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United Nations General Assembly

Sponsors: Austria, France

Signatories: UK, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Japan, USA, Chile, Peru, Jordan, Qatar, Afghanistan,
Topic: Poverty and unemployment

The General Assembly

Noting that poverty and unemployment has been the cause of suffering for many people in the world.
Its manifestation include hunger, malnutrition, limited access to education and other social services,

Bearing that in 2015 a total of 736 million were either unemployed or lived below the international
poverty line which is 1.90$. That’s almost 10 percent of the world’s population living extreme

So that the proposal that are being submitted to control the issue are as follows,

1. Urges in helping the regions which are really struck by poverty and unemployment, mainly people
living in Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa;
2. Encourages other nations to help in the case if the nations are willing and are in good condition to
3. Requests the United Nation Trust Fund to donate much money so the situation could be dealt
with as soon as possible;
4. Calls upon the not only the well developed nations but all to help so that the situation can be
dealt quickly.

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