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Extended analysis of Coke 11:30 advert

I have chosen this advert because it shows that Coke attracts women to men
when men drink it. However, if this concept is reversed it shows men as creeps
so this advert shows a very biased opinion and

Technical Codes
Use of camera

In the beginning of the advert the camera is

positioned closed to the women’s faces and
shows them talking to each other about the
“diet coke break”. This brings the audience
closer to the significance of the “diet coke
break”. The camera continues to stay close to
the women’s faces throughout a lot of the ad-
vert but when it turns to the men the camera
is positioned in a similar way to what the
women would be seeing which is a top down
wide shot. At the end of the advert the cam-
era is positioned close to a man drinking Diet
Coke bringing the main focus to the product.

There isn’t much use of editing in the advert
except at the end when some text fades on
screen saying “this is refreshment” and then a
Diet Coke logo picture.

The advert uses one song which includes the lyrics i “want to make love to you”
which shows how attracted the women are to the men and adding a sexual atti-
tude to the advert.
The advert doesn’t make use of artificial light-
ing and doesn’t use the natural light until the
end when the man is drinking Diet Coke where
they have positioned the actor to have light
shining on one half of his face adding a white
glow to the side of his face.

Symbolic Codes
The advert is set in the present day and the
time is 11:30. This shows to the audience that
currently what the advert is showing can hap-
pen to you.

The advert uses one location and that has an
office and a construction site next to it sug-
gesting to the audience that you might see muscular men drinking diet coke
near your office.

I think this advert appeals to the people that fall under belongers. I see this
because the women are looking at the men through a window and are not going
to go down and actually talk to the men.

This advert shows stereotypes of how women can look at men but if that is re-
versed men are looked at as creeps. It also shares a connection with a lot of
deodorant adverts and how using the advertised product makes the men at-

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