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Fun Butterfly Snacks

• Create your own edible butterfly and review butterfly anatomy with this tasty treat

• Review butterfly anatomy
• Create a fun treat

Quesadilla Butterfly

Materials: (buy extra just in case something drops or gets broken)

• 2 quesadilla triangles for the wings
• 7 Grapes for the body
• 2 carrot strips
• 2 blueberries for antenna clubs
Fun Butterfly Snacks

Cupcake Butterfly

• Use your favorite muffin mix or buy a premade box from the store
• 1 paper plate
• Cupcake with frosting
• Fruit for the wings (2 strawberry slices (cut a strawberry in quarters), 2 raspberries, 2 half slices of
• Pretzel stick for the body
• Paper towels

Butterfly Pretzel

Materials: (each student)

• 1 paper plate
• knife
• 1 celery stick cut about 2 inches long
• 3 Raisins
• Peanut butter or Nutella
• Pretzel knots

• Spread the peanut butter or Nutella into the celery groove
• Put 3 raisins down the middle to represent the 3 body parts
• Add 2 pretzel knots angled upwards for wings
• Celery stick cut about 2 inches long
Fun Butterfly Snacks

Butterfly Rainbow Pretzel

Materials: (each student)

Prep 35 min
Total 1 hr 5 min
Servings 20
• 40 small pretzel twists
• 1/2 cup white vanilla baking chips or 2 oz vanilla-flavored candy coating, cut into pieces
• 1 box (5.0 oz) Betty Crocker™ Fruit Roll-Ups™ Chewy Fruit-Flavored Snack
• 2 packages Betty Crocker™ Fruit Gushers™ fruit flavored snacks (from a box)
• 10 small pretzel sticks (for straight anntena) or small pretzel twists (for curved antenna)

• Line large cookie sheet with waxed paper. Unroll Fruit Roll-Ups™, one sheet at a time. Trace each
small pretzel on the Fruit Roll-Ups™ with a sharp knife. Remove shape and press firmly to back
of pretzel. Continue until all pretzels are covered. Place pretzels in pairs on waxed paper, with
bottom tips touching as shown to form wings.

Cut 10 Gushers™ fruit flavored snacks in half to make 20 halves. Set aside. In a microwave-safe
bowl, melt white chocolate chips on high for 30 seconds. Remove from micro, stir, and return to
micro for up to another 30 seconds until chocolate is melted completely and can be stirred
smooth. Using a small spoon or pastry bag, dab chocolate to join each pretzel set to make a
butterfly. Before the chocolate sets, add a Gushers™ half, cut-side down, to make the butterfly
Fun Butterfly Snacks

Snap remaining pretzel twists (or pretzel sticks) into anntena size. Dip one end of each piece into
the melted chocolate and place on the butterflies. Allow chocolate to harden completely before
removing from wax paper. Add 2 pretzel knots angled upwards for wings

Butterfly Snack Bag

Materials: (each student)

• 1 clothes pin
• 2 wiggle eyes
• 1 small Ziplock baggie
• Snack of some variety – fruit loops, fruit, etc.
• Pipe cleaner
• Glue
• scissors

• Glue the 2 wiggle eye onto the head of the cloths pin
• Cut a piece of pipe cleaner (any color) into a 4-5” length
• Fold the pipe cleaner in half and curl both ends to make the antenna
• Fill the baggie ½ - 2/3 full.
• Twist the bag in the middle to create the wings
• Tuck the baggie into the head of the cloths clip and then the pipe cleaner
The head (gumdrop) is has two compound eyes, a proboscis, and two antennae.

Eyes: (mini M&Ms) Each eye of a butterfly has hundreds of lenses. This is known as a compound eye

Proboscis: (red shoestring licorice) The proboscis is a long straw-like tube that unrolls from
the head when the butterfly needs to take either food or water for its liquid diet.

Antennae: (toothpicks) The antennae extend out of the top of the head, from between the
eyes and end in a thickened or club like structure. These organs act as the insect’s nose and
aid in finding food, mating, and balancing during flight.

The thorax (large marshmallow) is divided into three segments, each with a pair of legs. The four wings
a butterfly or moth are also attached to the thorax which houses the muscles needed for making
the wings and legs move.

Legs: (black shoestring licorice) Butterflies and moths have six segmented legs.

Wings: (pretzels) Butterflies and moths have two sets of wings. The front two are called
forewings while the rear two are called hind wings. The wings are covered in thousands of
colorful scales.

The abdomen (candy fruit slices) is long and contains the majority of the butterfly’s organs
such as the heart, breathing pores or spiracles, most of the digestive system, and reproductive

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