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Name : nurdiana

Student’s Number : 202001032

Subject : English in Nursing 2

my patient's name is tn.pardi he came to the hospital about 3 days ago because he was
suffering from dengue hemorrhagic fever and he was given intravenous fluids such as nacl
and RL and mr. Pardi also has a fever that doesn't go down

tn.p looks very pale because he needs enough fluids for his body and he also feels a fever
rash that does not go down before being taken to the hospital and if dengue fever is not
treated immediately will experience a decrease in blood pressure, irregular breathing and dry

Furthermore, for a patient nurse under any circumstances must provide appropriate and fast
treatment for what problems he feels such as dengue fever, reassure whether there is enough
fluid or not, the fever in his body has decreased and ensure the patient takes medicine as
recommended and keeps his house clean so he doesn't get sick. there are mosquitoes

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