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by: Mr. Jose Ray Redeemir M.


Physical Fitness
a measure of the bodys ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

Health-Related Components of Fitness

Cardiovascular Endurance - the ability of the respiratory and circulatory systems to effectively deliver oxygen to the heart and working muscles during exercise.
Muscular Strength - the ability of your muscles to exert a maximum force or lift a maximum weight one time. Muscular Endurance - the ability to lift a resistance repeatedly or maintain a muscle contraction for an extended period of time. Flexibility - the ability to move a muscle through a full range of motion at the joint(s) its located at. Body Composition - the relative percentage of fat in a person's body when compared to lean muscle, bone and other body tissue.

Skill-Related Components of Fitness Reaction Time - the time it takes to start moving once a stimulus is given. Speed - the ability to cover a short distance as quickly as possible. Agility - the ability to change direction while moving. Balance - the ability to maintain a body position for an extended period of time. Power - the ability to move a heavy resistance quickly.

Hand/eye or Foot/eye Coordination - the ability to combine hand and eye or foot and eye movements to perform a task.

Accuracy (Coordination)
In relationship to physical fitness, accuracy is:
The ability to hit a target. Ability of a performer to repeat movements successfully. The ability to perform without making any errors.

Agility is the ability to change ones body position. Requires a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, and strength. In sports, agility is explained in terms of a response to an opponent or moving target.

Balance is the ability to maintain a stable position while stationary (static balance) or moving (dynamic balance). Balance is achieved by the action of reflexes involving the eyes, the balance organs of the semi-circular ear canal, pressure receptors in the skin, and stretch receptors in the joints and muscles. Good balance is needed in sports, especially those requiring sudden movements or change of direction.

Body Composition
Is used to determine the % of fat, bone, and muscle in our body. Because muscle tissue takes up less space that fat tissue, our body composition, as well as our weight, determines how lean we are. Body composition can be measured many ways, the most common being with a set of measurement calipers to deteremine Body Fat Percentage.

Cardiovascular Endurance
The ability to sustain a large blood flow to active muscles. Aerobic Exercises build Cardiovascular Endurance.

Cardio Respiratory Endurance is vital to whole body activities.

Gross Motor Coordination: Walking, running, climbing, jumping, etc Fine Motor Coordination: Small muscle movements, like the fingers in coordination with the eyes.

The measurement of achievable distance between the flexed and extended position of a particular joint or muscle group is flexibility. Also known as range of motion at a joint.

Physical strength is the ability of a person to exert force on physical objects using muscles. An individuals physical strength is determined by their genetic inheritance of muscle fibers, and their degree of strength training they undertake.

The rate at which energy is expended or work is done. The amount of power generated by a person depends on two factors: Speed and Strength. Power is a key component for most athletic activities. A powerful athlete has to transform physical energy into force at a fast rate.

The ability to execute movements quickly. Speed refers to distance traveled per unit of time (i.e. secs). In running and walking, speed is a product of stride rate. Speed of movement either the total body or a particular body part is an important component of performance related fitness.

Stamina (Endurance)
The ability to sustain a specific activity for a long period of time.

Muscular Endurance is vital to activities specific to individual muscles (weight lifting).

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