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1. The old man sighed.

2. I don't understand what you are telling me.

3. A cry of horror went up from the crowd.

4. What shall we do now?

5. Have you got any change?

6. Get out of my way.

7. The girl looked at him and frowned.

8. Aren't you coming with us?

9. Stop doing that!

10. My new house is very small.

11. Their son doesn't want to go on holiday with them.

12. The wedding was a great success.

13. It was raining heavily when we arrived.

14. The local team's performance last Saturday was abysmal.

15. Tell me what you think of it.

16. Are you going into town this afternoon?

17. What a lovely day it has been!

18. How did she manage to do that?

19. Where do you think she's going?

20. That isn't the way to do it.

21. Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.

22. I have two brothers and one sister.

23. Canada and the United states are neighbors.

24. This hat only cost me $15.

25. These shoes are too tight

26. I don't really want to be here.

27. My father doesn't like chocolate ice cream.

28. What are you doing?

29. Am I too late?

30. Where did you put the spade?

31. Can you see anything?

32. Why doesn't she just tell you what she thinks?

33. How old is your daughter?

34. Who's that they're talking to?

35. Would you like a cup of coffee?

36. Come back!

37. Do be reasonable.

38. Don't ever do that again!

39. You sit over there, Jack!

40. Sit up straight!

41. Come and have a cup of tea.

42. Mind your own business!

43. What a fool I’ve been!

44. How I hate maths!

45. You silly boy!

46. What glorious weather we’re having!

47. How marvelous!

48. What pretty shoes!

49. God save the queen!

50. Long live the president!

51. Peace be upon him

52. God forbid that that should ever happen.

53. May you live a long and happy life together.

54. May she never know a day's peace as long as she lives!

55. I don't feel very well.

56. She's scared of dogs

57. Harry's coming.

58. How did she do that!

59. Which house is yours?

60. Can you tell me where they are?

61. John’s leaving this afternoon.

62. If you want to do it now, then when will you do it?

63. When will you do it, if you want to do it now?

64. What a wonderful day!

65. How very sad!

66. Off with his head!

67. Was I frightened!

68. Isn't that tree beautiful?

69. Please sit down.

70. Sit down at once.

71. May you have on your heart desires.

72. May he suffer as I have suffered.

73. Do come and visit us again.

74. Come back here!

75. Isn't that a beautiful flower!

76. Will you stop that noise!

77. Come back here!

78. Will they ever stop the fighting end in Palestine?

79. Will you stop fighting with your sister!

80. Isn't Tim's wife the woman in a white dress?

81. Am I the only one who thinks she's crazy?

82. Am I glad to see you!

83. Close the door

84. The little girl sang beautifully.

85. She went into the garden.

86. We saw her last week.

87. The teacher was very cross.

88. The boys laughed

89. He lost his lovely new watch.

90. He is leaving tomorrow.

91. Are you coming with us?

92. Don't move!

93. God bless this ship and all who sail in her.

94. How much does it cost?

95. There's been a nasty accident in Oxford Street.

96. Who were you speaking to just now?

97. The birds flew from the nest.

98. May I go to the party?

99. May the best man win.

100. Peter cut his foot on a sharp stone.

101. I ought to leave now.

102. May I leave now?

103. Don't leave yet.

104. What a silly idea!

105. What is the highest mountain in the world?

106. Shut that door!

107. I was at the meeting all morning.

108. Do have some more wine.

109. Would you like some more wine?

110. How did you get here so soon?

111. How right you are!

112. When did you last see her?

113. I don't know what to do?

114. Please come in.

115. I don't really like cheese.

116. Do you like cheese?

117. I absolutely hate cheese.

118. That would own traitors to the party.

119. Why did she get so upset about it?

120. May I say something?

121. Long live. Rock'n'roll.

122. What an awful woman she is!

123. How stupid i’ve been!

124. Doesn't she live somewhere near here ?

125. May I always be a credit to your parents!

126. I wish I had never ever gone there.

127. It doesn't seem likely that he'll come now.

128. There's no speed limit on this stretch of road.

129. Tom stared at his friend in amazement.

130. The man spoke with an American accent.

131. I've got a sore head.

132. Loud music gives me a headache.

133. She lent the man her bicycle.

134. The tooth fairy takes your tooth and leaves you $3.

135. The trees were bare.

136. Sheila became a teacher.

137. They elected him a mayor.

138. The girl pushed the door open.

139. Come quickly!

140. Tell me honestly what you think.

141. I'll tell her tomorrow.

142. The boys are both at school.

143. Honestly, from the way she behaves you'd think she was the Queen.

144. To be frank, I don't think that is the right way to solve the problem.

145. Do you want to come with us, John?

146. Quickly, girls. Form a line over here.

147. Gosh, that's a big car!

148. My goodness, this is a heavy box.

149. Look! I'm not giving you any more money, and that's final.

150. Jean arrived yesterday.

151. She can't come this afternoon.

152. My mother likes gardening.

153. Her eldest daughter lives in London.

154. The door suddenly opened.

155. Cats and dogs make good pets.

156. Sit down please!

157. Run for it!

158. Tell me everything.

159. Don't say that.

160. Come back again next week.

161. Are you coming along?

162. Where are you going?

163. How did he do that?

164. What an idiot I am!

165. What a great day this is!

166. Long live the President!

167. Bill is a teacher.

168. Bill teaches mathematics.

169. My grandmother does t’ai chi every morning.

170. Mr. And Mrs. Wang have a beautiful garden.

171. Mommy's upstairs in her bedroom.

172. The boys all the way home.

173. I'll teach him a lesson!

174. The old couple next door have been married for more than 60 years.

175. Is your aunt coming tomorrow?

176. Have you ever been to India?

177. Where are you going now?

178. In Britain, the weather can be very cold even in summer.

179. Sadly they said goodbye.

180. What a beautiful dress that is!

181. Please speak more slowly.

182. Don't do that!

183. It was raining heavily.

184. It was very misty in this morning.

185. It's getting dark now.

186. It's about 5:30, I think.

187. It was very quiet in town today.

188. What do you think doesn't matter.

189. That she is writing a book is well known.

190. Something is worrying him.

191. Plenty of people believe in astrology.

192. John always sings too loudly.

193. No one laughed.

194. The boys were playing football in the garden.

195. That dress really suits you.

196. I think I have lost my umbrella.

197. She shut her eyes tightly.

198. I may arrive late.

199. Ali was hit on the head by a golf ball.

200. Ronald got a punishment exercise for being rude to his teacher.

201. Has he arrived yet?

202. When are you leaving?

203. Why did you kick her?

204. Will she be coming with us?

205. Dad’s asleep.

206. The baby's crying.

207. I'd do it at once.

208. I had a terrible dream.

209. I don't know.

210. I wasn't sure where she was.

211. I can't do it at once.

212. The bell won't work.

213. You get a lovely view from the top of that hill.

214. Bill stared at her in amazement phone.

215. I am inclined to agree with you.

216. What shall we do next?

217. My arm hurts.

218. The day started badly and got steadily worse.

219. Perhaps we should leave now.

220. My love for her will last forever.

221. What have you two been doing all day?

222. It was a cold, wet morning.

223. Why does performing in a concert worry you so much?

224. Memories of last year's holiday came flooding back to her.

225. She looked at herself in the mirror.

226. Michael punched James on the nose.

227. James was punched on the nose by Michael.

228. I got a watch from my aunt for my birthday.

229. This watch was given to me by my aunt.

230. Esther told me the latest news.

231. He banged the door behind him.

232. The door banged shut behind him.

233. Her books are very popular in Britain.

234. Do you speak Spanish?

235. What an expense children's clothes and nowadays!

236. I just do not understand your reasoning.

237. What harm has she ever done to you?

238. The car had been abandon by the thieves several miles away.

239. Suddenly, down came the rain.

240. I'll see you home after the meeting.

241. Which room is she in?

242. Traffic moves very slowly along the roads during the rush hour.

243. She made him very happy.

244. The old lady chased the dog out of her garden.

245. My uncle's coming for tea.

246. Where are the children going?

247. The rain never stops at this time of the year.

248. What a beautiful dress that is!

249. How on earth did she do that?

250. That isn't a very common mistake.

251. That mistake is very common.

252. That would be awful!

253. Do you know where we're going?

254. I wouldn't have done that.

255. Isn’t she coming?

256. Shouldn't we be on your way by now?

257. You can't say that to him!

258. Sorry we couldn't be with you.

259. It just won't work.

260. Isn't that a lovely little dog!

261. You shan't stop me.

262. No one was waiting for them.

263. What you think is of no importance.

264. That we were alone in the house came as no surprise.

265. A time may come when racial prejudice no longer exists.

266. Something's wrong.

267. Telling her that would be a waste of time.

268. Two men were standing in the doorway.

269. Was anyone I know at the meeting?

270. I am really angry.

271. We were very pleased to be there.

272. I love Chinese food.

273. We Scots love Chinese food.

274. I have something to tell you.

275. Both of us have something to tell you.

276. You are silly.

277. You two were late again this morning.

278. You boys have no right to say that!

279. Both of you are at fault.

280. She is my daughter's teacher.

281. Tom is at school.

282. They are Japanese I think.

283. Both of the boys were here yesterday.

284. I am on holiday.

285. We are on holiday.

286. The bread is moldy.

287. The apples are moldy.

288. Her dogs bark a lot.

289. Here is the book you lent me.

290. There are two big black birds in that tree.

291. Who is that man?

292. What is that?

293. What was once an important port now a village nearly a mile from the sea.

294. What were once warehouses and now just empty ruins.

295. Every student has a personal locker.

296. Each student has a personal locker.

297. All the students have a personal locker.

298. Everyone is here.

299. Everybody knows that.

300. Nobody was listening to her.

301. All the bread is moldy.

302. All the apples are moldy.

303. Some money has been stolen.

304. Some books have been stolen.

305. No damage has been done.

306. No losses have been incurred.

307. 3 kilos of carrots is far too much.

308. $6000 seem a lot of money to pay for a painting.

309. 10 shillings is the same as 50 pence.

310. 25 miles is a long way to walk in one day.

311. Five days is a long time to wait.

312. Tea and coffee are popular drinks.

313. Carrots and potatoes are vegetables.

314. Gin and tonic is a popular drink.

315. Mince and potatoes is my favorite meal.

316. Two and two make 4.

317. A number of passengers were injured when the bus crashed.

318. A number of animals have escaped from the zoo

319. The majority of all students go on to study at university

320. Only a small minority of all members have voted against strike action.

321. A lot of strange things have been happening recently.

322. A lot of us are not sure why we're here.

323. The rest of us have to stay here.

324. The rest of the children were rescued by the fire brigade.

325. A lot of the work has already been done.

326. The rest of it is to be finished by tomorrow.

327. There was a lot of rubbish lying in the street.

328. There were lots of children playing in the street.

329. Heaps of money has been wasted on this project.

330. Heaps of mistakes have been made.

331. Maths is not as interesting as history.

332. Billiards is a very similar game to snooker.

333. Measles was a common childhood disease.

334. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy.

335. Tiddlywinks is played with small round plastic counters.

336. Numismatics is a fancy word for the study of coins and medals.

337. Politics is boring.

338. Her politics are quite beyond me.

339. Mechanics is one of the subjects I studied at university.

340. Mathematics is her favorite subject.

341. The mathematics are clear: the cost of a refill can be as low as the 10th are the cost of a

new cartridge.

342. I think your mathematics is wrong.

343. People are silly, aren't they?

344. Folk do things like that, don't they?

345. The youth of today are less interested in playing sport than we were at their age.

346. The police are on their way

347. The clergy add forever complaining about the morals of young people today.

348. The cattle were in the barn.

349. There were several youths at the end of the street.

350. I'm going home to visit my folks this weekend.

351. The audience was larger than I had expected.

352. The committee has decided not to accept your resignation.

353. Our class has been chosen to represent at school.

354. The public is all too easily fooled.

355. The jury finds the defendant not guilty.

356. The government has no right to act without consulting parliament.

357. The audience were obviously enjoying the performance.

358. The committee have decided not to accept your resignation.

359. Our class have all had flu.

360. The general public know very little about the causes of inflation.

361. He could see that the flock were getting restless.

362. The dog was chased out in the garden.

363. She were really angry about it.

364. Who were you with last night?

365. Are these two boys your sons?

366. They became increasingly worried.

367. The two of us are going on a trip.

368. What do they want?

369. They were soon friends again.

370. It gives me a lot of pleasure to be here.

371. We don't often me turn up late for school.

372. She and I were close friends.

373. Both Jenny and may like ice cream.

374. Several bars of chocolate have been stolen.

375. Tom and his brother don't like football.

376. You and she are very alike.

377. One set up is send papers has gone missing.

378. Tea and coffee are popular drinks.

379. Gin and tonic are a popular drink.

380. A lot of women dye their hair.

381. Everybody needs somebody to love.

382. A squadron of fighters has been sent to the Middle East.

383. Three squadrons of fighters have been sent to the Middle East.

384. Five pounds was a lot of money when I was young.

385. No one believes you.

386. A lot of paint has been wasted.

387. The rest of the players are to be chosen tomorrow.

388. A thousand of his supporters are learning too much through the town in protest.

389. None of the bread was moldy.

390. A dozen eggs are needed for this recipe.

391. A dozen eggs seems far too much.

392. A large number of children were found to be suffering from malnutrition.

393. There was $100 in that envelope.

394. There were 100 angry women waiting to see him.

395. People like her are really infuriating.

396. Shingles is very unpleasant.

397. Snakes terrify me.

398. A member of clergy was seen entering the building.

399. His politics are very right-wing.

400. Physics and chemistry were two science subjects I chose.

401. The police were called to the scene.

402. Our ladders are in the garage.

403. Draughts is played on the same type of more as chess.

404. There was a plate of biscuits on the table.

405. Snakes and ladders is a favorite game of ours.

406. The draughts in this room are dreadful.

407. A number of protesters were arrested.

408. Some of the plants were killed by the frost.

409. They have two sons and two daughters.

410. The boy was holding a piece of string in his hand.

411. He was reading a book.

412. She cradled the baby in her arms.

413. They built their own house.

414. Pour some water into the pot.

415. Does she like cheese?

416. I don't know them very well.

417. He got $5 from his uncle.

418. I lost my car keys.

419. Swans eat water plants and insects.

420. Bertrand Russel wrote a history of philosophy.

421. I don't smoke cigars.

422. Have they said anything to you about the next week's meeting?

423. I'd love a cup of tea.

424. A friend of mine had a heart attack when he was only 33.

425. She still loves you.

426. I gave her a book.

427. He bought his nephew a new bicycle.

428. She gave her little brother a kick on the ankle.

429. David showed Mary his stamp collection.

430. Will you give me a seat?

431. Can you lend him $10?

432. Find the company a solution to this problem and you will be well rewarded.

433. Fetch me a bucket of water, please.

434. This project offers unemployed people a chance to train for new jobs in information tech-

435. George kicked the ball angrily.

436. I saw her in town yesterday.

437. She held the puppy in her arms.

438. My father does the crossword in the paper every day.

439. I know that.

440. I need 3 volunteers.

441. Do you love her?

442. Where did you buy that book?

443. She really hates injustice.

444. He summoned his servants.

445. The waiter wiped the table

446. I'll take her a present.

447. Show Jane the photograph.

448. Save us a couple of seats in the front row will you?

449. I brought you some flowers.

450. Show the photograph to Jane.

451. A friend of mine lives in Delhi.

452. The girl nodded.

453. The old man frowned.

454. My aunt is coming next weekend.

455. The baby was sleeping quietly

456. Don't cry.

457. There's a spider crawling across the floor

458. John ate quickly.

459. John ate the biscuit.

460. The door suddenly opened.

461. Rajiv opened the door.

462. Are you listening?

463. Don't interrupt when I'm talking.

464. Don't interrupt when I'm talking to someone.

465. Janet lent Sarah her pencil.

466. I will give you my answer tomorrow.

467. Tell me a story.

468. Get me some new pants when you're in town, please.

469. Have you given James the money yet?

470. Margaret baked her grandmother a beautiful cake.

471. Mr. Lee showed the doctor his spots.

472. There are plans to teach school children first aid.

473. Don't forget to take your wife some flowers.

474. She promised me that book.

475. He brought his son a bike.

476. She had learned her lesson well.

477. Do you speak Japanese?

478. She was speaking to someone on the phone when I saw her.

479. Why are you singing?

480. What are you singing?

481. Mom’s working in a garden and that is painting a picture of her.

482. Where are they all going?

483. Can you lend me $50?

484. My wife never eats chocolate.

485. Most children like lemonade.

486. Could you do me a favor?

487. I haven't seen anyone there all day.

488. I've to write him a report on this morning's meeting.

489. Can anyone help us?

490. Bring us the menu, please.

491. May was reading.

492. Peter watched carefully.

493. I used to teach in high school.

494. Simon is upstairs writing.

495. We won.

496. Mom’s in the kitchen baking.

497. Have you finished yet?

498. Don't play in the street!

499. I am an old man now.

500. She was so tired after working all day in the garden.

501. Her eyes are blue.

502. Someday I will prove you wrong.

503. We always talked her very reliable.

504. Her daughter seems very happy in her new job.

505. This cheese is nice.

506. They felt really stupid when they saw what we had done.

507. You will get wet if you go out in the rain.

508. Three years later he became a priest.

509. That girl's my daughter and that's her boyfriend over there.

510. His reaction was a bit over the top.

511. Some plums and green and some are purple

512. Her parents are doctors.

513. She seems very happy.

514. That tastes nice.

515. That smells good

516. She got angrier and angrier.

517. She became an American citizen in 1981.

518. Joanne felt a bit silly

519. Leaves turn brown in autumn.

520. The weather has turned out fine again today.

521. She tasted the wine.

522. The wine tastes good.

523. They weighed the parcel.

524. The parcel weighed 5 kilos.

525. They made him chairman.

526. They anointed Solomon king.

527. They’ve painted the wall screen and ceiling blue

528. I like my coffee black.

529. I don't find this very satisfactory.

530. The court finds you not guilty.

531. They elected Stella chairman

532. We've appointed Susan the union Rep.

533. She lent me her new pen.

534. Did you show her the photos?

535. They gave her a present.

536. They elected her chairman.

537. Someday I will prove you wrong.

538. Hey filed the wood smooth.

539. I hereby declare this bazaar open.

540. Leave the windows open please.

541. They consider him a total liability.

542. I find the whole project absolutely pointless.

543. They have appointed Susan the new union representative.

544. She wiped her face dry with a towel.

545. Pour the mixture into the dish and pat it flat.

546. Could I have made my explanation any simpler?

547. Scrub the floor clean.

548. I would just this project a failure

549. Make both lines equal.

550. We must presume her dead.

551. Brings the caddigan free of soap.

552. Are you calling me a liar?

553. You should count yourself lucky.

554. The proposal seem sensible.

555. The rumors proved false.

556. You must be crazy!

557. Aren’t some people absolutely ridiculous!

558. The price of petrol these days is a disgrace.

559. Everyone thinks she’s gone completely mad.

560. What a silly idea!

561. The girl next door is a dedicated follower of all the latest fashions and fads.

562. He remained a soldier for the next 20 years.

563. How much does the packet weigh?

564. The fete was a complete disaster.

565. She sniffed the flowers carefully.

566. I felt extremely silly.

567. That jam smells nice.

568. First measure out 500 grams of flour.

569. The mirror measures 40 centimeters by 65 centimeters.

570. Getting a replacement for her has proved extremely difficult.

571. You can prove anything with the statistics.

572. You can taste the ginger in the marmalade.

573. The chocolate tasted slightly bitter.

574. The president named his own son Prime Minister.

575. My wife makes me very happy.

576. Wrap the plaster smooth before it dries.

577. My daughter wants to dye her hair red.

578. Do you want your hair shorter?

579. Everyone thinks her completely mad.

580. I don't find that very funny.

581. We need to be aware about 2 meters high.

582. They varnished the whole floor a greeny-bblue color

583. Go round and wipe all the table clean, please.

584. Tom and Nancy built Nancy’s parents are bungalow in their back garden.

585. Are you calling me a liar?

586. I like my curries hot.

587. Kim had to tell her parents the sad news.

588. Do you think they'll offer you a job?

589. Can you lend me a pen?

590. They made Carlos the shop steward.

591. That made Carlos very angry.

592. I'll see you tomorrow morning.

593. The children were sitting on the floor.

594. Run quickly!

595. To be honest, I think you're completely mistaken.

596. She has obviously forgotten to come.

597. I'm not going to apologize.

598. I've got blisters on both feet.

599. Frankly, I'm not too happy about this.

600. Toby shook the man's hand warmly.

601. She always achieved top grades, both at school and at university.

602. The man then gave a hideous laugh.

603. We can do that next week.

604. I'll see you at the match.

605. Are you coming this evening?

606. Sue sings beautifully.

607. You will have to cut it with a knife.

608. He brought some chocolates for her.

609. You did that on purpose!

610. I can't find my coat.

611. You must have left it somewhere.

612. It's amazing what you can buy on the Internet.

613. She behaved with commendable restraint.

614. Come and see me tomorrow.

615. Here I am.

616. Off you go.

617. When will you be leaving?

618. To whom should I get the book?

619. For what possible reason would she leave her children?

620. How should I give the book to?

621. What should I mend this hole with?

622. Miki didn't like his attitude at all.

623. She sometimes wears pyjamas in the office for fun.

624. We always go to France with friends for our holidays.

625. You have behaved foolishly.

626. Vivian paints beautifully.

627. I find Rhona’s painting disturbing.

628. He put his wife's bike in the garage.

629. She sings like a bird.

630. I almost died laughing.

631. Yesterday we all went to the cinema.

632. In Britain, it can be very cold in the wintertime.

633. Reluctantly, Charles and Andy said goodbye to their friends.

634. There they are, in the garden as usual.

635. To be frank, that was a mistake.

636. Confidentially, he's not the right man for the job.

637. Strictly speaking, we shouldn't even been here.

638. Wisely, John decided not to say anything.

639. Fortunately, she didn't hurt herself badly when she fell.

640. She was, unfortunately, not as good as we had hoped.

641. It was, admittedly, a very difficult job.

642. She’ll possibly arrive tomorrow.

643. Perhaps she isn't coming at all.

644. They had obviously no right to park there.

645. To my relief, the ambulance was not long in coming.

646. Of course I didn't forget it was your birthday.

647. She told me frankly what she thought.

648. Frankly, she's out of her mind.

649. You have behaved foolishly.

650. Foolishly, she left her front door wide open.

651. He looked at them hopefully.

652. Hopefully, we can do better next time.

653. It was, frankly, a mistake.

654. To be honest, we were wrong.

655. The haps she won't come after all.

656. I don't want to go shopping. Besides, I don't have time to.

657. I don't want to take you to the pictures. I don't have time to, anyway.

658. I don't really have time to go with you. However, I will if you want me to.

659. We sold all the paintings and made record profits. All in all, it's been a most successful


660. I'm not buying you a new bike for two reasons. Firstly, we can't afford it. Secondly, you

don't deserve it.

661. For a start, you don't deserve a new bike.

662. I missed my train phone stop I therefore had to stay another night.
663. On the one hand, we could go abroad for our holiday. On the other hand, it might be bet-

ter to stay in re Britain.

664. The baby was crying, so I picked her up.

665. The dog was obviously friendly, yet it was afraid of us.

666. I think, therefore I am.

667. I'm not buying you a new bike, firstly because we can't afford it and secondly because

you don't deserve one.

668. If you're ready, then i'll start.

669. The dog was obviously friendly, and yet it was afraid of us.

670. We could go to France for our holidays or,on the other hand, we could go to Spain.

671. You'd better leave now or else you might miss the bus.

672. I'll be back tomorrow. I'll do the job then.

673. Are you ready? Then i'll begin.

674. You couldn't have done otherwise.

675. I did the job myself. Otherwise, it would never have got done.

676. By the way, have you seen Jean recently?

677. In that case, i'll leave at once.

678. I could, however, stay if you want me to.

679. The baby was crying so I picked her up.

680. So that's what they're trying to do.

681. He spoke in a very pompous manner.

682. He carved their names on a tree with a knife.

683. My brother lived in India for several years.

684. You're eating far too quickly.

685. She calls her mother every day.

686. When do you think they'll get here?

687. I love walking in the garden on balmy summer evenings.

688. You can hear the noise five miles away.

689. We've been trying to persuade her to change her mind, but so far without success.

690. What’ll I carry the food in?

691. The children watched her in silence.

692. Naturally, we will be going by car.

693. Suddenly he began to feel sick.

694. She slapped his face angrily.

695. Briefly, what happened next was that someone started a fight.

696. Can you tell us briefly what happened?

697. I'll definitely be here tomorrow.

698. To be perfectly honest, I don't care if I win the prize.

699. I take my responsibilities very seriously.

700. Seriously, do you expect to be finished by next week?

701. We could see footsteps in the other room.

702. We lay awake in bed all night wishing the rain would stop.

703. As all the questions to the best of your ability.

704. You have behaved very foolishly.

705. I hope to have finished this by the end of the month.

706. Fragile. Handle with care.

707. I so badly wanted to go to the party.

708. All over town, you see beggars in the street.

709. She does drive rather fast, but very carefully.

710. Normally I travel by bus.

711. Admittedly, the decision was not unanimous.

712. I entirely agree.

713. Stupidly, I forgot to tell her where I was.

714. You did that intentionally!

715. There were to be exact five people at the meeting.

716. Sue didn't like that at all.

717. To our surprise, our dog won first prize.

718. We don't mind in the least that you are coming with us.

719. I'll deal with the matter personally.

720. Personally, I wouldn't believe her.

721. The thieves divided the money equally between them.

722. Allison sings better than Moira.

723. If you come round to our house tonight, we can talk about the wedding then.

724. If you come to my office, then we can discuss the matter face to face.

725. Equally, I could come to your office.

726. As doctor Johnson said while kicking a stone, I prove the existence of the stone thus.

727. He kicked the stone, so he knew the stone existed.

728. That was a good throw, but I think I could throw the stone even further.
729. The government has made several mistakes, and furthermore, it has been desperately try-

ing to cover them up.

730. Incidentally, who was that man I saw you talking to over there?

731. No one told me anything.

732. She seemed all right yesterday.

733. Jane saw her uncle.

734. Mrs James took her grandchildren to the zoo.

735. Harry gave Sally a kiss.

736. The man laughed.

737. The boys were playing in the garden.

738. I like ice cream.

739. He kissed her on the cheek.

740. He gave her a kiss.

741. I feel silly.

742. You looked great yesterday.

743. Frankly, I never liked him.

744. Stop that!

745. Be quiet!

746. Speak more slowly!

747. Cook the meat for two hours at gas mark 4.

748. Give me that book at once.

749. You sit there.

750. What a lovely surprise that was!

751. What a pretty dress she's wearing!

752. What a lovely surprise!

753. You little Rascal!

754. The girl was holding a pen in her right hand.

755. We needed more help yesterday.

756. You must drive the car confidently.

757. Mary made a treacle tart for her granny.

758. She accepted the challenge with enthusiasm.

759. Drink your tea more slowly.

760. Treat her kindly.

761. Study the questions carefully.

762. Plant the bulbs under trees.

763. Have you got any money?

764. She got very angry.

765. Her mouth went dry.

766. I will prove them all wrong.

767. They consider him the best man for the job.

768. Put that box over there.

769. Kim saw John in the park

770. Boys do woodwork and girls learn cookery.

771. Milk is good for you.

772. Gran bought Tom books to read when he was ill.

773. Both of them are teachers.

774. They elected him president.

775. Who did that?

776. Pass me that screwdriver, please.

777. And me and your you - and we'll simply never agree about politics.

778. Sugar is sweet.

779. I love dogs.

780. We hate maths.

781. Your mother loves you.

782. Her parents are teachers.

783. These shoes aren't mine.

784. This medicine tastes awful.

785. All dogs chase cats.

786. Running away won't solve your problem.

787. She could hear people's voices in the distance.

788. Would you like some milk in your coffee?

789. I'll get a job done today.

790. Today is your lucky day.

791. The teacher told the students to be quiet.

792. I am the teacher here.

793. If you want to snow the answer, ask the teacher.

794. The children gave the teacher a present.

795. I’m too busy at the moment.

796. I'll do it later on.

797. The parcel arrived the day before yesterday.

798. Josh was in the house.

799. The boys are at school.

800. I left my umbrella on the bus.

801. She spoke in a whisper.

802. I did the whole job on my own.

803. He felt a bit silly.

804. He felt a tap on his shoulder.

805. He felt in his pocket for his key.

806. The noise grew louder.

807. Sheila screamed in terror.

808. Her parents are doctors.

809. Can you smell gas?

810. I still have nightmares about failing my exams.

811. Mrs Wang pinned her granddaughter's pictures on the kitchen wall.

812. That's odd.

813. Otto search desperately for the key.

814. I never thought of that!

815. It's time to leave.

816. When did she arrive?

817. Open this door now!

818. What are you doing?

819. Breakfast will be ready in a minute.

820. My wife will soon be here.

821. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to be here today.

822. It's been a fine day, hasn't it, Mrs. Jones?

823. Look at that, Jim.

824. You wait there, Jack, and i'll get a ladder.

825. You, boys, are just not working hard enough.

 Mary, go and call the cattle home.

826. Tony, could you give me a hand with this?

827. Listen to me, my friends!

828. Listen, everyone, to what this man is saying.

829. You stand there, Jack, and Mary, you stand over there.

830. Michael's father is here.

831. That old man is here again.

832. She is singing beautifully.

833. This belongs to me.

834. How do you put up with all that noise?

835. He bought his girlfriend's mother sunflowers.

836. Sandra will be laughing.

837. Why aren't you at school today?

838. Most owls sleep during the day.

839. Your wife has been in an accident.

840. She stepped back in horror.

841. Under the circumstances, I think we should leave now.

842. These books are entirely suitable.

843. I looked everywhere for my hiking boots.

844. Television is dreadful these days.

845. My cousin's wife went on holiday to Peru.

846. Sadly, she died of her injuries.

847. The plumber’s bill should have been paid last week.

848. There's a terrible draught in this room.

849. My parents are very keen on sailing.

850. You're making too much noise.

851. Copper bracelets is said to be a cure for rheumatism.

852. She left home at the age of 16.

853. They saw various strain objects on the table.

854. A removal van pulled up outside the house.

855. Do you take sugar?

856. He pulled some coins out of his pocket.

857. It also plays the piano in the harp

858. We will consider your suggestion carefully.

859. There were some lovely little calves in the field.

860. Her criticisms were totally unjustified.

861. We stared at her in amazement.

862. By evening they have still not reached the farmhouse.

863. The hole needs to be just a little bit bigger.

864. Team sat down and poured himself a very large whiskey.
865. You must take a lot more exercise.

866. I was completely exhausted by the time I got home.

867. There were two small boys standing on the doorstep.

868. The bull's death could have been caused by any of anumber of things.

869. That is a very serious allegation.

870. Have you ever been to France?

871. He was leaning against the wall when suddenly it collapsed.

872. And even more worrying thought occurred to her.

873. I rang home very quickly indeed after that.

874. There's no point in making yet another unsuccessful attempt.

875. How could you believe such nonsense?

876. The hole isn't quite big enough.

877. Luckily I was wearing my steel-toed boots.

878. Who's that talking to George?

879. We saw her in town the other day.

880. They managed it between them.

881. Shona was playing with her new puppy.

882. Children have to learn to eat with a knife and fork.

883. In 1965 I was still at school.

884. To whom should I address my remarks?

885. Since when have you been in charge here?

886. What's in there?

887. Who did you give it to?

888. What can I cut it with?

889. What are we standing here for?

890. There was a lot of noise coming from behind the door.

891. Some very odd-looking creatures crawled out from under the stones.

892. In saying that, I don't wish to sound rude.

893. From what John said, I don't think he was very pleased.

894. The dog was lying right beside the gate.

895. It is quite beyond belief that you could be so stupid.

896. The dungeons are directly beneath us.

897. I'm not doing this simply for my benefit.

898. The dog was wagging its tail from side to side.

899. I see him from time to time.

900. We're going to clean this house from top to bottom.

901. Jenny was grinning from ear to ear.

902. In spite of the rain, we still had a picnic.

903. The play had to be cancelled due to the illness of the leading lady.

904. They were standing in front of the shop.

905. There's no one here apart from me.

906. The cat was on the table.

907. Is Scotland, it sometimes snows in summer.

908. I paint with great enthusiasm but with little skill.

909. I even baked a cake for her.

910. To my surprise, there was no one there.

911. To Mrs Brown's relief, the storm hadn't damaged her fruit bushes.

912. In all fairness, I don't think we can blame her for what happened.

913. You're not going diving. For a start, you can't swim.

914. In the first place, you don't know how to dive. For another thing, you can't afford it.

915. Your work is a great value.

916. His opinion is of little interest to me.

917. We considered the information of little importance.

918. He find work boring and beneath his dignity.

919. Who is that man with red hair?

920. He is a man of honor.

921. They rated us with screams of delight.

922. The train at platform 6 is the 10:35 to London Euston.

923. The light at the front door suddenly went out.

924. Who wrote ‘The man in the Iron mask’?

925. He made a few off-the-cuff remarks and sat down again.

926. These offences are subject to on-the-spot fines.

927. I don't like his in-your-face style of speaking.

928. We need an in-depth survey of the stage of the roads.

929. Your behavior was foolish in the extreme.

930. We weren't worried in the slightest.

931. I am not in the least surprised.

932. My parents are very keen on opera.

933. She is very fond of her grandchildren.

934. There's no need to be afraid of dogs.

935. The dog was very possessive about its puppies.

936. My daughter is very good with horses.

937. I've decided on the black dress.

938. Tom insisted on a vote.

939. I won't comment on that.

940. At this very moment there are people who are dying of hunger.

941. There's no point in our being here.

942. What is the purpose of this visit?

943. Could we have a jug of water, please?

944. I think I got an unfair share of the blame.

945. She shows a remarkable aptitude for mathematics.

946. She quickly moved away from the wall.

947. Mary was sick on the bus.

948. Mary was sick a painting.

949. She decided on the way home.

950. She decided on the black dress.

951. She shows the right skill for such a young girl.

952. She shows rated skill in tapestry.

953. She is good at maths.

954. She is good with children.

955. Fruit is good for you.

956. He was angry at the delay.

957. He was angry with you because you were late.

958. The back on the table is mine.

959. She was holding the back of potatoes.

960. The answer in the book is wrong.

961. The answer to your problem lies in yourself.

962. The problems in the office can easily be sorted out.

963. The problem with John is that he is too shy.

964. Her grandmother was sitting in an armchair with her cat.

965. Her grandmother was sitting in an armchair with old, frayed cushions.

966. Who lives in that house on the hill.

967. I ran mother was sitting in an armchair with a cup of tea in her hand.

968. In the corner, on the blanket, lay a huge black cat.

969. The match was cancelled because of the weather.

970. In Britain such a thing would never have happened.

971. Where are we going to?

972. I waited anxiously for her reply.

973. Amongst other things, I'm a writer.

974. On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you all for your good wishes.

975. We got a car started without much trouble.

976. Apart from the kitchen it's a lovely flat.

977. Would increasing alarm, she looked to see if the men were still there.

978. She pulled out a box from under the bed.

979. He pressed a coin into the man's hand.

980. The meal was eaten in silence.

981. To their horror, the vase slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor.

982. She studied the picture for a few minutes with great interest.

983. The man in front of me seemed to have lost his wallet.

984. This dress is meant to be worn out of the shoulder.

985. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress.

986. The Smiths live in the house on the corner of the street.

987. I don't mind in the least.

988. The clothes were lying in a pile on the floor.

989. The clothes in that pile on the floor are mine.

990. In my opinion, we’re lost.

991. If you pull and I push at the same time, we should manage to move the car.

992. In that case, i'll let you decide what to do.

993. There is a bird with a broken wing in the garden.

994. He raised the cup to his lips and drank deeply.

995. This is an exception to the general rule.

996. I saw a strange man on the bus.

997. The men on the bus was wearing a tattered old coat.

998. Molly was rather surprised at Tom's behavior.

999. The boat was heading the way at full speed.

1000. Mrs Park wasn't pleased at the delay.

1001. There's no doubt about it. That's the man I saw.

1002. Gradually the noise behind them died away.

1003. The house has rather suffered from neglect recently.

1004. Put the toys in that box.

1005. The little girl was glowing with pride.

1006. Her behaviour was unbelievable.

1007. Her behavior was absolutely unbelievable.

1008. We considered her behaviour unacceptable.

1009. We considered her behavior completely unacceptable.

1010. It was a happy marriage,

1011. It was a very happy marriage.

1012. Her proposal was very exciting.

1013. The results were good enough.

1014. You've made us very proud.

1015. That was awfully silly of you, wasn't it?

1016. Let's consider the subject pretty well closed.

1017. Pat the fruit completely dry with some kitchen paper.

1018. I was absolutely amazed at what I saw.

1019. The dog was extremely protective of the baby.

1020. She was wearing quite ridiculous shoes.

1021. Can't you find something more sensible to do?

1022. We had a five-hour delay at the airport.

1023. It was very much a last-minute decision.

1024. This is a good example of a 15th-century castle.

1025. Our company believes in on-the-job training.

1026. We've done an in-depth survey.

1027. I must have reliable, up-to-date information.

1028. I need a fast-acting medicine.

1029. That wasn't a very sensible, was it?

1030. Exercise is very good for you.

1031. We knew we were totally lost.

1032. She's absolutely impervious to criticism.

1033. The trees were completely covered in golden leaves.

1034. We are very proud of our children.

1035. I'm really surprised at your behavior.

1036. How on earth can you be feeling so calm about on this?

1037. There is an extremely small risk of contamination.

1038. We were utterly exhausted.

1039. A first past the post voting system means that the candidate who gets the most votes.

1040. The most sensible way of going about this would be to borrow the money from the bank.

1041. This is the all in one solution to all your decorated problems.

1042. She's a totally normal teenager.

1043. There was something strangely familiar about the man.

1044. Meeting the president was a never to be forgotten experience.

1045. She glanced at him with an Oh my goodness look on her face.

1046. Dogs frightened me.

1047. Big dogs frighten me.

1048. She ran outside to play.

1049. The little girl ran outside to play.

1050. Don't touch those books.

1051. She came with her older sister.

1052. She gave him a great big kiss.

1053. They're both excellent teachers.

1054. There's a tall, good looking man outside who wants to talk to you.

1055. They’re in the back garden.

1056. He had been watching her all evening.

1057. He's such a kind man.

1058. I started this project without very much enthusiasm.

1059. He picked up the ornately decorated wine-glass and took a small sip.

1060. That's a big one.

1061. I'd like those red ones.

1062. They both knew the truth.

1063. Are all these for me?

1064. Have you anything new to tell me?

1065. I have pressed several books on the subject.

1066. I don't have much food left and we don't have enough money to buy anymore.

1067. We've had very little news of them lately.

1068. These four books are all I need.

1069. The first three correct entries will win a prize.

1070. That's Jones's car.

1071. She was carrying several large black books.

1072. Who owns those two cars?

1073. They own both these big yachts?

1074. All the people concerned have been informed of the change of plan.

1075. The president elect will be addressing the meeting.

1076. Those present knew that something important was happening.

1077. I need something even stronger.

1078. I see the house on the corner has been sold.

1079. Her husband is a tall man with long black hair.

1080. What a beautiful vase of flowers.

1081. There was a sudden gust of wind.

1082. Do you realize the absurdity of our position?

1083. I don't understand her enthusiasm for stamp collection.

1084. A bird's life involves a constant search for food.

1085. I have the satisfaction of doing something useful.

1086. They had grasped the impossibility of escaping from the island.

1087. More heavy rain is expected later.

1088. A rather fat, middle-aged man was staring at her.

1089. The entire male population of the village was in love with her.

1090. The old lady was wearing a thick woollen coat.

1091. I don't much like modern pop music.

1092. The waiter brought two glasses of beer.

1093. I gave the old beggar money for a cup of tea.

1094. Tom took his wife some flowers.

1095. I lent your brother my car.

1096. She promised her children a trip to the zoo.

1097. John is a gifted teacher.

1098. That's a very good idea.

1099. The rain was a great relief.

1100. She’ll make him a Good Wife.

1101. We consider John a very good teacher.

1102. They’ve elected me chairman.

1103. He made her his personal assistant.

1104. We named our daughter Elizabeth.

1105. I'll see you tomorrow night.

1106. Next year we'll do things differently.

1107. I'll show you how to fix it. You do it this way.

1108. You're in great danger.

1109. They watched the river level rising with growing alarm.

1110. Do you stop scrapping your knife and fork on your plate.

1111. She is feeling a good new better today, thank you.

1112. It was a lot worse than I had expected.

1113. I'm not the least bit worried about where she is.

1114. There's a stone small statue in the garden.

1115. Look at those beautiful big brown cows.

1116. Come and look at my red new car.

1117. She was carrying the eggs in a cardboard brown square box.
1118. I've got all the names in my little black book.

1119. That's a copy of Spanish famous old painting.

1120. Sue found a green big Caterpillar in her salad.

1121. You do have some ridiculous political ideas.

1122. I bought a Peruvian letter from when I was on holiday there.

1123. I'm very interested in modern Chinese poetry.

1124. They want to be a new medical school in the town.

1125. It seemed to be a well cared for dog.

1126. The dog had been well cared for.

1127. Many trees had been badly damaged in the storm.

1128. The hair stands in a well laid out garden.

1129. The hair stands in a superbly laid out garden.

1130. We sheltered in a hastily constructed Hut.

1131. We were well treated by our captors.

1132. Best known for her poetry, she is also an excellent sculptor.

1133. She answered me in a very matter of fact way.

1134. John was wearing his Sunday go to meeting suit.

1135. The report was over 50 pages long.

1136. I can't stand her holier than thou attitude.

1137. The Prime Minister proposed that people file drunk should be fined on the spot.

1138. The police said that on the spot fines were not feasible.

1139. Let's go over the plan again step by step.

1140. This is follow step by step instructions.

1141. This is a one off never to be repeated offer.

1142. His mother had a What are you doing here look? On her face.

1143. We are planning a three day protest.

1144. My trip to Japan was a once in a lifetime experience.

1145. The man on the bus dropped his wallet.

1146. Susan was being watched by a small green lizard.

1147. I do like a nice cup of tea.

1148. A few seagulls were circling slowly in the sky above.

1149. With a smile, he checkmated his opponent.

1150. Sian gave the elephant a banana.

1151. Have you seen your holiday photos?

1152. They appointed Lucy deputy managing director.

1153. Lucy was appointed deputy managing director.

1154. Mr and Mrs Lee went to New Zealand for their summer holiday.

1155. What are you giving Kim for Christmas?

1156. The bridesmaids were wearing Pretty Little white lace dresses.

1157. We are in for some very unsettled weather.

1158. I don't know all the details.

1159. He could hear a strange moaning noise outside.

1160. She got out of bed very slowly.

1161. I get along very well with her.

1162. There's such a demand, we can't make these pens fast enough.

1163. She could so easily have believed what he was telling her.
1164. Please walk more quickly.

1165. She was behaving extremely oddly.

1166. I was walking very slowly.

1167. She was laughing slightly uneasily.

1168. His heart was beating rather irregularly.

1169. I don't think John is behaving entirely rationally.

1170. She plays well but her brother plays even better.

1171. I saw often feel that no one is listening to me.

1172. You are not thinking very clearly, are you?

1173. I don't think we I have checked this thoroughly enough.

1174. Quite frankly, I don't want to know your reasons.

1175. Oddly enough, Sue didn't seem to recognize us.

1176. She is quite obviously lying.

1177. Very sensibly, she didn't give the man her address.

1178. I know you only wanted to help. Even so, I don't think you should have got involved in

the argument.

1179. She might agree. Then again, she might not.

1180. She may not disapprove of what we're doing but even then she may not actually help us.

1181. I know only too well how you feel.

1182. You're singing far too loudly.

1183. The holiday was over much too soon.

1184. I know all too well the consequences of drug abuse.

1185. You're not thinking very clearly.

1186. Do you come here very often?

1187. I know her quite well.

1188. The traffic is moving awfully slowly.

1189. I do think we're doing this unnecessarily carefully.

1190. I’ll visit Susan tomorrow morning.

1191. She moved out the very next day.

1192. We'll come back next week.

1193. Are you going to sit there all day?

1194. I feel tired all the time.

1195. Every night she would go to sleep hoping never to wake up again.

1196. Did you meet anyone interesting in town?

1197. They stood watching from the safe distance.

1198. School starts again on Tuesday.

1199. Joe was sitting under a chestnut tree.

1200. I've never felt so awful in my whole life.

1201. I had hoped he behaved with great dignity.

1202. Last year over 3000 people in Scotland died of flu.

1203. I only decided to come at the last minute.

1204. Sasha stressed out her arm very slowly.

1205. This house was built in 1874.

1206. You're talking far too loudly.

1207. They stood there in silence.

1208. We meet for coffee fairly often.

1209. We go there every summer.

1210. How's your new thing you will be finished.

1211. Does she play the piano well?

1212. Did your mother recover quickly after her accident?

1213. How well is the company doing at the moment?

1214. Do we need to finish this soon?

1215. Did he do the job well?

1216. Does the tide come in quickly round here?

1217. Is it raining heavily?

1218. How quickly should I have reacted?

1219. Did the two of them play better the next week?

1220. Were her parents waiting anxiously for her to come home?

1221. Was Violet driving fast at the time of the accident?

1222. We looked for you everywhere.

1223. We have been looking for you everywhere

1224. I read some very interesting books.

1225. I have read some very interesting books.

1226. Helga knew what to do.

1227. Helga should have known what to do.

1228. I have been reading some very interesting books.

1229. My uncle will definitely be here, though.

1230. They based the film on a true story.

1231. Tom suffers terribly from migraines.

1232. She was speaking to Jean.

1233. They have spent all their money.

1234. Tom has been wasting his time.

1235. They should have come before breakfast.

1236. Should they have come before breakfast?

1237. We could wait till tomorrow.

1238. He had often seemed tired and withdrawn.

1239. Why was she wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day?

1240. Everybody please stand up.

1241. Don't you want to go out and play?

1242. The sound of their voices is gradually died away.

1243. This calls for immediate action.

1244. Can we reply on him?

1245. This book deals with the essentials of English grammar.

1246. I get along with her very well.

1247. I don't know why you put up with this noise every day.

1248. We’ve all come out in spots.

1249. Why don't you just go away?

1250. Your mother phoned while you were out. She wants you to call her back.

1251. Let's swim as far as that rock and then swim back again.

1252. We're going to have a fork out for a new car.

1253. Don't bottle up your feelings of anger.

1254. His speciality is sending up the Prime Minister.

1255. That book belongs to me.

1256. She looked up the road to see if her husband was coming.

1257. The king sent for the chancellor.

1258. He came to me in a panic.

1259. I wouldn’t like to comment on that.

1260. He promised to stand by his wife.

1261. I must brush up on my maths before the exam next week.

1262. That just increases your problems.

1263. Miniskirts became popular in 1960s.

1264. Why don't you just leave?

1265. We have a nanny to take care of the children.

1266. I’m trying to get rid of this cold.

1267. I'm the one who has to pay for the wedding.

1268. We can offer you accommodation for the night.

1269. She was talking at great length about the environment.

1270. It’s pollution that has killed the fish.

1271. You will need to flatter her if you want her to help you.

1272. I'll visit you tomorrow.

1273. I have great sympathy for her.

1274. I fell in love with her when I first saw her.

1275. That was just some story they invented.

1276. Will you wait for a minute, please?

1277. Sue and Richard were painting in the kitchen.

1278. John and George could do the job.

1279. I brought some books and some magazines.

1280. Simon painted his bike blue and purple.

1281. Should I put these tools in the garage or in the garden Hut?

1282. This job needs to be done quickly and accurately.

1283. I'll do it this evening or tomorrow morning.

1284. I told him politely but firmly that I didn't want to buy double glazing.

1285. It had been a long and tiring but enjoyable trip.

1286. Would you like tea, coffee hot chocolate?

1287. Abdullah went to the shop to buy a melon, bananas, two lemons, and some oranges.

1288. Both sue and Richard were painted in the kitchen.

1289. To be successful you need both talent and luck.

1290. Either eye or my wife will be at the meeting.

1291. To match the wallpaper, the curtains will have to be either orange or yellow.

1292. Neither Gordon nor Helen were invited.

1293. The operation is neither feasible nor desirable.

1294. The collection is more unique and priceless.

1295. Mary, her husband, and his cousin Alec were all at the wedding.

1296. Mum was baking cakes and scones.

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