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Exam listening Section 1 @is2 Questions 1-5 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Wright's Employment Agency Registration form Name: Helen 0.......AHEPARD........ Address: 18 Henley Street, Mill Town Post code: 1. Telephone: 07945 76674 Looking for 2. Experience: Exam information “The order of the numbers in the table indicates the order in which you will hear the information. Here, it indicates that you will hear ‘each job described in tu. @1.13 Questions 6-10 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Job Hours Hourly rate Hylands Hotel . | Shift work $6.76 plus (cleaning, waitressing, No later than 10 pm kitchen work) The Cedars Hamilton Terrace 8... [86.10 (home for elderly) Some weekends and evenings Looking after Poplar Street, 2-8 hours each morning 9 plus transport Prereading 1. What time do you do the activities in the chart below? Write your answers in the chart Then ask three classmates about each activity. Write their names and answers in the chart. What time do you do these activities? Activity wake up eat breakfast eat lunch eat dinner goto bed 4° UNIT1 Thelmportance of Time What similarities do you see between your schedule and your classmates’ schedules? How are they similar? How are they different? 2 3. Doyou sometimes eat before you go to bed? Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? 4, Read the title of this article, What do you think this article is about? Reading () Read the passage carefully. Then complete the exercises that follow. ny ml Our Internal Clock: It’s about time Many people enjoy a late-night snack before bedtime. It’s not uncommon to have a little something to eat before going to bed—perhaps a sandwich or a bowl of ice cream, It’s not unusual, but it may be unhealthy. Many medical reports have already shown that late-night eating often makes people gain weight. Furthermore, new scientific studies show that frequent late-night eating can also affect learning and memory. ‘All humans have an “internal clock.” This internal clock influences when we sleep, wake up, and feel hungry. Our internal clocks have a 24-hour cycle that tells us when to go to bed. Eating at the wrong time of the day upsets this cycle. Eating when we should be sleeping is even worse. This is because our body needs to sleep at a certain time. When we eat late, we often go to sleep even later, which disrupts, or changes, our internal clocks even more. Christopher Colwell is a professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine in California in the United States. For years he has studied the cycle of sleeping and waking up. He believes that this cycle impacts learning and memory. “Disrupting that sleep-wake cycle is bad for our health,” says Colwell. He believes it can affect our brain and how we learn and remember information. Professor Colwell studied two groups of mice as part of his research. In the experiment, the researchers fed one group of mice at their regular time. The researchers fed the second group of mice during their normal sleep time. All of the mice ate the same amount of food and slept the same number of hours. There was CHAPTER 1 Ourinternal Clock:|t's about time 5 only one difference: The second group of mice ate and went to sleep at a time that was the researchers gave learning different from their usual schedule. After a few weeks, tests to all the mice. The mice that ate during their regular sleep time had problems with memory. It was difficult for them to remember what they already learned. Colwell also saw changes in their hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain used for learning and memory. Although Colwell used mice in this experiment, he believes this result is true for people, too. | Colwell’s conclusions were clear. “Having a strong sleep-wake cycle is good for our health. That means eating at the right times,” says Colwell. “If we're going on vacation, it’s no big deal.” Vacations are usually short and do not have any lasting effects. However, if we frequently eat when we should be asleep, we are disrupting our internal clock. As a result, we may experience learning and memory problems. It’s important to pay attention to our internal clock! Maroc nef Mutu Correo MUa co Cites SS) Fact Finding Read the passage again. Then read the following statements. Check (v) whether each statement Is True or False. If a statement is false, rewrite it so that it is true. Then go back to the passage and find the line that supports your answer. 1 ——True ___ False Eating late at night may be unhealthy. 2, —_True____False Our internal clock tells us when to go to school. 3. ___True____False Professor Colwell studies the importance of the sleep-wake cycle. 4, —_True_____False All of the mice in the study ate at the same time. 5, ___True____False Some of the mice in the experiment slept more hours than other mice. 6. ___True____False_ Professor Colwell saw changes in the brains of all the mice in the experiment. 7. __True___False Professor Colwell believes that eating and sleeping at the same time every day helps learning and memory. Reading Analysis Read each question carefully. Circle the letter or the number of the correct answer. Read lines 1-6. a. Alate-night snack before bedtime means 1. you eat a big meal before you go to bed. 2. you eata little food before you go to sleep. 3. you eat some food in your bed. CHAPTER 1 Ourinternal Clock:It's abouttime 7 b. Which word is a synonym for uncommon? 1, Unusual 2. Unhealthy 3. Frequent i 2, what follows the dash (—)? 1. Adefinition 2. Additional information 3. An example d. When people gain weight, they 1, become heavier. 2, become thinner. 3. become healthier. e. In line 4, what does furthermore mean? 1, Inaddition 2. However 3. Asa result 2. Read lines 7-10. a. What is our “internal clock”? 1, Something inside our bodies that tells us when to eat and sleep 2. Analarm clock near our beds that wakes us up 3. Something that helps us to learn and remember b, Influences means 1. changes, 2. causes. 3. teaches. c. What is a 24-hour cycle? 1. Several activities that repeat every day at the same time 2, 24activities that go around in a circle 3. Acomplete day of 24 hours d, These sentences mean that eating when we should be sleeping is even worse than 1. eating a bowl ofice cream or a sandwich. 2. sleeping when we should be eating. 3. eating at the wrong time during the day. 3. Read lines 10-12. a. Acertain time means 1. a different time every day. 2. a particular time every day. 3, anew time every day. « 8 UNIT1 TheImportance of Time 7 10. b, Disrupts means 1. studies. 2. changes. 3, understands. . What is a synonym for disrupts? 1. Upsets 2, Helps 3. Needs Read lines 15-16. Which word is a synonym for impacts? a. Cycles b, Disturbs c. Affects Read lines 16-18, He believes it can affect our brain... The pronoun it refers to a. learning and memory. b, studying psychiatry. . disrupting our sleep-wake cycle. Read paragraph 4. What was the difference between the two groups of mice? a. They ate different amounts of food. b. They went to sleep at different times. c. They slept a different number of hours. Read lines 19-21.What word is a synonym for normal? a. Different b. Same «. Regular In line 26, what is the hippocampus? a. Apart of the brain b. Aninternal clock c. The sleep-wake cycle In ine 29, conclusions means a. opinions. b. results. c. cycles. Read lines 30-32. a, It’s no big deal means 1. its not important. 2. it’snot necessary. 3. it's not good. CHAPTER 1 Our internal Clock: It's about time 9 b, “If we're going on vacation, it's no big deal” means 1. it's a very good idea to take a vacation, 2, it's OK to change your sleep-wake cycle for a short time. 3. you can never change your sleep-wake cycle. 11. Read lines 31-32. Lasting means a. continuing, b. ending. . growing. 12. What is the main idea of the passage? a, We all have internal clocks that influence when we eat, sleep, and wake up. b. In the experiment, the mice that ate during their regular sleep time had memory problems. ¢. Eating when you should be sleeping can have a bad effect on learning and memory. Vocabulary Skills PART 1 Recognizing Word Forms. In English, the verb and noun forms of some words are the same, for example, study (v,), study (n.). Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word on the left. Then circle (v.) if you are using a verb or (n,) if you are using a noun. Write all the verbs in the simple present. The nouns may be singular or plur cause 1. Professor Colwell believes that eating late at night. health WJ/(n) problems. He studies the of some changes i (wvin) inges in the brains of mice. impact 2. Our internal clocks have a big on learnin. ie 1g and memory. Late-night eating greatly______sleep-wake cycles, W)/(n) 10 UNIT1 TheImportance of Time

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