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Philippines without hope, integrity and history, a country where people was fed through falsity and a
nation led by corrupt and bias politicians.

This is what the future may look like if the countries leader is unqualified of their position. The country
will fall down again due to its people’s ignorance.

In the span of election period here in the Philippines, an exact 150 days, President elect Ferdinand
“Bongbong” Marcos Jr. labeled and non-stop said in his propaganda that he will implement “Unity” and
that this is the only way to bring back the Golden Age of Philippines. Is this true? No. There is no such
thing in the history that Philippines experience the peak of the Golden Age. This I think is the reason why

people was hooked by this falsity, People are being bombarded by false hope and was used as bait to
get what this elected president’s hidden agenda.

As this election was held and proclaimed a leader who is incompetent and unqualified. It marks another
era where credentials and good values are not needed anymore. The credentials was just there for
accessories and public records was kept for personal affiliations and not for transparency, this gives the
traditional politicians to fatten up their funds with the help of their elected and trusted corrupt

The only way to eradicate this was to be vigilant. Be responsible citizen because no matter how
mannered you are it does not erase the fact that well educated is more important than being well
mannered. The truth will always find its way. We must not forget and we must not forgive until justice

With this blurry vision is the vivid fact that the problem of the past is still the problem of tomorrow.
What we can do now as citizen is to observe and to voice out that wrongdoings of the elected leaders.
The future is now in our hands.

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