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Anti Money Laundering-An Introduction

The phrase “money laundering” was first coined at the 1. Placement (Hide) : The launderer introduces
beginning of the 20th Century. The criminalization of the the illegal profits into the financial system. This
actual or attempted laundering of proceeds of crime is may be done by breaking large amounts of cash
also quite recent. However, the practice of disguising
into less conspicuous, smaller sums that are
income derived from illicit activities can be traced back
to the 13th Century B.C, when the oceans and seas then deposited directly into a bank account. Or
were originally used as international trade routes. Rife by purchase of a series of monetary instruments
with pirates, the shipments were often purged and (the cashier's cheques and money orders) that
plundered for valuable commodities and assets. Pirates are then collected and deposited into accounts
were arguably pioneers in the practice of laundering at other locations.
such articles as they and even the empires they served
sought to profit from their treacheries in a way that did 2. Layering (Move) : The launderer engages in a
not attract any ramification. series of conversations or movements of funds
to distance them from their source. The funds
Because of the sophistication that the global banking may be channeled through the purchase and
industry has and because of the advent of information
technology, money laundering has been much easier in sale of investment products or the launderer
twenty first century that that in pirates time. Crime has may simply wire the funds through series of
become more global. It is no longer sufficient for accounts at a number of different banks. In
enforcement authorities to merely be aware of what is some instances, the launderer may disguise the
occurring within their own jurisdiction. Hence criminals transfers as payments for goods or services,
no longer have the desire to remain or limit their thus giving them a legitimate appearance.
activities to one country. As a result, international
criminal organizations have become skilled and Integration (Invest) : The illicit funds re-enter the
experienced at moving property from one country to
legitimate economy. The launderer may choose to invest
another, taking advantage of the notoriously lax
legislation existent in some countries that provides safe the funds into real estimate, luxury assets or business
havens for foreigners seeking to conceal their wealth. ventures.
Many of these countries provide “dead ends” for
investigators who attempt to follow the trail left by the Money Laundering-Global Scenario
In today's global economy organized crime groups
Though money laundering came to the world centuries generate huge sums of money through illegal activities
back, however no industry level initiatives were taken viz. drug trafficking, arms smuggling and financial crime.
until a decade ago even though banks world over were The money generated from those activities are of very
having different practices at their entity level. Finally Anti little use for them as the same raises suspicions of the
Money laundering guidelines came to effect post the law enforcement. The crime syndicates then tries to give
September 11 attacks. Now the Regulators of more than
legitimate cover to their illegal money by disguising the
100 countries has set up Financial intelligence Units are
issuing guidelines to their stakeholders so as to combat original source without exposing themselves. It has been
money laundering and terrorist financing activities. a major challenge for the financial services sector
across the world to combat money laundering and
Money Laundering-Defined terrorist financing.

Money laundering is basically giving legitimate cover to

the funds acquired through illegal activities. It is a
process by which Criminals attempt to hide the original
source of the fund acquired through crime. If the attempt
becomes successful, it provides and apparent legitimate
cover for the criminals source of income.

Stages in Money Laundering

The more developments in the global financial system of at large. And at the same time, it has already rang siren
the world, more difficult it has been to combat the anti- to the regulators to develop strategies to monitor money
money laundering activities. Because of the advent of laundering and terrorist financing. However as the
sophisticated technologies in the banking space, though Nepalese economy is in transition phase, similar is the
it has been able to provide services par excellence to situation of the Nepalese banking space. We have a
the customers at the same time it has made easy way to scenario that Nepalese banks are still way far from the
the criminals to launder their money in. Going by the technologies, management models and information
estimation made by the experts, money laundering is system used by the gobal banks at one end. At the
reporting to be more than US $ 1 Trillion every year by other, it is bitter truth that the Top Management of the
the Criminals. And it is estimated to grow at the rate of bank itself is not AML literate in majority of the Banks.
2.5%-3% annually. Because of the same, it is really challenging at the
regulator's end to implement AML initiatives.
Because of the fact that such huge amount of sums is
being laundered, it has been all the more important for Though Anti Money Laundering act 2008 has been
the entire financial institutions world over to develop enacted in Nepal, Hardly few banks are seen who are
policies and implement the same to combat the anti having Transaction Monitoring Units(TMUs) to combat
money laundering activities. And hence several bodies the AML at the bank level and raising Suspicious
have been formed to combat money laundering and Transaction Reports (STRs) at the regulators level. Here
finance of terrorism. The wolfs berg group is an the challenge lies not only to compel banks to raise
association of twelve global banks, which aims to STRs but also to educate the senior management with
develop financial services industry standards and respect to the implementation of AML Framework at the
related products, for Know Your Customer, Anti Money bank level.
Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing policies.
The Egmont Group is an association of several FIU's Mechanism to Prevent Money Laundering
across the world whose aim is information exchange
It is official now that in Nepal we also do have Anti
about money laundering activities. In the world at large,
Money Laundering Act formally known as Asset (Money)
more than 100 FIU's are working as on date and several
Laundering Prevention Act 2008) and the Regulator viz.
countries are in the process of establishing FIU's to
Nepal Ratra Bank has already developed Financial
combat money laundering.
Intelligence Unit as a move towards the Prevention from
Money Laundering-Nepalese Perspective Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Activities.
And also NRB is putting efforts on educating the
Nepalese Financial Industry is way far from the reporting entities to develop strategies to combat money
sophistication that the global banks have. However laundering activities at the supervisory level. Now the
because of the banking system in use and mushrooming changing banking scenario and the changing regulatory
of banks which has been seen till the recent times, this level expectations warrant the reporting entities to
has been a safe haven for the criminals to penetrate develop a mechanism to combat money laundering at
their illicit money in to the Nepalese banking channel. the reporting entity level also. And for the reporting
Despite the fact that Nepalese banks have not even entities to comply with the requirements of the Anti
been graduated from the pull based banking model, in Money Laundering Act and develop strategies to combat
the scenario that banks are begging and competing for money laundering, they require to have in place a robust
deposits with the interest rate as high as 13-14 percent, AML programme that would not only help in detecting
it has been a golden opportunity for criminals to launder instances of money laundering but also allow them to
their money. The Thirst of the deposits is so deep that report cash and suspicious transactions to FIU-Nepal.
bankers are ready to override any parameters set by the
regulators. In that context, thinking over Control A robust AML programme should incorporate the
mechanism by the banks for combating money following:
laundering and terrorist financing and working towards
 A designated Principle Compliance Officer:
the same seems to be far from distant.
 A system of Internal Policies, Procedures and
So it gives all the more reasons to Nepalese Banking Controls
Industry to think and develop strategies for combating  A continuous employee training programme and
money laundering and terrorist financing to the country
 An independent testing programme (i.e. internal  The AML Organization structure
control/audit)  Regulators requirements towards AML
 Role of Employees
1) Principal Compliance Officer (Oversight  Reporting and Record Keeping
Activities): The first and foremost move towards the requirements
development of an AML Programme is the  Escalation procedures in place
appointment of an AML Compliance Officer  Monitoring and Audit that would carried
(AMLCO) that is approved by the Board of Directors internally
and possesses requisite knowledge and
competency to effectively oversee the AML After developing an AML policy at the enterprise
programme. level, the organization needs to develop
Some of the roles and responsibilities of the AMLCO "Operating Policies and Procedures" for each or
would be its functions. The operating policies and
 To coordinate and monitor day to day AML procedures mention the documents that need to
compliance be collected from customers, the due diligence
 Liaison with regulatory/enforcement that needs to be performed, transaction
authorities monitoring that needs to be conducted, records
 Submit cash and Suspicious Transaction that need to be maintained and the manner of
Reports to the FIU reporting to the AMLCO. Following are the
 To make sure that the AML policies and various components of the Operating Policies
procedures have been well documented, and Procedures and the expectations of the
approved by the Board and communicated regulator.
to all personnel
a) Customer Identification Procedure:
 Review adequacy of AML controls in the
The organization needs to put in place a
existing and new products offered by the
process for capturing information about
the customer. Popularly known as Know
 Report to the Audit Committee on the
Your Customer (KYC), this is the first
adequacy of existing control and
step in identifying potential money
improvements needed
laundering instances. For the same
 Maintain oversight over AML related duties
Nepal Rastra Bank has already issued
and have been delegated within the
KYC procedures allow the organization
to gather information about the
2) Internal policies, Procedures and Controls: The
background of the customer. These
organization needs to have in place a board
KYC procedures need to be adopted for
approved 'enterprise wide' AML policy and operating
both existing and new customers.
policies and procedures for each area or function of
The components of a robust Customer
the organization. The enterprise-wide policy is like a
Identification Procedures include:
master document as it sets the tone of the senior
 A list of documents (identity and
management towards AML. It communicates to the
address proof) that needs to be
personnel throughout the organization the AML
collected by the personnel from
standards and procedures that the organization as a
different classes of customers
whole would adopt. It also indicates the AML
(e.g. individual, trust,
Operating structure, regulatory reporting and
partnership firm, body
recording requirements and internal audit and
monitoring that would be carried out to ensure
 Collection from customers,
adherence to AM requirements.
name and address proof (e.g.
The Enterprise wide AML Policy should generally
Citizenship, PAN Card etc)
 Confirming the authenticity of
 The objectives the organization aims at the documents provided
 Screening customer's name The organization must clearly set out
against watch lists (e.g. procedures, which would serve as
customer having the criminal guides to each function in the
background, terrorist affiliations) organization. The procedures should
b) Customer Due Diligence: Once the clearly spell out the transactions that
necessary KYC documents are would be monitored, the tools
collected and verified, the organization (automated/manual) that would be used
needs to collect information about the to monitor the transactions, periodicity
client. The process involves gathering of monitoring transactions, the
information about the customer's escalations procedures that need to be
nationality occupation, nature of adopted when "alerts" are generated,
business, source of wealth, affiliations the time frame within which the "alerts"
expected transaction volumes and types need to be resolved and the procedure
of products the customer is likely to that needs to be adopted for filing
engage in. Profile Checks, Residence Suspicious Transactions Reports (STR)
Verification, Business Verifications can d) Transaction Reporting: The AML ACT
be conducted as a tool of CDD. requires the organization to file with FIU
two kind of reports:
Based on the information gathered, the a. Cash Transaction Report (CTR)
organization should perform a risk b. Suspicious Transaction Report
profiling of the customers, Customers (STR)
could be classified as low, medium or
high risk. Enhanced due diligence The organization needs to file these
should be performed for customers reports in the prescribed format to
classified as high risk, this would help FIU in a timely manner as specified
the organization in gathering maximum in the Asset (Money) Laundering
information about the customer and take Prevention Act 2008).
a well informed decision whether it
e) Record Retention: The guidelines
wants to accept the customer or not.
issued by the regulators require the
Besides the above, organizations
banks, financial institutions and
should consider performing enhanced
intermediaries to document policies for
due diligence for foreign correspondent
retention of customer identification and
banking accounts, customers that are
due diligence records, records of
from high risk geographic or purchase
transaction conducted by the customer
certain products which are prone to
and documents supporting CTR and
money laundering or are politically
STRs filed by the entity.
exposed persons (PEPs).
3) Employee Training Program: A robust and
It would be essential that the risk
updated training programme is the corner stone for
profiling needs to be well documented
countering money laundering and terrorist financing.
so that the parameters can be well
Well-trained employees are a strong defence
demonstrated to the regulator as and
against money laundering and terrorist financing.
when required.
Hence, it is important for organizations to develop
and implement an enterprise wide training
c) Transaction Monitoring: The
programme. It is advisable that training programs
regulations issued by the regulators
are structured for:
require organizations to perform
 New Employees
periodic monitoring of customer related
transactions. Accordingly, organizations  Existing Employees and
should undertake a risk-based  High Risk Employees (employees that deal
monitoring of transactions and aim to with products or services which have a
detect unusual or suspicious activity in substantial "money laundering risk")
customer's account.
Further, the training program should be frequently
updated t incorporate changes in the money
laundering and terrorist financing laws and
4) Independent Review of the AML Programme:
Finally, the AML programme should be subjected to
an independent review. The guidelines issued by the
regulators require the internal audit or the
compliance team to evaluate the AML Programme.
Further, external reviewers may be appointed to
judge the adequacy and the robustness of the AML
programme. Lapses in the programme should be
communicated to the audit committee on a quarterly

Before Signing Off:

There is no denying that with the sophistication of the

globalised banking industry, money laundering activities
has also extended at the global scale. However the
innovations in information technology and evolution of
different logical computer languages, monitoring money
laundering and terrorist financing has made easier which
otherwise would have been a uphill task.

In our Nepalese context, though the banking operations

are moving towards the global sophistication, but we
cannot really see any upsurge in the control parameters
designed to monitor the subject like money laundering at
the enterprise wide level. In this context, it could be a
valid argument, If supervisory level controls are pin
pointed. But in the country like ours, where transition
phase is unending, Entity level preparedness plays more
prominent role than that of supervisory, as the Entities
need to sustain /grow despite the supervisory level
controls and guidelines. Hence it calls for the banks in
Nepal to develop Enterprise wide Anti Money
Laundering Controls and Procedures and to implement
them in the spirit for which it was designed irrespective
of whether supervisory level controls are working or not.


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