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G u a ng Min g Institu te o f P e r for m in g A r t s


Su p er Hero


2 4 6 Engl i s V. Ra m a , Ce b u C i t y 6 0 0 0
Te l No . : 2 5 4 - 8 9 9 0

Card Policy
i nfo . gm i ce b u @ gm a i l . co m

g m i ce b u . co m

Version 2
Author: Wynvel Anguren, Josh Abella, Et. Al.
Guang Ming Insitute of Performing Arts-Cebu, under the guiding principles of Fo Guang Shan,
is a budding institute. Hence, all the staleholders, employees, teachers and students must help
in curating its identity. Below are the policies and guidelines in respect to the institute’s identificaion card.
The identification card is a vital component for the school’s safety and security which makes it non-assignable.

It is everyone’s obligation to keep the school safe for everyone by displaying their ID visibly and clearly
on his person AT ALL TIMES.

A. Benefits of I.D. Card

1. For official business transactions

2. For claims of personal documents
3. For admission to official funtions of the school
4. For emergency identification

B. The following habits are regarded as minor violations in the use of the ID and must be avoided AT ALL TIMES:
1. Wearing the ID underneath one’s clothing (shirt, jacket, etc.)
2. Carrying the ID inside a personal article, for example, a bag, notebook, or wallet
C. The following practices are considered major offenses in the use of the ID (warranting a major disciplinary action)
1. Tampering with the ID card
2. Using another person’s ID or allowing another person to use one’s id
D. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to report immediately to the Department of Branding & Design,
the loss of one’s ID in respect to giving convenience.
E. An employee who forgets to bring his/her ID to school must immediately secure a Visitors’ Pass from the
Guards before they engage in any activities/work.
F. Loss of ID should be reported immediately to the Branding Department. An employee who lost his/her id must check
at the Branding Department if his/her id has been turned over. If not, they must secure a temporary ‘visitors’ pass’.
If after three (3) days your id has not been recovered, apply for an ID replacement. If your ID is damaged,
apply for an id replacement immediately from the Branding Department.

We must all take care of our IDs

and ensure that it will not be
used by others, damaged or lost.
In case, the id is damaged or lost, the following penalties apply:

A. Lost id B. Damaged id
1. First instance: P150.00 1. A penalty of P200.00 will be charged for ids that are
2. Second instance: P300.00 damaged through the negligence of the employee.
3. Third and subsequent instances: P450.00 2. IDs with damage brought about by the normal wear and tear,
like fading ink, will be replaced after payment of P150.00.
Procedure for Applying for a Replacement id Due to Loss
1. Submit a notarized Affidavit of Loss to the branding department. A payment slip will be issued to the requesting student.
2. Pay the necessary amount at the Finance Department’s Office.
3. A Temporary id will be issued to the student until the new id is available.
4. Pick up the new id after 1 to 2 working days.

Repeated failure of compliance will be viewed as misconduct and will be addressed in accordance to GMI’s Disciplinary Code.

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