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Is a utility that research for and remove unnecessary files from the hard disk.

Windows vista and XP

includes a disk scanner utility called disk cleanup, searches for and remove unnecessary files such as
temporary files

It is used to detect and correct those physical and logical problems

A physical problem is one with the media e.g. corruption files allocation table

A logical problem is one with the data e.g. corrupted files FAT

Example of disk scanner

.Scan disk

.Disk clean up

vii) A disk defragment

Is a utility that reorganizes the files are scattered across two or more noncontiguous sectors, the file is
fragment. Fragmentation slows down access and thus the performance of the entire computer

Disk defragmentation enables data to be accessed more quickly and programs to be run faster

Example of fragmentation in widows is the Disk defragmentation

NB:is the process of reorganizing the disk so that the files are stored in contiguous sectors

viii) A diagnostic utility

-This compiles technical information about your computer hard ware and certain system

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