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Organization Design and Development

Musharrof Hossain
President, BSHRM
Head, Human Resources Management
(Recipient of Lifetime HR Achievement Award and Global Leadership Award)
Wendell I. French & Cecil H.Bell, Jr. – Organization Development – PHI.

Name of Text

1. Strategic Human Resource Management

Author: Jeffrey A. Mello
Edition: 3rd Reprint

2. Name of Reference Book: Management Griffin

Author: Ricky W. Griffin
Edition: 9th
3. Wendell I. French & Cecil H.Bell, Jr. –
Organization Development – PHI.
Teaching and Learning Methods

group work
mid and final exam
Every Friday
From 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Organization is like a child and it
requires continuous nurturing.
Topic No Lecture Topic
1 Introduction among the faculty and participants
Overview of the course, expectations, learning objectives and
World and perspectives
2 Basic Elements of Organizing -1
3 Basic Elements of Organizing -2
4 Managing Organization Design -1
5 Managing Organization Design -2
6 Design and Redesign of Work System
7 Foundations of Organizational Development
8 OD interventions
9 Managing the OD process
10 Implementation and Assessment of OD

Assessment Criteria Weight (%)

Attendance (Proportionate to the class attendance) 5

Class Performance (Quiz & class Participation) 15

Group Assignment and Presentation 15

Mid-term examination 25
Final examination 40
Assessment Criteria Weight (%)
Explain the elements of Organizing design
Discuss for managing organization design
Design and redesign of work System
Discuss the types of organizational structure and the
strategic conditions under which each might be
Describe foundations of organizational development.
Describe OD interventions and OD Processes
Discuss OD Implementations and assessments
 A social unit of people that is structured and
managed to meet a need or to pursue
collective goals. All organizations have
a management structure that
determines relationships between the
different activities and the members, and
subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities,
and authority to carry out different tasks.
Organizations are open systems--they affect
and are affected by their environment.
 Organization design is the deliberate process of
configuring structures, processes, reward
systems, and people practices to create an
effective organization capable of achieving the
business strategy. The organization is not an
end in itself; it is simply a vehicle for
accomplishing the strategic tasks of the
business. A well-designed organization helps
everyone in the business do her or his job
effectively. A poorly-designed organization (or
an organization by default) creates barriers and
frustrations for people both inside and outside
the organization.
 Components of Organizational Design
 Overall organizational design is defined by three primary
 Organizational structure
 Integrating mechanisms
 Process of decision making
 The philosophy can be shown schematically in
the diagram below:
“Organization Development is an effort planned,
organization-wide, and managed from the top, to
increase organization effectiveness and health
through planned interventions in the organization's
'processes,' using behavioral-science knowledge.”

– Beckhard, “Organization development: Strategies and

Models”, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1969, p. 9.
“Organization Development ... attempt to influence the members
of an organization to expand their candidness ... and to take
greater responsibility for their own actions ... The assumption
behind OD is that when people pursue both of these objectives
simultaneously, they are likely to discover new ways of working
together that they experience as more effective for achieving
their own and their shared (organizational) goals ...”

Neilsen, “Becoming an OD Practitioner”, Englewood Cliffs, CA:

Prentice-Hall, 1984, pp. 2-3.
• Organizations experiencing rapid change, so
more need for OD
• Much growth in profession
• Some current OD primary values:
• humanistic/human potential
• authenticity
• performance/effectiveness
appreciative inquiry, coaching, continuous
learning, emotional intelligence, large-scale
interventions, learning organization, on-line
learning, self-managed and self-directed and
self organizing teams, systems thinking
Thank you

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