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wer afta era some Sores are a art RET, soe gftan tara, s1sTFR | mi / waar / sreeeraitana4~2:2005 / 2020Vol T Reais 4 0921 oa yer apie gottae (orearn), are orafara gee wit Fea, TAGE | fava — Store ae) Ga STs wRETAT sRoTAR & BfRSe Ba A seq 3834—2-2021 TATOT wa | ged — vert arafera a ga wate NWR/HQ/M/WS/38/01 Vol II dt 19-8-21 afta va a Re ny anfesia a argue ongyesh Yaenge (www. iso.orgicertification html) @ ajactvost Ahan ray RRR ATI (accreditation) waa NABCB at IAF 4 were Fei Bq fee rm 8 Cafe ater @)) meq sat deena A) taeTgE a seacttars Fave ae AorerA omeIOH 989¢—2-2020 STA AY TAY ae) area ARN (accreditation) wet ser area aA aap Tee suerar Et By safe wa 8G Ree ne artes orgare aay often Red FA ge awh Ret eR Ga ara saa Par may, g wRerat A dyed a634—2-2005 Fee aT, 8 FEY At A aN AT AT a ret (acereditation)aran ars ater 2x wr a suche Pan ait Re Fry orgare 8 dare peer & Sex wry gate MIS/WS/BKN/ISO3834/recertification/2020/X fea 21.12 20 # sjsu (accreditation) ata ~The certitication agency/contractor should ensure to submit a copy of their certificate for authorized acereditation from any body member! authorized by an international or national accreditation, ” ef a ayer Peat 7H & | siege 0 Re ex sm qateea — C-workshop-JU-Mechanical/2020-12-ISO certification/10250870029835 fare 21.1220 4 HT=Ien (accreditation) ara “The contractorifirm should have carried out such certification work in central government/state government/public sector/Railways and firm must enclose the work experience certificate/LOA/Agreement/ Work order of the same along with the offer. The contractor /firm shall be well experienced and adept (subject specialized) in carrying out this work.” wt a seehe Par sar & | Rs oresen sine Sex wriacarriage-32-2019 ¥ “The certification agency/contractor should ensure to submit a copy of their certificate for authorized accreditation from any body member/s authorized by an International accreditation forum (IAF) to issue certificate for ISO 3834 certification before the work started, “ at suet Pen ray B 1 ora ere ter ted Horr aA Rar BUA H ENT aMeTHAN 3ea4—2-2008 HeoMT weiter at ara (accreditation) awa sor srr Sex wef at seat cen ongyasht men ora aemge we A ATT (accreditation) grat yar fargat aH sige orraTe Saar AE aM aH oT ge aah S ERT sre 3e34-2-2021 aI Sue grail @ Ar (accreditation) Fah al Prutfts art A fea oH We | sv samt ome @ A eet Hae A ere etgety Preah wer are eh mE wo PATE sraret(acereditation) srer ittaga aeeifiabert tokeA @ Gotan atthe BRA ae TS | eam ORT aA i pe ais (eed) stat rear ST | af) — a eer Paes goitttoe (feereeren) aa ara SR | Carriage Workshop, North Western Railway, Ajmer 4 © E-Tender No, Carriage-32. Name of work: - “Implementation of ISO. 3834-2:2005 with Certification with Surveillance Auditing in Carriage Workshop |, The contract will be governed by the General Condition of the Contra framed, revised, updated and issued by Railway Board time to time specified, the special Conditions will supersede the general conditions, 2. Carriage Workshop Ajmer is certified INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO S0001:2018 & OHSAS 18001:2007), SS Certified and Green-Co Rating awarded organization. Contractor has to aware about Quality, SS management, Environment, Energy Management & Health and Safety, All the requirements to this effect shall be observed and followed by the firm. 3 Contract Period—36 months (03 Years) from the date of Letter of Acceptance, 4 Contractor should quote rates inclusive of travelling, transporting charges. boarding, applicable taxes, incidental and postal/telecommunication expenses. The Railway shall not arrange payment against these heads separately. No variation will be entertained in rates as per entire period of work ‘ontractor should ensure to su “opy of their certificate for authorized fional Accreditation Forum (IAF) to~ NWR. Auditing and (As pr Sobpe of Work).” mi (GEC-2019) yfthe Indian Railway as id_ whssevér special conditions are 6. “Training-and other works-as-per-the scope of work should be carried: out as per dates and time decided mutually between the firm and this workshop according to scope of work. 7 Completion Period: The activities in Part — A should be completed in a period of 03 months from the date of issue of the Acceptance Letter. The certification audit and award of certificate should be completed in 01 months after the completion of activities in Part — A. For other activities time period will be as per scope of work. However the Railway reserves the right to extend the completion period at the same rate and same terms and conditions 8. Consignee- This work will be supervised by SSE/ISO cell/Carriage or representative nominated by Dy.CME Carriage Ajmer. aie 9. The work shall be performed between 07,00.Hrs to 17.00/ Monday to Thursday, 07.00 Hrs to 16.00 Hrs on Friday and on Saturday it will be frof7.00His to. {00Hrs it Carriage Workshop Ajmer except Workshop Holidays. Lunch time between 11,00 fo 12,00 on Monday to Friday. 10. For any type of damage to Railway property caused by the contractor, whether knowingly or otherwise, he shall be penalized by the railway as deemed fit 11. The Contractor should take all precautions and safety norms against accidents during execution of work, Railway will not be liable for any compensation or any risk for his labour, plant or material by any cause what The successful tenderer shall fulfill the all relevant statutory/provision of Government including contract labour (Regulation and Abolition Act 1970, workmen's compensation act 1923, payment of wages act 1936 Minimum wages act 1948, and the payment of Bonus“Act 1965. Employees State Insurance Act, Provident Fund Act, Employment of children Act, Un-touch ability act, The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act 2013 and other Labour Laws, amended from time to time, The successful tenderer shall also submit indemnity to the Railway administration against any claims / liabilities under these Acts. Contractor has to submit relevant documents when asked by railway 13. The contractor will himself ensure the safety of his workers and provide all required safety item like hand loves, industrial shoes, aprons, helmets and goggles etc. He shall be liable to pay claims what so ever it made by the contractors labour, Railway will not carry any responsibility of such claims/payments 14. Penalty clause- No Work, No payment prineiple will be followed and it shall be accompanied by imposition of Penalties 1. Contractor fails to complete activity as per para-7 of special terms & condition a penalty of Rs.1000/- per day will be imposed till such date on which the firm complete the work. The decision of the Railway administration in this regard shall be final and binding on the firm, i Contractor completes the wok within time but not satisfactory as reported by consignee then 50% of the total shall be deducted. In this regard decision of Dy.CME(C) Ajmer amount payable to the certifying agene & binding, {ii IPthe firm fails to complete the work either wholly or in part, the Railway shall be at liberty to get the work carried out from other agency and the difference in contract value will be recovered. The decision of Railway competent authority in this regard shall be final and binding on the firm. iv The decision of Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer (Carriage) Carriage Workshop Ajmer, regarding the imposition or waving of penalties is final and binding on the contractor Contractor is to abide by the provisions of Payment of Wages act & Minimum wages act in terms of clause 54 and 55 of Indian Railways General Condition of Contract. In order to ensure the same, an application has shall be For Dy. CME (0) AIMER Not td Sionature af Tenderer & His Seal 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 1) 12) 13) 14) railway. The Contractor shall employ staff with all the provisions of contrapt lay) covidpd therein. The labour will be made as per minimum daily wages as notified by Gove time. Record must te maintained & produced whenever asked. Contractor will ensure that minimum waa28 law of govt. is followed. Failure of this action willbe taken as per extent rules. with Reference to various provision of Contract Labour (R & A) Act 1970, ensure Ine following paiculars by Contractor 4. The payment to the Contract labour should be made through bark/Cheave. 2. Identity card should be issued to all contract workers. 4. Necessary steps should be taken to depute Provident Fund from the payment made to contract labour and ensure that the same is credited to their Provident Fund account: 4. Medical facilities from ESI, if applicable. contractor! firm should have carried out such certification work in Central Government State Government! Public sector/Rallways. And_firm_must enclose the work experience certificate! LOA/ Agreement’ Work order of the same along with the offer. The contractor! firm shall be well experienced and adept (subject specialized) in carrying out this wor ‘The contractor shall take all safely measure necessary for safely of his workers Contractor shall remain responsible fr the safety of his engaged persons. The contractor shal provide all necessary personal protective safety equipment’s ke safely shoes, safety goggles, lather hand gloves and helmet etc. to their engaged persons. Contractor has to depute authorised representative that will monitor the contract work, Attendance of lavours deputed, safety of labours, receive offering memo, letters & instructions, ‘communicate, CO ordinate with railway officials and solve problems regarding execution of work To carry out the subject work the contractor or his representative wil report 0 SSE/ISOMUWS 0° representative nominated by Dy. CME, Carriage, and Jodhpur Law Governing the Contract- The contract shall be governs by law for the time being in force in the Republic of india. The contractor shall be responsible for good conduct of his staff, if anyone found indulging in undesirable activities, he/she shall have to be withdrawn immediately and replaced with a fresh person a suitable penalty & action shall be taken as recommended by the Ralway ‘Administration. The contractor shall be responsible for all structural damages to alway property 0 inh caused by vrorks of his workmen to persons, animals o things and shal indemnify the raaway in respect thereof and shail be held entirely responsible fr all work carned out by him until ts finally taken over by the railway and he shall be liable to be called. The contractor shall himself ensure the safety of his workers and liable 10 Pay claims, whatsoever is made by the contract tabor. Reilway shall not carry any responsibilty of such claims / payments. The tenderers shall not increase their quoted rates in cases the railway administration negotiates for reduction of rates. Such negotiations shall not amount to cancellation cor withdrawal of the original offer and the rates originally quoted shall be binding on the tenderers. ita tenderer/s expies after the submission of a tenders or after the accepiance of his tender the railway shall deem such tender is cancelled if a partner of a frm expres after the submission of their lender or after the acceptance of ther tender the railway shall deem such lander 48 cancelled unless the firm retains its character. iL ine contractor frm is dissolved on account of death or retirement of eny peringr SF Sry reason For CWM, N.W. Rly. Jodhpur. page15of20 Signature of Tenderer & His Seal Annexure - iI SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF WORI ne of Work: - Recertification of ISO 3834 ~ 2: 2005 with auditing, surveillance auditing (Ay per Scope of work) for certification period validity — 03 years, 1 Law Governing the contract: The contract shall be governed ty the Standard General Conditions of the contract of Indian Railways, 2020 with Latest amendmen & correction slips and wherever special terms and condition are specified, the special terme and conditions will supersede the Standard General Conditions 2. Consignee: SSE/Wayon. Body/Workshop Bikar or Authorized representative of CWM/BKN WS. 3. Inspection: MR&A Workshop Bikaner or Authorized representative of CWMIBKN WS, 4 Contractor should quote rates inclusive of travelling. wansporting charges, boarding, applicable 7” axes. incidental and postaltelecommunication expenses 5. _the certification agency/contractor_ should ensure to. submit heir certificate _fe authorized accreditation from anybod ‘s wed by _an_intemational or Dational creditation 6 “COMPLETION PERIOD. Work has to Complete with its all activities as per time schedule fheitioned it annexure-I1. However railway reserves the right to extend the completion period at the same rate and same terms and conditions as per requirement, a TERMS OF PAYMENT i The firm can submit bill in three copies after successful completion of each activity consolidate for some activities as per accepted Schedule of rate {1 The bills should be in favour of Chief Workshop Manager N W Railwecy Workshop Bikaner the sentbmitted to consignee who will certify the work mentioned in the bill and cuba oy the office of CWM Bikaner MM Payment to the contractor will be made through NEFT system by AFA/W&S/BIKANER contractor has to submit his bank details with bills, IW Necessary deduction will made from bills as per extent rules ie. income tax SD, Ces, Penalty (if any) ete No. advance payment will be made by railway at any instant Vi v PAN and GSTIN should be submitted by the contractor No payment will be made without same. VIL Mandate Form as per Annexure “A” should be submitted by the contractor for ECS ; payment (Copy of cancelled cheque) N11) Bill Passing authority — Chief Workshop Manager Bikaner Ix Bill Paying authority ~ AFA/W&S, NWR, Bikaner 4. PENALTY: 1 Contractor fails to complete activity as per schedule of work Annexure ~ II penalty of Rs. 300/- (Rs. Three hundred) Per day will be imposed. Till such date on which the firm complete the work. The decision ofthe railway administration in this regard shall be fact and binding on the firm 1 Contractor completes the work within time but not satisfactory as reported by consignee penalty of 10% of particular activity of accepted schedule of rate {11 Ifthe firm fails to complete the work either wholly or in part the railway shall be at liberty foget the work carried out from other agency and the difference in contract value will te binant The decision of railway competent authority in this regard shall be final and binding on the firm oY ON Chief Workshop Manager, North Western Railway Workshop, Bikaner

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