Earth Ans Science Module 25

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 Down
1. restriction
2. cloning
3. artificial
4. gene
 Across
1. recombinant DNA
2. host
3. inbreeding
4. gel electrophoresis

1. grapple
2. transgenic cow
3. venomous cabbage
4. banana vaccine
5. Escherichia coli
6. Spider goat
7. Luminous cat
8. Liger

1. C. manufacturing products
2. C. manufacturing products
3. C. manufacturing products
4. D. gold yield/ food supply
5. B. energy source
6. A. medicine/ health purposes

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. R
5. R
6. R
7. B

1. I must say that among the cited examples of GMO, all of them are beneficial since planting GMO
and its commercial use improve farming methods efficiently and effectively.
2. If I was a farmer I would take the chance of growing crops that are pest resistant only if best
resistant crops do not damage our body. It would be easier if we grow pest resistant crops
because we would not have to spray harmful chemicals or known as pesticides to remove pests.
3. Given my understanding of the products of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), such as
fruits and vegetables, I'll continue to patronize them. To begin with, contrary to some groups'
assertions, GMOs are generally safe for human consumption and the environment. Genetic
modification is required to improve food security because, believe it or not, the world's
population is growing, resulting in a rise in food scarcity. GMOs, as previously said, can save
expenses. GMOs provide more benefits than drawbacks. That is why I, for one, will purchase its
4. Genetic engineering, in my opinion, is blasphemy in God's eyes since people are playing with
creation, and scientists wanted godly powers by modifying what is natural. Human cloning, for
example, is a contentious topic. Human cloning, according to many science opponents, is
unethical since cloned persons would not have the same rights as those born organically.
Cloning someone without their consent is likewise unethical. Alteration of natural genes found
in creatures such as plants is another example. We're attempting to make gods out of them by
changing them into something they aren't.
5. According to the report, editing human embryos, sperm, or eggs is “morally permissible” as long
as the edit doesn't jeopardize the welfare of the future person (the one born from the edited
embryo) or “increase disadvantage, discrimination, or division in society.”

Genetic engineering is the processes of changing the DNA in living organisms to create
something new. It involves artificial manipulation, modification, and recombination of DNA or other
nucleic acid molecules in order to modify an organism or population of organisms.
Recombinant DNA technology has applications various area like medicine focusing on the
discoveries of medicine to cure and improve human health and nutrition aimed to produce good quality
and high quantity crops.
The aim of planting genetically modified organism and its commercial use is to help improve
farming methods efficiently and productively. Some of the most common crops are soybean, maize,
cotton, canola, alfalfa, papaya, eggplant, potato, apple, safflower, pineapple, and sugarcane. Genetically
modified plants have created resistance to harmful agents, enhanced product yield, and shown
increased adaptability for better survival. Recombinant technology has been widely used in improving
crop varieties. Several transgenic or genetically modified organisms (GMO) have been produced.
Genetically Modified organism are also called transgenic organism, since genes are transferred from one
organism to another. Recombinant DNA technology is playing a vital role in improving health conditions
by developing new vaccines and pharmaceuticals. The treatment strategies are also improved by
developing diagnostic kits, monitoring devices, and new therapeutic approaches. Synthesis of synthetic
human insulin and erythropoietin by genetically modified bacteria; human growth which cure stunted
growth; tissues plasminogen activator which dissolves blood clots among patients who had heart attack;
transgenic pigs used to produced human hemoglobin; human clotting factors have also been produced
in the milk of transgenic goats; production of “pharm” animals to synthesize such as pharmaceutical
products and production of new types of experimental mutant mice for research purposes.
Bioethics is the study of controversial ethics brought about by advances in biology and medicine.
Bioethics is multidisciplinary. It blends philosophy, theology, history, and law with medicine, nursing,
health policy, and the medical humanities. It is concerned with all the ethical questions that arise in the
relationships among life sciences and the cited fields. Bioethics is commonly understood that refers to
the ethical implications and application of the health-related life sciences including biotechnology, such
as cloning, gene therapy, life extension, human genetic engineering. It promotes critic reflection about
ethical conflicts, which are caused by progressing in life science and medicine.

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