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Ron Vincent E.

Samonte GAS 12-A


Think of a situation wherein you were dissatisfied after purchasing an item. Were you
dissatisfied with the item, the service that you received from the salesperson, or
both? What could be the salesperson have done to remedy the situation? What would
you recommend to the company to better handle situations like this?

- One situation that I remember was when I bought a jogger pants in

Shopee, but the size that they sent was bigger than my usual size. I was
dissatisfied on the item and the service that I received from the seller. The seller
took so long to reply to my complaint, and they said that I can only take my
money back if I follow her very long process. I became so impatient that I didn’t
try to refund my item, because of the very long process. I was so busy at that time
too that’s why I can’t work on the refund process. In the end, I just kept the
jogger pants even though it was big. If I was the salesperson on that situation, I
could have remedied the problem right away by replying right away to the
complain of the customer and make a quick solution about it. I recommend to the
company that they should take good care of what they’ll send to their customers.
Always double check their products if it’s right, and they should also be attentive
to the complains of their customers.

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