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Quarterly Departmental Performance Review for EnMS

Department :- Universal Rail Mill

DPR Meeting No.: 6th Date: 11/01/2022

Period of Review : Oct 2021 to Dec 2021

1. Fulfillment of EnMS objectives/ EnPIs :-

Achievement during Status of Corrective

Sl. EnMS Objectives/
Baseline Target Previous Review Root Cause Analysis actions taken / to be
No. EnPIs
month period taken

2.0 Fulfillment of energy related departmental norms :-

Achievements during
Sl. BSP Status of Corrective actions taken / to
EnPI Previous Review Root Cause Analysis
No. Norms be taken
month period

3.0 Review of relevant variables related to EnPIs identified in EnMAP

Relevant variables related to EnPI October November December

4.0 Review the OCPs or SOPs or WIs related to EnMAP: Reviewed and No Change

5.0 Review of Risk & Opportunities Matrix – Not Applicable

6.0 Review of Action Plan for Implementation of Mandatory Energy Audit findings:- Not applicable
Sl. Date of Completion/ Likely Date Status of actions Reason for non-
Energy Audit Recommendation/Finding
No. of Completion taken/ to be taken implementation

7.0 Review of findings of internal audits /surveillance audit/ certification audit :- Internal Audit Dated 20/12/2022

Category NC/ Type of audit Status of Corrective actions
No Details of Audit findings Root Cause Analysis
RC/ OFI IA/ SA/ CA taken / to be taken



8.0 Review of Management Review points (if any):- Done

Sl. Status of Corrective actions

M.R. meeting no. & date M.R. meeting points
No taken/ to be taken

9.0 Review of Annual Energy Review (to be done in the beginning of every financial year)

i) Evaluate the Energy Review for the financial year – Done

ii) Evaluate the Energy baseline for the financial year - Done

iii) Review the List of energy saving opportunities - Done

iv) Review the List of departmental energy critical equipment - Done

v) Review the EnMAP for the financial year - Done

10.0 Review of legal compliance status (if any) – Not applicable

S. Status of compliance
Legal Requirement Frequency
Previous Year Current year

11.0 Review of previous corrective action plans which have not completed :- Not applicable

Meeting reference and

Sl. Corrective action points/Non-conformities Status of Corrective actions
reference item no. of DPR Root Cause Analysis
No. (pending) initiated /taken
record notes
12.0 Review of other actions taken for energy performance improvement

i) Departmental training activities – 2 Training Sessions Organised

ii) Employee Suggestion for energy performance improvement – NA
iii) Procurement activities - NA
iv) Design activities - - NA
v) Innovative measure, etc. - NA

13.0 Members present:

S. S.
Name Designation Section Name Designation Section
No. No.
1 8
2 9
3 10
4 11
5 12
6 13
7 14

Distribution: (Signature of HOD)

To MR(EnMS) & To all members present in the DPR meeting – by email

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