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FORM 26 [See Rule 53] APPLICATION FOR THE ISSUE OF DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (To be made in duplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation and in triplicate if the ‘Original Registering Authority is different, the duplicate copy and the triplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the Financier and Registering Authority simultaneously on issue of duplicate certificate) To ‘The Registering Authority, The certificate of registration of my/our motor vehicle, the registration mark of which is. has been lost/destroyed/completely written-off/soiled/torw/mutilated in the following circumstances:~ *1/ We hereby declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the Registration of the vehicle has not been suspended ‘or cancelled under the provisions of the Act or Rules made thereunder and the circumstances explained above are true. 1/ We do hereby apply for the issue of a duplicate Certificate of Registration. ‘The written-offs iled/torn/mutilated Certificate of Registration is enclosed, * Strike out whichever is inapplicable ‘The vehicle is not held under any agreement of Hire-purchase/Lease/Hypothecation, The vehicle is also not superdari and free fromall encumbrances. 1/ We hereby declare that 1/ We on. (date) have filed a complaint (copy enclosed) with the police about the loss of Certificate of Registration immediately after the loss has been noticed. Date Signature / thumb impression of the Applicant ‘The vehicle is held under hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation agreement with. cand the “No Objection Certificate” has been granted / refused by the financier hereunder: Where “No Objection Certificate” is refused, applicant shall make a declaration as required under sub-section (8) of section 51 Signature or thumb impr Name. Full address Date, Note. - (1) Full particulars of the circumstances shall be furnished in the case of loss or destruction of the Registration Certificate. (2) Strike out whichever is inapplicable. FORM 26 [See Rule 53] APPLICATION FOR THE ISSUE OF DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (To be made in duplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation and in triplicate if the ‘Original Registering Authority is different, the duplicate copy and the triplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the Financier and Registering Authority simultaneously on issue of duplicate certificate) To ‘The Registering Authority, The certificate of registration of my/our motor vehicle, the registration mark of which is. has been lost/destroyed/completely written-off/soiled/torw/mutilated in the following circumstances:~ *1/ We hereby declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the Registration of the vehicle has not been suspended ‘or cancelled under the provisions of the Act or Rules made thereunder and the circumstances explained above are true. 1/ We do hereby apply for the issue of a duplicate Certificate of Registration. ‘The written-offs iled/torn/mutilated Certificate of Registration is enclosed, * Strike out whichever is inapplicable ‘The vehicle is not held under any agreement of Hire-purchase/Lease/Hypothecation, The vehicle is also not superdari and free fromall encumbrances. 1/ We hereby declare that 1/ We on. (date) have filed a complaint (copy enclosed) with the police about the loss of Certificate of Registration immediately after the loss has been noticed. Date Signature / thumb impression of the Applicant ‘The vehicle is held under hire-purchase/lease/hypothecation agreement with. cand the “No Objection Certificate” has been granted / refused by the financier hereunder: Where “No Objection Certificate” is refused, applicant shall make a declaration as required under sub-section (8) of section 51 Signature or thumb impr Name. Full address Date, Note. - (1) Full particulars of the circumstances shall be furnished in the case of loss or destruction of the Registration Certificate. (2) Strike out whichever is inapplicable. FORM 28 {See Rule 54,52(1),G) and (4)] (0 OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" and grant of certificate Form of application for ‘To be made in Quadruplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of Hire-Purchase/Lease/Hypothecation, the duplicate copy, the triplicate copy and the Quadruplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the Régistered owner of the Vehicle, the Registering Autoriy in whose junction the Vehicle sto be removed and the Financier simultaneously on granvrefuse of ‘No Object Certificate’) PART -1 APPLICATION To, ‘The Registering Authority, ‘We intended to transfer the vehicle tothe jurisdiction ofthe Registering Authority We intended to sell the vehicle to Shr/Sm/Kumari of the state of WWe there for request for the issue of a no objection certificate for my/our vehicle the particulars of which are furnished below:~ 1 Name Address Son/Wife/Daughter of Registration number of the vehicle Class of vehicle Registering Authority which originally registered the vehicle Engine Number (Chassis Number Affix Pencil Print Period of stay inthe state 6 2 8 9. 10, Whether any damand for tax is pending, if so give details Period upto which motor vehicle tax has been paid 11, Whether the vehicle is involved in any theft case, so give details 12. Whether any action under Sections 53,54 or 5S of the Motor Vehicle ‘Act, 1988 is pending before any Registering Authority or other prescribed authority if so, give details 13, Whether the vehicle is involved in any case of transport of prohibited 00ds.if so, give details 14, Whether the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire/purchase/lease/ hhypothetication, if so give full name and address of the Financier We solemnly declare that the above statement is true Vv Dated Signature of the Owner of the vehicle FORM 28 {See Rule 54,52(1),G) and (4)] (0 OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" and grant of certificate Form of application for ‘To be made in Quadruplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of Hire-Purchase/Lease/Hypothecation, the duplicate copy, the triplicate copy and the Quadruplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the Régistered owner of the Vehicle, the Registering Autoriy in whose junction the Vehicle sto be removed and the Financier simultaneously on granvrefuse of ‘No Object Certificate’) PART -1 APPLICATION To, ‘The Registering Authority, ‘We intended to transfer the vehicle tothe jurisdiction ofthe Registering Authority We intended to sell the vehicle to Shr/Sm/Kumari of the state of WWe there for request for the issue of a no objection certificate for my/our vehicle the particulars of which are furnished below:~ 1 Name Address Son/Wife/Daughter of Registration number of the vehicle Class of vehicle Registering Authority which originally registered the vehicle Engine Number (Chassis Number Affix Pencil Print Period of stay inthe state 6 2 8 9. 10, Whether any damand for tax is pending, if so give details Period upto which motor vehicle tax has been paid 11, Whether the vehicle is involved in any theft case, so give details 12. Whether any action under Sections 53,54 or 5S of the Motor Vehicle ‘Act, 1988 is pending before any Registering Authority or other prescribed authority if so, give details 13, Whether the vehicle is involved in any case of transport of prohibited 00ds.if so, give details 14, Whether the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire/purchase/lease/ hhypothetication, if so give full name and address of the Financier We solemnly declare that the above statement is true Vv Dated Signature of the Owner of the vehicle FORM 28 {See Rule 54,52(1),G) and (4)] (0 OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" and grant of certificate Form of application for ‘To be made in Quadruplicate if the vehicle is held under an agreement of Hire-Purchase/Lease/Hypothecation, the duplicate copy, the triplicate copy and the Quadruplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the Régistered owner of the Vehicle, the Registering Autoriy in whose junction the Vehicle sto be removed and the Financier simultaneously on granvrefuse of ‘No Object Certificate’) PART -1 APPLICATION To, ‘The Registering Authority, ‘We intended to transfer the vehicle tothe jurisdiction ofthe Registering Authority We intended to sell the vehicle to Shr/Sm/Kumari of the state of WWe there for request for the issue of a no objection certificate for my/our vehicle the particulars of which are furnished below:~ 1 Name Address Son/Wife/Daughter of Registration number of the vehicle Class of vehicle Registering Authority which originally registered the vehicle Engine Number (Chassis Number Affix Pencil Print Period of stay inthe state 6 2 8 9. 10, Whether any damand for tax is pending, if so give details Period upto which motor vehicle tax has been paid 11, Whether the vehicle is involved in any theft case, so give details 12. Whether any action under Sections 53,54 or 5S of the Motor Vehicle ‘Act, 1988 is pending before any Registering Authority or other prescribed authority if so, give details 13, Whether the vehicle is involved in any case of transport of prohibited 00ds.if so, give details 14, Whether the vehicle is held under an agreement of hire/purchase/lease/ hhypothetication, if so give full name and address of the Financier We solemnly declare that the above statement is true Vv Dated Signature of the Owner of the vehicle FORM 29 [See Rule $5(1)] NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE (To be made in duplicate and the duplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the ‘wansferor or immediately on making entries of transfer of ownership in certificate of Registration and Form 24) To ‘The Registering Authority. (in whose jurisdiction the ‘Transferee resides) Wwe ocotesident of. have on the. day of the year. Sold and delivered my / our Vehicle No, make. Chassis No. {Engine number or motor number in the case of Battery Operated Vehicles]........ - passa 0 Shri / Smt J -(Name) Son/Wife/Daughter of. . residing. at (House NoJStreet/Village/Town/Distt. And State) under an agreement of hire purchase/lease/ hypothecation with. ‘The Registration Certificate and Insurance Certificate have been handed over to him /her / them. To the best of my/our knowledge and belief the vehicle is not superdari and free from all encumbrances ‘and information furnished is true. /We undertake to hold my/our self-responsible for any inaccuracy or ‘suppression of information, Vv Signature of the Financier Signature or thumb impression of the (as his consent) Registered Owner (Transferor) Date. Date. We (Transferee) Copy to the Registering Authority in whose jurisdiction the transferor resides, Note. - To be sent to the Registering Authority by Registered Post Acknowledgment Due. OFFICE ENDORSEMENT RefNo Office of the. ‘The ownership of the vehicle has been transferred to the name of, with, the note of the above said agreement with effect from. (date), Date. Signature of the Registering Authority with Office seal “Strike out whichever is inapplicable To ‘The Transferor... co tine . . (To be sent by Registered Post Acknowledgment Due) FORM 29 [See Rule $5(1)] NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE (To be made in duplicate and the duplicate copy with the endorsement of the Registering Authority to be returned to the ‘wansferor or immediately on making entries of transfer of ownership in certificate of Registration and Form 24) To ‘The Registering Authority. (in whose jurisdiction the ‘Transferee resides) Wwe ocotesident of. have on the. day of the year. Sold and delivered my / our Vehicle No, make. Chassis No. {Engine number or motor number in the case of Battery Operated Vehicles]........ - passa 0 Shri / Smt J -(Name) Son/Wife/Daughter of. . residing. at (House NoJStreet/Village/Town/Distt. And State) under an agreement of hire purchase/lease/ hypothecation with. ‘The Registration Certificate and Insurance Certificate have been handed over to him /her / them. To the best of my/our knowledge and belief the vehicle is not superdari and free from all encumbrances ‘and information furnished is true. /We undertake to hold my/our self-responsible for any inaccuracy or ‘suppression of information, Vv Signature of the Financier Signature or thumb impression of the (as his consent) Registered Owner (Transferor) Date. Date. We (Transferee) Copy to the Registering Authority in whose jurisdiction the transferor resides, Note. - To be sent to the Registering Authority by Registered Post Acknowledgment Due. OFFICE ENDORSEMENT RefNo Office of the. ‘The ownership of the vehicle has been transferred to the name of, with, the note of the above said agreement with effect from. (date), Date. Signature of the Registering Authority with Office seal “Strike out whichever is inapplicable To ‘The Transferor... co tine . . (To be sent by Registered Post Acknowledgment Due) FORM 30 (See Rul 552) and (3)) APPLICATION FOR INTIMATION AND TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE (To be macen pict the Vac fs helt undr an agreement of HrePrchasaleasa Hypotecaten. The pate copy th bo cocoment te Regier Autory to be wuned he France sratarecss on raking oe o a Pane of oman ‘ho Corea of Rograven ans Rogen Racor Fem 24. To, ‘THE REGISTERING AUTHORITY, PART-1 FOR THE USE OF THE TRANSFEROR ‘Name ofthe Transterot Sonitldaughter of ‘aladcress ie Fereby decare tat Uwe have on this ay oe year Seid mylour mater veticle ‘bearing Regstiaion mark wo shiSim ‘SonmWeeDaughtr of o rescling i {tu aceress) and handed aver the Geslicae of Regswalon andthe Cevilicate of insurance to Rnd havior. We hereby deca othe best of myfour knowledge the Cerca of Regstraton of he voice has not been suspended or cancels We encose the "No Objection Ceniteate isc by the Regsterng Autry LH ifthe "No Obecton Cerificate sued fom the Registonng Authotty i pot enclosed, the Tranferor shoul fo ‘tong wih ins appieaton a decraton ae requfed under sub-section (1) of secon 50. - ‘Signature or thumb impression ofthe TRANSFEROR 1H. Detais of suspension or cancelation. HHH Steke out whichever is inapplicable. PART -Il FOR THE USE OF THE TRANSFEREE (Proatadaress tobe enclosed ‘hate have on ‘ay of a year purchase ‘rom ee eS rai an ta ar) ‘ard voquest at necessary eniesregarng te Wanslr of owrership of he vehice mh mylour name may be recored in the (Conitcate of Reston and Carticate of Firess ofthe vehise, whic is encased. “The motor vaicle bearing Registration nanbar ‘The Certcate of insurance is alto enclosed, To the best of my krowedge and beh IANe have not supressed any face ‘and information furiched Is tu. The vale i et supercan and free fom all encumbrance We underake to ole my sll ‘esponsila or any inaccuracy othe formation. ate Signature or thumb impression of ie TRANSFEREE CONSENT OF THE FINANCIER IN THE CASE OF MOTOR VEHICLE SUBJECT TO AN AGREEMENT OF HIRE-PURCHASE/LEASE/HYPOTHECATION We being 2 party o an agreement of He-Purchase/LeaselHypethecaon in respect of motor vehicle species above, give consent the ranster of ownership ofthe said motor vehicle inthe name ofthe Transerted named above, with wor we ‘ave ented into an agreement of Hre-Purchasal.ease/Hypotnecation. (Fut name ane address of he Financier) Sigrature ofthe FINANCIER ate Date OFFICE ENDORESEMENT Rel. Now ____ Otic of the __ ‘The Tranler of ownership of motor vehie under coninuaton Of an endorsement of Hie Purchase easatiypohecation ‘agreement has been recorded wih effec em ie te Regssranon Cortteate ofthe venice aa —andin the Resistaion rocrced ofthis fies in Ferm 24 ate ‘Signature of REGISTERING AUTHORITY To The Transteor ‘The Financier — To si aha above pars by Rogisord Pot Ainawedzarion! Di) Specimen Signaure or hurd impression of the Regd. owrer and the Facer are tobe obaed in the ogra appleaion foratng and atestaon bythe Register Authorty wih the offoe seal n Form 23 & 24, tm such manner that he pat of Impression of seal or stamp and attestation shall ful ypon each signature. ‘Specimen signatures ofthe Firancior ‘Specimen signatures af the Registerec Owner a FORM 30 (See Rul 552) and (3)) APPLICATION FOR INTIMATION AND TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF A MOTOR VEHICLE (To be macen pict the Vac fs helt undr an agreement of HrePrchasaleasa Hypotecaten. The pate copy th bo cocoment te Regier Autory to be wuned he France sratarecss on raking oe o a Pane of oman ‘ho Corea of Rograven ans Rogen Racor Fem 24. To, ‘THE REGISTERING AUTHORITY, PART-1 FOR THE USE OF THE TRANSFEROR ‘Name ofthe Transterot Sonitldaughter of ‘aladcress ie Fereby decare tat Uwe have on this ay oe year Seid mylour mater veticle ‘bearing Regstiaion mark wo shiSim ‘SonmWeeDaughtr of o rescling i {tu aceress) and handed aver the Geslicae of Regswalon andthe Cevilicate of insurance to Rnd havior. We hereby deca othe best of myfour knowledge the Cerca of Regstraton of he voice has not been suspended or cancels We encose the "No Objection Ceniteate isc by the Regsterng Autry LH ifthe "No Obecton Cerificate sued fom the Registonng Authotty i pot enclosed, the Tranferor shoul fo ‘tong wih ins appieaton a decraton ae requfed under sub-section (1) of secon 50. - ‘Signature or thumb impression ofthe TRANSFEROR 1H. Detais of suspension or cancelation. HHH Steke out whichever is inapplicable. PART -Il FOR THE USE OF THE TRANSFEREE (Proatadaress tobe enclosed ‘hate have on ‘ay of a year purchase ‘rom ee eS rai an ta ar) ‘ard voquest at necessary eniesregarng te Wanslr of owrership of he vehice mh mylour name may be recored in the (Conitcate of Reston and Carticate of Firess ofthe vehise, whic is encased. “The motor vaicle bearing Registration nanbar ‘The Certcate of insurance is alto enclosed, To the best of my krowedge and beh IANe have not supressed any face ‘and information furiched Is tu. The vale i et supercan and free fom all encumbrance We underake to ole my sll ‘esponsila or any inaccuracy othe formation. ate Signature or thumb impression of ie TRANSFEREE CONSENT OF THE FINANCIER IN THE CASE OF MOTOR VEHICLE SUBJECT TO AN AGREEMENT OF HIRE-PURCHASE/LEASE/HYPOTHECATION We being 2 party o an agreement of He-Purchase/LeaselHypethecaon in respect of motor vehicle species above, give consent the ranster of ownership ofthe said motor vehicle inthe name ofthe Transerted named above, with wor we ‘ave ented into an agreement of Hre-Purchasal.ease/Hypotnecation. (Fut name ane address of he Financier) Sigrature ofthe FINANCIER ate Date OFFICE ENDORESEMENT Rel. Now ____ Otic of the __ ‘The Tranler of ownership of motor vehie under coninuaton Of an endorsement of Hie Purchase easatiypohecation ‘agreement has been recorded wih effec em ie te Regssranon Cortteate ofthe venice aa —andin the Resistaion rocrced ofthis fies in Ferm 24 ate ‘Signature of REGISTERING AUTHORITY To The Transteor ‘The Financier — To si aha above pars by Rogisord Pot Ainawedzarion! Di) Specimen Signaure or hurd impression of the Regd. owrer and the Facer are tobe obaed in the ogra appleaion foratng and atestaon bythe Register Authorty wih the offoe seal n Form 23 & 24, tm such manner that he pat of Impression of seal or stamp and attestation shall ful ypon each signature. ‘Specimen signatures ofthe Firancior ‘Specimen signatures af the Registerec Owner a APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE TRANSFER To, Dated .. The Manager/Secretary, Insurance Co. Ltd. Ref. : Transfer policy of Vehicle No. Transfer policy of Vehicle No. Dear Sir, We have sold my/our Vehicle No. to Shri/Shrimatiis. insured with you under risk of AcThird/Compensive Policy No .. sue Please transter the right of said insurance interests in hisMher/ valid upto ... their names and oblige. Please charge the Transfer Fee and any other difference of premium, if any becomes due, from the said purchaser. Thanking you ) wv Yours faithfully Dated: 7 Ericl. : Certificate Policy Scanned with CamScanner do here by solemnly affirm and declare as. under: 1, That I the deponent is the Tegistered owner of vehicle Registration No. Model Engine No. Chasis No.. Kind of Vehicle Colour ) 2. That I the deponent has sold the above said described vehicle to 3. That the deponent has received full and final sale consideration amount from the said purchaser and delivered the possession of the said vehicle to the said purchaser, 4. That the deponent has no objection if the registration of the said vehicle be charged in the name of the said purchaser. Ss. That all previous accident and challan tegarding this vehicle shall be the sole responsibility of the deponent. v1 Ml DEPONENT VERIFICATION : Verified at on that the above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. =—| Scanned with CamScanner

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