, but they buy it just for 2 dollars. Therefore, they can save money for the family effectively and control
the daily living expense.
Second, in a marriage, financial discipline is essential. Financial discipline is the rules laid down by the
husband and wife themselves. It should be followed and as clear as possible. In the family, individual or
collective spending must be clearly divided. The income of both husband and wife should be agreed upon and
contributed to a specific work. The wife is the one who mainly knows the cooking, shopping or other living
expenses in the family, so financial discipline is necessary when it is proposed and well maintained by the wife.
For instance, in a family, the wife will frequently spend that she forgoes basic desires such as monthly going
shopping for clothes, shoes, and cosmetics, reducing gathering time, and chit-chatting with friends over coffee.
Instead, they opt to devote all of their time and resources to caring for their husband and children in order to
build a warm family.
Women should be the custodians of money in the family because they keep the savings and rarely use the
money as a slush fund. Women are more likely than men to keep a savings account for unexpected financial
needs. Furthermore, when men are in charge of the family's finances, they frequently set aside an amount of
money known as a black fund, which depletes the family's funds. No obviously better than an example of the
initiative incurred a loss despite the husband's investment in it with the intention of creating a profit.
Consequently, the spouse therefore owes the bank a sizable sum of money. In addition, having access to the
wife's source of money may now quickly assist the husband and shoulder his burden, giving him greater
incentive to continue joining the workforce. In this way, the family unit may be strengthened, the role of women
in spending and saving can be more clearly seen, and the husband and wife will have access to rapid spending
should anything worst-case scenario occur.

Solution to procrastination
Procrastination is a common phenomenon that most students experience throughout their school life. It is
defined as the habit of putting an important task off intentionally and delaying to work on it to another day,
usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. Nowadays, students’
procrastination is a huge problem for many people in schools and universities. This may have many negative
impacts on students’ grades and invoke multitude of worries from the educators. Due to the fact the root of
students’ procrastination is from the students themselves, the schools, and the temptations of society, the
following suggested solutions also base on these domains as well.
Base on the reasons causing students' procrastination, there would be consequences followed, therefore, we need
solutions to overcome this problem. From the students' side, we firstly need to practice time management skills
more, estimating the time to complete that task or prioritizing the tasks that are due to be completed may be
effective. In addition, if you don't find any motivation to work, you'd better change your working environment,
choose a quiet coffee shop to work instead of working from home for example. For instance, when we have
done the first important task, we will start with the next vital one instead of doing multiple tasks or listing a
multitude of assignments . We can try on one method called Pemodoro, which means after completing one task
we will have a ten-minute break. At the break time, we can reward ourself by listening to music or mediating to
calm our minds. The last thing is that we should often seek for studying motivation such as joining workshops
or watching inspiring videos. This not only influence our mindsets to study harder but also gaining soft skill
experience or knowledge.
Schools’ side play a very important role in addressing procrastination among students today. In today's
educational environment, students often face too much pressure in terms of work, assignments, and deadlines,
resulting in procrastination. Furthermore, a lack of interest in the subject is another contributing factor. For that
reason, schools must take specific and timely measures to resolve the procrastination problem of students. For
instance, instead of giving students a big project with a single deadline, teacher should break it into smaller tasks
with evenly spaced dealines. Then make a long term assessment. Simplifying the curriculum and obmit the
unnecessary subjects is needed. This can allow students to put less pressure on themselves, focus on fewer
subjects, and find motivation to study more easily.
We must know to refuse temptations, to refuse unexpected appointments. Practice turning off social networking
sites when you don't need to be online. When we do not know how to refuse people around them, they will ask
to help them do the things they need with them. Act like you can't go with them, need to do something else right
now they will understand and not bother you. Besides, turning off social networking sites helps you focus more,
avoid being disturbed from the outside.

Solutions to school bullying

School bullying is a type of physical and verbal behaviour that has negative effects to on the general school
atmosphere as well as on the right of students to study in a safe educational environment without fear. Bullying
in schools is a common issue that affects students all over the world. As the main causes of this painful practice
include personal problems, families’ issues and some negative social factors, we would like to recommend the
following solutions based on the experiences and situations of Vietnamese schools.
One of the most direct ways to handle school bullying is dealing with the bulliers’ personal problems. every
bully has their reasons for bullying. List a few reasons: dominant instincts, bullies suffer stress and trauma,
difficult home life… start by dealing with them first. As an example, consider Chaien from the Doraemon
cartoon. Chaien attacks other kids because he wants to take things he doesn't have from others and wants them
to obey him. It's not his personality that makes him a bully; rather, it's his parents' lack of love and support.
There are instances where Chaien receives affection and care from his mother, and he stops acting violently
against others because he has all he needs. Indeed, an obedient child is always one who receives sufficient
affection and attention from his parents.
In order to prevent school violence from happening more and more, the families also have a positive influence
on this issue by paying attention to the education of their children and contacting the school. Families that care
more about their children, such as supporting and understanding children, will limit the situation of children
being negatively affected. In addition, educating children about school bullying as well as basic violence
prevention skills, teaches intrapersonal and interpersonal skills so that children know how to protect themselves.
The coordination with the school to timely care and support the children's difficulties in psychology, reducing
the consequences of violence. As important as it is to make sure their children is not the victim of bullies, it's
also important to make sure they are not bullying others or going along with bullies. Let them know importance
of treating others as they would like to be treated. Teaching them to avoid school bullying by being busy
themselves with an activity if they feel interested in, like playing a game, or watching television, thinking about
how every person has their own struggles and challenges in life, and how it's important to have compassion for
others. They should give their children better ways to handle the situation and to take a minute to pause before
saying or doing something that might hurt or offend someone else.
Last but not least, social factors have a significant impact on preventing school bullying. Children and teenagers
frequently argue on social networking sites or over video games. This causes conflicts and has a negative impact
on each person's psychology. Preventing young children from being drawn to the violent cultural environment
reflected in the media, on the internet, and in the frequently published cassette. In addition, social problems like
drug use, alcoholism, and addiction to substances must be strictly controlled every day so as not to affect young
children's behaviors.

Benefits and importance of beauty pageants

Should beauty contests be discontinued? There are currently more than 20 legally sanctioned beauty
competitions in Vietnam alone, which means there will be more than 20 beauty queens. Then, you can imagine
that there will be a lot of beauty queens in just one year. Some ideas that beauty pageants are pointless are
criticized, particularly in the most recent Miss Grand International Queen. This competition has strayed too far
from its original intent. However, not many people realize that the beauty contest has deeper meaning than most
people are aware of. The beauty pageants not only benefit each participant individually but also the nation's
culture and economies.
First, almost beauty contests can bring about lots of advantageous to beauty queens. Ladies have a chance to
practice their professional skills like catwalking, presenting before the crowd or boosting the inner strength - the
confidence. These days, we even witness more standards related to soft skills as well as language skills that
required beautiful girls have to make an effort to be their best editions, then they can persuade the examiners
and audiences to recognize and support them. It is obviously that pageant queens are able to be self
improvement through the journey they have been attending at the beauty contest. H'Hen Niê is an Ede girl,
coming from a poor countryside. H'Hen Niê is determined to study well as to prove that modern Ede girls can
live differently and be strong. And the constant effort of the Ede girl in the way of self-improvement has been
rewarded with the title of New Miss Universe 2017. When she stepped out into the international arena, she
impressed with the unique catwalk skills to the international contestants and made us proud of a girl living from
the minorities but get excellent achievements
Beauty contests create a cultural playground for women, where they practice more and celebrate and spread the
beauty of women. With the role of introducing and promoting the beauty of the country, people, and culture,
beauty contests have overcome stereotypes, creating a new cultural activity and a spiritual value. It is a place
that honors human beauty and promotes cultural exchange. Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of beauty
pageants are held worldwide nationally and internationally. For example about the beauty pageants, the history
of national identity in the Miss America pageant, as mediated by television coverage, allowed members of the
‘nation’ a first chance to see their queen being chosen. It analyses the Miss America pageant in relation to
national, cultural, gender, and racial rearticulation over time. Many of these studies view beauty pageants as
cultural forms that produce meanings of nation, ethnicity, race, and gender. Most of the studies are based on the
authors’ experiences (either in person via television or through historical documents analyzed as texts) as
audience members or viewers of the pageant. However, beauty pageants are not only ‘texts’ to be read but also
sites of action and interaction generating a process of cultural production that is deeply linked to claims to
cultural authenticity, race, gender, and identity.
More importantly, beauty contests are a great way to boost commercial results. When the contest becomes
successful and begins to be recognized for its quality and reputation, it helps the winner, and organizers build a
personal image. The renowned domestic and foreign brands will pay more attention and cooperate with them,
which will bring a huge source of income. Besides, widely promoting the image of winners, and quality
organizers, the national brand will be improved and tourism will reap the benefits. For example, in the Miss
Universe 2018, H Hen Nie was awarded 2 billions for cash and she spent it for the community and developed
her image. In addition, she also has a lot of contracts from different brands. Thanks to becoming the
representative of these brands, she earns a lot of money to support herself and family. From that, her company -
Sen Vang will receive a lot of benefits from her image. Besides, with her inspiration and promoting the culture
of H Hen, she makes international tourists know more about the Vietnamese’s food and beauty spots. This will
develop the finance for Vietnam.

Rewards and punishments in schools and colleges play an important role in imparting lessons and galvanizing
students to study. In recent times, an agenda among parents and intellectuals have been doing rounds preventing
educators from chastising their pupils. Accordingly, motivating the young ones with different rewards have been
accepted to encourage them to become responsible. In this essay, the upsides of the notion will be discussed to
show why I agree with the notion.
In a classroom, there are different kinds of students whom the teacher has to preoccupy in various ways. That is
where the efficiency of the teacher comes into question. But some students are mischievous enough to pester
everyone present. Unfortunately, correcting young students in front of their peers may demotivate them to work.
Some students are mature and are not able to handle the teacher scolding them. Sometimes, they may become
victims of bullying as their classmates agitate them by repeating what the teacher had said. All these factors may
develop a sense of insecurity and fear in their young minds.
Due to the above-mentioned effects, the teacher has to be careful about the way he/she treats each pupil. One of
the ways is rewarding good deeds. When the teacher begins to bestow different kinds of ways to make the
student valued, he/she will stop creating nuisance in the classroom. Students will develop a sense of competition
as they keep count of how their classmates and friends are awarded. Rewarding can be in various forms of small
gifts, responsibilities they like, playing games, etc. It will not only make the classroom activity stimulating for
them but also distract them from creating disturbances in the classroom.
However, naughty students or ones not interested in studying, force the teacher to take strict steps. So,
punishment helps to maintain discipline and help the students realize their mistakes. The teacher has to penalize
the students in such a way that they get motivated to work for good. Shouting and beating them sometimes does
not work. As a result, apart from innovative teaching methods, the teacher has to come up with a range of
methods to involve them and not give them time to disturb others.
In conclusion, I would say that I agree with the approach of the topic as nowadays it is a healthy approach to
help the students in a way that they realize their own mistakes and improve themselves rather than punish them
and discourage them from learning.

It is clear that graduates dream of securing jobs that utilize skills that they learn from the university. However,
recent research showed that 30% of graduates switch careers after graduating. Indeed, more and more graduates
switch careers due to various factors. In my own perspective, changing careers for graduates can bring more
disadvantages for them.
First and foremost, this issue should be taken from a personal perspective. Most people may choose to work in
fields different from their trained ones simply because they want to experience something new. Working in
various fields gives us a wide range of knowledge and experience, which may benefit us both professionally and
personally. Moreover, it is worth taking into account the possibility of discovering new interests along the way.
For instance, while studying English Language at university, you will come across subjects like Literature,
Linguistics, Culture,... and to some people, these become their new pursuits. This also suggests the interrelation
between majors, leading to some taking advantage of it and some find distinguishing it quite confusing.
Abandoning your major in favor of another one can turn out to be a complete waste of not only your own
precious resources but society’s as well. First of all, graduating with a major is no easy feat. It requires you to
spend an enormous amount of time, effort, and money. Furthermore, society also plays a very important role in
your education. They provide the means, such as facilities, teachers, and materials, ... through which you can
gain knowledge. Therefore, by quitting just after graduation, you will be throwing everything that you and
society have invested down the drain in exchange for an unstable and uncertain future.
As problematic as this issue seems, there are 2 main patterns that we can pick out from the advantages and
disadvantages in order to find ways to fit the bill. They are fulfilling your desire or the society’s desire.
Achieving self-pleasing desires are those that lean toward the benefits and the other one is portrayed by the
drawbacks of job hopping. By understanding that, some basic yet effective solutions can be easily deduced.
First, making sure you have carefully considered what you truly love is an important factor. Whether it is the
career that you are majoring in or the different occupation that you dream of doing, you really need to spend
some personal time to understand yourself better. Moreover, extracurricular activities can play a prominent role
in helping you discover your true passion. Second, doing some research to find out what trend the society is in
right now, as this helps us to realize and adapt to the changing living conditions. For example, right now we
should accept the fact job hopping or changing is a matter of fact and it is constant within human lives.
Successfully following these two solutions can help you a ton with your job hopping decision.
In conclusion, jumping to non-majoring jobs is a justifiable option as much as it is a decision with heavy
repercussions. Therefore, prior to making the leap, it is of paramount necessity that all aspects be considered in
order to both satisfy our needs as well as render the choice worthwhile.

Purpose of university education

These days, education is a crucial factor for progress of a country and a nation. Some people think that tertiary
education is essential to get good earning while some the other believe that university education has more
profound effects on society and individuals. This essay will explain both aspects of this issue.
On the first side, it is true that people continue studying in university for getting good jobs. As we know, many
companies open recruiting for people who have a good qualification about themselves. Over and above,
graduates from popular university get more interest from companies than people come from another university.
University will provide better opportunity for students to be employed in the quality company. Therefore, the
graduation certificate of the university would be students' qualification for being thoroughly prepared to
improve their future career prospects.
On the other side, there are other benefits for individuals and society. They can get more knowledge which they
cannot find in outside university. It helps the student to become independent when they graduate from university
because they have better social skills. They can open new work alone, such as building a course. This example
clearly that graduates have more self confidence when they study in university. Secondly, society will gain from
the contribution that the graduates can make to the economy. We are living in a very competitive world, so
countries need educated people in order to compete and prosper.
To conclude, my own view of this is I believe that although a main aim of university education is to get a better
job. Moreover, if we believe about our capability, we can give more benefits for individuals and society.

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