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Document Title Weekly Report Procedure

Document No AMP-O&M-SOP-04
Revision No & Date 0.00

o Net Performance: It shows the overall plant performance adjusting for variation in the irradiation
and the downtime.
o IPR: This parameter shows how the plant is performing in terms of the investment. It is the ratio
of the actual revenue of the plant to the expected revenue of the plant.
o OPR: This parameter shows how is the plant performing in terms of the overall plant
performance. It is the ratio of the actual PR to the Projected PR of the plant.
o WPR: This parameter shows how is the plant performing in terms of the irradiation. It is the ratio
of the actual irradiation to the Projected Irradiation of the plant.
o Actual Generation: It is the daily generation of plant
o Projected Generation: It is the generation which is expected from the plant based on irradiation,
location and other parameters taken from PV syst simulation.
o Scheduled maintenance: Any planned activities carried out on the plant as a part of annual
maintenance plan.
o Unscheduled maintenance: Any activity carried out on the plant due to breakdown/outage of
the entire plant are a part there of.
o Issue Sites: Issues beyond O&M control such as Permit issues
o Site In-charge evaluation sheet: This sheet adds up all the parameters in the weekly sheets for
the entire month and shows the overall performance of the plants.
o It also shows the performance zone wise and cluster wise.

Data Collection Method:

1. To prepare an effective report, data accuracy is of paramount importance. After checking the
data availability, data are fed into the weekly report format.
2. For all the plants data is collected from Daily Generation Report(DGR).

Frequency/Time of Reporting: A typical weekly report follows a frequency of 7 days (Thursday to

Wednesday). However, beginning/end of the month the period is either extended or reduced to have
the report for the full month.

Formulae used:

1. % Variation in the Generation (Projected Vs actual):

Actual Generation-Projected Generation * 100
Projected Generation

2. % Variation in the Irradiation (Projected Vs Actual):

Actual Irradiation-Projected Irradiation * 100
Projected Irradiation

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