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The construction industry is the sector The cost of resolving such disputes
most affected by disputes across is, to some extent, a waste of global
its delivery time. Unlike many other resources. Had such disputes been
industries, the production duration for avoided or minimised at the inception
the construction sector is a very lengthy of the project, the resources mobilised
and time-consuming process involving to resolve the dispute could have been
planning, designing, construction, utilised towards a more productive and
operation, and maintenance. At the meaningful global purpose.
same time, there are a higher number
Dispute resolution in the construction
of stakeholders associated with the
sector has now become a lucrative
process compared to many other
industry for its stakeholders. The amount
industries. These stakeholders vary
of money spent to resolve such disputes
from the client, authorities, consultants,
is enormous. Due to the current trend
subconsultants, contractors,
of the industry contracting parties,
subcontractors, suppliers, operators,
disputes cannot be avoided. Therefore,
manufacturers, end-users, and so on.
contracting parties should look for
the most effective dispute resolution
DISPUTES mechanisms to resolve their disputes
The lengthy process and number efficiently and cost effectively with
of stakeholders can often lead to minimum resources.
miscommunications, misinterpretations,
misinformation, ambiguities, and DISPUTE RESOLUTION
discrepancies. The outcome of all of this
Currently, there are various dispute
is that the contracting parties (clients
resolution options that are specified in
and consultants, clients and contractors,
contracts and are being practiced in the
contractors and subcontractors,
industry. Firstly, either the architect, the
subcontractors and suppliers) embark
contract administrator, or the engineer
on various claim situations, conflicts, and
could step in between parties to resolve
disputes. This is the most appropriate
and most economical mechanism to
resolve the dispute between the parties.
However, the quality of this approach
would depend on the experience of the
Construction dispute resolver such as the architect, the
contract administrator, or the engineer.
professionals who The poor quality of dispute resolution by
have knowledge of the the architect, the contract administrator,
subject matter of the or the engineer may result in the dispute
not being resolved at this stage and
disputes have been thereby escalating it to the next level.
sidelined with legal The next level of dispute resolution
professionals taking mechanisms vary from adjudication,
arbitration, litigation, and other amicable
over the governing of solutions. Although almost all the
the proceedings at a disputes arising in the construction
heavy cost. sector are related to technical,



contractual, or commercial matters, with or non-technical person. In all of these determined and the relevant clauses
a few issues centred on legal issues, mechanisms, the individual working need to be enforceable in the contract
most of the adjudication and arbitration between the parties to settle the dispute in a practical and effective manner. The
proceedings are to some extent would not go deep into the core of parties would agree in advance whether
hijacked by legal professionals from the dispute but would try to negotiate or not they will be bound by the decision
the construction industry. Adjudication between the parties and narrow the gap of the expert. The expert provides a
and arbitration proceedings have been of the disputes, or would try to bring the speedy and effective way of resolving
transformed into a mini-court hearing disputed parties to the negotiation table. disputes, particularly disputes which
and have been overly complicated Due to a lack of technical substance for are of a specific technical character or
with legal jargon and procedures. a solid settlement in most cases these specialised kind. Unlike arbitration or
Construction professionals who have amicable mechanisms fail, and the adjudication, expert determination is not
knowledge of the subject matter of the dispute would then go to the next level. governed by legislation. The adoption
disputes have been sidelined with legal of expert determination is a consensual
Adjudicators and arbitrators are mostly
professionals taking over the governing process by which the contracting parties
technical professionals who have wider
of the proceedings at a heavy cost. agree to take defined steps in resolving
experience and deep knowledge of their
This is not usually the expectation of respective subject matters. However,
contracting parties when they incorporate adjudication and arbitration are not an The expert determination clause in the
adjudication or arbitration clauses into ideal means of dispute resolution due contract between the parties would
their contract. Their expectation is that to heavy costs, time consumption, and specify that disputes shall be determined
technically qualified and experienced the complicated and strict rules and by an expert. There is nothing wrong
construction professionals in the industry procedures. with such a provision in a contract.
would investigate their disputes and Also, it is perfectly acceptable that the
As stated above, disputes arising in
would resolve them technically and expert determination clause provides
the construction industry are mainly
professionally within a reasonable time that the expert’s decision shall be ‘final
involved with technical, commercial
at affordable costs. The current cost of and binding’ or ‘conclusive’ similar to an
and contractual issues which are rarely
adjudication and arbitration is exorbitant award from arbitration.
legal. There are sufficient experts in
and out of proportion to the dispute
the construction industry who are Problems may be faced by the experts
that parties expect when looking for a
excelling technically, commercially, when factual issues are referred to them.
and contractually. Therefore, disputes The expert does not have the power to
in the construction industry should compel a witness to give evidence or test
EXPERTS be left in the hands of experts in the a witness through cross examination.
In addition to the arbitration and construction sector to resolve them In those circumstances, the expert can
adjudication, contracting parties rely effectively. Such expert determinations be placed in an impossible position
on several other alternative dispute could be administrated with less rules when trying to determine the truth
resolution mechanisms. These include and complicated (legal) procedures, out of competing versions of the facts.
facilitation, conciliation, mediation, unlike arbitration and adjudication where However, in a technical dispute the
and expert determination. All of these representatives gamble with various expert himself would be in a position to
alternative amicable solutions have their delays and procedural tactics at the cost justify the matter in dispute and may call
own merits and demerits. In facilitation, of the disputing parties. further expert witnesses if required. The
the facilitator may or may not be a validity of such determination may be
technical person, but an individual who EXPERT DETERMINATION challenged where the expert is required
has a good personality and experience to decide a legal question or legality of
Where contracting parties use expert the matter but, in so doing, it is necessary
to work between two parties and narrow
determination, the process should for the expert to form a view as to the
down the dispute. Mediators and
be appropriate for the dispute to be correct contractual interpretation of the
conciliators could also be a technical



relevant legal matter with the help of a determination. An expert does not have
legal expert. power to call evidence and the witnesses'
expert may have to depend on a series
The expert determination mechanism
of expert witnesses. As almost all of the
requires parties to agree on the identity
disputes that are referred to the experts
of the expert, and if the parties failed to
are technical in nature it rarely would need
agree on the expert within a specified
evidence and factual witnesses.
timeframe given in the expert clause in
the contract, either party may request Considering the user-friendliness of
a nominated third party such as a the overall process, unlike strict rules
professional institution to appoint a and procedures that govern arbitration
suitable expert. proceedings run by legal professionals,
expert determination shall be more
An expert will be appointed because of
streamlined for better practice in the
his or her knowledge and experience
construction industry.
on the subject in dispute. It is prudent,
unlike arbitration and adjudication, to
give the expert some flexibility as to the
manner in which the process of dispute
determination is to be conducted.
The reason for making an expert Ajantha Premarathna FAIQS, CQS,
determination non-binding may be FRICS, FIQSSL is a Chartered
to give the parties an idea as to how Quantity Surveyor with three fellow
the dispute might be decided if it was memberships from professional
pursued through a binding process like quantity surveying institutions of Sri
arbitration or litigation. Lanka, Australia, and United Kingdom.
He is the Region 2 President of the
SUMMARY International Chapter of the Australian
Institute of Quantity Surveyors.
The disputes in the construction industry
are a common scenario. The majority
of these disputes can be resolved and
determined by the professionals in the
construction industry, as they are the
experts in the industry, more economically
and effectively than traditional arbitration
and adjudication proceedings. Similar
to the arbitration award, expert
determination can be treated as a binding
decision between the parties. In order
to be binding, the expert determination
clause in the contract shall state so.
Having a binding expert determination
clause in the contract ensures parties
can effectively settle their dispute. The
problem may arise when evidence or
a witness may need to call for such



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