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Meaning of Educational Technology

Education as a broad discipline that is responsible for changing behavior of individual with the help of
suitable method, strategies and techniques of teaching and learning. From the time of traditional Guru
Sisya parampra till date drastic changes have been observed in this regard. In this modern era of 21st
century of science and technology the complex process of teaching learning has been modified and
simplified by the use of educational technology which is nothing but application of modern technology
in the field of educational process. You can understand the meaning of educational technology by
dividing it into two words ―education‖ and ―technology‖: Education is the process of acquiring and
imparting cognitive, affective, psychomotor development on the part of the learner with a suitable
strategy. Education is a discipline which is both science and art. It is a mixture of science of learning and
arty of teaching. However technology refers to the systematic application of scientific principles in terms
of tools, machines and other expertise to achieve an objective which as a result of use can design and
create new devices that enriches human productivity as well a solves the problems. Hence technology is
applied for human development and worked as a problem solving inventions.

Educational Technology
Technology refers to the techniques as also the technical contrivances. A systematic way of applying the
techniques to achieve an objective is as important as the use of technical equipment for the same. As a
matter of fact, techniques are reckoned as the software and the equipment as the hardware of
technology. Technology results in new designs and devices as also new ideas and processes. Each new
physical device is accompanied by a new set of procedures and techniques. For example, the
development of telephone has led to phone books, answering machines, fax, telephone shopping, etc.
the ‗hard‘ component (physical device) for the purpose of study. Educate the act or process of acquiring
and imparting knowledge is crucial to the development of a learner with a view to his/her participation
in the transformation of the world for a better tomorrow. Learning and understanding are basic to the
definition of education. Educational technology is not a simple combination of these two words . its is
usually thought of even more than the sum of the following two interpretation;

1. Technology in education

2. Technology of education.

Thus Educational technology is a science of techniques and methods by which educational goals can be
realized. . It is helpful for preserving, transmitting and advancing the knowledge utilizing suitable tools
and techniques such as computer, television, CD etc. Hence educational technology utilizes several
machines such as television, radio, tape recorder, video tapes with principles engineering and principles
of physical sciences and behavioral science for improving the teaching and learning process of
education. Educational technology deals with

(i) analysis of instructional tasks/challenges and setting the educational objectives

(ii) selection and construction of suitable machine, tools, instrument
(iii) selection and use of appropriate techniques to run the machine/devices to achieve the
educational objective.
(iv) Integration of scientific and technological skills/ techniques with appropriate behavioral
outcome There have been several definitions of educational technology developed over

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The Characteristics of Educational Technology

The concept of Educational Technology as a subject may find expression through the
following points.

 It is the systematic application of scientific knowledge and experience to

 It aims at increasing efficiency in teaching-learning activity.
 Also, it gives stress on the development and use of new methods and
techniques for effective learning.
 It shifts the emphasis from the teacher to the learner in the matter of learning
and teaching.
 It controls the environment, its media, and the method in order to give better
results in learning.
 Further, it makes use of multi-media in learning like audiovisual aids,
hardware, and software, mass-media technology, etc.
 It involves human and non-human resources in the process of learning.
 It provides technical guidance and assistance to the solution of the problems in
 Educational technology tries to bring about desired changes in the traditional
methods for more efficiency and the economy of learning.
 Also, it develops the spirit of innovation and experimentation in learning
through the use of the new research findings.

Role of Educational Technology

The increased use of educational technology in modern education has thrown a

challenging responsibility to the teacher and the taught. It is in a position to remove the
old traditional views and outlook of education and develop a scientific attitude towards
the mechanism of human learning. Educational technology tries to assess and evaluate
the worthwhileness of the psychological laws and principles in the light of modern
science and technology. As such, modern education is not only based on psychology,
but also on the technology of learning. It has, therefore, combined and correlated the
human and non-human aspects involved in education. It has been realized that
Educational Technology has great potential in bringing about improvement in the
teaching-learning process.

The roles of educational technology in modern education are as follows:

The Scientific and Technological Basis of Education

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Education attains the status of science and technology owing to the application of
technological means and methods in teaching-learning activity. Technological outlook
and approach to education has made its study more realistic, experimental and
innovative in nature

Objective outlook to teaching

Teaching-learning activity was viewed earlier as a relationship tied up with moral and
spiritual values. But with the use of educational technology, it has made us visualize it
from an objective and realistic standpoint. The mechanism of learning has been viewed
in terms of its methods, techniques, modes, and strategies effective for it.

Individualization in learning

Educational technology is based on the principle of individualization in learning rather

than collective teaching in the traditional classroom. Self-learning and self-instructional
programs and materials are being used to make the learner personally involved. The
teacher is an organizer, planner, program maker, manipulator, and instructor, but not a
teacher in the traditional sense

Improves Quality of Teaching

The use of educational technology in education has definitely brought about an

improvement in teaching. It has made use of more flexible and variable methods and
techniques of teaching. Improved technological means like TV and computer act as
powerful motivating factors. It also provides scope for immediate feedback in learning.

Equalizing Educational Opportunity

Educational technology and media maintain the spirit of democracy in the field of
education. Also, it makes it possible to equalize the educational opportunities to all
people irrespective of the differences in social and economic status. Further, it provides
an educational opportunity to those physically handicapped and also to those who are
living in geographical isolation.

Meeting the Need for Mass Education

The development of mass education by making it open to all people has been made
possible through the use of educational technology. It has inspired the scientists for
more effective and innovative means to be applied in imparting mass education. Today,

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Educational technology and communication technology are more promising and

prospective fields of technology.

Educational Research

Innovations and experimentation undertaken in educational technology have opened up

new fields of educational research. Also, it influences every aspect of modem education
for its reassessment and reorganization. They include programming of the curricular
contents, use of the audio-visual aids, techniques and strategies of teaching, the
methodology of teacher training, feedback in learning, and so on

Educational Technology and Instructional Technology

The terms educational technology and instructional technology may seem interchangeable, but they in
fact have important subtle differences, when understood can make the differences 14 to an educator(s)
planning and implementation of instruction. Educational technologist

 Design instruction

 Produce instructional materials

 Manage instructional computing services or learning resources collections.

 Apply theories of cognition and research to utilize technology for the benefit of the learner.

Instructional technology refers to the use of technological processes as a tool specifically for teaching
and learning which facilitates access to information of all types. It is a broad term and Deals with the
process of using technology for instruction. It Describes the technologies that facilitate access to
information of all types. Its functions are Acquisition, processing, storage, and dissemination of
information in all of its forms and Evaluation, management, and integration of instruction with tools
available. However instructional technologist;

(i) Identify and analyze problems of instructional design

(ii) Devise and implement solutions to those problems.
(iii) Integrate people, procedures, ideas, and devices for the purpose of providing tools which
enhance the learning process.

It would seem that Instructional and Educational Technology are synonymous.

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