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Total possible points=5011

Your name(1 point) + problem 1(36 points) + problem 2(13 points)ss

Your name (1 point):

Problem 1 (36 points)

Table 1. Characteristics distribution across protocol implementation(no/yes)

Characteristics Protocol implementation p value
No Yes
(n=256) (n= 246)
Age, mean(SD) 58.7(17.2) 61.7(16.1) 0.1
Sex, n(%) ?
Female 118(46.1) 112(45.5)
Male 138(53.9) 134(54.5)
Height(cm), mean(SD) 171.7(10.8) 171.1(10.6) 0.5
Weight(kg), mean(SD) 88.7(25.5) 87.5(28.9) 0.3
BMI, n(%) ?
Non-obese 140(54.7) 106(43.1)
Obese 116(45.3) 140(56.9)
Serum creatinine on order, mg/dL, median(IQR) 0.84(0.67, 1.09) 1.0(0.76, 1.6) <0.0001
Clearance, ml/min, median(IQR) 102.7(67.2, 146.6) 76.4(46.8, 113.5) <0.0001
DOAC on order, n(%) ?
Apixaban 169(66.0) 180(73.2)
Rivaroxaban 60(23.4) 53(21.5)
Dabigatran 27(10.5) 13(5.3)
There are two groups with and without a protocol implementation. Statistical significance level α=0.05

Use Table 1 to answer questions below 1)~6).

1) The associations between characteristics and protocol implementation (no/yes) were measured using (select all correct answers) (4
a. chi-square test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and one-sample t-test
b. chi-square test, Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and two-sample t-test
c. Fisher’s exact test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and paired t-test
d. Fisher’s exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, and two-sample t-test
e. a&c
f. none of above

2) Compute the p-value of association between sex(male/female) and protocol implementation(no/yes). What do you conclude ?(Use the
RStudio to compute the p-value). (6 points: to get full credit, copy and paste the screenshot of the RStudio results)
3) Compute the p-value of association between BMI(non-obese/obese) and protocol implementation(no/yes). What do you conclude ?
(Use the RStudio to compute the p-value). (6 points: to get full credit, copy and paste the screenshot of the RStudio results)
4) Compute the p-value of association between DOAC on order and protocol implementation(no/yes). What do you conclude ?( (Use the
RStudio to compute the p-value). (6 points: to get full credit, copy and paste the screenshot of the RStudio results)
5) If the results of 2) or/and 3) are statistically significant, compute an odds ratio and interpret it (Use the RStudio to compute the odds
ratio).(6 points)
6) If an investigator wants to detect any difference in “Serum creatinine on order” between protocol implementation(no/yes), state the
null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. What statistical test was performed? And what do you conclude?(using the p-value from
Table 1)(Hint: Md=median difference between protocol implementation(no) and protocol implementation(yes) ).(8 points)

Problem 2 (13 points)

Pharmacy students voluntarily participated the pre survey before an intervention(class #101) and the same pharmacy students participated the
post survey after the intervention(class #101). The individual responses were matched using a specific ID between the pre-and the post survey.

Table 2. Median Likert scales(5-point Likert scales) across the pre and post survey
Survey question Median Likert p value
Pre Post
Q1. I feel confident ~ 2(1, 3) 4(3, 4) <0.0001
Q2. I am aware of gender neutral pronouns ~ 1(1, 1) 4(2, 4) <0.0001
Q3 I am aware of barriers to healthcare ~ 3(2, 3) 5(4, 5) 0.0002
Q4 If I need additional information ~ 2(1, 2) 4(2, 4) <0.0001
Q5. Pharmacists play an important role~ 4(3, 4) 4(4, 5) 0.4
Note: Strongly agree=5, agree=4, neutral=3, disagree=2, strongly disagree=1; a score of >3 was considered more agreement in questions.
statistical significance level α=0.05
Use Table 2 to answer questions below 1)~4).

1) What statistical test was performed to compare the median score between the pre-and post-survey? If the individual responses were
not matched between pre-and post-survey, what statistical test should be performed? (4 points)
2) Name the type of study design for Table 2 (2 points)
3) Name the type of data for Table 2 (2 points)
4) What do you conclude from Table 2 (Hint: use p-values) (5 points)
To get full credit, copy and paste the screenshot of the RStudio results

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