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Close Quarters Carbine Syllabus

By Matthew Temkin Editors note: the following text is an outline of close quarters long gun training sent to me by Matthew Temkin. He advised me that these methods work well for any long arm. Mr. Temkin is a former New York City Court Officer, Police Trainer, Close Personal Combat Instructor, and advocate of Point Shooting for use in close quarters combat situations. All editing utilized is strictly for claritys sake. 1) AIMS OF COURSE: These techniques are designed for room combat and closer distances. They can be used in any lighting conditions and with any type of sights, or lack of them, on the carbine. A) Explain combat stanceelbows locked in, toes to the target, back heel raised, and show how this is used for all firearms, baton, and hand-to-hand methods. B) Cover the five types of long gun shooting. I) Classic aimed fire using both front and rear sights. II) Weapon at shoulder, ignoring the rear sight but placing the front sight on target. III) Weapon at shoulder, but completely ignoring the sights. IV) Underarm assault position. V) Folded stock into midsection. 2) AIMED FIRE DRILL. A) This drill is to evaluate the students basic rifle skills. B) From the 15-yard line have them fire a series of one and two shot bursts from low ready position. I) Check for basic marksmanship, reloading, malfunction clearance and weapon manipulation. Two 15 round magazines. 3) FRONT SIGHT DRILL. A) At the 10-yard line and using the front sight only, with one shot, two shot and three shot drills - 60 rounds. 4) POINT SHOULDER DRILL. A) Move to the 5-yard line and do the same 60 rounds drill with point shoulder technique. B) Explain that the true goals of the course are to place a bullet in the exact spot that your eye is focused on. 5) FOUR TO THE BODY, TWO TO THE HEAD DRILL. A) Explain that the headshots are made just by changing your focus from the center of mass to the head - 60 rounds. 6) ZIPPER DRILL. A) Explain its purpose in combat, as well as its a good hands follow the eyes drill 60 rounds.

7) MOVING IN DRILL. A) Discuss the importance of being in motion, especially toward the threat if the distance is short and cover is not an option. B) Start at the 7-yard line with the weapon at low ready and move in, firing 5 to 6 shots, stopping at about the 3-yard line - 30 rounds. C) Repeat the drill with another magazine, but add backward motion - 30 rounds. 8) PIVOT DRILLS. A) Execute the pivot and step-in smooth and automatically, just like seeing a friend across the street and turning towards him. B) Fire one magazine with stationary right/left pivots 30 rounds. C) Fire one magazine while stepping in/moving forward with the pivot - 30 rounds. 9) LATERAL MOTION DRILL. A) One magazine to the right, then another magazine to the left. 60 rounds B) Then do two magazines with the right/in/left/in/back drill - 60 rounds. 10) MULTIPLE TARGET DRILL. A) Explain concept of stepping/lunging in towards each target. B) Two magazines shooting at 2-4 targets - 60 rounds. 11) UNDERARM ASSAULT POSITION. A) Show proper technique. B) At a distance of 10 feet, with one magazine fire 1 to 2 shot bursts then another magazine firing 3 to 4 shot bursts 60 rounds. C) Fire four shots to the body, two to the head - 60 rounds. D) Fire four shots to the body from the Underarm Assault position, then throw the gun to the Point Shoulder position, and without breaking stride, fire four more shots - 60 rounds. 12) PIVOT SHOTS. A) One magazine stationary left/right pivots, another magazine moving in pivots - 60 rounds. B) Slapping stock into side from port arms and firing shots - 30 rounds. 13) MULTIPLE TARGET DRILL. A) One magazine stationary, one magazine stepping in towards each target - 60 rounds. 14) WEAPON TRANSITION. (one pistol magazine). A) Stress Port Authority Police method if standard/no sling is used. 15) WEAPON STRIKES. A) First teach Fairbairn stick fighting method, and then show how it pertains to the rifle. B) Also teach giving up the rifle and using handgun. I) Do not give up the rifle until your pistol is out of the holster.


16) S DRILL. A) The London Police developed the S drill for their version of S.W.A.T. To perform the drill, the student approaches the targets with the weapon in low ready. Rather than approaching them directly, he snakes in and out as if making an S. Sometimes he will be close to the target, sometimes facing them and sometimes at an angle. On the whistle, he must engage the target. Depending upon the distance he will use hip shooting, point shoulder, , etc. A very good drill that drives some range instructors nuts, since they may find it unsafe. 17) S.A.S DRILL- 60 ROUNDS. A) Begin prone at 50 yards, firing 5 shots. Get up and move to 25 yards, where a barrel is stationed as cover. Fire 5 shots kneeling from each side of cover. B) Run to 15-yard line. Face five targets, firing 2 shots into each via front sight only technique. C) Run to 7-yard line and empty the magazine using the Point Shoulder position.


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