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Spelling ‘The correct spelling is UP PGT (2016) (a) Accumulate (b) Accummutate (©) _Acummulate ()_Accumullate The correct spelling Is U.P. TGT (2016) (a) Reminescent (b) Riminescent (©) Riminisent (@) Reminiscent ‘Ans: (a) The correct spelling is Accumulate which means of other together or acquire an increasing number or quantity that is deposit, collect. ‘Ans: (4) Option (d) ‘Reminiscent’ ~ “showing that you are thinking about the past especially in a way that causes you pleasure’ is correctly spelt. 2. Which of the following words is misspelt? U.P. TGT (2016) (a) Convenience (b) Yacht (©)_ Indispensable (@)_Consciensious ‘Ans: (d) Option (d) is missplet. Correct spelling is — ‘Conscientious’ which means ‘Vigilant in one's task performance that is upright, sincere. . Which of the following words has correct spelling? U.P. TGT (2016) (a) Rendezvous (b) Rendaw (c)_Rendawoos (@)_None of the above ‘Ans: (a) ‘Rendezvous’ is correctly spelt which means = an arrangement to meet somebody at a particular time and place or a meeting at an agreed time and place. 4. The correct sp U.P. TGT (2016) (a) Perseverance (b) Persiverance (©)_Persivarance (a) Perseverence ‘Ans: (a) Option (a) ‘Perseverance’ — “the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties’ is correctly spelt. Second meaning is obstinacy, firmness. 5. The correct spelling is U.P. TGT (2016) (a) Haemorhage (b) Hamorthage (©) Haemorthage (6) Hemorthas ‘Ans: (©) Opiion (¢) ‘Haemorthage’ — “a medical condition in which there is severe loss of blood from inside a person’s body’ is correctly spelt. 6 The correct spelling is UP. TGT (2016) (@) Accommodate (b) Acommodate (©)_Accomodate (@)_Accomodete 9. Choose the word which is correctly spelt. Uttrakhand G.L.C, Lecturer (2018) (@) Begining (b) Beginning (© Beggining (@) Bigining [Ans. (b) : Correctly spelt word is~ Beginning which] means the earliest stage of something. 10. Choose the correetly spelt word. Uttrakhand G.1.C. Lecturer (2018) (a) Symetrical (b) Symmetrical (©) Symatical (@) Symmatrical [Ans. (b) : Correctly spelt word is- Symmetrical which] lmeans made up of exactly similar parts facing each] lother or around an axis, 11. The correct spelling Is UP PGT (2016) (@) Pharmaceutical (b) Pharamaseutical (© Pharmacetical __(d)_Phermaceutical (a) The correct spelling is ‘pharmaceutical’, which means a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug; relating to or preparing or sale of medicinal drugs. 12, The correct spelling is UP PGT (2016) (a) chlorophil (b) chlorophyll (©)_chlolorophyll (@)_chilorophil b) The correct spelling is chlorophyll. It is a green photosynthetic pigment found in plants, algal and cyanobacteria, 13, Which of the following is written incorrectly? UP PGT (2016) (a) percent (b) some time (o) allright (@) atleast ‘Ans: (F) UPSESSB has marked the answer Ans: (a) Option (a) ‘Accommodate’ — ‘to help somebody by doing what they want’ is correctly spelt. 7. ‘The correct spellings U.P. TGT (2016) (a) Efforescence (b) EMlorascence (©) EMlorescence (@)_Efflerescence ‘Ans: (€) Option () ‘EMorescence’ — ‘the mast developed stage of something’ is correctly spelt. 14, Choose the correct spelt word IGIC Lecturer 2016} (a) Entrepreneur (b) Enterprenur (©)_Enterprenuer (@)_Entreprinuer ‘Ans : (a) Entrepreneur means "someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for " (#E Safes St Gz FT business FE F risk #) 3a: option (a) FE #1 Hy A WR TAT eI 15. Choose the correct spelt word: 22, Which is the correct spelling? IKVS PGT 2013] ITGT 2011] (a) Etiquete (b) Etiquette (a) address (b) adress (©)_Ettiquete (@)_Ettiquette (©)_adrres (@) addres ‘Ans : (b) The correct option is (b) Etiquette which means the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members a particular profession or group. 16. Choose the correct spelt word: IKVS PGT 2013] (2) Millonare (b) Millionaire * (©) Millionare @ Millonaire ‘Ans : (b) The correct option is (b) Millionaire which means a certain level of prestige is associated with being a millionaire, 17. Which of the following words is mis-spelt? : IPGT 2000] (a) Career (b) Creator (c) Center (d@) Carrier ‘Ans + (@) The correct spelling is ‘centre’. The point that is equally distant from every point on the circumference or a circle ot sphere. 18. The misspelt word is — ITGT 2001) (a) comittee (c) Miscellaneous “Ans : (a) The mis-spelt word is 'comittee’. the correct word is ‘committee’ which means a group of persons elected or appointed to perform some service or function, as to investigate, report on, or act upon a particular matter, 19, Find the correctly spelt word - (b) Nursery (@ Occurrence (PGT 2001] (a) Gramar (b) Havene (©) Haven (@) Macaber ‘Ans : (¢) The correctly spelt word is Haven which means harbor, port or any place of shelter and safety, Tefuuge, asylum. 20. Spot the correct spelling (PGT 2013] (a) pussilanimous (®) pusilannimous (©)_pusillanim (@)_pusilanimous ‘Ans : (c) Pusillanimous is the correct spelling which means lacking courage or resolution, cowardly, faint ~ hearted, timid. 21, Spot the correct Spelling [PGT 2013] (2) Denouement (b) Dinouement (©) Denument (@)_Dinoument ‘Ans + (a) Correct spelling is Denouement which means the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel. “Ans ¢ (a) The correct word is “address”, The particulars of the place where someone lives or an organisation is situated. 23. Find out the correct spelling. ITGT 2013] (@) clixir (b) elesser (©) _clescir (d) elixer ‘Ans : (a) The correct spelling is ‘elixir’ which means the quintessence or absolute embodiment of anything. 24, Find out the mis-spelt word. ITGT 2013} (2) disparage (©) licentious (&)_malleable (@) dilema ‘Ans : (d) Mis spelt word is dilema, correct spelling is ‘dilemma’ which means any difficult or perplexing situation or problem. Pick out the correct spelling of the word among the following words. ITGT 2013} (a) platetude (b) platimud (6) pllattitude (@) platitude ‘Ans : (d) Correct spelling is platitude which means a flat, dull, or trite remark that is a remark or statement especially one with a moral content, that has been used to often to be interesting or thoughtful. 26. Which of the following word is mis-spelt? IGT 2003] (@) Gregarious (b) Fatalist (© Philistine (d) Celebasy ‘Ans i (d) The correct word for Celebasy is — Celibacy, which means the state of being unmarried voluntarily. Hence option (d). 27, Which word is mis-spelt ; [TGT 2003] (a) Zealous (b) Opposite (©) Empirical (¢) Rhytorie ‘Ans: (@) The correct word for Rhytoric is ~ Rhetoric which means the art of effective or purswance speaking or writing, especially the explanation of figure of speech and other compositional techniques. 28. Choose the response which gives the correct spelling to the word : (TGT 2003] (a) Dispassonate (©) Dispassionate (©) Disfasionate (4) Dispssionet ‘Ans: (b) The correct spelling is — Dispassionate which means impartial or unaffected. Hence option (b). 29, (a) Macaber (¢) Macebre () Macabre (d) Macbre ITGT 2004] ‘Ans : (b) Macabre means — gruesome; ghastly that is disturbing because concerted with or causing a fear of death, 30. (a) Occasion (c) Occassion (b) Ocassion (4) Occasion ITGT 2004] ‘Ans : (a) Occasion means opportunity or an event or the time at which it takes place provide lodging or sufficient space for. 31. (a) Acommodete (c) Accommodate () Acommodait (@) Accommodate ITGT 2004] Ans : (6) Acconimodate means-fit, adapt, harmonise. 32. (a) Beisige (b) Besiege (© Bes (@) Bisiege ITGT 2004] ‘Ans : (b) Besiege means to assail or to lay siege to that is surround with armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender. 33. (a) Dielemma (©) Dilema (b) Dilemma (@) Dillema ITGT 2004) ‘Ans : (b) Dilemma means confusion that isa situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more altenatives. 34, (a) Coroborate (©) Coroborate (b) Corobborate (d) Corroborate ITGT 2004] ‘Ans : (d) Corroborate means confirm or give support to statement theory. 35. (a) Disappear (©) Dissapear (b) Dissappear (d) Disappeare ITGT 2004) ‘Ans + (a) Disappear means vanish, cease to exist or cease to be visibl “Ans ¢ (6) Liaison means intimacy or connection that is communication or co-operation which facilities a close working relationship between people ot organisation, 38. (a) Pronunceable (b) Pronounceable (©) Pronunciable (4) Pronounciable ITGT 2004) ‘Ans : (b) Pronounceable means — which can be pronounced. 39. Which word is correctly spelt- IPGT 2002] (a) Duely (b) Duly (©)_Duley (@ Dully ‘Ans : (b) Duly is correctly spelt, which means properly, fittingly, punctually. 40. Select the word with its correct spelling : ITGT 2009} (a) vaccum (b) Vaccume (©) Vaccum (¢) Vacuum: ‘Ans : (d) Vacuum is the correct spelling. It means a space entirely devoid of matter. 41. Find out the mis-spelt word. ITGT 2009] (a) accompaniment —_(b) explaination (©) superstitious (@) miscellaneous ‘Ans = (b) explaination is mis-spelt word, correct spelling is explanation which means the act or process of explaining. 42. Choose the correct spelling of the word. ITGT 2009] (a) restaurant (b) resturant (©) resteurant (d) restorant ‘Ans: (a) Restaurant is correct spelling which means an establishment where meals are served to customers. 43. Find out the correctly spelt word : : ITGT 2009] (a) consumpshion —_—_(b) conjumption (©) consumption @ conjumpshan (©) Consumption — consuming purchase and use of goods that is, the action of using up a resources. 44, Find out the correctly spelt word : bleeding or an escape of blood from a repurted blood vessel. 36. (a) Hemmorhage (b) Hemorrhage IGT 2009] (©) Heimorage (@) Heimorthage (a) aroplane (b) aroplain ITGT 2004, PGT 2009) (©) acroplain (@) aeroplane Ans + (b) Hemorrhage or Haemorthage means || “Ans : (d) Aeroplane is correctly spelt. An aeroplane is a powered fixed wing aircraft and is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine, propeller or rocket engine, 37. (@) Linizone (©) Liaison (®) Liasion (@) Liason ITGT 2004) 45. (a) Efficient (b) Beterment (© Treatmeant @ Employd IPGT 2011] “Ans : (a) The correct word is efficient, which means performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. 46. (a) Conspicuous (b) Contegious (© Concious (a) Contenuous [PGT 2011 54. Which is the correct spelling? (TGT 2005] (a) Quintessence (b) Qintessence (©) Quentesence (d) Quintesence ‘Ans # (a) The correct spelling is — Quintessence which means purest essence of something. Hence option (a). ‘Ans : (a) The correct word is conspicuous, which ‘means easily seen or noticed or observable. 47, @) Gaurantee (®) Guarantee (©) Garuntee @ Guaruntee [PGT 2011] age a “Ans : (b) The correct word is Guarantee, which means ‘a promise or assurance, especially one in writing. 48. (a) Pessenger (b) Passenger (©) Pasanger (d) Pesanger [PGT 2011] “Ans : (b) The correct word is passenger which means fa traveller on a public.or private conveyance other than the driver, pilot, crew ete. 49. (a) Treachrous| (b) Trecherous passage. Hence option (d). The action or process of (©) Trechearous (@) Treacherous moving through or past somewhere on the way from [PGT 2011] || one place to another. 55, Which is the correct spelling? ITGT 2003] (a) rythym (>) rythm (© rhythm (@ rhithym ‘Ans # (@) The correctly spelt word is — Rhythm which means a strong a regular repeated pattem of movement or sound, ‘56, Find the mis-spelt word : ITGT 2005} (2) appropriate (b) title (©) mission (d) passege (d) “Passege” is incorrect. The correct word is “Ans + (d) “Treacherous” is correct spelling, which means deceptive, untrustworthy, or unreliable. 50. (@) Klaptomania (b) Klepptomania (©) Kleptemania (@ Kleptomania _IPGT 2011 ‘Ans : (d) Kleptomania is a correct word, which means irresistible impulse to steal, stemming from emotional disturbance rather than economic need. 51, Which one of the following is the correct spelling? [PGT 2009] (a) Ceasarean (b) Caesaraen (©) Caesarean (@)_Ceasaraen 57. Which is the correct spelling? [TGT 2005] (a) canceled (b) canciled (©) cancelled (@) canscelled ‘Ans : (© The correctly spelt word is — cancelled. Hence option (¢). That is decide or announce that will not take place. 58. Select the correct spelling : ITGT 2005] (a) Staff Quarters (b) Sf Quarters (©) Staff Quaters (d) None of the above Ans : (e) Caesarean is correctly spelt. It is an operation by which a fetus is taken from the uterus by ‘cutting through the walls of the Abdomen and uterus. ‘Ans: (a) Staff Quarters is correct. Means quarters for faculties and staff are equipped with all modem amenities. Hence option (a). 52. Choose the correctly spelt word : IPGT 2009] (@) farenheit (b) ferenheit (©) fahrenhé (@)_fahrenheight ‘Ans + (c) Correct spelling is fahrenheit. It is a temperature scale based on one proposed in 1724 by the physical Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. 53. Choose the correctly spelt word : [PGT 2009] (a) souvenir () suvenire (©) suvenir (@)_souvenire ‘Ans : (a) The correct spelling is souvenir. Souvenir ‘means a memory, memento. 59. Which is the correct spelling? ITGT 2005) (®) bivouk (@) bivouk “Ans : (6) The correctly spelt word is ~ bivouac which means a temporary camp for soldiers or mountaineers. Hence option (c). 60, Which is the correct spelling? (a) bivouck (©) bivouse ITGT 2005] (2) tyrannize (b) tyramnise (©) tyranize (6) tyrranise ‘Ans = (b) The correcily spelt word in British English is ~tyrannise that is rule or treat someone despotically or cruelty. 61. Choose the correct spelling : IPGT 2003] (a) arguement (b)_ argument (©)_argeument (@)_arggment ‘Ans : (b) Argument is correct spelling which means an oral disagreement or verbal op} 69. Which of the following is the correct spelling? : [PGT 2005] (a) Triconciliable (b) Inriconcialiable (c)_Irreconcilable (d)_Irreconceliable ‘Ans : (c) The correct answer is irreconcilable which ‘means incompatible. 70. Find out correctly spelt word : ‘Ans : (a) Limousine is the correct spelling which means a large and very comfortable car. 64, Choose from the following the word which is correctly spelt : [PGT 2004] (a) begining (©) explaination (©)_garage (@)_ maintainance ‘Ans : (c) Garage is correctly spelt which means a ‘building in which you keep a car. 65. Choose the mis-spelt word from the following = (@) believe (b) receive (©) conceive (d) bereive ‘Ans : (d) Mis-spelt word is ‘bereive’ else are correctly spelt. Correct spelling is ‘bereave’ which means deprived of a close relation or friend through death. 66. Choose the mispelt word = IPGT 2005] (a) Subsistence (b) Mesmerise (©)_Anamolous (@)_Nimth ‘Ans : (¢) The correct spelling is Anomalous, which means inconsistent or irregular. @7. Find out the correct following : spelt word from the [PGT 2005] (a) concomitent (b) coneupiscence (©)_concurdant (@)_condescension ‘Ans : (b) The correct spelling should be concomitant, concordant and condescension, The correct answer is concupiscence which means strong sexual desire, lust. @._ Find out the correet spelling = [PGT 2005} (a) rheumatic (0) rhumetic (©)_thumetic (@)_shumatic ‘Ans : (a) Correct spelling is Rheumatic 62. Find out the mis-spelt word : . [PGT 2005] IPGT 2004]] (a) Monstrous (b) Monsterous (a) supplementary (b) surfiet (c)_Monstorous (a) Monstoros (c)_suppurate (d) surgery ‘Ans : (a) Monstrous here is correctly spelt, else are ‘Ans : (b) Correct spelling is “surfeit” which means ||| misspelt means a large, ugly and frightening Excess, an excessive amount of something, imaginary creature, 63. Which one of the following is the correct| 71. (a) appelant (b) apellant spelling? (©) appellant (4) appellant [PGT 2004) ITGT 2010) (a) Limousine (b) Limuosine “Ans + (e) Appellant means a person who appeals that (©) _Limousane (@)_Limozene is a person who applies to higher court for a reversal of the decision ofa lower court. 72. (a) Beelzebub (©) Bilzebub (b) Beilzebub (@) Bielzebub ITGT 2010) ‘Ans : (a) Beelzebub means the chief devil; satan. ‘73. (a) exaseration (b) exaggeration (©) exageration (4) exazeration (TGT 2010) ‘Ans : (b) Exaggeration means the act of exaggerating or overstating, 74. (a)hidrocortizone —__(b) hydrocortizone (©)hydrocortisone (4) hydrocortisone ITGT 2010) ‘Ans : (6) Hydrocortisone means —_In Biochemistry, a steroid hormone, of the adrenal cortex, active in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. 75. (a) surfragette (8) sufiragete (©) suffragette (A) sufragete ITGT 2010] “Ans : (6) Suflfagette means @ woman advocate of female suffrage. (b) naarissus 76. (a) narcissus (c) narcissous (@) naarcissous ITGT 2010] ‘Ans = (a) Narcissus means a white flower with a cup shaped corona. 77. Spot the correct spelling : IPGT 2010] (a) Chaufeur (b) Chauffeur (©)_Chaufeura (@) Chauffere ‘Ans : (b) Chauffeur is spelt correctly. A driver of private car. 78. (a) Supercilous (©) Parliament (©) Benefactor (b) Testament ‘Ans : (a) The correct spelling is ‘supercilious’ which ‘means loft with pride, disdainful 79. (a) Elaborate (c) Therapy (b) Thoroughness (d) Instat ITGT 2004 Cancel} ‘Ans : (@) Correct spelling is “Instability” which means — fickleness or want of stability. 80. (a) Situat (b) Minicipal (©) Samrighi (@) Pituitary ITGT 2004 Cancel] ‘Ans : (b) The correct spelling is “Municipal” which means — belonging to affairs of city or town. 81. (a) Twelth (©) Programme (©) Cunning (@) Embarrassment [GT 2004 Cancel] ‘Ans : (a) The correct spelling is ‘Twelfth’ which ‘means constituting number twelve in a sequence. 82. Choose the correctly Spelt Word. IGIC Lecturer 2017] (a) Habits (b) Habits (6)_Habbites (@)_Habbitrs [Ans: (b) Option (b) Habits is correctly spelt means] Jcustoms, proxis, knack. 83. Choose the correctly spelt word. IGIC Lecturer 2017] (a) Agrement {b) Aggrement (©)_Agreemint (d)_ Agreement ‘Ans: (d) Option (4) Agreement is correctly spelt that is] harmony or accordance in opinion or feelings. 92, Which of the following is correctly spelt? 84. Choose the correctly spelt word. | IL. T. 2018) IGIC Lecturer 2017] (a) Incredible (b) Uncredible (a) Intelect (b) Intellect (©)_Eneredible (@)_Discredible (©)_Intilect (@)_Intelicte ‘Ans : (a) Incredible which means impossible to believe. 88. Identify the correctly spelt word IGIC Lecturer 2017] (a) Vivisection (©) Vaivisection (©)_Vievisection (@)_Vivasection ‘Ans: (a) Vivisection is right which means the practice] fof performing operations on live animals for the [purpose of experimentation of scientitie research. 89. _ Identify the correctly spelt word: IGIC Lecturer 2017] (@) Phalegmatic (b) Phlegmatic (©)_Phelegmatic (d)_Phailepmatic (Ans: (b) Phlegmatic is correctly spelt which means a| person having an unemotional and stolidly clam disposition, 90. Identify the correct spelt word: {GIC Lecturer 2017] (a) Horizental (b) Horaigental (©)_Horizontal (@)_Horizentale [Ans: (c) Horizontal means parallel to the plane of the’ horizon; at right angles to the vertical. 91. Choose the correctly spelt word: [GIC Lecturer 2017] (@) Athism (b) Athiesm (©)_Atheism (@)_Athesism [Ans: (c) Atheism means atheism is the broadest sense an absence of belief in the existence of duties. [Ans: (b) Option (b) Intellectis correctly spelt means the]| 93. Which of the following has the correct faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, spelling? especially with regard to abstract matters. IL. 7.2018] 85. Choose the correctly spelt word. (@) Convisseur (©) Connoiseur IGIC Lecturer 2017] (©) Connoisseur (@)_Connoissur (a) Nectar (®) Nactor ‘Ans: (¢) Connoisseur means an expert judge in matters (©)_Nactar @_Necktar erates aces Ans: (a) Correctly spelt word is option (a) Nectar. — Fe Cees Bererreciipipeh nord 94. Find out the correctly spelt word. [GIC Lecturer 2017] UW r2018) (@)_ Rehythem () Rhythm (@) Restorent (b) Restaurent (©)_Rhythem (@)_Rhythom (© _Restarent (@_ Restaurant [Ans: (b) Correctly spelt word is option (b) Rhythm. A] strong regular repeated pattern of movement or sound, 87. Identify the correctly spelt word premises. [GIC Lecturer 2017] | 95 (@) Carer (b) Trumpery (@) Avaunt-guard (b) Avant-garde (©) Scientific (@) Sonourous (©)_Avount-gard (@_Avonigurd ITGT 2004 Cancel] ‘Ans : (d) Restaurant means a place where people pay to sit and eat meals that are cooked and served on ‘Ans: (b) Avant-garde is French term which means new| invention, learning frequently characterized by aesthetic| ‘Ans : (d) Correctly spelt world will be *Sonorous? innovation and initial unacceptability. which means — giving out deep sounds, sweet, melodious.

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