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id you watch the video-guide?
If you didn’t see it yet, there is a detailed video that goes through this plan thoroughly. To get a
better understanding of how to apply everything below, I highly recommend you go through it at
least once. If you’ve already watched the video, what are you waiting for… Let’s get started!
Work out
1. Prone angel (5-12 reps)

2. Plyo-burpees (5-12 reps)

3. Incline Push-ups: 5-12 reps

4. Hollow body hold: 20-40” hold

Week 1-2: Three rounds/circuits per workout

Week 3-5: Four rounds/circuits per workout

Resting periods
Rest between exercises: 10-15 seconds (start with 15 and adjust along the way)

Rest between circuits/round: 2-3 minutes (take your time, it’s better to hit each round fully recovered)

Exercise guidelines & alternatives

0. Warm up: As I like to say “If you don’t have time to warm-up, you don’t have time to work out. Click
here to see my detailed warm up guide on YouTube.
1. Prone angels: start with 0,5-liter water bottles
2. Push-ups: Start with incline push-ups even if you think you can do flat-on-the-floor push-ups. Focus
on perfect form and my mind-to-muscle cues for push-ups. Mastering the push-up this way opens the
gateway to understanding mind-to-muscle techniques and how they can be applied to Bodyweight
training overall.
3. Plyo-burpees: focus on jumping as high as possible (make sure you’ve warmed up properly). If burpees
are too hard for your knees do Wall-sits instead (go for 20-40” holds per set)
4. Core/Hollow-body: If you find the hollow body to complicated, start with planks and get back to the
hollow body once you get bored of planks.

Equipment recommendations
If you consider getting some basic equipment along the way and you’d like to support this project with a
small commission through, you can get my recommended equipment at

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