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Internal Combustion Engine (I.C. Engine) Classroom Notes [Hanawritten] For GATE | GSEIPSU's Mechanical Engineering By: Mr. Praveen Kulkarni +91-9000770927 Index 1. Basics of Engine . Air Standard Cycles oN . Air-fuel Cycles S . Engine performance parameters . Practice Questions . Combustion in SI and Cl Engine . Carburetion . Heat Balance eo MN Dw }. Fuel injection 10. Fuels 11. Engine Emissions & Control 12. Supercharging, Morse test & Orsat apparatus 13. Practice Questions www.kulkarniacademy.com +91-9000770927 Ch-4 Basics OF Engine Engine: e which conver—E one Form oF it is a device ul form. energy ynto another USeF Based on combustion, engine ane classified into (4) Internal combustion Engine (2) External combustion Engine tron engine burning 97 combustion In internal combus ey and the power is eceurs in the cylind developed in the Same cylinder. Tn external combustion engine heat is transferred F combustion to the working Fluid. From prod uct o Heat _E seyplenes : heat engine is ad into heat ( Ehermas) energy heat energy is converted evice which converts chemical energy OF Fuel and subsequently into mechanical power. Advonta ges of T¢ [c Engine: (1) Mechanical Simplicity (2) Louw initlal cost dve to the absense of boiler, turbine, condenser etc. (Zz) High erfFficiency 4) High power to weight ratlo. Engine Nomenclature: (1) Top dead centre (TOC): it ig the clead centre when the piston is Fanthest Prom the cronk Shaft. *In case of horizontal engine TOC is Known as inner dead centre (Ipc). (2) Bottom dead centre (BDC). ik ig the dead centre when the piston is neanest to the crank Shagt. *In case of horizontal engine it is Known @s Outer dead centre (ope). Vertical Engine Horizontal engine (3) Styoke or stroke length CL): the distance between TD wn as stroke or stroke length. c and Boc is Kno (4) Bore (D): Inner dia meter of cylinder is known os Bore. Bore ( D) (s) stroke /swept/ piston displacement Volume (Vs): itis the Volume swept by the piston. where D= Inner diameter (Bore) OF cylinder L = stroke length Note: eIp there are k' numbe r OF cylinders then the total Swept volume. = kK xX p7L’ Total swept ° A 100 ce motorcycle means that the volume displaced by the piston inside the cylinder iS 400 cubic centimeter. (6) clearance Volume! (Ve)! it is the volume of the cylinder when the piston is at TDc or IDC. °* Clearance Volume is provided to accomodate Cor to provide Space) valves and to prevent da a to Valves, , Ipc ope Total volume (Vr) = Ve + Vs C7) clearance vatio (c): it is the ratio of clearance Velome to the Swept volume. c= Ve Vs ca) Compression yatio (7): it ig the ratio of volume before ssion. : v compression to the volume after compre P B Before Compression Vi=VetV5 Arter Compression V2 = Ve Volume before compression compression Volume after © Mean piston speed: In one stroke the shart complete °) therepore the piston covers hale vevolution C'8e '2L’-in one yevol utton. Tn 1 vev. of shaft piston covers —» 2L So, in N gev. > 2L x N Fev. vev: min - 2LN per min. = 2LN per sec. 60 piston speed = =-* (per sec-) 5 , Mean Ch-2 Air- standard cycles Assumptions: (4) The working fluid ideal ges: (2) Specific heat Cp ¢ Cv ane assumed +0 be constank. (3) The working Fluid system analysis): cw) The working pie does veaction je, 16 is constant chemical com throughout the cycle. assumed to be reversible. js air and jt is treated as 9" is OF fixed mass. (closed not undergo any chemical posiEion (5) All processes are (internally reversible). (6) External heat addition Internally reversible: A process is said to be internally yeversible when the system properties ore Same throughout the volume at any given Ins- tont of time: Note: Generally Cp and Cy OF air ane taken at 25°C. This analysis 1s known as Cold air cycle analysis. otto cycle ( cons tant Volume cycle): P T Process 4-2: Reversible adiabatic compression 2-3: Constont volume. Heat addition 3-4: Reversible aciabatic expansion 4-1: constant Volume heat rejection. P Vi Compression ratio (7) = Vi 2 Process 2-3: heat addition at constant volume SQ= du As = mc, ( Te- te) at consta nt volume Process 4-1: heat rejection Gee Mev (Ts-T) Efficiency : 7 = #72 Nek work Heat supplied Q Gs _- Gr 7 ic ee = ——" —_ Qs Qs mov C%- 1) — wet = mey (Tz ~ Te) Th (Trt) CT -T) = io— th = ior - ft T (15 - Te t (4-4) ¢4) Process 1-2: tev acliabatic compression yl y-! TM = te Vp rt y-! Te (=) = (7) oy = Vo Ti Process 3-4: Bev. adiabatic expansion y-! y-! Tg V3 = Ty Vu Yl Viev Vi y=) 3 = (4) { Vz =Vo Ty ‘3 1 Ye1 13 L (+) = (7) (3) Ty V2 Prom equation ¢2) and (3) Ta Tz TT Of * Ty T3 — Ta Ty. > w . 3B Ty T2 T3 or TY) =.= —1 (4) Ty Ta From equation (1) and C4) - 7 LA i= = i= ! = 7 ‘ 5 - 2. on ner trl rll Eek hk hth Kh kk > kk ey, ey, Oe DD depends upon: ot nt 2. Adiabatic Index or sp: heat ratio (Y) : (T n1 | Erficiency of oto cycle A. compression szatio ( (' " (2 167 (Monoatomic gas) ve 44 Cav) f=a1-33 (exhaust ge SS Compression ratio is an indicator oF efficiency of the engine, reater the compression rato, greater is the eFriciency , this is because ip the compression ratio Is high there is more Scope for expansion and hence the network is more. Therefore for a given heat supply higher compression yatio mean the higher efficiency. Mean effective pressure ( Fm): It is the hypothetical C€Ima- aan constant pressure which gives Same Net-work aS that of actual cycle Por the Same Swept volume. (Same size oF engine). Signipicance: oF mean effective pressure: This term fs Used For comparing cipferent engines of Same size te., engine with higher mean effective pressure have more net work and for a ewes Same heat jnput greater the mean eFFective pressure pressure , greater ‘the erFIciency. Mean effective pressure OF otto cycle: Rn = Whet Vs Wwet = Wexpansion ~ Weompression Pa V3 — PuVy Pave fi) ” [ Yr ~ Y-! -4 We know that for otto cycle S - (x) ~ wo AB = % (pressure P, : rest B (= = (%) = (9%) 3S ._f(— R, v3 ? fa 3 Vp Csay) > _3 = . y P Py And Vi ad 7 vi = Vo v, =Vy Ve - V3= Va V = TV. ML V4 3 v3 Therepore py — BM | Pa Va Pyvy a= +a] We a lA OPM Pv AM P5/p, Jt _ Py ve & I + 7 ' Jy. 2 Y- ! PR /Po “Aly P, Vi P 1 Wo PY Vi Ss Vi- V2 Wet BV, (pre CD Me CI Ex:1 show that for maximum work per kq oF air In otto cycle for a given Upper and lower temperature Tz and T,. The max. temperature at the end of Compression (Ta) and temperature at the end oF expansion (T,) cuze equal and = by T= aT Ts | W= Gs-—A&r mcy ( Tg-T2) — MCv (Ta —T) cv[ 3-72 -Ty +71] W we Know that For otko cycle T13 = T2Ty Ty. = Ti T3 W= cy[ ~ UB +7 T2 Por maximum work dw dTo =O > -it = 0 TE Wrax= cxf Ts - Tg 2 TT: 113 - JT +a] Ex:2 The minimum pressure and temperature in otto cycle arte 100 KPa and 27%: The heat added 1S 1500 KU/pa- Determine the pressure and tempera- tune at all ‘points and also calcwate air standarcl erriciency and network output: Take compression vatio=8 7 Cy = 0-72 KW/kq- Kk 2 Yea Solution: Zoluson P P, = 100 Kfa TT] = Zook Oe = 180° F/K9 oo te e Y- y-1 2 - i - (7) ~ Ty V2 =- 689:2K Y ry P, = P (4) = to0(8) = 18379 KPa process: 2S ° Qo =m CT ~T) [500 = O72 (T3- 689-2) Tz = 2772 5K e P3 _ 13 Fo T2 x 2772:5. = 7393°5 kfa = .9.% Zao — Pp, = 18379 To Process: 37-4 ° Tl3= To Ty _ 73 - goo x 2772'S = 1206-83k Ty = = 6892 — T2 y hy Oe Py = 2 (%2) = 7393:5 (%) = 402-27 KPa yy N= Whet Qs Net work output = O- 5647 X 1500 = 8HY7-05 keg Xt Ex:3) Show that the mean effective pressure OF an otto cycle can be expressed as Neh: Aik? Cre) CY Where ap= pressure rISe during heat addition se thermal air standard efficiency ¥ = compression ratio {= adtabaite index: Sol: We know that Nab = Whret Qs - . mCy (13-Ta) Whnet = Nn Ss ~ Veh = Typ,.oR (13 —T) { Pv = MRT = Neh (3V3— PeVe) y-! V3 = V2 =? INnet = eh. Va (%-f) ' y-t ap = in Vo AP uth * Y-1 W Mean effective pressure (Pm)= es ‘s = Thy. Vee F {| vex vine (1-1) CY - V2) Neh. We: 4? Moly Fen Va Ve (YE -1) (OV orking an otto cycle the pressure Ex:4 An engine jnside the cylinder at zoy and 707 OF compression stroke is equa bo 433 bax and 266 bar nespectively assume that the Compression Follows pv''35ac . Find the compression ratio. PoBRUvBvDBDavOBauvaaeeuavVeVveweweevwvrwrvrvrr Tr I <— O7y, 7 ‘s¢ ——- O3BVs 1 I Vyo= Vet 7s Vo + 0°7 (Vi -V2) Mt i Va [2 + 07(T- 0] P 2.66 ' Ve = O-3Vs + Vo = Vo + 03(vi- V2) Vp! = Vo [1+ ort) Process Frolloe pv! ic So, ras 3s ' \ RM = BWV, 3 (33 (3 4.33[ v2(4 + orc! = 2.66 [va (1+ acer) = A= 451 Jans: Diese! _ cycle: Proc ess Reversible adiabatic compression at addition di-2: 2-3: Constant pressure he » Reversible acbabatic expansion eat rejection. 3-4 4-1; constant volume h P-V and T-S agyram | P Compression vatio (%) = — Cut off vato(%): it jis the ratio of volume aftex heat addition to the volume before heat addition. Vz , Va Ve= Expansion ratio (%e): it is the zvatio of volume agter expansion to the volume before expansion, Vv Ve= i Vv, = Vy V3 Ye = ML V3 Relationship between 7, te and ve: %.% Ve = MB x Mi V2 =V3 %e xX Ve = a V2 Ye Ve = F >|compression vatio = cut OFF x Expansion Ratio Ratio Now, we calculate thermal efficiency because input is heat Supply ( thermal) uy = Wret = Qs- Ge thermal Qs Qs GR = t= lay Fe Sg heat supply at constant pressure Process 2-3: Qs = MCp CT3- Ta) process 4-4: heat rejection at constant volume Qre= mcy CTy-T) mey (Ta - 7) mey (tu 7 = 1o—- th m Cp (Ta - Ta) _ 4 a TLtn7' Tih = el ee-"] Process 1-2 ' Th vr = Te Va % . (%)"'= (vr a 1 Process 2-3: Peocess <= Pp = Const: VXT V3 _ 13 = % Ve 2 Process 3-4: é ri. TV! T3¥3 ‘I 73 (3) = 14 3(V, y-! _ aft) = TH = 312 vi y = i wt i a 1 oo x |= Ne 2 uu a \ ot & =< = a. Ye wtf! It ~ Ty = 13, (%) \ Ty { T2 y-! Ty = %o: C%e) . Ty r Ty = T « (%) Yr — = C%c) > Erficiency oF diesel cycle depends on. 4) Compression yatio : rT 7? 2):Cut off ratio = wT 7 Ot Errect of cutoff ratio (%) on the efficiency OF a SSO —t—“‘SC™é;~C diesel cycle : For any given engine cleanance volume and Swept volume are Fixed. Ce, V, and V2 a7e Fisced.’- Cut off yatfo = V3 C%) Vo 2 (v2 > Fixed) as V3 f% ; % T ! . 1, 3 New cut off vatio C%) = we x! > % 4—- Se Epriciency = as With increase in CUtOFF satio both heat supply C&s) ection CQp) increases but Increase ') and heat re] heat rejection is pnore because it occurs at constant volume and heat supply occurs at constant press- ure and the slope of constant volume line is greater than. the slope of Constant pressure line. _ Gg Tt ae 4 Qc 7 with increase in cutoff rato. So, n J 1 Ve Observation: - 4-7-4 lotte 7 Cyt! | | cent) | "eiese! t- wr! Y (%-V oo vy = 2 v2 , y-t f+. 2 When % 4 "Veieses ~ ‘coLr Indeterminate Form by using L’ Hospital we - r_ . ve Lt * 2. 71 em r /- (%e) = Y > Lt Ye>1 = J - ‘lites! (4 x = 4 — = "laiesel cw ! ") ( When Xe —>1) "Varese! otto Golden point: n cut- OFF vatio e With jncrease i P 2 cycle- A: 1-2-3-H (Fp = Vs v2, Cycle B: = Vz! ()g = 1S V2 On P-V diagram. em closed azea of cycle yepresent 7 Net work (Wnet) pg 7 (WnebA © With increase in cut off ratio: net work 1S increasing: Whrel Vs —> const- => Mean effective pressurve ( Pr) With increase in cut OFF yatkio Wrhet t so, Pn? in mean effective pressure, not iciency. Se e Increase necessarily jncrease IN CFF © Mean effective pressure is increase In cutoff. vatio but the eFFiciency decreases therefore jncreqgse [nN mean effective pressure rey jnereqse or decrease eppiciency” jnereasin with [Msa] Que: ith j Que: With increase in cut OFF vatio ina diesel cycle: Q) Wnhet decreases b) Py increases ©) Gsupply jncreases dq) 7) clecreases: Ans: b,c¢,d So]: — With increase in cut OFF gatio ina diesel cycle: 1. Wpet Inereases: 2. Py increases 3: Qsupply and Q pe. increases a ) clecreases. Ex: In an engine working on diesel cycle the 4 bax and emperature are the end OF compression is 5- calculate inlet pressure and t 47 °c. The pressure at ion vatio dq expans! ot rejection and efFicie Cy = a-7!7 js 35 baw an heat addition, he neq OF the cycle: Take Cp = 1.005 KY/kg-k a KYko-k / Y= 14 P P,= 1 bax J = 290K Fo = 35 ban Process 1-2 P, sae = Po Ve Y (M)= 2 Vo P 4 Pp Mi = compression ratio = (= Vo 1 Jf, y= (35) '4 Y= 12:67 * Ve:% = v - — = [2:67 ~ 9.534 % = Fe I Cw = 1- Tt LY Cre! "Tegel Ct) > Tr Mi = Ty Ve ‘ a os. g nn i N oO ° o™ Ny a v ° att N O® o 2 ~J x Process 2-3: P=c VX T “3 . V2 T2 T3 = To: Ve = Boo7 (2534) Tz = 20289 = 2029k Cp (T3- Ta) ~ 4.005(2029- 8007) it] Heat addition "I 1234.5 K kg We know that 4 = 1- Se Qs Qe 1234.5 osyg = 1 — 1234-5 (1- 0 S48) Gp = Heat Rejection = = 558-00 Yeg Ex: Diesel eycle Operates at Q pressure OF 1 bax at the beginning OF compression and volume |s compressed to az og Its initial Volurne. Heat is supplied until’ the volume is twice the cleanance Volume: Calculate the mean effective pressure: ( Take F314). Sol: Given * Vo = Vi I6 v1 —= 7 = 16 V2 ° V3 = 2Vq V3 = cutorr vatio = 2 Vo | < -— _. tl tl mea hie hehehehehe hk kekelOemenlhkelehrlUCerlCUCrlUlee le, le, i - MCepCT3- Ta) Wnet = Tin: 8s "en eS = m RY (3 Te} [ th er = Mah. Y (Pave ee) [rant y-! = py.’ & C¥3—Va) Y-! = enV 2 (%-1) lth) 2 * y=! Mean eFFective pressure = Whwret Vs LY: C%-1) V5 = Vi7 Vo = Tan Pe Ye \ - 2 V2(¥t -1) (m1) Oe OE? a in = Neh. 1 P, (% 0 (=) Cr) | p. = 5 gale x rd XMS SE ct t Cry 1) (216-12 peice = 4g-5 bar 6:94 ban Pn = Dual Cycle ; Dual cycle has featunes OF both otts and diesel cycle. In a dual cycle a past oF the heak Is first Supplied to the system at constant volume and then the vemaining post at constant pressure process: I-2: Reversible adiabatic compression 2-3: Constant volume heat addition 3-4: Constant pressure heat addition y-s: Reversible aclabatic expansion 5-1: Constant volume heat Rejection P-v and T-S diagram: cut off ratio (%c) Vy 2 NH V3 Vo Compression vatiocr) = —L VB Expansion ratio (¥e) = Vs. Vy QR Erficienc = i= = J Qs Q@s= Soy t Qsp (Ty -Ts? my (Tg-Ta) +P W Qg= mcy (Ts Fh) me (Te -T) = ions _ Ten me, (T3—Te) + Merl 13) (Ts-T1) C4) = it - (Tz- To) +1 CT- 73) Process 1-2 Troces> = a Mi Te= Tye) - \~ = Ton! —— ©) Process 2-3 Process “"* v=c pXT Ts B os wp (pressure yatio) a ‘2 1 Ts.= To. Tp = T, Mple (3) Process 3-4 Pp=c VK T Ty 2 My = % Ts Vz Ty = Ta. Ye v1 Ty = T,. %e: OY ———_ 4) Process 4-5 y-! Ts = Th Vy =V a= Te) { Ys=¥1 Y-! = Ty (SoS) { Vg = V2 V3 1! = Th Ma, ve) a V3 Vi ( ( Y-1 "I = nme ot (%) : y Ts = T, tpt c5) substituting For Te, Is, ly and Ts into equ: (4) and simplirying ( T,. Bp teh — TD | ) = 4 ey Pn Yee (Tm OS oer [Te et YI7 | Tt | Ex: An air standard dud cycle Sol: Given that ML. = 7H 1o V2 P, = 1 bax i observation: e When %=4, dual cycle becomes an otto cycle . e When %p=4 dvudl cycle becomes @ cliesel cycle has a compression d Lemperature at of compression are 1 bax and is 42 ban and the max. vatio of to, the pressure an the beginning 27° - The max: pressure temperoture is |500° oe a (4) Temperature at the en heat adction. (2) cuk off yvatio ‘Determine: a OF constant volume (3) Net work Qs P (4) Efficiency = Pz = hy = 42 bar JT, = Sook Tmax: = Ty = I773k cid “Temperature at the end of constant valume HA: (T3):- ° pv,t= Po Vo" p= PCY = i C40)" Po = 25-14 bar 7 y~! Th vv! = Ta Vo Y-! To - 71 (vy) ou = 300(10) To = 753.56K - process 2-3: vec T3 P3 To ~ Po Pp. Yo 3 = Te * = = 753,56 % asl 2 Tz = 1260-44 K ——_—_ (2) Cur off ratio: reo Va Ta = 14066 ae, "i2eoretH a V3 Ts [ . ,, — Heat Rejection Network = Total Heat Supply te, Whet = (Qsv = Qsp) Gr t Ssv = mc, (TS Ta) 56) = 1x0-T7I7 (126044 - 75% = 363:43 KW/9 Gsp = McpCT4 -Ts) = 1x 1-005 (!773 _—1260:44) = 515.123 KW kg Y-I Qe = mcy C Ts -T) He .(%) TT = tx O77 (809-21 - 308) Ve _ me Cempansion = 365.1104 K/ieg Vy gabe) wen Bh = AD = 71095 Yo 1HOb6 Ts = I773/07,4093) | = 8o9'2ZI1K Network = (3635-43 + 515-125) ~ (365.1104) = S!I3-44 KI/k9 cu) Network s'13:4Y _ 58-4 y./ 878-55 —_—_—_——— Efficiency = Qs Note: As dual cycle has featuxes of both otto and diesel cycle, jts efficiency lies between otto and diesel cycle: Assignment: An engine working on dudl cycle, the temperature of the workin fluid (aix) at the beginnin ot compression is 27°C. The yatio oF max. and MIN. pressure oF cycle js 705 compression yahoo js 15. The amount of heat added at constant volume and at constant pressure are Same: Find the ar Standard erriciency ( Ans: 7] = 0-653) Comparison _ on_ oF otto ar and He diesel sel cycle’ Case:4 Same compression xatio and heat Supply Excess Heat Rejection in diesel °1-2-3-4 — Otto cycle + 4-2-3'-y' — Diesel cycle x COslorts = mc (Ts- 2) COs)diesel = MP (Ts ~ Ta? For Same heat supply I cy (T3- Ta) = Cp (Ts — ! Jeu (Tg- ete op OTS ~ 2? QS Cp? Cy So, Ts 7 T3'- 7% = For the Same compression vatio heat teyection is more in diesel cycle. yea aa? Ge)asecer * (OR 0tte Gis? Same "diesel < “atte ip Qe h then NV Hence, the efficiency OF otto cycle js more than the efficiency of diesel lotto ? laiesel e has features OF both atte and s between Gtko and cycle . e As dval cycl diesel cycle jts efficiency diesel cycle. lie >7) ? , "Votte dual diesel session ratio and heat rejection Case:2 Same comp T Excess heat Supply in atto cycle 1-2-3-4 —» otto cycle ' 14-2-3-4 — diesel cycle Qe — same Epriciency cnt g- Qst Qe —> Same Os)oz to ? C Qs) diesel = ip Qe is more, erriciency will be more. rn vatio and heat reje hence JES Por Same compressio ction, js more in otto cycle and heat supply efficiency 1s more: ll | ? Hl wal ? ") siesel peratu reyand heat re] ection Case:3 Same maximum tem (max. presSute) Excess heat Supply in diesel cycle. * 1-2-3-4 —» otto cycle + J-2' 3-y — dcliesel cycle (8s) diese! ? C@sotto 1 = y- Sr Some Qst Idiesel ? "hetin For the same maximum temperature and heat vejyection heat supply iS More in diesel cycle ¢ hence it is more efficient. In this case the compression vatio of cliesel cycle js move than the compzession vatio of otto Cycle. "Idiesel 7 Naver 7 ‘lotto Ke Se: @. For the same max. temperature and heat rejection - | a) otto cycle is efficient b) diesel cycle is eppicient <) heat Supply is more in diese] cycle cd) Compression yvatio is more )n diesel cycle. ns: b, c,d _— Air- Fuel Cycles Fuel— CHy Air—< Ne Op gg con + 2H20 + Na Heat CH, + 202 + N 4 = = Products OF combustion . ; n mee ran This is chemically correct (stoichiometric) ey e exothermic reactions WE q heat. * Combustion reqctions means they are developin res 64 kq OF oxygen. ? . 16 kq CHy yequ 64 = 4 kg 2 16 CHy requires = 1 kq ” 400 kg air contains 23 kq oF [2- = 100 aly - Of = i“ k¢q 2 2 ikgor o@ = Ge kg OF kg oF %Y . . _ 100 = 17-4 For 1 kq CHy » HY required = =e *%4Y Lg oF Fel (4, ) = 47-4 [ For methane] : F stoichiomet vic When actval Combustion i's occuring 1E may not be chemically correct, Sometimes we used less air or Sometimes we used more air. Lean Mixture: ntains more air ip the mixture co Cless fuel) compare to Ss then such a mixture is known as lean mixture. Ex: For cHy IF A/F is greater than 17-4 then it is Known as lean miscture. Rich Mixture: ip the mixture contains move Fuel ichiometric requirements Cless aix) Compare to sto h mixture. is Known as vic then such a mixture 17.4 then jt is Ex: For cHy IF A/F is less than known as rich mixture. valence Ratio (ob): ( Ya) actual Equive Temp: b = a) ( A stoichiometvic Note: Lean =! Rich $ * For stoichiometric mixture o=1. » For rich mixture doi. - For lean mixtuve p<. Minimum _aix_veywred For combustion: 1) ct+O = COg 12 kg canbon required 32 kg OF Ob. 4 K canbon veguired = 32-8 a ti 4 ar : kq OF 2: hb eaeaeana ~ Reh he mae he hk ah helCmrlCehlClCKelClCellClUem anaaa a ee toichiometric requirements, Cc Kg. canbon require Ec kg of a. (2) | Hy + + Op = HzO 2 kg hydrogen required 46 kq oF °2 = 16 = ekg OF Og _ 2 6H kg OF O02 wf kg For Hp Kg OF hydrogen = (3) S+Og = SOp ur required 32 kq oF C2 = 32.1 kq OF O2 s2kq OF sulph Se 4 Kg = ee oF OQ s kq Total oxygen required : = c+ BHetS present in Fuel, then net iF Cg Kg oF: oxygen is oxygen required . [E< + BHa+S - 0s] Air required: Aix requ ——— air contains 23 kq OF Og 100 Kg . F 4 kq OF G = joo : or 9 F &e 23 kg OF air = 100 [$e + 6Hzt 5-02] ‘Air required 23 3 kq of Fuel This air Fuel ratio ig known as stoichiometric air Fuel satio- Ex: The chemical formula of the: Fuel is ,CaHe®: calewate the stoichiometric AFR and yj composition of products of combustion for 1 kg Fuel. Sol: Fuel: Co He oO Stoichiometric AFR = too; se f- ric R= 35 Sc + 6H2t Oz 100] 8 yo.522 $+ BxOls — OSNTT 23 |3 = 9.06 Air required kg oF Fuel CpHe 0 + Op tNz —— > CO2t Hz + No = —; Fuel Air 1 kq9 9.06 kq " 4oo kq air contains — 23 kg OF Oz g.06 Kg air containg = 192% 9-07 23 2.68 kg OF O2. g.06 — 2-08 6:97 kq Ng iit _ ti As No is innert it cloes not partici pate in reaction Qnd_ hence jt will be come out as jk is. Therefore 6:97 kq OF No wil) be present in the produck oF combustion o7 exhaust. e COp C+ Og = COg 12 kq carbon produces uy kg OF C2. EU XO. 0-522 kg canbon ax * 0-522 = 4.914 Kg OF COg e H29 Ho + $02 = H,90 2 kq hydrogen produces 18 kq OF Hod. ols kq a Bxois = 1:17 Kg °F H2° /. composition of product of combustion: LIT xlo0 =14°6/. Reasons for Vauation oF actual efficiency with vespect to airy standard efficiency: (1) In actval Cycles; the working Fluid is not just air but. ib is a mixture op aivand Fuel (2) Cp and Cy vary asith, respect to temperature. (3) Dissociation oF qas (4) Non- instantaneous busing (5) Pumping loss (6) Blow by loss C2) Cp and Cy vary with respect to temperature: Specific heats ane not constont but they increase with increase in temperature, this Js because at higher temp. lange amount of heat Is required For causing: Motion of atems within the molecules. As Cp and cy increases with increase iN temperature Y decreases. Due to reduction in ~ the peok temperature decreases and because of this peak Pressure decreqses and this sesvlts jn less work Output, therefore there is © reduction in efficiency. Fox example: At 25°%e Cp =1005 K/kg-k Cy = 0:718 KW/kqk V=44 . R=0-287 KI, (ges constant, and its valve !S Ek const. For a pecticilart At 1600°¢ que Let Cp =1-2 KY/keg kK Cy = Cp-R = 1-:2-0-287 Cy = 0'913 Let T) = Zook compression yatio (r)=8 1 Y-1 \ Ta2= 1 (%) Tp! = T (w = 300(8)°4 = soar” =689kK = 571'8K ( ( [3] Dissoclation oFf_gas: am 10) 2s ( C4] Combustion iS an exothermic reactfon where as dissociation is an endothermic reaction at higher temperature certain combustion products Undergo chemical reactions by ab thereby the heat available For mechanical Power conversion decreases and this results in de- ( k output , which rvesulk in teduction ( ( ( so rbing heot | creagse in wor in erficiency. | Non - instantaneous burning: Theoritically it is assume that | the combustion is Occuring but in actual engine the combustio instantaneously nis not instantaneous. C5 Pumping_less: P +ve loop pumping loss v Because oF pumping loss, the net work will be less, and hence the eppiciency is less. [6] Blowby loss: Duzin compression some amount OF charge may leak through space between piston and cylinder. And may come to crank case and these products donot poctici pate in combustion and hence these losses are known as blow by losses. Ex: Find the percentage change in efficiency OF otto cycle having a compression ratio oF 7, ip Cy increases by 4/-- ol: =—_— Cp= 1.005 KI/kg-k Cy = O78 KI/kg~k R= 0-287 KI/kq- k 4 17 -— (yt! _ o7)o4 = o:5408 Cy increases by ty. cf = ome xPol = 0:7252 KI/Ko_ Cp = 07252 ¢0.287 = 16/2/18 KI/kg-k U op ef's SONNE. = 1-3957 r o:7252 : cGy 4- a sy = 0537 = os Te C7) -1 /, change = le~ i x 100 n . = . (o) 0-537 o: 5408 100 o- 5408 = -o7fe (-ve sign vepresents, clecrease in erficiency JD ; yatio 20, “Ex: A diese] cycle hos a campression ne cut off occurs at 6/ OF stroke volume, e f the =o: KT 1’ Find Cy. =orv as -K and R 0-287 Veg k : oy ‘/ change in eFriciency iF Cy increases ¥Y ve Sol: Given that Y= 20 R= 0-287 Kg - I , : 7 Cp = Cy +tR = O-7! +0:287 = O 997 /k9-K Cy=o7! KVieg-k Yr=4-Yo Vz —-Ve2 = \ V3 = &(“-1) ~ 7! * Took v2 V2 V3 4+ © (20-1) eS == 100 Va ' ) €%-!) he 7 Cnt! Y (%-0 ry | | (214 -1) = 7 = (2o)°4] Ho (2IH-1) M,= o64oS oF 64-05 /. Cy increases by 3/ e = OT X1035 = 07315 Cp = 0-731 0-287 = 1:0183 t ce i >= = = 1.5424 es 13924 | | (2:94 1 Y= 17 768924 [ooo ee 2 (20)° 3924 Ji-sgay C2141) 1 = 63-35/. : -" “/, change jn efficiency = oe ! x Joo 1 0-633 5— 4:6405 __ > «100 0:-6405 => —~ 4.692 /. bm ded. Ex: An otto cycle has a compression satio OF Jo and ‘ a OKL. USoges a Fuel having calorific Value OF 4200 * Aiy fuel ratio is 15, the temperature and Pressure at the beginning and 4 ban. Determine the peak pressure nis 133 ¢ : : ° of compression is 350K jin the cycle where the jndex of campressio in kelvin. 5 T is Cy = o7i7+ 2x10 7T KY/kg-k where Sol: Given data v= Yt 240 Va CV = 42000 KV/kg A/pe = 15 T, = 350K P= 4 ban n=1-33 Cy = OIT + 2x10 T n-! n-! TM = 12 V2 n- Tm = 10%) 0:33 = 350 (lo) To = 748-28K NN co 3 9 + 3 7 ~~ A < a 4s Qs T3 Ss = | (Mat Mp) Comg7+-axiot TIT Tz Ul Mpcv Total heat Supplied by the fuel mp x 42000 T3 > Mp*AZ000 = cmact me) [Conn ax1et) dT r 2 Ty _ nA, x U2Z000 = me (Ma +1) | er vaniey dT = mp X Ty 2 <4 Tg? - Ta => 42000 = 16 [ont + 2X10 [= =477_ 55-99 lo (Ts - = 9625 = O7TTS 536-5! + SY + O77 T; > 3257-5 = 10 3 3 Tg = 3125.23 K Tg — 10295-23 k (Not possible) y = P; v= Po Vo r P= Pi (wy) = 4 eios?? = 21-37 ban Process 2-3: V= constant ' 1% Po To = PB, = Pp s T2 = 2)-37 % 3125.23 748.28 P, = 89-25 baw Ex: In an engine working on dual cycle, the Temp: ¢ pressure ot the beginning oF compression ore gov and i ban. The compression watio is 13, the heat Supplied per kq of UT is le7s KI, hap op which Supplied at constant volume and hale at constant pressure. Calcwate: (1) max. pressure in the cycle. Ce Percentage of stroke at which cutoff occurs. uss (2 at , Re SER” KY kg- Ic C 2£ou7t +2x%161T kI Vv x10 “k9-k Sol: Given data p,=4 bar T= 273 +90 =363K y= 13 Qs Gs) Vv Process 1-2 Be TOT! 36s (13) T = 1012.7k R= Ad” = 1(13)'"7 Pp = 36-26 ban Process 2-3 Cee EEE Tz Me. cv = | (mat Mp) Cy AT Tz Tg = Mme * CV \ (1+ Me} Cy dT * Te is very Smau Ss? neglected ipo not given. mM d a T3 Ly = 837-5 - | C1) (0-71 F2K10 T)dT Ta 2 2 x154 (Ts - 1012-77) = 8375 = 0:717( Tg - 1012-7) + 2 6 3 Tz =1853:07K BRB. & Po To = p, x 22 - Te 1853-07 = 36-26% “Tone = P3 = 66:34 ban (peak pressure) 135 So > v,-Vz = xl V2) yy { ve=¥s Muy -;| = « a -1) Vz 2 Mas ae v 7, Ty -1 = x (13-1) 3 3 13 1 = 12x (4) — =| T3 process 3-4: — Te 4 Mp x CV tees) co dT ——————_ = —__ P Ma Ma T3 Cp = CY +R = 0997+ 2% 161 T Ty = 837-5 “| (o997+2x10'T) dT T3 Ty = 2uyYyOK From equation (1) Tq T3 _| = l2x 2HYHYoO _)}; = 12 % {853-07 w= 002653 = 9.63/. OF stroke. Engine performance Parameters [4] Indicated Power [IPI: The power developed Inside the Cylinder is known as indicated power: In case of 2-stroke engine one cycle is completed in 2-strokes of the piston or 1-revolution oF crank Shapt, Similiasdy in 4-skroke engine Gne cycle is Completed in 4-strokes oF piston or 2- revolution OF crank share. Theovitically power developed in 2-Stroke engine is twice fs that op 4+-stroke engine. p p P Wretovcle 4 Area =FyVs Pay boo--- 14 1 KK Vg V <— Vs = Wret = Fin Vs / cycle Indicated Power OF a 2-stroke engine: Wnet = Pm Vs vev. = VM Power = Pm Vs x N vYev yev. min. = Fn Vs N GO Sec, Indicated! power (IP) = PmLlAN | 60 if there are’ k' number OF cylinders than - TPe= Pr LANK . 60 In case of 4-skroke engine: Ip= PmLANK 4120 here Pm = mean erfrective pressure [2] Brake power CBP): The power available at the output Shaft is known as brake power. Be= Two BP= 2KNT 60 This formula is applicable FOY o-stroke, 4.-stroke and any no: OF cylinders en ine. Because we ane getting this power outside the cylinder. [3] Frictional power CFP): , The dlipference between indicated (a and, brake power ‘ig [known as Frictional powes: n4 : J Mechanical Efficiency (Nimech? ‘ “5] Indicated thermal efficiency CT) - re » KW oT KW/s5 ith Mp x CN KV/s Keg Calorific valve: by burning or + Kg Fuel how much energy |S yeliese? [6] Brake thermal eppiciency CTyen 7 n= _BP bth mr * _“ = “lotr m Nien [7] Indicated specific Fuel consumption Cisre): : K isFe = Mp K9/pe or KI IP Kw Kw-hy l consumption ( BSFC): [8] Brake Specific fue psre = EW, Kg/ny oy - BP kw kw-nr ca] Volumetric efficiency Over It represents the breathing capacit of the cylinder. Tk is the ratio OF J ctual J Volume OF fluid entering the cylinder per cycle to the Swept volume. Actval velume entering /cycle = vel. Swept volume For 2-stroke engine: Actual Volume entering Veot = W. .2 ZA p2LNK +. For 4- stroke engine! Actual Volume entering loot ~ a p2. Le N K + 2 Ex: A Four cylinder, 4-stvoke engine has @ compress- ion vatio oF 8 and ‘bore oF Joomm (Bore = e Volumetric eFFIciency of each cylinder stroke): Th is 75/. The engine operates at a speed OF +600 The cv = 42000 KI ka, ypm with an AFR oF 415: and. Nmech 807 Soir = 142 kq/m3 and Pm=io ban, Determine indicated thermal eFFiciency and GP. gol! k=4 L=pD= 10°MmmM vr=8 Nyen= 75: N= ygoo™Pm AFR=IS cv = 42000 kI/ikq aAanhth a Aaaa a hRaeaeanknAnheinhpsasaa a aa a a -~_— 2 = Sour = 442 K9/m3 Pp = 1000 KPa Yn = 08 e Indicated power = Pan LA Nk 120 4000 X Ord x H coy® x 4UBooXY = cee“ EGC SS 120 Tp = 125-6 Kw Va = BP a = ' 125-6 © BP= Nn TP = 0:8 X = |0o0o-.5 kw Se _ - P “Vith mex cv mM _ Ma a -!15 > Mp = i Pp Vact/cycle ‘Vo. = —_—_-——_ Swept volume = 0 Hx (oz xolK 4900 X41 Vact /eycle o-75 xX z xo 1p? KOEKLS = ao0gy2y M9/>5 Ma 4 fa: Vact = 4.42% 0:09424 K9/g = 01055 K9/e Mp = 7.0 36x10 2 K9/s i, 4? iP: = 125-6 ue mp, x Cv 7:0B6X102xX 42000 o-y2s! 4% 42:54 /. 4-stroke engine of gem bore Ex: An 8-cylinder , is tested at 4500 & Bcm stroke with a v=7 ypm on a dynamometer which has 54cm axum- During jo min. test, the reading was 42kq ¢ engine consumes 4:4 kj oF Fvel having a cv OF 4Y000 KY/Ka | Air at 27° and 4 bax was Supplied at the rate oF 6 kg /min: (1) BP (2) bsFC - (3) bsac (4) eth (5) "vol. (6) A/f Find- k=8 ( 4-stroke) DpD=9cm L=@8cm Y= N=H5007PM m= 42K Me = . p= +:4 kg , te F= yu2x9-8IN Torque = FXxY cv = Yyyooo KV eq yoxg Bl xo SH N-mM T, = Took p,= 4 bar Mea = 6 Kq/nin 222.5 N-M \l ’ Savon power = 2xnT 60 60 gp = jiou.ssoe KW ; toy 860° rnp = We x6o KY ) BP lo Or = Mp 7? Kq /pyr ; uUxeo - ; a) Jo48S =oae251e 9 Kw-hr . >» KY ebrake Specific air consumption (bsac) = Ma (hy BP 6X60 Klay loy-gs Kw bsac = S43 KY kw-hyr ° 7 - BP bth —— Me x CV k F C%) _ 404-85 ou (8) x #4000 lox6éo\s o-32ug 4 32:57. ‘loth Vact /cycle ° Vol ~ + 2 60 Uu~__——_ ms . Mair Ar = Volume OF Paw We know that P= PRT p 414x100 KPa a ~ RT ~ 0:287X 300 R= 1-46 K4/m3 6 Vair = a 1:16 Pains a 7 3 0.0862 Ms 0:0862 Z (0-09)*(0-08) x 4500x 8B + 2X60 | "Vet. o-S64S se-us/. ( volumetric efficiency OF this engine is very low.) ls | Note: Normal range OF volumetric EFFICIENCY ° ' esr engine Bo to B57. - cr engine 85 to 90/. ' 6. Aix fuel ratio : ' Ma. 6KImin = <2, 7 '9% —— = a kay, 7s nag To Yin to run en octane Ccg Hig) Fuel Ex: sz engine desiqned vated on methane (CHy vr output of the engine with In both cases Fue! ar is ope ). Estimate the vatio oF powe to thoé with octane: mixture is Supplied to the engine methane rah'o is stoichiometric ; at Same conditions: The engine ah ah Sues Speed, has same yo), 2 Same an Same Nin é ech. Cv Cc i of CHy IS 50,I50 RUZKg and Cv of actaneis 44800 Kd/ eq. Sol. - SP “Imechanical Ip Be= IPx (8Pdeu, (Tey { Nn = Same (BP)octane (IP)oectane Te = imac’ Go a L.A, N'K ane constant: 50, IP Fm (8Peny, (TPleny (Freny p CBP) octane cailactane ( m) octane We know that "en = Wet , Peay Vs = Wyreet: Gs Fin Vs &s th: Gs Same ip £€ Same Vs engine Teh = Pr = So, Bn & Qs So, (8 p) CHy (95), ( BP) octane CQs) octane (Mp x CV) methane SF ( Mp * cvJoctane (Me cv) cHy Ma ee CMe CV) octane Ma , Vv ea (BP) tan Me » CcCVoctane “ ° (ma) ctane Stoichiometric Air Fuel gatio For methane: = (7-4 Calne acy calculated ) metric Air Fuel yatio For octane: CcgHie) etoichio 96/4, = 0842 18/)y = 0:158 C= 12%8 =96 — 18 — WY (+ pee 22 | Se +8h,+9- 7,| F octane 7 “sels (0-42) + 8 (o- 158) | Hy,= 1x18 = A = 16:257 (Vr) crane F = (a) setane Is- 257 : 4 FJ = a ( Ip cHy ee j (gp 1 x 50,150 Dery (7-4 ~ edits x 44,800 CBP) octane 15-257 = 0:98 Ql Q.2 Q3 Q4 Which one of the following is NOT a necessary assumption for the air-standard Otto cycle? (A) All processes are reversible. « (C) The combustion process is a constant volume heat addition process. (D) The working fluid is an ideal gas with constant specific heats. In a Diesel cycle, the ratio of cylinder volumes after and before combustion process ~~ is called (B) Back work ratio 5 (C) Pressure ratio (D) Compression ratio Otto cycle efficiency is higher than Diesel cycle efficiency for the same compression ratio and heat input because, in Otto cycle~ (A) Combustion is at constant volume (B) Expansion and compression are isentropic (C) Maximum temperature is higher ((D) Heat rejection is lower For the same compression ratio and the same heat input, the correct sequence of the increasing order of the thermal efficiencies of the given cycles is (A) Otto, Diesel, dual (C) Dual, Diesel, Otto (D) Dual, Otto, Diesel Q.5 A Diesel and Otto cycle have the same compression ratio ‘r’. The cut-off ratio of the cycle is ‘s’, The air standard efficiency of the cycles will be equal when (B) s*-k(s-1)+1=0 (C) s*-k(s+1)+1=0 (D) s*-k(s-1)+k=0 Q.6 In the case of a Diesel cycle, increasing the cut-off ratio will increase (A) Efficiency (C), The maximum pressure * (D) The engine weight Consider air standard Otto and Diesel cycles, = ey [M a] both having the same state of air at the start of compression. If the maximum pressure in both the cycles is the same, then compression ratio ‘r’ and the efficiency 'n'are related by Oia (B) You > "preset LOMB — ©) Now > Moet An IC engine has a bore and stoke of 2 units each. The area to calculate heat loss can be taken as (A) 4x (B) Sx (On 6n (0) & Air standard diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 14 and cut off takes place at 6% of the stroke. What is the cut off ratio? (A) 0.60 (B) 0.78 (D) None of the above Q8 Q9d

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